HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 12,Pae 1.' T•trtrt's-Adr><,catc', 114 1, 1998
• fl his Week In Sports-.
*•14eNtitt dn4arget, wins Crum*, Gun tCSub'skest tide - pr>16'e 13
• eKPIOW a , r mach? Tell the T A and they could win brig - page 14
Call Sports Reporter Craig Bradford
• with your sports tips -
(519) 235-1331 • Fax (519) 235-076t,
Scenes from the diamond
Junior Rookie Ball. Youngsters from Exeter Junior -Rookie
ball played at Precious Blood School on Saturday. with . the.
Yellow team taking on the Blue team. Above, Kyle Vert of
-the `Blue team takes a wild swing .at a pitch while, below,
Codi Jonnson of the .Yellow team crosses home plate.
(photos/Scott Nixon)
Bluewater girls should fly high in '98/99
The elite girls hockey program sends gifted players, on their way to
fun, tough competition and a chance of a U.S. college scholarship
By Craig Bradford ,
PA Reporter"
1.IiCAN . — The Bluewater
Hawks midget girls hockey team. -
has tound a home in Lucan.
The midget> have entered an :
agreement- with the" Lucan • Com
munav Memorial Centre and _will -
play their home games :there thi•
season. The midgets have not had :, •
permanent home Kase in other -sea
sons antf-thcv as well as other.les
els of Bluewater Hawks htickes
have had..to hold home games.at r+
they Thedtord or . Atvinston • de
pending 'on_ which arena had ict•
time available
Midget coach Rick Abet is happy
the girls. can -focus on playing hock .
ev rather than wonder where their
next home game will be • .
"Wt- • won't have fir scramble tor
ice time anymore." he said "Lucan`
has been really -good to us: It vthc
first center to gine full-time eon'
mitment to • gut. navel . hockey -in
this region -
Abcl said :finding ., permanent
hone. ha, - Cstopped -sent-, player
troin heading to the London Devil--
ettcs.prograin •
"Having- :t stable base' in Logan_
has taken the pressure' oft these
'kids to stay with the program.' lit'
7:he> Bluewater Hawks organtza•
tont is eight years old and -this sea
son will otter hockey for novice t,•
.. midget age players, Abel .hope
enough interest will he shown bs
Older girls to' loran an tntermediatc-
:teanm in the tutus .•
Hetorc hast season. the H(uewatcr
midgets wet;-stmptv. an all-st:u
team made •up lit the best players rt-.
the Lambton:Middlesex' . teagut'
- The midgets focussed on.playing al
the A -AA level Iasi season and the
—'hove resulted in the Leant winning`
three- out tit eight tournaments a en'
tercel and finishing. in the top three
in three other tuurneyS . •
"(Beton • last season we. won..
Let me out there. Biuewater,Hawks Midget AAA hockey players Carolvn.Gordon..Erin Abei, Mr
chelle Holland and -Jolene Hefferen can't wait to hit the •ice how that the team calls" Lucan; are'
• na its • permanent home ' base.Bluewater players come from throughou' the' regior. -rnctudrnE
the T -A coverage 'area. •
dere!, 'it -we could pray full -unite :+ -
that level. how well would weir '
And the nacres; r Ther; no.,.
• Abel sattt •
.The he bantam Hawks also did wrcl
reaching:rile finals m titre: tourn.,
Midget players .n, •
longer pias hors.
league strict r'
proved too touch he
Players to cominit t,
• the travel involve,'
it A -AA • compel
tion and tilt- Weeki,
grind r' house
While some tot tttc nudge' ptavet • .cont s cal "
rots. piayut • with their friend, n Abel said a s one of -los ulutnate -
house league to liietr home come ri+al• tt help lit. paver gc( Cup
Wily have embraced the .biesson it-}! scholarship:- ii. tact Aix•.
