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Times Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 22
00..10' 7rtn',•.1411'4uat, lulu 1 149,'' C )A A'i 1 \HT1 Grand Bend asks for more time The village hopes to soon hear from .the . province about its wish to leave Lambtonand join Huron County It. trate Mont. 1'-:1 kepi rte• ' . EJU.'I f ! l it. '..Oai. ' .,: ( I eri.i wilfI' inl)u• 111111 • 111:u wa [h ntc,at•. Iron. rucnitivi �. (,rani Mend c'oun::i whet tht 4 allettici.` I Strueturin:' ntCCii(t:' '1 tiU(sda. It, 1'.xelc: wttt Stephen -1 ownStint. an,l i :xcic : Caul ler. t:).ltlalne,l renri 1011: 1.b.!' l aa.voot . It • locale, t ,1•-:1), ! (1011. Are.::lrui ((rand Hem..oun.tt n3.; ,1.: 1 vac: 'Muni.111:. ,111.11 ,1 :.Ca::: la. Wet: mesa:I. lite, ;tit.. l.e.ac'!, tile\ dl(tli I war Comrril3xlnr►e. h3. wcr'. " Iiittk11* _ !('' n' namnt• !N nrc:tt. un Itr rnrrnsler.oppearc l 1.1 he taint recnity: an,! knh..IeJLeahl. Ive. salt. addut,' Lca.t nrornisc.1:tet.": had. mitten, u•Itnui ail. t\ccfor:htt• t. lye., (-emit rccomiutc•.itt: se' %Act t ,ran,. bend eniainn. lr,t:. i"lUrol aur)... -al, t tIC. tilt'.- want 1.,t af(I:tl tlarllal- wit! l)ul:! ftl;I''11 tltllliCIU1111IC. (linden (tali ( wait: t.. h-, 1 [t:: 114 :' • ;turn . A311:11Cur11Ltlo:: ~Cell.• i. Att.: 41...1 : 4'::t,10t: itl: (tr:ul.t Lick.! are,t ell ill C• ••allea.: : 1J11` Hyl:'I t'1U1'i):' ( ,)ant . (JI 111- 0(11•.' 111111. )time: kers ti:uvr l<:lt: iii.: JIC[►HC;. 3 11.11 atJUr to ah:U41011 \~'ester, . 1IelL'htim ' act ales!-: • wa11 . to t:)uc" a;�: hlui;0i. r1) irit.in<'lt:1)e, eitri:. :11111:' i ::111110.1:•.7.i,.. t.'.):Clc::uuft:, 1,1 et Itt Creat. ( :ilii.: ti t'I,.1 ail',. :N; attar, iecipard3/. itur'rlytr, " !' , :. 1<ery.• chnct:•sant Hurnrt Count, ha, 1lnl91t int!▪ , yydli 0.. muni:ipahttt .U,, 1 .3.3.:;r,. '!/Ind' ih.• Iln(tII 1. this' t, I0111tH. 3il.,. rehlr(I(aU1111i' It NUrnt l ,4,11111 Atu,.• r3.,: :Clru..�lhn, n1.;inaltile, lae(.r,.'Iut'-tlr' tox%ten. til.: alit , Ice 1r. it, I.. ..1. ant.'itl, 1, \i;m: S.n. lin' !., ^3...' i u:. ^, 1: L: 4444., 11.. 1 n:. t:o11tic11SU, (111 N•ik• .tl„11 I.; aillal Pat tial.' NII!. 1110110.. • -_'rl,ll 1.1 }tuts , „11111. it .:I•. !:,.r...1 'lriehrte: iu!t•elt&.' ih. '5•,..:: ; Iiul•':: •1131• e - itt nl.in.,!palltte 1: It; \..r3.' , ,1111 t; rig:mantic-cool, ,,•'Dont: ...1:- itt : 1. -'3.,.: •..:?:'•.II '...‘,16.' 11..1 itru:turut.