HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 14Past' 14.
1,,n •s Advocate, July 1, 1998
xeter o
Timidity Ladles
Julie 23-Aflight
Luw gross Ester Johnston, 48
Low. net Hetty Sangslci 35
B night
Luw gross (;race Steeper. Si
Luw net Audrey Scutt 39
C flight
Low gross tfeuy Coates S9.
Low: net Mildred Chalmers 17cb
• 1) flight.•
Lives gross Jeanne Phillip - 64
Low iwt Lorraille Alexander - !y
Senior Min
•June'25 - Low net
A flight. Doug Parsons 3`
H Ihglit Sid Dates
C fhgla 15 Dougall ' 33
- (i &Martsh • 3-+.
(1tssest to pin: Don Ih anng 013). Alan
Winning teams
First (l3'7i: G Slight. D.4)c.mng. 15
lwugall, G Gicgus
Second (143 r:1) Parous: 13 Ganle i . C.-
; 1. %l.i,lu
Jule 24 - 74 gutters
I'I:ryetvtrow Jeakiit hassie,s slid,.
I3lucwaiei attendedWednesday Night
Ladies -In coat:oral Nun: trec,passe.'
..v. -ere donated by lion and Janet Mason
Closest to Pin #3
Bluewatci- ThoraMcPhcnun
llay'e-Iew - Joan Eagleson"
Seatorth - Ruth Snell
t.terrr Grose Drummond.
Longest drive 0!1
I m:Waj r Titus McPherson
B: yciew - 'Kuth"Machell
Scalanh Olive Little -
J:.u7ri• lraac%Alotr -
• •. I..ow gross .
Hluewatei , Men Elliott .4
li,1111t•tt: - Ins latae 48
Scalunh. PIIsrlkr Lem. fl 45
Lien./ . TL•ren 1furton 4: :
Monday Men .
June 29 - A flight
Loss gross Don Smith
Low net - Clayton (impel
2nd -LL .Jou Aliens'
- 2nd Ln K..i d iilfilhai
• • . • 0 flight
John Kenna. • •,39
Bob Keynolds 130b -
Charlie .Charnb rs.- Jlch-
Fred Ca/ rts:4i :. • 33
Low tics
-2nd LG
2nd L\
C flight .
1. Low, gross Shane Pfaff - "41
I Low net 'Pete Sulbeilaud "33
2nd L(. Andp1hthief -45th
2nd LN • _ Hill Coleman 35th
• D flight'
1..ow gross • Greg Campbell - 4:1
Low net Jeff kocstenberg 34
2nd.LG • . Mark, Sutherland 4Sch
2nd Lo. ' Don Clarke - 36
-Closest to pin: Brian Wedf:rke iO3l. •
Brian Ankers (#61.
Sponsor: Ike: is.MuureFuels
Nest week: Yin Trucking
Senior Men
Sunrise Driving Range debuts today
The driving range and golf practice facility is a farmer's field of dreams
CLANDI;BOYF:' - Goiters re
joie! You have another facility. 14.
hone your game at with the Sunrise
Driving Range and Practice F.i, , 1, 1 .
located on Hwy. 4 one kilometre
north of Clandehoyc
- The facility, is the drea)nchild ut
Gerry Lynn, 27. The cash crop
farmer has turned 1' acres of fart} -
:land into a place where golfers can
work on their long game'.• and next
-year can 'practice 'chipping, putting
and getting out-tif that blasted sand
hun; c,r- •
Lynn's friend. Kevin Wiseman.
gave Lynn the idea ,to transform
Some of his farmland into`a driving
range a few years ago and Lynn has
been mulling tile, Idea over till he -
decided to make uie di -Camino) re--
"It's a -growing -sport -and a busy -
highway." Lynn said.•••Sio l thought
1"41 -give it ,t try:* ,
Lynn ha. divested 'about $5U,(XXL
. in the facility 'and he aril his dad,
• Gerald arc doing -most of the •work.
The driving -range is 300 yards.
(Ong and features 1 2 tee otfa. Buck
ets. of halls will cost $450 -lire 50.
$6 for 7() and 20) half hookas will
cost: $1 t • :for those . golfers with
some time on their hands. -
Though the grass has been plant-
` ed and the hunker is there, thc.prac
nee green- with a sandtrap and hlin
ker won't -tri ready till next season. •
• The - driving range will he open
• from '8 a.m.-dusk, seven days
•- week.
June 2' .
Finn Jr!!e.•c„ - -39.
Dun C'uw,u, 41
' Bud fhrveahn 41
• Arden Shunts . . 32
Sewnd Joe Wdsini ; - 40
Bill Tlunupson 4 i
Don „Koss 46
Lloyd tiobisun - 3i
• 175
Third • • Lee Wchards - .t4
Al Mitchell - 91
Ken Hermann 52
Andy IJetfuvi S.'
f•ourlh, ,Wayne Pearce 42 -
- Haydn Godard 43
Lee Webber 45
Bill Schaefer Q$•
Closest to pin: #4. Jtni Steen: 87 Am
Steen • • • •
Ladies Club
June 25 - Low gross .
