HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 7FAM11
T'irnr. Adttot-uG lull, ; Teat
Top students at South Huron District High School
EXETER Honour Roll students for South Huron
Di:stric7t High School have recently been released. .
The students, who were required to'achieve ani
average of 80 per cern, are listed b.v grade as well\
as subject: in addition, the top student for each
grade is listed.
Honour Roll Students - tirade 1:
• Heather heeker. Jacquet Itrown. Becks (.ase. Kristin.
(ow1J1. Chnsuna i.)atrymplc:. Jultr t)arhn . Miahae!
1)unba:.Juba (iegier. Decry (lean:.. Scot Gilfillan.
Marv•Ann (irotentraast, Tanya Hammond, Lindsay
Hcrldewortie heckv Klrl,. Jilteana Kitt{,. Nicole Masse.
ICvan Munn. Christine I'enschy. Rebekah }hrQui_Jil__
hale r-%7 - iuinii.-t%manda Scott. instill Shaw
hili • 1 nie:..kece.i.1ompbtn:. Jennifer Vanhakel
Jacob Wetic: Mullein. With,. Bridget N'uercl:
(,rade ll - • '
ia:isi. h:tvnuun,-Jamse Bea.. kvan beano, Vanessa Iir:n Knsut.
)smut... Laura Loom:, heck% (milieu. Dawn, (:arhett tryst -air' •
( nwt'..:11.'s:;: 1><ii;itl_ tinond:: Dougal. 1t4tcheac 1-inknetnc: kvar
Ginso:..'Jess c Hatkloi . lseih-Ann Hen; 'Manioc Herr,. heath:
Hdeart,: �utuset lea:, 5:c,:: neva:. Crustal Knee. Manners Kro..
Leanu:.:_,ut..laau.Mu L' uga1.. Kant balsa. Leann! Peres:. Leered..
!'tat,. Auan Vro.I. kvar. kalpl.. Jamie keanuri. Jt. -1 e kegie: Jrliai
kuueul:. r\rn . Saiwartzentrutie:. Dan Snel.. Saner: St cet::.--Mcagfai
. Sera..
(,rade IU
lsrudie% khat:. Jaren Bourne, Stepnante Erb. her: Pones., Sara!
(Jardine:: Ju'. Haherer. Hilary Hardemai,.. Aiarn:
Iter::. Lair �t1. -;lionu.:Cran. :►verttol;,. Ann -Marie Parson.. Meitss..
! rue...hen kauc:. Lrtr koniliiarti. Kelt! Stephen... tu•Isi:t 1 wrung— •
Micne[ic '.wat:
• (,redv-4'
• hr:u:: Alexanue. James Atxm.:. Jeff heave:. Linusa' C ornill.
lsratiuun del•apu Mixt Inern:t. haus• F o :. Gina: !•ragtsxato.. teerr
i ui o1, he:i" t.ultat. Jesstel. utnSenrt,. Linusat harrlsoi.. i hit• -
hawkit,...0017• Viart� (lodger: tvlagg. Jhniar:. IJant lie tern Jori
Kortan,u.: Mature%% Latteenit...-t•antes:.:_(ty: hat.:
�u:xnan. Fusna ,Viarten:. Cat' Masco.. Janna. ,Nlasc:. Janti: Af:iJan:,:
ierrct°.l'atei. Karet- Pass—more. Lane Pens:n; Berns 1'taf.. lvlegna:
kegs =1snt< ; kuw:iiit: Kelt Rutter.. Linus;t, Sna. ~titin,
t-iarnion' Jt]tt^.:..Sllaw:+"iatu...(ltis,Vant.rutstun,.saran •Vernoo.
Iiignest marks/each subtect
• . Art:
Nieman kegie,. Sarar:.(Jardute: kvar Rain:.. Jen 1ranKsak .. La:ret:.
Alvss:. Larltn_.:.t nusat I-iotusweru. i 1i:Hell: •z war. prune.
L:tv. kobliirart:• Steptiante..Err-„ ia:retii` 1'Iaf..
!lartirs_: ��ann:. sanur:t ateer . KriStilW C
husmes, .
Karen I :tssmor: knono:. [Juugal. f:._ Sneuuei. t it:nelt,'•!.war. •
• kvan, Rajp:1 urvstalrl L owei.. i.awi- C.ernct.. Matutev kno Auan
!•rou.. beci.'‘ Cas:. hrtsu (Jas.. Jriitcan.i hnnt; ,. beeeo lornotun. _
ORADE 9 -Man Litttechuo. Jemu
McOonaJd ann tvnesal Hamsor
1 ORM 10 - Jaren
Roumc Saran Gardine•
GRADE 11 - Adam uroa!' GRADE- 12 :usr' gnaw
and Jessica. Haddor. . aro Mixt Uarrin)
OAC la:c)n Wetle, ane
Jiileafla Hni(
• • Mathematic- .
t.ynds:tt Harttsu,. liar(, Ialwaitt.. -1.k 1):ivie Jard twain.. ::.,..