• titan, at. t rt ., ntr,hai. ,, itec.,loth ".tv.'it: ....imr,i. :, i• .t..,: It.. ... Mc adiustmer,l t count h•nn,.l.lrte:' (trail. , 1.41111,111 :it.; .tllnt•tall. .. 1:: ,:IL fiend ani! .l nor( -tor. v3 liusanJU&: t rtta,: .+ _til: •l .1� . ,•11tH:' 111:1. 1.,„13.. )11 II Afar!:. ralnn4. it, lair;:_ - I:x;1.. ..,113.:: 1\1u4.(. t' 1 hutsd:, 'nu't : . kce: it; .tui . •r:,' C.104!i1:0.101 • :01,41'0.- ar 4,.104. `t71l(' til Ull Stel. 1i n, ant. tut ' Att...I...: CntlICtui...' nlei0.It!e 33.1. Itt - (lot ' 11:.‘. t' , •.Ni: ,: 17-. ....: I ` m !1ltitr% i,` A1U1U,In.: tAlla!! , .a w\ te.c_v thalt� (ICr rt!,1141:1111li ..,1. 11:111'. .l:xele' I/pout.,_ kec•y 1)u\ pteasl'd tilt - [putt. nmun.:I-.....i: Urtu • report(:, ,71:1111ar11Cnl:l' C/Hlfit(e\ welt 11' 1111 .1tit'4:: ! . It'1,...t.11. I assistint. frill . Ilarticrilat- ti:' ..,:u.It ,(II11 ,1;.,ttln. .validit%'tilr' their ..'.U. 111. ora. t:i. i .11H - „1 .0..0, ii. 1\t:a .. :!. 11)1 ;:oant, nounUartc 1.t:r.iut. h#i,,idarie.\.' _„_.. 1::::1ni. . .':,rntrlll.ar: ;- ne_.:n,!, 1ettlCrIIet - 1.'3! I:: 0i,..::."1!,.3111:: _I:: 1%,. ::0331 3.c;1:... Sec • .,,..:r: .r.1,.1.:1:4 .. ....1 . • .. 1)I: til.' StatU. J1)•. it...' ,Ll. 1....... ti_it'.. il33) . t: I .11: I. ... .:,11:, 3.i,.: (eller• 1):I VC:•' 0. ,\..:.:.I. . t: . •I. ......... .. •. 1' ti_ ' IL ..1..: r;, an,l _.amnluu 1:101: n:::t, .. ,04:..,1:1•" •,...!i._.I„:.....•;._. . , ... SJ•• Exeter man .receives 10 months in jail for break- ing court order • I. xi 1.1 l Ihn'n 1'. ,vn1c1a1 .'!,UI' 1)t,. 111nt`2N :IH. 1'l,Y'Ir min w:h :!'vntectt.rt, t. :(h .to tali and Ihrr.t %t at, nrnh•ttvn! 11, tweaking. , ;an, ur.lr''.•1.,ui1. h has..• n' , nnlnt V.'111". In. tonne Wilt ! 0. altlt .1.411- 3.'u M.' '' • ((lii• aptx dfan, , it. wtlt.1 44!, lei: t1l,+rulr.0110,'1'11,11,,ItIa,Ie111•ni.' 1:.''. tY- n,1113 0 , , ttt11l11:t1'1ata,4111t'u::)I,:1 1UIrr,n' ? 1':xeler ('rnirl lir..(, .1:'/1117,, I.: 1131914 tall, •\ . .. ro.111 3. :11.,. 3'1:){ 3.i-•,111.1 •.0:41 • 013 1:131113. 10..1(. 1:111P,1:' ,111lil!3 will 11 11,101:11a/1f , frrlh 11.,'101111.• 11:ICi)1;' rot. n„1,.1:.11..) w'11 • '11: .1 fill: x.13. .1144.1.1-...111:11,-1114411110. ' l.c ,e 11017_ ,1)u' ?41 ;1..0't13'H 1:. 1(1(1)1•-1.,. 1101. :1'.I.ti 111...1 +r:,. ,t ..tn,F,11,' 111.10' .aflt 11. 111:113 1.41. 11111.. .,a... • 1 ' .. ., ,trtt'n:,. .'Huila•; ! fill, kik: .311,' 1111 •3'0111:. ,111 • I. :•Ilii: . li • 111 -• ..,,dill• 1413. :11,,'3.1 talc, 13":4 l'11:11....111:01.