HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 21MIL NNW a 40 the Happy Birthday Canada Canadians again have much to. celebrate this year.. -/ • Dem:Editor .. • on hehalt of my wilt• ,oaks and myself. I would like to extend nli' very hest wisheS to all of clic res. . dents.tit Huron -Drupe. and indeed ti, all C 3iiadtan., on thi,. the 13-i st Dirttulav n1 -Canada ()i. cut\. t. we a: Canadian • have an opporttlml\ It, celehra(e the hen lit. nt uviol' in a Country Ilk, Canada: ..r nation Mat nits been dolt( firmly' upon th( vatue• or - pear. open-mtn(edne , .ant'' totcrancy: (mt. society ntace • alai: .1 atom enlnnasIs on equal it% ant::(,-oyeratioo th,L' w� h:t\r gained :,nnsiderlr . hl: gtnbal orals an cote'. _Thi veal_ as m the pav tire. we ha‘:' Ohl:; Agan eamed Ihi Janet: die firm uesignahon l ttttlnt' •tot ne, piaci u the wotia to whictl ti' !'vi. - I have s.tui .t1 t?en)re an,!.! viii *tie• . li 'gall:. trio I -'nt mase. tha t.xdropliltt. Ili; jiorenleillloneC. -QUalitte• hKe right .aerc.lo 1•Iuron•lintec 3trnnt' at tI Uhurd- naCKHr)un/'• 1 • cha'a::LCfi ti. until 1Y111:It In:' :oUntn. •heli• inUtllle/:'tour pea_elU. :ne mite! surrnunllmz •, ar, . iii stet, ns, other • ant! Serve . H S .u1117C: tit nrtUt! 1(N all'wont': our nouncLartc . Owl" ItTC na.;1 vea- W., nave : i•mtnu_d 0- make try mendousl\ productive contrihuuons it th( ylrth:t conlnlumty Among other I nng.s. we enlovei; nt noun, of hosting world leaders to C1ltawa tot the tot mut signing ceremony of oat intcrnaunnul but ,n the use. of anti-personnel landmines and we cltpan;' epi out support for human rights enhancement in 0 own countnes through all tncreasinglprtjtta!'.: role ut organizations loch as NATO and tht• United Nations. I)omestically we nave (well agalp started It cetehratc• toguthet Thr year wt.tnmlal!\ 'coin • mended ou{. Mitlenntun. preparation>. au(: we: CH\( ou cta iinan+ plcturc dramattculli tn�nrovc aanev1d .l balance(% budget Int the first tine ni ave:. a generation A. a result. our export.. have nlcreUse' snit our interest ant. ntflatln!. rate .=ontmut. t: tl ii m extreme!:\ 1E1.K indeet:. a, to tor nas: 131, year.: -an td,an - ult.ul nave niUclt 1•o cciebrate this vent Our deteniunaiuu • 300 conviction serve as an )nsplrata(ti anti- Cxa111p1: , ill the worto of the tat:{ that Canada is'a capahic qu. :nmpassionatt membe! 1)1 ttlt-.cnmmunm (Jon.. A f;_anadian wt.shouli! t. prom u. yur agn.. reenicllt•. anttconfluent III our town! toget lci. (mce agatt.. ' would extend nit he.. \�vr;he.• roe the 1utUrL.. it, each: 30(L eyCft ort! to my fellow C-.411: than..• w Sower -el% I�au: Stt;claa.. h1.! Ba c: � rznc �1 of teachln `1771e, s:,•nook o: Urltaric exis- sot✓. • -it r;)• -.'''?c, rOO o4 Dr1 c,I?iictre"' w.rIc, 'Ln • tistr-onservar.: Cmtarral.. li *Kett weal wa, 111(1 n:.ntorai)ic t.'• unl 1r his.:eau auon:1-heli'•iron aa.;' (.I or more Year .._ would C: atnwst aerial; tt n,t•:nuor'me repel -.;;;c1 Scram via tioe media ant. lluiln'' ilr)Ke•.ifl1A'ee't`. Illi_ LCaener2 1r (tic s:htI)I • ani IU.-governifient m11_Iia'• pronosee and .egtslate( ,11Jfli.e ever, panne! 