A I1t , M 1 Chatiyt 40"
C lit Elsie Herman -49
Closest to pin *7: Eleanor Ritchie (A
Mt, Elsie Herman IC Ill !
Skins: A 01 - Lynne harquhar Olt; M,J
Chattyr(113). Judy Hudgins (1(6): C lit -
Mary Jane 1 aylor(81. 41. Cathy Bahia)
(05), Elsie Denman (112. 3.6. 8) .
Birdics: Lynne Farquhar (Olt :
Mystery bus prise: won by Eleanor
Kilehie, donned by Iiuilwuud -
Next week: July I I'
Men's Club
June 23 - A night
first Ken Bergmann
Second' John Rudderhatu
Third Jeff Loosley
Fourth Kandy Gilfillan •
B night.
First Joe Wilson •
Second Rob Funstun
Third Wayne Parkinson
'Founh Jack Johnston
C fight
Fust • Don Correll 43
Second Greg Parsons • 44
Third Bill Thompson . 44
Founh Paul Gorman 44
•• D night
First Mike Barclay 46
Second Jeremy Mason 48
Closest to pin: A&i3 • Dave Holumann
(010). Randy Gill -Man (015): C&D -
Paul Gorman (013). Doug Urbshott
Skins: A&B Ken Bergmann (016):
Don Heywood (018): C&D - Murray
Morrison (014)
Next season Lynn hopes to offer
.holdogs, hamburgers, pop and other
snacks.on premises. -
Flo also hopes to host .chanty
hole in -one contests.. .
'though open for the first time to-
day • (July 1), Lynn will officially
open the -facility on Aug. 1...A11. -pro-
ceeds from -the day.will-go towards
Jesse's Journey..
Lynn:hopes -to give -John David
son -a cheque when he walks
through the Luc -an area on -Aug, f0.'
For more information on Sunrise
Driving, Range 'andPractice Facil-
it. call 227-4677. -
Yahoo! Exeter's Marlerie Parsons celebrates putting for a-
birdie at the 7th hole during Ellison' Travel &- Tours annual -
golf tournament at Ironwood Golf Club last week. The tour-
nament was. a fundraiser for the Huron Country Playhouse.
SIo-pitch 98 -
Exeter Men
liecent scores •
Mixed Nuts 15 vs. Barfly/ 16
Mudhens 6 vs Knighihawks 28
Inndians I . v s. ti•rR Sluggers 2't
Mudcats 14 s ElhsonTravcl 1u
Sytilco 12 vs. RSD Sennnoles 9
Murphy's Pub 21 vs.•Bartly/27
Knighihawks 9 vs. inndians 12.
Mudhens 17 vs. 7th Inning Stretchers.7
-.Standings as of May 20
Division Tenni - Record
Bogart Division" • Murphy's Pub • W9, LOT
. Mudcats W6. L3. T2
Ellison Travel•
Sylilco. W5, 16:i1)
Lavier.Division • ETR Sluggers ' W4.11. T1
Kn.ghthawks W6.16. TO.
Inndtatis - W3. L8: 11)
701 inning Str. , W2. 19, TO
Jarrett Division Mudhens W7. 1.4.T1-
RSI) Seminoles W7. LA. 11/
Bally/ W3. L7, TI
Mixed Nuts
WI, L8,'TO 2
Exeter Minor Hockey
Wed., July 8 7 p.m. -9 p.m.
Sat. July 11
10 a.m.-12 noon
At the South Huron Rec Centre
in the Minor Hockey Room.
Categories: Pre -tyke thru
Juvenile AN Girls -hockey
categories: -
Novice -10 yrs. and under
Junior -11 yrs to 13 yrs
Intermediate: 14 yrs. to 19 yrs.
Late Fee of S20. for any
registrations received
AFTER July 12th
For more information please
call Dave Partridge
at 235-0700
Exeter Minor Hockey
We are now accepting
applications for coaches,
• assistants, trainers and
managers for boys/girls
hockey teams for the
1998/99 hockey season!
Please call:
Paul Storey_@ 235-1667 or
Dave Partridge @235-0700
or write to: E.M.H.A.
Box 412, Exeter Ont.
Welcome golfers. Sunrise
Driving Range's Gerry Lynn
opens his business today.
Know a super coach? Tell the T -A!
The T -A and 3M -are again offering the program that
recognizes the efforts'of great coaches in the area
West Middlesex Youth Soccer League
Red Division
First - Exeter lets
Second Exeter Eagles
Third Lucan Thunder
: Pifth Lucan Lightning
Whirs Uivisiai
Fifth Grand Bend
Red Division • -
Sixth • Lucan Dynamites
Seventh Exeter Dolphins
- Eighth Grand Bend
Third Exeter. Stars
Fourth .• Exeter Lasers
Eighth Grand Bend
Firth - Grand Bend
Eighth ,Exeter Bees
'Tenth Exeter. Hornets •
Eleventh Exeter Falcons -•
Fuurth. Exeter Marauders
- Sixtit Grand Bend .