- lli • 1111. [h:. ,. •• 1:. ' 1110111,' ill; 11(1111 4:110. II' 11ttr'.1l111. fr... I'll:d.:t1t1 1111((11( .lint,, 10etn11.(:1111101C:• .+ 1)ralkt` 1`..''1:.11.:.:. 1t•4111. -;HIL al ri .•.I . .'iiia- tr1111 aIJ1n: iii t:,rnl('. 1- • • 3 n fid(((e' CXIlle•,.e t IIIln111i't:,';' t(owar:. . }'Nal, , :,Ch:)❑ - • 4.fit': ,ente1„911:'._1'il414 l. 3)3,' 3101 las• hin4 tilt vier: tit r; I. 3.i:'v: ":If• ,111111.'! 11,•.'1f111a,. ` 'lernt:, t 7 Plitt(• , 1117.101:111143 /1"#.111111.' I1an111:• 14'.. 00:,4' 1)1333 111 i0' • 10 1,1111:1. v:tt,.t. iii:hill:: 1.V. .littlr •1 ,It. ant l'31at lac '. (t i1:.. tiler tn,lrr)as..- .'I.t; . 133)0. t113), • mai-. it. hill. 575n tint• tor drunf: drlvm;7 . • • 1% own. \1:1\..11:. _ I:,.• •at. rc.:U'vetl . ,. -ILI11lIt 0:1\ Mt' !':r 1171.31:1... ,1:1..:. "3): !in :1 In111:11CCu c7-wi11C . ttte 11. 44 ;r • In1... • N.L. . .. r: Lii ;113.0 eroli. a.'- :17. •\1Qft'. .1tr:. r.: t ',_ . 1\'tit• i)uL•;: 11Ui1B,f \1.14\ ,0:. .043. 111 ' nC:.r v.:; ' ,IIJ Tu. 1,' :t ;1111.. Nut ,.eUliell: nr:.tIL ..010!):: intlinTtap!. 1 ::1:.1)11(. 1n p3.. nit. ... nlOr; than i110: 1lrr:". 71. ' _.: 11111.• . - 1.41111'hnt• for fai31n3. to abstain trop. alcoho 411(1. I< :i,' 3.v:!:;1337 sva..,C113C1.'c:, -+'7 .1.. • 11, :11111,!..710. I 1: "' "11.11': \3.'a 13.: i Jllnnl -1)'C: .til •3;. 'i'1:r: .111_ 11. _, L:. .._!. 0,114 3.;,.i 3 :I: 1.: •... .:11. • "J' lit: 11:111` ..+ .a • :On:ill: V._ L'Jtni I\': :il:nrll:'(1.(1. - X11111: . .1.,lar I:UI:. 3 1)3!(.. .v-0:':.12: 4.31- 13)1)33;:.. 11 1...1.. :?,131:. 'It':,;.. 13._::C,IIItI 3,137 Ilii ala 11:' 1)1:.' -Lt 1 ort. -Its da.. 11. lull tut- several truth: c11ar1!e /■,O� �� eyear! , • 1i, ,l - t ' ..i:n(st;. v..: ,in:cn.et u... r i.: :3.L, r!,Maslen named Lucan se :1 I.lillll, :r B'. Craft bradtort' i 1 keportr • ._t A, :_eurtu \•lasie;, t:nnlluun : - ti:f - 'recut:rimme. in. 11►ltL . 1..o.: %v[lrk'. n\' awarutn: III:: ..1)111 Jeri 1:" • 0:'. L•:' ANA' 1.4' 11011)` ▪ :143.111: t11er[1n:. : 1 1rllf :-•01)03;. {" 11131.1, 11100° 13ti., a114.i-1rienu. • VIa51e11 wa:. lauued 0\ L.UCtut (J. 11Cnla1:• .uintlot11'.. 't•IIatrperso: ra isruc_ ,1)c o... 1)'u prescntC' • lilt' ry-..t •111::1:11 JW.0'. _ veltriu. 3.1!:• Jet•un: 1Y; 3.Y:: 3.y:'.• - tit. •. aul)IJt31r' N:ll - "it:s been 11:Iv - t1)•. mean "1-•. •, n: mCOISL I Ye. A'tasier. Iia-. Veteran, nus:)It.: 1 1, is :'! .'_:::• . _ t1Y. sUITOUn4an; . OUnilC t-: Jia aO• 11011)0.::Iltt:!I/.