• of playing at the higher, levt'i
—Nen. s -nog at- 5:11112` le'—it:
s:cnttpennun tit nt,usr 'league-,
tette Hellerman s.+:
"Sometime.- • it - hared -.playing
agalnsi'your menti: "' Carolyn•Goi- .
don of H Watford sat,: - - ,
AbeI.. sari.- titer art- othct tilt
portal], advantage, 1, playing A •
AA nocke'. Coaches and manager -
can ruts --more college -level pr.•
gran .• (nal: attract'
scout, troth U.. un,
"1 think the
initial reaction
people 'will have
is shock about
how good these
kids are."
verso: ; women
hocicc' Program. -
tact. some Biucwatet
girt nave been Con
tacte.i h'. t •..` SCUui,
thoug, Atx•'
woultin•: diving,
w'h•• ha, iieiocti
Express. have up and down week
EXETER - - The Exeter Express
sr then's hardball team went
through.ibe gamut 01.entununs dur-
ing their two games last week .
• The Expies& split their two games
last week .with a I0-9 heartbreaker
of a loss at Hyruti on Friday and a
lit -7 borne win over perennial"
league clratups Lakeside on Toes-
das - • .
Express . assistant manager Joe -
Fuio' .said their" defence let their
down again against Byron with Ex-
eter eontmating five errors leading
to the sante number of unearned
runs tor Byron
Fulope said - the lead 'seesawed
Helping a local athlete
Cheque donation. Local athlete Cara Gardner, second right, was the recipient of a $500
cheque from Murphy's Pub and Eatery on June 24. Helping present the cheque were owner
Bob McDonald, left, and Murphy's ball team representatives Darryl McCann and Brent
McDonald. The cheque will help Gardner in her efforts to play for the women's Olympic
hockey team. Gardner also attends Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, where
she has a hockey scholarship. Murphy's, which raised the money through a slo-pitch touma-
ment in June, tries to donate money to a local athlete every year. (photo/Scott Nixon)
back and forth .wirl Exeter holding
a 9-6 lead -at the•'end.ot the sixth, tit
rung they couldn't hold on n
Marty Memel pitched • st.-:ind .1.
third toning, for ixxeter giving. Ut ..
eight -runs on I 1 has while stttkilig
out live
Rick Boon finished in. game ov
the mound for the Express and gate
up two runs on. Its e hits while KO'.
ung one - •
-. - -
Fuiup said- Exeter's; Intone was
excellent tor- tile- this but tire'
stranded 11 runner'. and tw„ hien
were :thrown out at pia) • at the
:plate; • - •
Exeter. -tuts • came hunt terry
Gentt ncr with three, atiigles. Vic Ol-
iveira and 1.J. Anderson watt a sin •
gle`and a double each. Scot Russell
with two singles and two doubles.
Scott Kemp with two singles- and
Hours. Dave Hawke:Mike 'Agnew .
Merner and Bill Shure all with vac .
single each
Tuesday;; win over Lakeside w.t •
highlighted by a lure pitching pet
formatted by Scot Russell and three
boonting huuleruns by Exeter bit
ters. .
Scot Russell.threyG-tar unite hos.
no earhed runs with .sir strikeouts
Fulop said Russell was csp ectal(\
tough with men on base
Fulop said his team put of (herr
"hitting shcies': with- honietuns be
Merner (also with two smglesi..
Mark Glavin and Anderscnt (also
with two singles>' .' .
• Other hits carie groan •Merner
(two singles). Fred.Gregus (two
'singles and a double), Russell (two .
singles). Kemp (a singlet with
Hawke. Agnew and Boon all: run
ning out a double each. , • .
Fulop said the turning point was
in the fifth inning when Exeter
'came up with' seven runs high-
lighted .by Glavin's hometun with
two on to wipe out a 3-0 Lakeside
Fulop said Gregus and Merner
• put un a baserunning clinic which,,
dazzled the fans and -their team-
mates not to mentioa the etaaches.
The Express hosted Strathroy af-
ter- press yesterday and head to
Lakeside for a tournarnent on. the -
weekend. .
1et'I'• I,.: t • ♦I\ t't vitt plavci, %%i; . .
