Times Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 9FARM 1l C'1?,9Tf. Thur..; Airy ie alt r ;11.111.1" 194r, Part; (5 Brussels Livestock Sales The stilet of itrussel. Livestock Inr the week.eurhng lune 25. 199ii ' Fed -rattle- 639 - ' C(rw, 2 4 • Veal and %Nl ('alves•i94 Lamb and Groats' 1S1t -Seo-kens 773 . Fed steers and heitcn wld S2 (ell Inver, with cows selling steady On Thursday the veal traded steady w;k the Iambi also selling steady All clatter of stncken sold atea4> l herr were 340steres on Neer selling trom 40 (KI to 44 (1(1 to the high of 10S 2S , . Stt steer. consigned I. John Sntu(► lvtnghani averaging 1247 Ito sold tor an avatars of 9S 14 win.a luno sterrweighitig 11 K% Ins tolling to Norwich Packets tot 105 21 Nineteen steere.rinslgned h. 1-ee'(y Mahon lAicenaw averaganit 1200 lbs sold for an a. • grape M91 Tx with a black steer weighing 1 155 ltss telling to Dominion Meal Packers hot .49 the • . " Thin v..one n one steer. consigned h: ('unnlhaln Firths averaging1407 lbs sold Iran avrr- age of 92 (N).wuh sates lora (x len steer, consigned by Laudertea lino. I.rslnwel avenging. 131910. sold lot an aver- age verage 6( 9s 74 with sales lir 97 5' Eight users -consigned by Roger_ Moore (indencn'averuginy 115? Ins weld for an act•: age of 93 55 with salrs to 45 S. Sr. stet.-: cllnslgned by k„v tread:. Si Mar.: averaaiii 1.4 2 average Word las an avege ,d W1.1. with late: to 94 5 . - -ltvns-nye steers consigned h. 1 n (torten Fara'. :reddua averaging 142S.Ib. sold 4.t 30 average of 9I _h with sales to 414 1 • . •. . • how steers tiunsrgned to 1.4i1.1erpstia Miichcll average:, 14)13 Ib. soh lot an average tel liK.16 wit sate. t*+I$U.- - . --• • On knit'setts consigned 01 ken rnnmu Elmwood weighing 1100 Ib. sold Ic:r 917• Nine age:. etiniivneil in: scimitar Hrrwik 6ar,n. li Wa,dslock averapun'-14211 (h. (sold lar an avei'ace of 37 49 with sates Ib 9 r S ' 'I her vele 2 OI netts -m.00 otter selling erten 911 tx1 u4 94 ills to 11u61 t1 of 99 2 - )r;teen heifer% consigned by Kada bairn.. • hturva)c up/aptly 1 191 lac sold los all avr(- are of 9 4 (la wmr,l Gold hlr weighing 12 10 It,. yellow t.,r 99 7S to Barry Rowel. Ln, .111. , • Nile itelt rs conitgned. by Hugh t.n.e. Atwood averaging 11 17 Ib. sold 1.4 an averak: Al22..10.1.1 the wit of 9S as • - tine luno lista cunslpned hi tinier 1Mnstrin. Hluevale weighing 1185 lbs sold 1(. . s673 - - Sixteen netters consigned h. Charlie Uucham.c. Zama. averaging 11:(4 Ib.. frlld_itu.m' average of 109 No with sales to'/', 1 wentv.one netters consigned ne.Ixm McAiling'. Cheney averaging -125t Ilio s(.Id to: ..,1 av¢r•ageof 90 hi wan sales 11,9.1 4. - .even netters consigned to Kusa Fahcr. KIp(eti averngtns:- 1 