1r. Itlt i(lueatIUlia ruoa.Ii� --1- appeared tea: ea t: 'protagonist 1)ICxel '!tot,. cam! c)t Ialllrl:: it to, other- over:mon• lie h: - coatli1 ' ('1 retuttv;;c_ tiler repLSCGC l'. anOttltr par: Ile! • I01.. 'r it. Writes nlaln(4111• 11131 (0!• aPproi(:J Ila., Pet:1 Ur1prCUtSCr1 .'_. of init)rtl\'Lhteo: linc'enttree Iaci i l,' If: 1I1'illlilr -o(Y'ratl(N.. pieogeC it secOiIl: 'Hal-: -afl('t1Ic3tl• o -i '-rrrli4.' a! toe optionor' Dei; It . :1aSs1UU11` (ea_U1n,. , -! (11'. stiouitt Pe.1t1: liuue(1 Mot, 31al1Ol'. (h Vit. :U-Ui)CI':Ill lir p:trtit. *ail(: ;!rouh'.11-'5C• - u11 Ui o, se1U11 out 0 IninrllVt ..¢UBI:. e(4Cdt1Ot .rsirn.• WULCI UUC- ll(.t W1s1:.11' 1:U(t' iIUt's W101 for. : '_ontrr(irn Z'. part.` rnvti-IveC n' any rt'.cenl euui.atwna'. tJISI)Ut:,1)L7' ra1Iit: Ii0I. .Wltl` h1(UC Dail: p1111 p!e o.. tCaCtltil.'. ail(: rCantittt' !.113! pity. Or 1119010 Ilnl ,hay: e VC:• DL': tiro,. OntUalet. •`Iia 1'UI)It_ ,etiilnl •tc• .of Itlt I'rtl'r.lu :. 1). t)Ul:1(r(' u::Crar•CCi h. I:. h'Iftt- ,Ctloot 1InIUIC U open ai d Iter its all ix:tweets int' awe- 0 • i1v atic; : who _out.: prom l'. nisinratio!. inirl.'tlusl<n'.hf,•1.1. . _.S.. C1iiSSc s ane .::nangt 11 1)1. 111dt11111t. prn11! t)'• _ IU>lrU:.Ni!I - diali5t'-n!.LatKC Or :: itlon :'atiCI' 11. Llti . 't{'• • un(2c1 Ul-. Iu 1uen�t (it i/' titaL.• 1): i/.. Til(frnit';t htus{ari. arc outer; weir,. 111,1 ec 11611 tic!:.wnul:.::U' IC ":4111:-11' S' ht)t'..nitIi f:Ulll-Ir•113r 1{- t;e4_{,1)11' 3111: 1)1101)41 11 \:IlOA; stagc,.or once: Lnea , a, wi l a• flittering level, o' ai)iht'. -int: expert -cm:: hal: n' 01 alinwed tar 1 • :Jn' CIItU. wa, h nt• working toward, d: at hl. own Opi- nion), Ievc ni perlomlana - anomer null{ -in ri!gnt t! earl: ;itch., ikglia; opponumty u): ali 1., lithe mor.' char.: dream.consldennr. tn. diftcrence, tnat•af ec Merl. ' Ttl staht, tw(,•t heti ; several sibling:., anti pc , nap.- •igrandnarent nome na, become one excctiuul • rather. Man tri. rum Maris, stogie parent.=arr•aum; erednahl\ a i an:'ccrt:)11.. wilt the probiern, tor•' tact. I.yci) mane two-parent -iamilies arc' comm - won mill • parent.: Winking and Often ln^ talttc: away on DU:;• nes(, several (my, eaCtl week. Man'. 01 mow - icrioo chilurelrntust tr_ atmos! stresseit-(' U1 therm!!! JC.avInl' - home 111 the mnnlltt.'"1 radluonally the eeactne`'.. 1(11 Wa. LL'aL`hing prescrines::uyrse.•-n .ainlusl noniurgt' dunk, iaass group.- 1'(Ua' UIC teacnc' OOSt.;-108 ! ' to nunlan relation... irequentlt 1)1: a n11t'-It.-1)n:: nary! • TA,: resource teactte! 1- CC1[Ultl It a one U1 III: -nosiest ani_ most vatuabie on a scrim)! Sutti - Tine us' •nasi:' •appite<,ie teaCtIer: ani aUnuiit . tra11)r.. ll wa, sp0KCelt n` rue write! mitre Char a! • - r `' • year, ago nv .t n2an wilo bes:atilt; ntv,imnt(:dtat(' • superior mote war 511 year, ag,1t weer - I was appoto own Wit t'ublir Service Ilrancn 01 Inc Prt,vl_ntx u: (/1iuirnt ti uucaIIOn Al1U -pproxlnmately •) our have Iacuscr. o! your uvin tree wil: career 11 tl OI H_ Service. larvae( extreme condition:, you our t)c calteu inion to .ia kith (31 a u:li 