HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 6(lntr's-Advocate', July 1: 1998
Hire a Student
Dkeriarsayknim ' By Clarinet Sweeney five weeks The cotit Sh(r per
Graduation dinners dor Zurich area students
t .
Giant resume Contest winners
'The tmportan:'c (i!. it resume should not he underestimated • Ail
above average resume hu• been -The ticket to a tut' for many fenplc.
• and for three` student. at NteCurtly Puhit. Schoen. Their resumes -have
made them the wmiier• ut the Human Resource Centre to:. Students
Chant Resume ( ante.,: Tht.,_r iitty widecontest invited students to
• make a creauvi• di,piav hnghllghnng their skills anti work capenenec
while en: uuragini them i(: de'-'e:::i • their resume writing skills The
' top three .wieners are dtident . •r. Mt:Curt4 Nuhh: School • ht Huron
Park. white fourth plan. went •t,• )v1f`Pearsont• trope Central Huron
• Sei5ondary Schou) to Clnuui.
1'hu Hi} . _.
Thu Ha. a gratastudent at t1cCaunt\ t. the first place winner cif
the Giant Resume Conies:. recetvtng a new mountain hike for her•e1-
torts'•Thu has 'been 11 t,(ved ni enrtchntenl t tassCs•iai school. and has
• assisted In the F.indergartel. „if asrornn and the scI►ntrt offAci• as a noon
hour retteptulnt.:. Stn. ti.: • JI.,1 taken on the rule '8t' (irath•. ' I'ea::r
make: wheri' the hit tau(et st iH u. coufh.t resolution Thu has
Mull., in 'lour ianguage . ut huhny Vtetnaniesc. Laottat:. I:tnglist:. and
Frena. OLRtin: of aaat; ihtrinvoives herself. in'swunnung.:haske(:
hal. so,•: voltevhatl• anchtrarh and field She hu, work cxpenenct:
a, hat\yiitte . and sit ,has taken the Babvsttting Coursc. She also, tut.
<Aocrl4n..t worittng- a, a strawhcrry picker and a garden worker
Hung Vo •
aur s:• ;ons nla_t winne:. Hung V. 1s a grayer Is graduate of McC:u-
a. Titbit_ Sian,. i:' a strat!1ht A studcn! who ha. experience a :t
S.hu(II 1°ca.. MaKei and Flab' Monttot. and has partteipated in ennctr
nlcnt tlrugfatil, .0 hr +:n, u,:• He has work experience in hahvsnung.
ntwlt to et Oat!: (wile']. and WUrtane in ht, school office rivet
tit, Min.11 noiii :tun,• owlet, treat interest in spore•.. he has spt
adze t ,t;11' . n, : untnuier'. ia.audmg the interne: Windows,. UUS
• ;,nu tau:' won; nrn.c .Ing 'program .. Hr won tint place tor wchpagc
(1c;12rr li 1ur• ,nttl Itr;t nh8t,' uii•Dunn,.: :ming ii1.1491) andI(t9R
• Efun: a1, • n:•',• rti:• rt.. ager:. to:' UKate8. 'and the plane..• and it, the
•t rt:;t.,Ure; It -I (1: sol:'t .i :ltyinelt::t)nnci:
Chrcttophcr :Artiirtd
:alga n,:: mu,: tt1:1. •y,liritt•,-nt (n. Chant kesumt• t.i)nte.;:. i:: asst) a
r.. eti ,i+r.tett ar, o r\I:.. tiro !'unit: ttu•- sc.ond place
v.innc: ` rigs .1 CxPcrten cd u: u,In .:.omt+utcr. hotutttf' skills in
wore; prci.t..,en:- -t lltnunv:.45. CIOs
and !'vier•: !,*dui. [t' Giotto • woritnit' with other people and has had
Ing tiIr.rnunr' 1. CI n '.t,funt::ernts a'..1 I'ea::.entakc- and In lin
•s nl„ tmnUt r v.n•.:I:• n: a:.ir;t ".:wdcnt. Wittig ttt: :commuter:.
- (Tiro r.:i:. _ ,ncr:ci,:.: tf :awn :arc anti Wenpagt Least, In:
v:ot:i; n: v':; t: ma:: a ln: veteran, Attutr: VJenpa:.'t Le.*g1
(lite.,: in a •u.r nn:. ::nr:.sono\ • (1%CPali-and hoc*e,. . anti ere. -
ioet, _alts ut':_ ,:,orfs
•C oner,uu:Juts• • t, al! nt ; u winner" • anti uarli:anant . • t•r081 Ines:
siucie1r Prol(te- 11 t• t:.:-•'. U• set 118t'sttnient; sat, br high,ssilIttt apt
Pusses• irate, auiitttc• 111,1• v, tui:'. P: usetri_:Le a varier\ tt' event: cry°.