191 ins sold for an aveiat. .4%1 74 watt Sails 1(, O. 7 Six nedeis consigned by koalatul I-onn. Strattord avera(tuli! 1153 Ib.. sold tat an avr'_ Ore;d9091won =lei ta',l"' - t.wrt.e neper. consigned n. Attic) liner'. Monk6tnavetaguic 112K Ito sold foram :•• cia,:e .'f' -N 4u.wuh salea.lo 92 (: - . that.. Heiner.. consigned o. Jon Sena. liuhtin averaging 1223 ins. sold llir411 ave(a: r ;..i 7 / Wan sates to 91) • ' ' •-- ' • . -i nen• WCIC 2+ 1 1 4w4 i 4 011 Otter -selling I it t 112 53. 1. 54.00 to tugn ,.f-77,(se '1/1,511.0 1 . 53 A. 4)44))(5)1.50 (; , - . . 1 wr, cows consigned .Slott 4 i. asi.n Walkenuu. averagW_ 12.35 Ips. cold tar an aver age 01119 49 -wail Salt':-:. i•our rows erMstened in" Hua poi)..., Waikcnun avcrae)Ia,.1205 lu. sold for all avera:•e• i 1I. Coo1CI(ISlgne(l,n iong.Wiersn.il. Htvtn_avl'rai,n._ :211SIli. Sold for asaveraec G'- swan sate.; : • -.'.1.7'• . - - - - 1nte we:; I 1 bus:; on otter seting truth 58a.0 73.(0 to me Ngh of 80.i , 1.1 nret• S,oi nlhla con3l)ncd lo )•.rank ifuilo.r.. Anon avcragni 172"4 Ina.n a sold tor a•.• .'L.1 r wun-Salr; to Y(J.: - f-- .. are - vrc llliln.Iull-i;onsl5ned 0. 5 34 Grout: harm.' Cnenslnw wclgruhL 22S0 Ili., sola : •�� - -1 herr were iv.l cc.n 011 Mei scam. • Bert: 4U.I5, . • ! 55 1, - (4.' 55.4,45 co 44.5 l - - rlaln t•1.5: .`.5.Lt) :. 'i0.4; - • A 0)0ntlt.vc.e consigned 0i )o1ifi.Yergu:4 Londesooro Welgnlll- 71011.. sold! '1 18.. d 1Cdl cunslXneo r' ko,Rar.d Hort.:A...mi w.I. weIL•ning'675 1r: Sold 1,)1 475.5, -t vex consigned nl-Ualr.bacxct. )1)'115 weIem51 : 7001p, sued : a, 11:3:1" - Stocxer steer uncle; 41;0 7) - 137.0.i1: 134.e • 4(r,-4'✓ - lli.Our, tai' - 5(. -51- J(5)4(11/ c. I Jd. 65..-6''. 45-4.:10 ..125)5 - 75: •p. .- .s- -s, tt:5.:, 81,1:g,. 1,.i.lK.:,112 9Waro a•r ''• I f `- ticnt - - 3L-. 349 c 1.101 1 ,71 4444 4'-' IK.Ou 0.i 5v-•.5'• Y'/.tK,; l,,., 6f..' - h'• - 9(1.111/' 11,6.5 . 7c,. '7i,. . s7.tn, 1 :. 11:.i.i - 8..., - x,•' v1.vu ' 124.! 9,.•V alio t1%; ' • _ •.I .00 10 9',.• ' Piarl, ;tu4K15( -J),I,1.7 ru•6t1., - - -- - Lath' -" - - • • 1.,17 1.70.7- 44J 40 10 Ll N., . 2.7V ea. Denfiele Livestock .Sales . I '. .!Ie,-. t.n _ .''!. 7.-4dl4..I kep1'11. 1-'' i ueSU.'r. !u! - 1 '.:. 11 01f.Jl .: ,.';•;tori.: tradcu o11 .1 /,0015 UCllrarhl 4,, 1..71 Jtr10 '. 7)r7c1'.• 1 - Covering IIIc weekend Uecll01 'Cow.- Were sreau\ - . Rato! Pot Vv vormtot, sold x Ilea.). avera4e- weigrlt .1310 u . Average prl'- .95) 5 •, shies t„ 1''' 3.i iutchased PV i'ilrwIch 411Kr1 -- -' _ - Clane )war;:.Lrrulttinsoul I1 tantc1N.average weight-12:iyit) ..;etvelax- once .t14... - . i .. iiurrrl,vtrl-;•: Hyde Pa:,:, sold -4t) steer., average wetgnt 1270, avera(;c'•p4-K• ' Pitt Ha.... Al to t C f At g, 50111 10 steers. average wetgnt 145; j0.7; avvtog 111 ince', I.'