11 4U,i our 1 servicei, tri e less Thr se lt)oI, tir(rnwnl exls Smelt, Ing IJ.e gIIOU nl (tit• UkittireIt who attentt itteir. rather, ,halt 1.0 sUppt'. pavrlt4! pile. loo teacher' a11C_ aitrhilitstritor ,Thr- oi-,i)ur iuvahv u' out pOlIt)UJ tri a hignet ptuirity friar that ti' (Ursclvt.. ) uu 1.011 in dIIectly Pe"spoglsd)ie n' tort: lvltcitstel Of I:uuClllnll. but Int, ounce will,tn :Ivatiabir u• voo a; ah tinge;its' _oniultatnH, +tlteglhm.. A11 ;-1,11itl' • Tanis --Advocate, July 1, 199$ Page 21 A.1._.1 -1 & l'%.1 "TS REALTY SsI IRV I CT 1F Ss Pat O'Rourke rues 237-3762 veldt EXETER OFFICE - 147 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. 235-1449 CALL OUR EXETER OFFICE TOLL FREE FROM- M.J. Chanyi GRAND BEND & ZURICH AT 2374182 (Res' 235 10 77 %r • T COMMW t6 /T AT - - - • - _ 1 - TO VIEW ALL OF OUR LISTINGS AT YOI J LEISURE Jeriy Zsh` (REI 236.47i: .•rust:: ziiifvtltuw.ne - direct line toll free U-800)-342=721 7 Days or Evenings "ZURICH OFFICE - 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ONT. 236-4712 SuY.N(1; • - 4y MAIN 1A: ZURICF THIJR.o lL�:::: 7-cr. ISM HOST PA7 YYROURKI Wltili nut to- vow.- evenmr• wan, ami u ante view ton' recentl': remodeller hnmr Ivey' iutcnet and painto(lm.-. "ate nea: Hutt. Zoltan-Zelh• (RES' 23b-471: fax (S19,234-7661- \I11 i'RICI LOOKINC: FOE YOUF OWN PKIYATi PAP" , Tin • nedmnn. mono, natty t t)ttw., nntgt: a- one' S.'.'I(k rvi:• semi, wit, int. in mature treeLarge 5,0• nci• mer nnnute• iron t:xrrtr: 1.a -:'•}suer:• ails, ilei \\I\;, tit PROI)LCER' :\ P1I CI 01 HI'10R' CREf)110\ t Ttll`;,Si ACR! IARCE: i a, ureal rrnf'^-rrMatte' iLir0t .n1 '-tri . '•! yam •Gat• utter, nprunwutlt' gado. - :-sewer Nt.. neun•ur, tIunb vitt newer fa<ldrt:cr. _ai, 1•.e • "hubris late keg, rnr uetul - - 1 v1O\•1. R1GF11 1\ Aware; of eag• r. SPA;10U3 : StORE` HOW 010 -trwi!' 01 w,t 000t•' _ a7re. 4 neurnhrtt. 4 .. la[g•- neurourlt. 01 ilUt Iu5 I!'t . .law• ,v•' s, ,• w„ ti. 1 r wit)fiat 1 ear •t :(mm1, to (i•. n t h .Ice. '. Dain: a m fir:mace m,' uun<: nun. Tac 4sr r-rndees• :A11111%11 %mon. Fd 'flea. Hart. etsrurs 5 :c 51). [Ilan%-•. base- key rot lnlurmatlal • . - - 1;.a1.' ht , . _n u't ,ani' het O\il �1(it+,tllll� \CO\IPARABLI MALT) 1LC)T7 (0 iLMMUA!Irtar • : ucnruon ornr.�, u501. t1t l- .tep ,• uuivntuwi- I•ul, 1 t•ist'nien!.stvarate !Moho}r.• Timm. i nc(Knt• urtlOuc: ,t>xing $VU.9t11 a�1 Ar ! 1'..n 1•: aAir•s het ' 101 TH({. :.' ACK'. t-0tiNTKY PI(opORTI dug,- county' kir:tic', with Pato.- utvr: 0' 5105- ut•Ci Two storey newer atte:,-'c kaiak•. .AI0t4'' Iwwe• wmtli'w. Ya --hunt. lWU,tt.- of nUTA•.'. 1,,se 1041: •ante: oetweer Loi nor -a11< lreiu.II Pat il' hugrltr Sale3. het •. I 214 PRYLM Bl t'L'. EXETEK ON' T4K•' r' ttrlv.• n' ant' tri ifi• etmipare w1, 4n• (tike ('rui)etfi • Ins ndeu&ar ranee s1y1 ,uonl wit%' Gremtlallu, grtnutU, Dee: 'erWit dl: ' ria re•['inc uatnnwui¢ 11 .• ti: gut- wr. 511�.9gi al. Pett O•huurs.r ,ne•• re) la too- bww•ilir: 1(1045 • with I nun rec re , s,,; ,•n - kfi•:cep ' go, ;Ivo 5.n''1:'v•t •emir. 10.30 war pater - 1 Uwe ry e axe lin a !.i vdi. n4i yarn. 1.105, ' • - . ;a `g•• oeurOi n1 } na, • .7". 