- tit are.'. : 1(• nwc[11nrttfly 1)a aCt'v1C rt:1!17e: ` 1.". 1111' 0:1': 1 ) ye:k 14taste 10 :us' • y' ,lanteerc. In Lana -int: 1 • nl:lf. Veal 310:.1' Ha, S]3.:; i. brat.: PrC51ut3r r»-1 ttn,• veal. 1-rinl • 1 ' filo, veil' A'I:IMt'- nu.. serve,. a til: LII 1)011 V_ Ja1C...::I illi rnerS ;':. 31; u'a"ttr: ar:vin 1L'rC. !301'(n Yirnlatl0'. .• UI A'taste:'.':.. ..I'auer. Jervic.. t'. 3.l!'. UC.r. 11,1••, 113. 1.;t` ll 3,111 17' 07.._.'.'ltd.': t• gio: ,ftastr 110: " i11S - (;. Ltt13i/.e ;' 01 • t. 1)t al..' 1.l! • :Iltlal i'li. h io3,enu til 21 -viii• S01tIC •.Ply iILW: t1)_ Caner'' Soviet' f3.4J$tt•n WS' 1 tec':.,vt•.: a drat '' .0011,yrf1:1)1:11 to11 111:. . .411 11 llu" .- 11;1., -11:1' ' ,11t;iJle \SIJ' -1.)1 lit'.' .)111''• Qin .: ..CIL' II:,' 03.r!:•-hiladt:S'.- 1111 JV11' 14.0;10": 1:..'. "1:13 1 111003,' -• it • 1:3.111'.1 al: eilluti3lh; .A'lasle, ' ..., • Celt•lllt' tIIt:.alvltl'. t" .' I.1 {• f!. 30131(,' tui lc0vit r...3lllila l it l 111/1:..1111. .rt.'tCf (1 privilege .1°7 . me to do what (raft' vie (tulle'. ). 3..i1 w:.- 3131. 031 . • aervc. N'1UIt!' 111 �.UCit! Lt.'Kt01 -eve: 51110•. • - - t3. • In -Veteran . SerI Ir: ()frac-. It" in:. oa`. I:-' yew.. ?'1asIe:: 1)a • • 1)11511' . VCtt'1:1t 4.301[.' Uie: 110: Shill all. `(Aril'- .r;)verrirtier... li- sts -tante Ptoetartt }1:' 1. Cull(:' "teplese1441&.1.» .10 .11. _.a' • 1'ux1 t'1111,3 a'tllt'!'. tui-tvIUe, . Llct1) ()Unit t• it: Vt11. 1itll 4.'t3 u: .13.:_:. ,:•'. 111 11)11.11:C...1n.'; .till.. ..':i 1. ) ,:.,: _ i.. ,1.:• 331 .1.. 01 ,,: . .It.: 1- J0:11111103 , .:.t• 011(111 .31310(: \\ . ,„.1;4 i.„3.0".."4. 37.. ',i:: 1,'!:a W'CF L:i.:ll:e. 1,\1.,1•::1.. .. .. ,. ' 1:3., 13,113' t • ...Lc .,• v:i::1.: 1 0: :..a:. alk. 111 -"• 3.7r:3.\•:. :life" ')J1:;' IiIJ:;:110.- i• 1i. .._1, 1.1): 1..11:11(3:::: .17"'(11:: 11' anu:i: 3.:n I1:itiT: ,14.10.10. 1):';.111 •.11llt:} itilwe,. 1: (lac, ❑1111"I' 3.C'-C:"1ti11C...tn: ltt1a. 1.. IL• •.111)),- ••••- 1:• :: C:_.1(111 0 1Y'i,):;'3. i4a• 11L. (it. 81.311( _. 11)31. al. .:; ate'.. r.))- _S"t".,_,;, serval"; it 13.11 1�SIU1 }'01111CI1[l1 • 1: .t:.:: ,{_•!:t fl': 1. •• II,.: I1: 013.11:11: r-011•.07111/.11131 .01- 1:•.'11:.k,3 1- 1:•.'iia}: ()et:1 ...;.:::::••••!,14.141' G:F1110 001) - c : I' .. 11. • 3'1-:11.01. 3.. 11a1,!:_ ,... I :U1AI' It" 11! • 1_,-' 11131' 1.101111) .1'tc' ,1.1 S:11::ItneY t•; 1' • ' 3.U'�1.' . _!' 