. ' . ivonn Huij)IT1... t'arkhl,:. wild ?u steer,. average welgnl 1398 bbs, aveta4 . Once 9''1' Sias ;, g 111;... purenased try' Norwich Packet • ban lluniiisini 50111 Si steal calycA. average wetgnt 678 ib'.:, ave(age pot- -Mel 0. sales to 9t,.5- _ ' - . C:rlulce steer- " ' - i ll!,; sails (i 1111.50: Cruud steers: 9)1-9'-; Curlultun'. 811-9• . 'C.Ilutee Neuer., .. '-`l5.4 sales ur 11,5 : (mod netters: 8S-90; Common -7.7-8' (rood owe 5s-' :. Mtewual u,ws: 45 5!rS)Ie5' 30-40; Choice veal 911-10 (JIK,U veal 73 t_ unitilt• ... 7:1-73.; :vov. N: 4..- hoar. 3U-4: _ - Obtaining summer. weather intorniation- O'1"IAN hit vuunlnent Canada provides 1n1tillll:iuul, oh Soothe•' weather l(; lne-public•'fnruugh automated telephone answeuug de'•,I1-e (A! Al's) and W eauteratir• In addluun..yuu may obtain Inluimatluli allow the weather muni all 01111ouraent Canatrii meteoriiiogist by shakos• Weather-Uue-un;Uiie at 1-9U0-565-5555. ') u> la :1 user -pay consultatioj' service. h•1 mon maul 1 auutil till'. Cinitale.or tor weathei record','pleasi • • call-CtiulateSuurle at 1.90I065-1 t 1 . 1 1.01 111ure uduuiiauor!, pica,e .vlslt..Enutrurinlent. Canada -s Ureen Lan(' lUt .un lite terneat hupa)www C1.11.)a • • , .. • • - lite Ontario Ministry ol,hlc-iHviriunnlenl s• Air (Arabi)' Index 'Program provide, daty uuitcutn uti an.yuahly at.sltes ictus Ontario. These bus {etlns:are available unhuri)'the Media and recorded message.' 1-8045-38' 7765, and the Internet (nt(p:iiwww.eny,guv.urt.ca/agt) Special %%rather Statements In Ontario, Li)vituninent Canada issues special' weather :statements tot four reasons during llle 1Ulllltt1r • ..•• • -.lurch you 31 ''general terms what areas 0l the province May have Ihwl derstunns duung tile -day ,'especially Jhusc. where the slurut. May b1:c0111e- seve1t•. 'lbeae weatllet statements are issued .every nlurrung duung the peak Uwnderslurm season 01 May to Septeniber, ' i>t • Tu tcli you when a weather systeni that may cal/5)5 you SUHIC 10150114)0-• 111V11C. Is approaehiug. Such a system May produce torrential [airy. ur • strung winds but.tle rainfall and wind gusts may not reach Envnoninent Canada's criteria lin a severe weather warning. -Such a. system play also bung unusual weather like tlhtck log. This type of weather statement 1s issued 12'to 24 hours in advance ur TO give you a summary of the day's weather, especially when severe • thunderstorms have caused damage in several areas. ' McGillivray council drafts nutrient Y t - management and manure storage bylaws By Kate Mont. r -Agnes • MCd11.1.1YKAi - f, it po.sihl. -10 Ilam'a nutrient manayetiteisl h\- jaw th:u kecp..out mega -tarn,. ht, Still allow. 