• r(,nntent . t' •irn rigor nelT J, . tui not: sir i>u;iites ,. and artmlerc,,
111 !until' ,: - die rtUmal. ice.,UU1ee• l.etltr: 15)' lett,
item,. a:.4?:: '7'.
Zurich correspondent child, which includes a bus ride to
the pool in. Vuna'tra It is tier. chit-
' ZURICH - The Bean Bytes cum drun uged five to 13 year, 1 -carters
puteriactivny camp will he held at will be Carmel Sweeties and Katie
,-thy' pUhhc school. trcim July i? to • Moidingcr For more intormuhlin
17 and tram July 20 to 24 Ptir phone.Charlenr rot 23t.-4974 Bring
more- information phone Marianne the child's C)HIP number and last
Keller at 23t, 7414(• Years card with the badges lin
- -A ntusccal fidgeani about the lite, : •I eaehers -leaving Si Buhitace
Of Christ will by hetd in Forest of Schotil arc. Denise McCarroll who
Ow amphitheatre cry, Jut. •t 4 and 5 is going to I aeli m Stratford. Sister
#ud on Joh '10, 1 1.- anc 12 The 'Susan is going to the Mother House
• cost -is SIU for adults uud S5 tots its London Mount St Joseph.
`-students at the gate: which opens at Frdnch tcaet*t Mt Bonin is mate
•''-:3(r p.m: Thepia% t gltrntnr at Inc up north an;t Sharing Cr'Toole.
k:?o p.ni Ilring a lawn chain and•Barry l.Iicteit are 'retiring '
A graduation chine! Mass and • An, chtl(trcn wunrinv.-" •put'a
pre:sr-ntation1,1 avyarus was held tin matt Wickes teen: of thy: tourna
the 21' trade eight studchts (Pt S; mein ainetht Zurich Fair on July
ISo)ti1act. School nit Jun'. 2' - -at 1 p.nt. are to phone Brian a: 21h
• ,t/())"
aledirionac. wa< C.andacc Bcckce lSbP as .conn as jlosxihl( ii:'‘,' . a:;
(0 I Jachw000 . The students entoyeo girli age, 1'0 u, 12 years art-- we,
.1 (timer ti. 'tic gyri: and a poo! ` crime, to plat Registration cosi S-•i(t
part t •, -pct. team of .tour players -Them is
Tilt:grade eight students of stir only enough room For eight teams =
Zurich {whit: Scholil and; Incl'
• Personate .
tatnihc.,. bete: a graduation dinner •A -wedding nias wa tick:
and program al the arena oil Juni Juin- 2t at Si Pere• C:hurct. it:
'2 The hall and gym were decorat Gtrderich Kitt I•' (Quinlan pe'
ed tot the occasi111- .tarn:log the ccreni:'rit ?r,• :Kist
The Lumen C#►mniunny Vacant)? Sweene, ant: jotIs tt'i:' with tans,
Biber-Seho(tl wtli hc'heid ob. lutv,t:- i; nit.ni cr:, tat;ut(. oar n ,the tete
tr. • i 14 a: 'the Zurrcl• Mcntionrtt brawn,.,• Church. ever. ever. morning from ti is I'ollttWII( OUld(,n• (rie•1tireS the
i at"- tt 1:' mors t; is for. children . dinner and recenttot. Wier: held ai-
I age; five tri Bradt 18 and tit: and ttie itoighe t ;,lumbus hal " 11:'
I willbe c'.Sunitetrt:isian.c. ' Cioderictt 'BLitt r rti: daughter.. o:
Parent>., friend:. anti rctat!ve, art - Carmt ten(: Je`t•lll: Sweetie\ '
utvtted ue vu:w to". 81(131.8r:prog'ran Zurich. anc Jot- 1 • (tit' sora 8• C vrc
air uh chrc"1'.I•riUi's :•venin(: and Mart Boy': S-. Augusunr
Jur` 1(1.:1 .?G p,ti. Tncrt wiC n: 'Th:: ennui: weir at c. hiinevntoor
a irei•-W1li uficnng, l'hont: M:u.' it UUehc: toric:. u ' At itvITIV a;
. :30.4473 for more uintnnatint' Soutneott Pine, tet Cirand bend
•- .'tt:' Sensor:• ellle>,yec: at. anima' Joni, and bridge; Crroo! retumer:
(Own .1118111. - uppc- a: the Arena or honer cry, Sunda, Atte :r',twc-wce'h.