111113.". '11111:'; .A'IItCI:,'_ .1'1V•••:‘•0" 3.i 11 1.11)0' .11.31111.1 rt- 1, >he:- • _ .. \113yr•-1),i 11' 1011 fut:.tttreal, arid ()reified': trait conditwa'' ... _:. :.3.n 1)511. ':,1 JCn:el:_: ,) 11.11. 1: 1.13 .. nn ..1111 ., :01111100 .1111 t1UC:U:Ittl1 11,1:03 11.(1. )01: • .•- ,1)1:'. :,I, •; �, J33 • I111'11IC• .11111:' 3.i _:heti' .111,. •.':Il' .11:. IIn1111C' .tmnl,t)1• 1,111 ''. ,:C -lo.' .' -,''ll' 1)•. -Illi(!. (:illi3.3:111.: 11'1:" U 1.11' ,..rrrww.• - 1..• t:..fl_:, . ' 331 3-1.:10 1111: _ 1 .10(113:, `1 1..d; 1' la. JNI10 , 1111): •11:111. 1. '.'Ll.:: , 111'. • iff 1' .::- . 343 1111)1111•- • 1111l1S( lit 3)7, III .ICY:1• . Htietni'fart. inuti guifi'. 111 urain.,url.ul - ,)C.'1 b'.' ltI:C. •",:i' t)II10.47. 3',11' W.3. • 1:14:.. . 111•. l' . -_.l l:, .111 •,71,:101, 1 100110.11311:' 11- .. LJ4- ':•10)1 11111(1.0 0 . 0 ' In .:11.6: 7f •f)11.11.1e \'.t: .•.11.0' 1111 33.:',.C, 1 lif 1 :••3.t)--. (IG- - 71,-;_•t:ai,' ,\.i• etinti311:` 1.13.)1' .11llb11r11 1' Sloan.. 1_•31,;1=,1.1.1•'313 !..13•4010,,e- • llvilllc: • .. • 1. ':f hl,):. •:.! 1)1 •.I Cl:' 1.•.d• :.n1i1CL..111,..1,u1:, 4• .1 1:,031, 11 lit'. 4, • '. 31,.1 \' tilt'; l >': 11, 1:''_1' b3.•:.:ll:.1.l. !3.4 SJIt13)14, ,IIIIWI'll I!•. 1.0. 1441.• r. 103:.3 111(1! -:1 ,,.. Thankstor al) you do: ,uca!- :<rttzerlstlrl' '.:,rfr1Jrrlrtwt-crna!rpe.- sur; 3,N! . firuc<' F-ccuc;l I( ';;,I(; • Leuriiirt!'h•ras)er• Ith t_ucar SECT((..' C' t3.?! Yue:' riwart. vat' _L'Cc1!: F{t"4.41 V'' kOL.'l" tta't'IL'• V/v. rwsstrij! f(J!' 33(1131' .!, �..- ,r•. :i!: _t.' .. 5'.33, 7 7000" 1! 111./Lt: i 1\ 111 nal ',lc! 11! _.11111 t" .)0..13:3-, 130 P00': I0WtJ1U1A: %VII 1•: rt•711:•3i1U'." 111 .011.411(."1 111: . J1C.1 11 11111 ill'. 017,0.15.. Mast': . • ,+�:tuft." 11 511, 1;. til-.. 1'i7`.� sat (Itt 'tree! 111 1111.,1\;,!ler. - enter:, 1') .ill I Yi UVII. 1...11,N- 11 131', KIIln:(: 1•.'. .11I.3 :. 1. 1• .%htii convicted fu+' • ..1'11t1u:: It'?IUCD •41,111 1-1.010' Pr.:V. ria 7. 1111)1111, .14I1/1411101 01k v.,t uIUCl:: 1' 3'inie'' 1,• 3).r 1c-quoin/it 1.t' .1 Mail' 111111-'1)111)11+ 3'• ..)1111:1)1'.` 30' IC)'.I0 1):1 (ll'- 311 5)1111S-, 1 v.uuf(t 1.. IC1t111e( - t.,113.01.111 ,3)1(J 3.11•_ (_tr111j)(ih" U• .11 •1.;.4CIC: • u.1i It1•'* • t'i'”" __al,: 1-I,c 3.)r' p110111:1, (11•_:11101:..111(1 111+t' 11111 1 4',! ant'. 13, .0v13'U3t" I.' 3'• ui)ta.iul:u .tut: lu•wi uudlIgeli.cnt • t.. ill'_' 1 111 './:r,•' i . '_I.3.' 1:.1, ' 4•:.', _ulnjiu4C' 1)01), ,Iii' 413.4 ' ' - 1 , 111•: .3,s• 1.4.1 1113, R.IC,, t" 1Y.,' .t.Ul)i'..