5111:111 and medium .17e, livestock tannek to gm,,. ' No one -:;t the puhli.: meetln;'-u McCilhvrl. .Titwnsh(t'• .. Mnnda-- . night Wa.•cen41(. Township council" t• dratlln,' . new nutrient nanagenlen:.- hylav. and updaltnlr'lts manure subage. 4" -- law I•onv-t}s'e resident, sucrate, the meeting 1t, flnd_o(4 Winn• ahol.' the hvlaw and g,ve their inpt.: - Barbara kossel _t plannln:' co!. sultan; contracted by the (44111)15:1 1 Whin ' 44) hvlaw, explainc,t Iw 1o114\.. are nCCesSaty he)aUM' sum '. ens manalrerilerl aim manor: sty. - age. are i11 two separate .ecIlnll.. s • rl,,.• MI1111 111711 A, lir►UI bylaw, ars preventative w nature hecaucr the province deal. with violation. However.. 410.1 441 krei:e• n (trvelopin(s rho bylaw, vats t, incur; they would stand tit' to legal challenge., • '' krt•t.• Wt•. Hodgen: -tial) Meth! livrot wanted hl have it. WWII M law. - to *address McGillivray colt cern... t ither than` adopting .• le. stringent .hvlat' proposed h'. Mat these. ('ount% • Chance . from the 199-1 manus. aitrav ' bolas. ulcltlrl; updated (tee .1(11un1, l'11) I • (14.1lmmur Ili• tall, .1l'll.lra11011 t re(hl l reale nt dl' rc 1c(n: tf1: • mantle , i,: tax . .1441:n• trod. 54111.1 205) i! vrntic,:- t' it. Nlltrle'1.:-Managemei.: :;net uodarul1`tencln standard. '- i)1 van:'. rnanui,• .lora,.• ht. lar.-:drealt: ha. .1 reoulremehl II nntrtrnt managerllent plan - for rK pandlo;<r sv'. em. The nett nutrient manage men' t+vlaw'require. a pratu(:cr't's own -at Ira.) SI. per sent r,? thl required landhase anti 11 have .. formai agreement so apple Manure 45.1) ' (Oho SU per cent •' -' • - When questioned Koster said (1 the land hecnme, 'unavailabt. th.• produccl 4• nt,I 11) roriiphance win the hvlatt an.. thl term - Ili.. l plreemen: wolul. MlI(4., thy m, 01('Ipal111=1" Iak. :witty undo! the • Municipal At The NMP can. over -rid the 0110 .mart! numlx'r.(•rlrve.toei inti. nt ilCr - lin, -v. (ln4 in: era.. ili an -trail. 1, tan,: re.(lulreo ill (1•- crcas, krnct r cxnlalnt';. t0 snit:- l.( k.) 9( 1 , and 4111uNn1 : stutin,•t• t44 nronnxe. to law. 4,004.• 9(4110014 .e•VCr:11 nr0nl:• Kerr. • .Ili ., 18 .n,-l•nle,I allrµl:. , rllnlnrrJ-' C6es. tarn. t' h: Buil: on, 171)1, loin Ali. (*oh,' '+ Mrt iTlln r;r. l ownsh( "rhea ti' • altord 10 ow o.111.• I:rnr, Wt h;lv.' 1 .lop ern:in trop, mov)14. •• 11' ()SW,' -1'' .t' u(. 517.''rr (IOW' ,- ilk •dlnnt; .al. 1,11 t ini'1. • .'ntll, ri.. ...'nlltirtl. 1' t44 f.Sf i n.'[.• (1:11. 1' 174.., hie! ..(110, h •. . Ial ` Swlm fir! lat.& ' hll• Can. Tern of , Ails.; C'rao t .17,:••i (h'.' inten•I.'• (lr.(•ra11(I7 1' 7 I Otto . line: re31.11•11*- ver. - ''(lOerrnt•.. 