(.. rheChlizhette 1-.nih:tn.:. A1citss..; !'ir,i . • (,eral,, ..:)rhet. le,
(,title:. Itehekar. !'rtyu.. heather heck.: :,.tin :iittilla,_. 1'41, V„ ..
I)anielt. Knu.. grist:, (Jass.'2 - -
. Physical education
t.Yousat ha(risor,= (_rats. (n•erhu1. :)ar Snr1. Ja..ts. \:',.
(,eugraphe -
• -Megnan Icegtc:. Beer•.(.ilrhet.. kvar. kutt.dg: _nmanu..:,:ut: ksat
(.ikota. Kist:. Ods
" Htstor' - •.
• Devil. Steei... Maps''':.a.:. Saral. -:,aniline: 'Tarr-. [Reck.. 1ian,-
I)tumC: JesSl'.'a hallual.,'l).nnl> \i,:tkc Sandi.:. Sleek-Nin:in: Mass:
• Pamir studte• -
Saran Walxc: beer..( ornet. Jut,.. •,1eige.. Len.Wena Juil:, •:rel e:
Sctenct . ' • -
Mar i_utic:nt;l.-t.vnlis.-,.. [barn -,a. - rusty:.• Loam:, :),an:
Cnansamoth. Karatc: �
rtiiniar [)CCI!,' :.tr]• '•• ':ii,1•;n: les;:_.
hauoor, Jesse, bantam. •tar• lr,xc: 'ennui:- kegie: neres.
Wtittan.. 1n vc•: Sxrnne:. Justin. Sh:0t.2.. Juin• :)mint,. Mix- :Junes: --
Jell KcIL -
- itngiist•
. a,yns:i. I13nt1_. (i31 -mon, solve li'i. t van :.:3nrr. :1111.1.V. ....1.S.
Ivlarzial .. ,lurrrnn: [rruuhat. ..a•t •1):,h:•. ..JIM': ii:.t.. Jes t.
t-taugvi: 1vlan.i \\arin_. 11... __.-iamn.cu, ruu, :slim,. [)epi Foil.
• Bridget. IA ucr c:..1 neres., V+un_iri.
. -. -•1• r•encr
• heir. k_1:. Sara. jartn ..t(i•;:t.,:. 1•13... -SU,.. .. Ir.'. Jt: 4.1 ,
. Spaillsi
.. . bridge' µ. tier.::
guar.:J�r�,)I:•: l.i :)t:nn_n' ���,,:::• :.••+anti_,:;.
lechntrat studte
•.1'nusa•. t1"Jit IAC':.. i s'l:': :1^I:. �': Jai. . artsoi.. Sot ht's ;t1:J1):.
hen.. Jeff hint.. bar. ['arson .13L-1...• hemi. . t(\'3:. !(olid _Lin
fats.:. c.rvsiai Fane:: Lash: vuver , ... n iiuugal.. tics:
His office will be open and
Dr. Brian Baker will see patients.
CALL. 235-1440 FOR APPT.
June birthdays celebrated at Queensway
lil:l\r.�ril_. kenucnt . o•
Lineenswa• • lsuriul; holm 11
hens -a! `wrneomeu tote Cnrtstiat
heturnte.'- Weibel; cn fsionua'•
aiernoon a, tree'; spent time on;
Holli~ visiting apo going iv. wait
aod witeeicuatr roue_..• Residents ant
volunteer- endeu then atttruvvt
wain :t 011111 drink anU snack.
kr' Williamson leu horst;it
servo:: of luesua% wan -Ms wtr:-
+Lianel) a> pianist anti Vuluntec
- JJeiv: t- use ur the organ. "hie res,,
tient, wisp.- he. Williamson we!
writ• Mir. nett cuargc a' Lai: huts
ilunuurnnl' Cuurci.
Jun. Ulfltldiiv'. wCic '.1;7rate
•I nut scias leriaion'win; enteric:..
stent ht *(natty Van bgnlvn ala.
Her Merry Mailer' 'hart spt _rat
must.. brew sevcrat 1,,-. 1I,. (lithe..
(1001 and ttiusc unable it• uanc•.
were nappv IlslellI1l tilrtitu,t•
greetings went, l;,•Marg Coate
Marl Pitman, Mary bruadioot-ant
Ciente Mui. Int:. al• recutveti cut
sages' Jur the part' • -
Senior hitter. int.,. nursuaA at- -
p.n, -101 a Suppe' at uaruet:ucu rib:
arc`. a ietef'. 'Filet stiyeu .v1Jr•
friends .In utc ke't hum: and laky
part in a Gail part.