\' (.1)1),1• i. .0333.4.,;,‘•... .3.03 ' 1.' W1tI.::,11.3. IC1.CI.Cl1 SN' -0.,1 )1 3.11' 1.' 1••. ".. • a'3.. 1.1411.11!1CI1L. 13((1~(..1.• 1u; pusses5a,l, 1)l p1)' 3.)luau 13''10• S• .141..141 low.: 1•' 1111•art..' i,1t41(1)1! .gun, ,: 11..,•04?1),i 1•, 1150.• (3 4.- .311.31!. t'. '-,usual(- 1►t'_ css.t g'. S10111 1!4)1 311,. ' 11! :ruin: If, %%i13.,l, 30- ..%moo( testue1! 1511'•. WI),1 :. [1)114•. 1)t11)cl, :. K^ 1,.S'epoe1 iUN. 111113 1140111 4. ntidtll . 3))1143.' 3..,011(1 3lujCt. 111 1/0d'Ca001. 0. 1.- 3 1.I s Avon Maitland School Board sells properties in Stratioi STK:'.'! '.01(.1 f • (n uruc•r 1 sur'iu' 5[,11'. lin: URI%.. 1:1;111:.1. 1s•,10t:1131.•, L0011! 1.l :. 111' ..4vu31 A'iii..3.3.0 I.1)1513,' .J•0111... - /War:: tt1111Ul(111t' ;LL. :1 ..,at 11 111 r i1631.131.:.-..:31 3'(0330133' , ' ~hitt:1)r. • - 111t' 1,10130114 (130 Watt., Suet:. wa•. Suit :Il,\Y4(S (_1.l), 111:,1. ti!•:, fir mann • SIrect'plunerly Wit, ::uta at �_' 1 `3.Ut)( - Ai nutty.. operation '.0 .ill!' IN',_ SllO• '.3 . t'. ft'I)eit, ) 11,. ivuvenlnt•r. 1 try,. .. . . '.3}t a. nuartt Meeting on 1110 l-•. tit: board approved til: retucai0nt -o3 11' bushes:., Human keavuices. and TJperation . liepartments to tlle.lower ie% t'i a7Seattrtb f%ISn lel High Sethou:. A'tat'tly14 Mark(ovt. , super►ntcnutnt 0' 11,11111:', t'" 3.n- t'3.•." '...+3.413 Sir,• .( . •;tltli,itlt'.. 111113t,.. - • 711311(1 . 4/3.' f'et'e til. •. . til': •'_ll a . 10101•„•4_:;,43...1 3. .. 4. 4110,1. 13, 3011,ivat:Vlt• 441. h3' JtJI,: t. 101 III. 0113'.3,^ . •iu1t4::USvr .'4.113..'Ir•'3't,'.',0):. Lalli,!,. Stilt' .111+1 Let tail"1043111::31.4!3,.- ,1..1! ..f1r.,3'. • 1• 11':.1„1,•' t W. 141.31 •Jahn. 1..1 V411al0l. 1111 111'43.1• 111luurL11v(1 tlh't11 A't3nA1:111 ',,ail tit.. hoard luau': iia. 0r'_ s1v1'_1,, sell til: Suatt1)lll 130- pecans... IIICllllr,•i 300 !I 1)'31, ::113x.!131311 1334.' 0(31131 1)1 JIIU4I(CII '.3050! 11 1112 4.3(513;.• , grt.l!1.ap11. 4r1t11'. 3.1•: (1 (4330 au,.'uarllctl 4,, 11t1 ilsellvl CX Les, 1)1133, Spa:, 1lr 1.1.103: Mditl.n.: 1,151113 'S3.I100' 110aIU 00117171, 0: 'kW rn an • t'0ru1 `vun10 Village of Lucan gets the provcialintax numbers • • Lt -'(.. AI\ The tmrvi ciai assessment minarets a3t' 1 {tali. tri all,.' 