!c: st'itotars)1tt+ i,%'t^ - tit: next
Luttpr. (''1 veal - - - -
The midget. wilt play. in the Cen-
tral West League this season verso -
teams in Sarni.:. i_ondent Saufecr'
Maitland Fee: Israntiord Niagar.:
Falf and rw -team Iron. Ness, -
'r or}.. Abri said h: ha. high hone "
for the midgets this season-
-We shouldnt nava much: mot,
tem bean): in the top st s seven 11.
the province "• he salmi
Those viewing girltravT'- noel
es - lir the -firs' ufh:-'wit n: sir; •
prised war wine aroe- se: Abe•
Said '
•h think Inc inntat' ieacUdn pcopn •
wi{l nave it- stnx•1.-;100ni holt goo('
these kid. are •• he sat.: •
"The midget mit)! lust h - toe tc:
tit Lucan ur. Joy 1 .tie it firs
011bcia: uvoui seneoure. ie. Sep..
IC. Girls interested in ptwins• ha,
ei pocky% will the Bturware'
Hawk. have 1, )lett•• I! t't'0. eat, . .
Centennials blank Scottish 2-0
1.0NUON - "1 he. Exeter Centennial. men . team carne 01
WWI .t ken. 2-u victor:. elver host. Lundon'Scuttis;, at Senna Fteld On .
I riu.,t•
I ire Ceni, starter. siowly and allowed tihetr heist-, . les tulip tali
scotu,j t.tttg tit the ut,enrn, Ii, minutes but hell hell iead the de
fence as thes toiled the ScuUtsh striker awa. eutptvatanttrt
:Up Don:-. Ryan Canoli Cteaum:! pent ;o.. cu¢n'.r to u,: -
Cents with pts hustling style. but the Scottish detenders w'tutor! t ti~
anything pass them
But with the wind ai their back:-. Luke Sims and Dave haiyuhat
made a great' tun down theintddic and Stirs diew the keels!' out of -
the trot. Suns thenTedFatyuhat with .t brilliant pass that i:atyuhar
'pounded tr►tu the twute-to give Exch.." a,1-1/ iniad ''
lite .wind kept up into the second oat!. Out the 'S,.otttslt weer not •
ably to use it well enough to scone . - -
Sirns and 1•ar"yuh.ir hooked up -again it, nuai:c It 2 -Clot -lite Cents to .
the 80th minute. Sites gave I-aicjuh:u the Bali -Just outside tiie jnatalt
area,-Faiyullar waited till the keeper was }haigui2t beloie pal -Shaw
the ball through to the corner lar Itis sceund.goal
Cents keeper/spokes-Reiman Geoige McLwan said Scan Beattie had`
:-strung defensive game (especially in the ant .tnd.0 attoll hada
strong gamewinning the -ball from the Scottish midlicld and setuit
up the Cents` .1 inwards. '
Mciwan had to make several kes saves on rause shots; but an at.-
kle injury forced hnu out of the giant: in the second hall Lime Sza-
• bti Iatric in to help gain the shutout and iin piuve the: team's tceord to
6-3 as they -get a little break ltetote heading to London to take on the
Assyrians on July 8. 'the next hoiitc• game to the Cents nr on -July
12, a 6 p.m. start at Cann: , 1 iCIi
Men's soccer wrap
Exeter Fury still winless on season
LONDON the Exeter Fur) we -.till scatcha►g for their last win tit•
the season in WesternOntatti, Soccer League Division !traction.
. The Fury lust to hosts and first place Olyihplcs 5-1. un Sunda.
despite hat. ting a solid fust halt -
Fury player/spokesperson Jason McFalls said keeper Craik Winbow
kept the team ciose'm the first hall inakitg.severai excellent saves to' -
keep the -score 2- I at the half. -
*Tim Proctor scored Exeter's lone goal. • -
• The Fury next take on Clearwater at hunie on Canters FteId un July
12, a 4 p.m. start -
Masters battle Carpet. Place to 0-0 tie
LONDON -- The Exeter Masters Men's soccer team had their
chances versus, host London Carpet Place last week but had to settle
fora scoreless tic. - - ' -
Exeter player/spi)kcsperson Brad Lightfoot said the game "could've
gone either way:" .
It was a well played game." he said. "Wc played well as a team."
Theo Bles notched the shutout between tire pipes for Exeter.
Exeter's record is now 1-4-1. •
' The Masters next host Croatia on Friday at the Lucan soccer pitches.
a 7 p.m, start. "