1 -, " .•hullo• :vlrr OPi'ORi 1 \ 111, jik \ OCl�' )Ina • .' {. Jt1t ,RCIUM HUMI ' u• 'serge to', sepdrah• ramie • MOP- win ge . 6repinv tanlwurxt ,lour . ruwr- ,.•v.'. complete,, inisSitet:. itngruwx( pix• •vnulgS144,01/1 La11 N 1 Cham PA14MENT.5.A)' LUN AS 5391.90 month 't)ettrutm.s. tutCrrei:, 11ew %Unca':' . net' w111tluw: letr-'' yore. itskmi; 550.4900 Lail 1 1 C:11arw' Saar. Iter • . itevy Adult Lifestyle Corn nunity - ln' Exeter GK LAT !` a ret.in i, Wirt L_ }:res. retul' ,, gvu( a nultual rune w114.4,0, u'e r6• VCiut' h alit> thus 4 tutiuntlh.le. r••.,dtlltla, wi,: i)lrl'lluw' Tr, )uu• inn• _al tae (i'kuuri. tui neral ' • • s.. • 3 uttltuun 1431101• bulli,.'}. us. '.,}Attu U.p%d s 1 .tarouu. ualhn,,p.> tiu$. 100131: LItutr• 11118 ,toot IlaSte! 093.1 von) uvertuolt111r' (n, •int'• tle.uet anti ,nlulate(I IttaCilet• ):nra((e tri,ut: tarn. 41 Univ$I(i.'M id? .''I:uurne;,a.e•,het TREU- ANP CUUNTRI LO' anon,: Venn u' pnval' wtti (1 • , :,ieptlei •uwitalitr plvpert% Wel nlallllnlnec' liolit• Mat( llttwr! nn': WllltUwb <MIC tun(al. -barn tur vuu• tine: Munnapa, wale• AL 115,,. wrbI19,9U1' l'at t)•ktj, r,. -:,cies ,ler FARMS FOR SALE HAY TOWNSHIP - 300 acres in one parcel. No buildings. For more information on This farm or for a complete package on more agriculture land now available call: JERRY ZEHR Agriculture Sales Rep. Direct Line (519) 236-4712 of TOLL Come ,Celebrate "Canada's Birthday Open House Weekend" at these fine homes open for your personal inspection. (I'I \ 110; til ( )I'I \ 1 I( )1 til Luxurious Freehold Townhouses are now For Sale Located on a new Street (Brookside Place) Only three blocks from downtown. IDEAL FOR ADULTS! - No Exterior Maintenance Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1=519.565--5062 \or - ' 1-519.•2352961 PARKSIUF. AVE. ZURICH 1110,001 [aunty longe in newer subdivlsl01! I talon." u,Gude. live bedroom : main fluor laundry. 2 bath>. lull finished basemen{ with famih morn. rear deck facing park. !EARN ZEHR La ect Luer (5191 236- 4712 di of SATURPAYIJUJ.Y 4 10 a.m. to 12 noon 14 Siamark St. Zurich . Lome Ltd St/MOM this ,mete to Others for sale lotus.: 3 bedroom. t 4 pt bath uu 1,4f11,e level, walk-up atbc spauuus kitchen. living rows . separate tensity roots, 2 is.. bath t,n mails level) hose lot et genet Iw:atron Baled by: JERRY ZIHR Direct Licit 1319) 2164712 days or evtmngs siamoramr 1 ' ` ► : 1 MOT - ' - aollly tome to quiet street near drool Features Include: dose bedrooms. two baths. itt.place in family room. fume_ deck off dining area. newer gas rn fuace IERRY ZEBR Diva lane (5191 2364712 da itr ev SATURDAY JULY4 • 7 to 4 pan. 19 John St. N. Zurich karat time uttered be sale. Thcbret,ert House onto( LurKh a truest - butyµluws in a prune 10,414011. feature, 3 bedrooms. 2 bath, fireplace in Irvine morn, full futistled basemeln( with wait (out. replacement wutduwt Cuuw aitd.we tui yourself Hooted by: JERRY WU( Direct Line ‘5191 246.47/2 days or evenings EACH OFR 15 AN IHDfatt�06NTLY OWt4E0 ANO OPERATED MtiMBRR.OROAER OF OOLDWEu. BANKER AFF1LMlis til l NvAVi