W tw,U•. liultor -.ridlret• tilt..
kesiuenr• ..aunt t, meeting Prwa•.
rnvriinls d> ttle-1:ur1 June Sriuu•
C'Cnt• Welt reVluwro and:
weenie( • . 1u::ees Sit'- at)t
reecive.: mad: •auuut (tic 'up.vnunr
Jul-. eattnua:. ketrrentcnt Honig
Operauun- ("row met to We afte+
noon and .t nighirght ivr'Jui'- wil
• be a stluppintg excursion:
z04 uzzzzixxxxxzxx1x7�z`z ,
►1 r �j
ii _ `^^�1Nf iN
N Won Park. (mt. NUM 1Y(,- • N
4 1,519).228664(, or 1888.820.7775 14) .
i:. • • (LeRvet y available'
48-nr,. notice it possible
i Manufacturers of the Finest • N'
Quality ice bream, nettle to order.- N
2 layer, 9' 'Found. rill
• K tee Cream Cakes for: q
N. ''bi/!'t')ild f'. �irini t ravio.'baby{ . N
w and s aria* (Sborvet,i . H
gr sons etc
N. $25.00 and up
0i Special masks* N
•• Fath
ers (lay - Or --
Several toe Cream
flavors available
lee eivam **mailable
Huron Park • Hw.n Park
Exeter • &We vs inert, &Werth •
ia: ar's Meat &Mp armed Burd •
The ieedemeot, Iieftieid •
FoeNend, The Own Doer, ibusi
KINemNrs Orlon
Coming event%
Jur _ - i -n. Nashvtlte keiect
entertain • 1111N -. .al p.n. •
f rlendstlI(lF inner w. nr' :. tar:: ails
eniturev- 1411, l: -' .r.rr.-
4tiitinteer etuui[tar\'
WOcwould 111(•e ID dean -out our
- veetlh°f • ..osr 4--liWOW°
SPECIALS ON .. Basic f
kt Our Beautiful."
t.�.-�. l >�A rtderner J P�r�"PANS
ic•+�-,•",- "-•.• •ttiellrt ttoryi.id ori
«.:r y... •NOM 1,G0
W ») 1,>�.11D
0u can't heat Per2o. i Even ou
did. it hrohahlouldn "t hurt it.
ramfnatt tion- the:. aurape rr rouge- t: pea: •Lsnerrau•• vine! vu,
- consfae' f! :. guarantee; vear'-agains-- wen- szar'1' an: Taal%
7ne•. Jac• inn: 0 cone:. fr, nor:, n' ,)at!Jra• Ge!lpn: an: ::nisi' .ease, skit•
vacuun 'n• Gams mor aoesn Iltt'" ertne- See r n- .,r01:IVa'Ve
=Joon% - -
Across from "Canadian Tire ►
45" Main St Exeter
'10 spcal, to a 1'11120 prulosoutai call 5111-2354101
• Capsuie' Comments
with Ernie Miatellu
body Mass Index (8M1► tells the•relatlytishrp betwee,
'ytrur height and weight or the degree of lathes`'`•
its s d nurnuer uetween 16- and 40. To aecurateiy ca:
curate yours' rnutbpty your weight in pounds by 7U:
and divide by your height to inches squared. Fut example, 1f yut. weigh
194 and your height Is 73 inches: 194 x 703 dlvldeu uy 73)(73 _. 291-
9 (The UMl number is able to describe.the- fatless of troth a world+- who 1s
live tett-tali and a six-foot roan. A BMs. of under 25 is desirabit• lSMI s
above 27 could mean increased risk of developing heaith proolen,:
Another measurement you can take is waist-ttrhiu raw, -Measure your
waist (the smallest measurettient below the rib•t:age but above the na-
vel) and divide by the htp measurement (around the widest pan of your
rear end). Men should be below 0.95 and women below 0.85
It's L,art,eque season, t!eep that operi.flame away from one rrreat you we
grilling. Although it isn't totally proven in people yet, charred rneat con-
tains chemioats that have been shown to cause cancer in animals
Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter
"Your Health Care Pharmacy"
Wuertth 's Shoes Y -
Starts Thursday, July 2nd
Reg. to S130 '
Now $2 5951.110
Purses •&
Bone and White
20% riFF
Reg. to $79.95
Reg. to $95
$29955995 ,
All Mens and Chidrens Sandals Reduced to sell
-Thaw }f...
...l.n,..,W• toll
369 Main St. Exeter
235-0611 •