` Ian: �" in':ted p. (Pc count:U(6r.. ,;tat li: Hunan:, The, visite,: he•
15: 15*
5e .
8(01(at1 lie.;
. ;, ;-antes lex;, •
-m,onrQnr urea• :
14 t-iace 't ut,cr- • (i; '
15 .a 11,14f,CI:r
11 SIenodit; 22t622tp
.1tWTlut: ..
-17 tt.t.t4t,Cau.
113, Lige Mean_
, 11(npnrn:
20 tore luta
2: uh won.,
22 Naar
23 lanes to, yranre:
25 Km, t'- reverser.
27 :sera, udnslat'L
26 .,atite'•
32 ieemsters rip.
34, ltbntpet
- 35 baiter, o' ow arae.
36. Herren It )t: -
37. • bit- duet! Ja5vr •
36 'n int: Morse,
•39 runtm:
40 Civet, wuun(r
41 Stale 0t tlrsand
42 keatrret
44 Al. • seas'.
45. Moistens d stair
.46. Hach arid Masl,r
49 Marra?:: t ltus='
52 ba ,
53 'a'nt'e' >Jannm,
54, rtaw
5`. :.0:rcea
513 Mauene 'r Tri( t3iu•
59 :,ease ,iaut:calr -
61 Sow- Derr
6' buxi, Sp1 115
61agues nwr
E., Oreneus inst,urIier
FUS, (tante-,
SweO'1l acntfse.
2 bur,+:
3 :.apita tier!
4 fiaobu Pru,
5 laasniii
fT Natrrway.
- ',unwnctwn:
6 :,tray e•-cormr`
9 :Jut o: WM.
10. Not qua(diec
11 The - u' LUV(
12. Srnal( One
13. beetty et to
19 Hoon nnan ant
Scruggs ,
21. Anew, t.).
24 _ A►mayeriJvri away
' t of n e:,se( ..:g. -nine. u: '• - iuutIle; aid Lanni'. mcinner.
wmitlnns 185.011! cru can stilt u. ions: -Haggis 2 110111e• t•ron. tor
,• f"• r 11e! on :t?'ll it'. tri: •
masi'.ta. recuperu•:.i4 iron at
municima pie::: it..:soot. at -puss ` . tmcrant.
ht:, Trive progralr wilt begirt oil hu`• Lex \ Sophia Regie: daughte• O`_
1: ,v. w.ee .sant: Tnursdavli(1
Jana::}lnc Lctalnt kettle:. Rk #=
I00F holds annual
golf tournament
Tilxrt •lune gullet
attc(Iue. int. amnia .14_10'. niurnr- i
- .11101i ot: lune.7" a' hayview. Cruel
and C.onntry Clut
51.14 til ' o'.,.l:ititnw(irtft •Lodge
it 11:8 ttevt Bros: wthi 77_ John
( 'tadr rouges( arid bet
•etc: ova, Cia305! It, t#i:' ii11 Tht
I1 :'.•! tt ntctt-gtitICr was M. L.yents-
' blast, tit'.711. Snowbird Try
a•. enittvecf' re all 4 toast -here '
(tonna•'. ane prize:, were mciuded . - .
Ttie•t titan u' hold atwitter golf'.
_� •ItiUrnallielt: ilex' year ti11 tit:• itttC(t
S:Iktrutte-iii hint •
Beach Water Quality.
25 keao: careturi
2C 1-.t.404% • urn u
26 uta meths :I. (:tie.
29 kesuurceiw,:es - •
3t rvovrt'
3' Soot: -
3� icerano,t, eir
3 Gepanuri-
34 - Joanne'
3' ltscetrr•, -
36 . ?tine U' PUc
4t Mtueas'treser
4 inipenifle) l ckr
4S 1 -woo,
44 Jatntuuse- ;sopa
46 F1tCIte! 5 font
4' Appielttcr
46 Mitt- °noisier
49 Curtain. to' (nu
50 . huvri ntstrunren,
51 Khans,I(ndt
52 Fust writ In lint
55. 2uothet s tilt' ou'
56. Garan' o'
57 Uirectui'AShD.
tieing Thele,
482-3416, *5U1-
1-turin: County health frit'
Festival, School of
Hairstyling. Stratford is
accepting -registration -
for their next class.
Moke-:Jp Artistry and
Nail Technology offered
at 'no extra charge.