01 twins,. - wont, t►: o cess. 1- "ul.l tir,r.etc 5.Nln- tarme! -tom- hein. -ahl t, altos, 1' .tar U! t" t'xnan,. "55 : r • 'rvin. -1• hull, . inaldn- - •'-4-0• r,l:l. , 1144: 1, ati.l. ,.11111.11; alt,' (11'17'' tnL'Y?441nPratlnn . ., Hs'dein- x:17., Early harvest 1'S.. The green qnd the gold. f'e,i ana L)rar" nari-est Degan last wee,( nee' 1=xete:' 7nf; ran naives: is, i:.TeV..weel(:• ear,:',anc • bresent•3 tnt. opportunlr. to coup:' ~rota sovoean_; ;t trie .area gets some rail Agronomist Pa' zvnet .recommend: tam, ers wart soybeans O'4 gra.`,".rlelo : ,t:rtnot:t nerblc)Oes, rertihhzer7 or manure Vie opDortunfty to" c second Oa' -crop Ic• else DOSSibk • t'oU ever wante ' r - r' sorn.etnrnr . this 1:; tr}•-` year to tr. ;. " LVnct' sag Ticks in Lambton County become active 1-AM[3TC)'• -W : ha\'• 11`1 • nee 065)01. lvratlIn 171 Wtlrrand l 1n,u1- V. i 5a'; (H't!1 (17 ' in, -dor •*ac(IVitit. Jac! catn010. Inion. an. stroiin• tnrt>ui•' 0 wiluernc: la 1.1 .:! :.IIY ll: tun Ir: I1ISCC:..:tn.! ticks r 1 Ot_Ct>nl:' :r tiv: Knowing a_. untie tnturinauu anotia Uc. bite.: au 1 Lytic.• diseas will nein u::.u) continue to cru'\' the UUCUonl Wlt10Ul 1t;:." - - i.vin!. - JIseas• • ) .a- 1rlIeC11t>' cause n • tn' O.acien. linnet. • ol(rka let. •• .-1 net 1a1ICt1 at passel( tin 1"- ie1)4)0 nt t bit.. iron` .i certain Spec: Ie' ('1 (ICI.. 111 4)7114111. - Ut-: 1111.C117'') 1- trttnsntnie,i Magi.-1c-ggesl 21.'1.. iaua(-. '(Urginea• (.715,-1 K11(w'll-a> (tic• UC5t 111 . t• (1(1( - (_Jtunnlull •i it; • -UC( 1,. vet 5111)1-• 414)0)5) 111:: 5)); 11. a sewer:'. see-_ 'In t Alirencit til,- ties wine` ) It1UCl) fade' (aiitl "' to' 51!'. ti . santlowc1 .sees . 1110' GU111(11011i- - IUCI14t•l''1 the • !': k.atnntun Count'• . 1511)55.9 (1`5 u ., to Aliterretti• (hog-' illi. ('-•11t'i ee,-el.. ci 11)i 11a0J 111101(-('l Lyirie Unca' its lac'. Ill- lit:' t'a'! year (Wel ha 9'J - been 11!, Coniln111ir cast • 7 Inr Juea5c ut Ibis Count., Preventing tick bite • be awale 411 the utik S 14.uluc. 15ie • i3v: ur (alt _glia bush( am are. *. ;tett Slick t, r Jun an avoid three' Contac w (l plat, grown(•. - • bear mug pant., a tuug-sicevc- ',n;: .:'.) ,:lost It .• :-900c...an, - .10... i !r- 4111.4 u11.5 UUtton I UL , .r' nr. ' u.un ar ' nanl .- Int suer. _.!t['.t �rlr; Mar.: UC4.; ea, • : tl`n' 71 11511. tr4)e2er (1) ( ;nett(,- `.. - totuar(U0 ` )t.' 151097- 'ltn2 1. Sia fwu04 ev0. tin 1' Mout' . are. - l't (74• at1. I1e., -Coll:! • 80e1 1)c:. 5111 , 151101 .'11101'.1 4)01400- . 4:4111.: I'I'I - tail ' Of 111 ; tIC). _ 111S10: 5•0t- * 'ut r'sltt'' 'a' -00111),') was! gutta ,1(1111i. -01000717.- nal alt• - , 1',j - \'41)' . Ilii: {J, ' 11154_ L.:110:'• 1'' v141.1150'' vu0 admit• :)11 Pe- - 1"a'. -exlr alte41101 lllt )l:4tli }:I UIiI ant) armpit - - Removing tick' - • hC(11))' 817 flet, • 111,• 1'0:' lin.: (n' in sky '"1" LaMar, !')hill! -i 14 fat/v; ( i- .