1114.301334 )3 dela)' lvo)t \' 113rgc ('t i-UCi11t stall 3u4%'e to 1 igure c1) t iwt 3' use th30). ' • _- Vlhagy liduiluisuatu: Ron keyriwr saw a' • las' weeks 4uuncii 111ee1 lig that Ile 1111111 piuvnlcnl ashes: - 33300I Iltlnlnela are essentially the bath":as 1113 one; h(' tont received newt.. Nun stall Iron alt Middlesex County municipalities will ineet t1.' learn how to filter through the numbers t'• conic up with .lax 11110.. keyuiet. said Io-tueeting dal • has been so "11 , a very •'11v by die seal 01 your pant,' -kind •of year.''keynlel bald Municipalities also need the final education tax num • her, nom school hoards and the county levy' below. they 0410.3e1 lax rates: keynler said the village can still niake u, deadline 01 setting a tax tate by the end oI July I.0 the first tax bills can be sent out by. Aug. 7 Before. then Loans and many other: municipalities' oumpuler systems liar are used to come up with prop- eny by property tax bills have 10 bo revallped to ac- comniodale Ontarnn's' new municipal tax system Keymer pumted out even (bo name of -municipal taxes have changed Irum a mill talc to the tax rate. "It's an entirely new way of thinking...a new pro- ' cess:" he said • Ibt ylllagc lila' tisk :1;(111..! it' ' ••:3. : u,lenl.tu• 1)111343)') hone((' *tic Air! • • •:1' 1'!.Irlatu (l•' , lee ' 11 Uevelope) I_oI'lhe ((111151 . 1'1 Aiunl:Ipa. Atl41n ant iJuu>Illi to lvluc u3' wilt. 1aJ3110nu,.. t1n11ltcr..1., and indusula1 woven!. by [Holten% t:unlnn, ham. -Council Inas 'Cal' ., S3Ki.ia1 budge: incelu3' o• 51 astdt 11110.111 thr Jut' IeKu1a) ntceuti3' 1.) hnalltr'tt budget and th0• tat tat'. Oiltel utiles hOp Uwe 'Hecto !! Sewage plant needs r'epatr• • A .backup generator at tic sewage lcaiment 3)1411!1 tk;vcloped a e.1) til-.lesik dial has cvulant endtli! up 311 -till engine oar pubtlt ..wutko :ufkuntenden: Uuu1 Johnston said the problem is hopefully one that 1s 31154 Io remedy, like a label( gasket ,et. but even tion Uit' gene(ator has 10 tit` taken.aparl to find out what the .problem fs and, part. (nave to (1.e sh:ppetf Irum Italy. a 4(J -day process. . "We to loping this i, the only problem m lflelc Johnstun said The problem IS wumbul11C 511100 th0 generator has only 5(t hours. lugged "We have to fix it,. no doubt about Ht.".Johnston ad- vised council. • The.generator is only a backup and can run 11 needed despite the leak. The operations at the plant are not af- fecte<1. I hat S geIM7r'oU. .(_1001•.1: " t ,. I1 , ' .(.K ii,eti'.pul 3115 1111)110\ hrlc he 111001. I 1' _ u._'FiJu11; ICI11t111C1811..11 111)111 )Ill 00)21131' 11X03111)' (1.0(1! 