Eighth. Exeter Sting
: Second 'Exeter Selects
First Grand 'Bend '
Second .'Exeter Gunners
.• Third Exeter Stnketorce
(Recent standings
Boys Under 11
GP Win Tie Loss. GP GA Prs
6 6 0 0. 34 3 58
5 2 2 • l 11, 15 8'
6 2 •l 3 18 22 7
6 0• 0 6 11 39 0
5 0 0 5 5 14 0
Girls Under 11
5 -1 . 0 4 9 13• 3_
3 .0 2 -1 -3 -•4. 2
6 0 1 5 3 .20 .1 '
Boys Under 13 -
8 5 2 1 2$ 10 17. •
8 5 I - 2 25 11 16
-7 - 1 I • .:5 15 26 - 4
Girls Under 13
7 2 4 _ i 14 10 10
7. .. 1 3 3 7. -. 11 6
6 -• 1 4 7 19 4
5. 0. 3 .• 2. 4 6 3
Girls Under 15
_ 7• 4 1 2 10 7 -13
7 4 0' 3 16 -12 12
8 I • 3: 4 8 14 6
Boys Under 16
6 5 0 1 34 -7 15
Girls Under .18 . -
6 5 - 1 0 . 24 • 7.- 16
6- A 2 0 23 7. -14
5 3- 1' 1 -15 . 7 10 •
Does your coach . go above and A committee made up of Lynn fleeting responsible conduct he
beyond the • hits of duty tor. his/her . Farquhar (former South Huron Rec gond the playing field:
athletes? Do they exemplify every-: Centre- co-ordinator) and 'T -A. •He/she presents, through ex
thing a coach should he, and more" spirts, editor -Craig Bradford (plus' amph._a positive coaching image
1f you think they fit into that lofty onc.nforc member still sought from - •He/she .demonstrates the ability
category. you can show your thanks the T -A 'coverage area) will select . to improve the, athletic performance
for. all that they do by nominating the winning coach and a. runner-up of a team or individual:
them- tin' the 3M/Exeter - Timer for the award and announce the sc - *He/she applies relevant -training _ •
Advocate Community Coach Rec- fictions- in the Aug.- 12 edition of theory and coaching techniques (for
ognition Program.- -- . - • - the •T -A. - . example, he/she has taken coaching
The program is brought tri you by The w• inning coach will receive a programs .such • as the National
the T -A. the Coaching Association kola -tone lapel pin and a certificate .Coaching Certification Programa.
of Canada and 3M. - . , to commemorate the honor at a cer- - Here's how to get your nomina-
Starting this' issue (see ad on this . emony:tater this year.' r tion forms to the T -A: -
-page): 'nomination forms• will ap- - Nominators are, asked .to, briefly •Mailing/office address:
-pear in the T -A sports section for outline- why their -favorite coach de- Exeter , Times -Advocate.- .Com -
the next few weeks and forms will •serves the honor. Judging 'will be. triunity 'Coach Recognition Pro=
also be available for pickup at the Lased on the following criteria: ' gram. 424 Main St.. Box 850, Exet-
T-A during business. _hours. 8:30 *The coach demonstrates respect .er, Ont., NOM iSO.
a.m.-5 p.m.,Monday-Friday. '. - for iifficials:-opponents and .parents ' •Fax: (519) 235-0766: Attentio,
If you ,know a coach who is der• -andespouses a fair play - phi= Sports Dept.. Community Coach
serving of this award. simply. corn losophy. -- . • • Recognition Program. .
pletc the nomination toms and ei-• ' •He/she demonstrates concern for - FYI: The T -A ha4-an• after hours
ther mail. fax or drop it off 'to the all-round. development of• the ath- drop slot.
T -A by JULY 31.5 p.m. - lete and instills guidelines re -
Nomination Form
(5 P.M.)
Note Coach must reside in area served by this newspaper
Name of coach
• i i
Sport: ,
Honie Centre:
Nominated by:
Telephon_ e: ' Home (519)
Coach's Profile. Please provide a brief history on the nominee, outlining such elements
as years of coaching, successes.: meaningful coaching achievements, etc.
Note: individual must. have coached at- !east two years.
Winners of the 3M/EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE Community Coach Recognition will
be judged on the following values and standards. Please give an example of- how
the -coach you are nominating exemplifies these values and standards.
• Demonstrating t espect for officials, opponents and parents, and espousing
philosophy of fair play.
• Demonstrating concern for all-round development of the athlete and
instilling guidelines reflecting responsible conduct beyond the playing field
• Presenting, through example, positive image of coaching.
• Demonstrating the ab;lity to improve the athletic performance of a team or
individual '
• Applying relevant training theory and coaching techniques, e.g. National
Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) - -