• .etc'. 1, i11l4it'3'000 n, (. 11 a311.1 ' 111.' 1'101111 - )'i 1►11CC11(Il i•t 1 4.4)111: (4151.65'- litteel10:1 'I' 4t! ' in. ` . 11IU -i refilO('• att,Clle- - ti• mot 111,1; 1-1 110(31- ),Neve 11411t . 1!e 7 : etieIllleilf5 1,' (15111044 .l M.' I Ifs, l.a., 1:.1US0 ate (IC3. A,. It 4uigll.h tat (NI' 11(11)'11 111.1. (1.54)1' . l )inti 1111.1 II!': 115 71111. 11(1(1. . 1111'1156, (111) 411: C1161144.r 1 7111CClo1 kJ(' Int•'. kl'' .111 - (*CK (lt:l„- li I'.-le111uveu Lculu• all,lUK' (a, 4910' tun, 144,111(0 I 0w1t/.0I - 171 1111get. U( m'-' 111:' 1105. 4. 11,.1..7. COSI' 14 Ontario 'Agriculture Week is law • 'I•UKUN"1( 44 i i lel estab11ss - an Ur4ratt, rsgl icullutt' Week. t-. bled it::: best )(Muslin, Perth MPI'. received Koya. Assent 1o11uwin+' thUU leading -(1 the l-eglslalur(- "14475 Acl creates a 111110 10 !0.15x4' nl�e the hard wor1., skill and (led. cation o4 (Matto*.lathier's said Johnsuli "'til(: passag: of this 44,U teaflitius the governurenr'• coin mimetic to agucultural ciuntuttl- The Act 4t.7 du lgnalt' .t week • v! rrcugiiitiol til Uutarw-• (urine'' Which establisiie. the week • coin nlen1iO4) on' the Munday proceed- ing Thanksgiving Day aS a time to celebrate lamest and the apicul- ture industry. wa. i Inr tabled on lune i9, 199'- • - Representatives-Ilui1 Urn (Math, Federatunt of Aguculture, Christian Farmers l'ederatwn. Lgg f it dUC er•. Agriculture. Adaptation (;tun= cl' Canadian Mink' -Assuuattoo. !•aril Satelt r1S,ut,la2un anti 111,111'• (440(5 ago ll:UIIUr:L •gl llup over. 0l 41x110 to Witness second! Iea0(1(7 0). Julie 25. 19yk Third . readlll4 2,..•11•.• ,' L evennhl:. or June 2. 199,-- silo; '. )settle ltic legislature- ria- 'fol 1.' SUIIIn1ei ' • "1 -wuukt Iris 4.• (hank (u. evi leagues in the legislature. ling l,ul. stituefHs and til( many agiICUII)i1- gluups acioSs Utitario who Ila.' shown their support for this Act Sal. Johnson "I 401 lies. proud It be able u' give the. agricultura community the recognition It de serves ". . - - Over the summer Johnson will be encouraging communities and awl- cultural gelcultural groups to plan 'events to celebrate agricultural aclncvement. and 111151c4.7 awalcuess nal U,e skill and 04110111011 of Ontario's farm- er5r 'Mc first agriculture week will begin on Oetobcr 5. 1998 SEASrFCLIFIF .N ARM i): erenf than Camp -- All of the comforts of home' Farmstay for l: ildren 8 - 12 years of ape on a working dairy farm July 12-1+1/68 - AForrta & CrAfls July 26 -Aug. 1/98 - Horses A1,f11 euw,., 1,09 horst5 lore into sttlUfa Aug. 9 -15/98 - �--L Crane - FILLED /gigs 23 - 29/98 - Sports 5 i 7 518 u:. skto a. n0sint.: and gent :