1....1(41' nnre'- 13 lie. Lu'.d' 1.0111 nlunllC\ 11..1/10011. 'c1)ute71 that will (ruff vat whl'.41, tilt picnics; garden:. 11' the vlllagi.' "in tlllleien' left ego' le, Caskaneite challenged 111>.collvague, 31..o.• tan Same and all MCI lilt cltallengc • Caskanet' 311,1. uiged those MI.. Well'. it, v)3un1001 tile(( lnlr_ 1" w.i le-.Ilosal heck al 30'. v11t4131•' , cuuanlc 03413 51gt1'. I't'.,1oii Aur •. v 'telt-ih'. villay'' r. judged 1.r the CuIIu11un11)0. 111 011)1)11, contest) to lal1 lbc Vlliag• 0111131 11c •also would like those interested -til 1101111111(' 41 hurtrt:ultur:ll society to do the Salt,. • • 'the end of raves Compla11us about mita.. dining 'Jive• parties at Cu t.an Community Monun1al Cuntic- 31430 finally closed Me Wok 1)l( the arena ilushng the Item . I hough tl►cie IS 111.411.:01101 consumption ar the laves. ,Uiusc Ilvinl' mart the arena have complained about noisy goings -un during ravel. the last wan held Jun,. Ill. A pettily') with 24. signatures found its way to the arena management {ward last week. The board voted to end hosting raves 81 last week's meeting. Village councillor/arena board r amber Perry Cas - 1.4110.1' ,.111' IIIUttg'1 111'' 3,: ',illi latvl" 1)11 lklft 1. •11410.10 1131314101- • 14 1.:C1• 114 03114• ,..-111.10:1 11, la' 1,11. W0'lgl! 113.' limo', 13. 0110'' Ka'c. 3114. al: 'ago' l0,I'Ont)t.o' weft. panit.' 3.v Iain, anti ydull1'. anon: Heritallt gets its dough t: uwlil; • appl)yee 331'-3333 !,(w.1) 13.14.11 Hct tial:' .1.5111' Ills % tild _?. 11.1 11 .1 14.3SOJ 31' 1001 11141' 1).1' unit ,gi)1)0' 1' 3`' iu.4.tfti- 111' (.0117,11..tilt(( 0' 3!1.111.1414111' IIIUSOUIl. Jia /loader. want. Ill. nl)Ill 1'• lied 3i.l• 4(3! the Udayih)itdlul tit .1131,-:' it(it iuE 4.abu-. 1300 1')1' to.l-ucah .tnt3 hp I oundatior 3,0i1 . cuuncal iciedseti iftt 131)Ilc,. wit', 1)1( C)Itdlt,tll':. • tl311! Heritage 533(39' thein ieccii31.\ 1)r plot)! wilco 1)4 110010. was spent .10 %undo: 1r goes Iowa', ; the: toy ...atm pw- 1103lagc ha- 61.:03. 1.11sigudled .3' a clidu(dblt •01 gdrtI atioil and can II(1N distribute 3....y l0ct:lpls lot dun., tants.• • - 'fired of tires" The Lucan-Biddul ft 1110. da It Jph 4 IO p.111. Any t.ucan-Biddulph rtsidotl Is invited to diol) ofi then used tics at V`'lartll 1'auutjHaldwate's pack - ii g lot. Costs arc $ .51) pet passengil vehicle tin' $10 for iiacior (railer tl10 and valy►nl' LOWS 1113 011111 4.4U43) men! tires •