Frnanclai assistance
available tor those .who
For further intormattonC011
14 Main St. (rand Bend
Zurich, was baptized at St Peter's
- Church, Si. Joseph, on Junc'•2K by
Fr Morris A family get-together
way held uttcrwi rds (:
Chad and Michelle Brown (nee
,Kt:iss h were married :at the Exeter
United Church on June 27-witt: a
dinner, held at the Rec- centre to
Exeter The bride is the daughter ;it
Cord and Eileen Ross; F xeicr , and
Chad is the sem of Gins and Jant;
Brown, RR 412 Zurich
Happy birthday wishe,-gr t:
Doug Klctpp on Jun( 2t,. r. Ph:
Erb win is 4(t year, :,Id anc;:i:
Beattie kau,whc� wa 5( :.t Jun:
Hupp. anniversary wishes pc. t(
Ralph _and Audrey- Smith ,:,I; June
1t), to Put and f vch'r, Regiet, why
celebrated their ?Sth ;a, luny 29.
and to Mike and Beatttt kat. whc
celebrated then 3(Ith ern Junc 29•
Meagan Sweeny will be spend-
ing the, week in Oak tine at the
home of het sestet' Carrie and Dan
Eyhergen .
Heidi Kiopp I• spcnden the
week in Barrie with he: aunt Diane
Klapp •
Matt and Marv-FJte-r. Gingen; t..
Klerk: a wcet ;-arnr,lnf a' Chcslcy
I. akc T•hcy rn,t,t(.:'
planned acnjam. icor .cnIc(r! • ,
Gord an: Jeiannt Hay ars speni-
:tng ume •a: thet:., trailer horn( at.
F•amrit Particiict : amprr .unci near
BCti' withe- tc f>n: h. Redar,..c'tt'
natierit (r. ;hehcispital ane, t(
I;puce Ratti
The trimly cot Clem and Theresa
Reciet helped then, ceiehratr thee•
•5(Kt: anniversary 'cit. Sunday atter
Mass witairing fi,llna;;d h.`
get-together a: Patts�. ovine •
Avonschoolsaeo i r
Learning lora Lifetime -
July 6 - July 28
English and Maths" mattes - Greats 9 througr. 12
'Masses run gaily tram 8:30 a.rr. to 12:00 poor
° tar Adult Student - ' -
is available alt summer '
July 6 - 1 7 199E
FEES: Ali courses are tree except for Driver Eaucattor;
LOCATION: Alt courses. except Continuing Educattor. orf
6fter"eci.at Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton Bus
transportation is provided nom Exeter Goodrich 'Wingnar'. anc
Seatortr. Continuing ducatton courses will be Held it Vanastra
Exeter Wingham and Godenct:
For further information connect you- toca'. school ot.
Rob Parr
Principal. Summer School--
• :;ncr.
Urre_nr n,` hau:ahpr
1 AY t U It I II1
SI IUV1( 1
II er• t.• Spun{, l:enu.ru)itr, ('.,n'
(,dlb.n• lint.
5/9 2'8-5-i5l
C.om0le(e imr vi buiadu:t. llatcrut
PRESSt1RE 1RU.TEn terry • -
111911111.5 - ELECTRICAL •
236.4395 235-2081
luno tit(eter
Pump Sales & Servlre Ltc
RR 2 Genttete. Cm'- NOM 1P(
• Nate! Pump Speciates'
' suurnersrpti re' a 13$I -
• surer a sewapt
• Won Trempit Specialist
' Novalea water stiffeners igen httirsartd
arming *rate' system
• ori: mite- aiortriater
'Crud' ?S Years. exwerrerr-•r
225.2234. 1406.3211.0391
THE HOW 01 THE W1_E1:.,.
TC •6 oRE
'4ts'8 ses.
11-'r1•4AN DE61Gi•
,..104;.1 ur':... r.F me'
Al only 1620 square feet, this plan is meetly suited to discerfung empty. nester:
-A fashron8U,e-Cape Cod sire cilium: complete with a cave/e0 vetan08h is sure to ue 1'
welcome addition Iv Inv sireelscape • •"•
Enter rntu.a foyer two storeys nigh and brighter►edpy an mei-head wnWos The great rover
lost becoming me popular-anefnative 10 having both a formai living room and a lamlq, -
room,, (5 also two storeys high 8n( receives plenty o1 natural light, from windows in Ute Iiunt
aria rest The krtClren features an efficient 1--Vorkihg• layout -with plenty. of cupboard and
courtier space The drrring room provides access IP a large rear sundeclt The maste'
bedroom, conveniently conveniently situated on tire main floor. features his and hers 6105815 and a lou'
piece ensuite- with a soaker tub ' - Upstairs; two two bedrooms viii comtortably housetre granulitesAn unfinished basement awaits your own creative touch
Mans for for 8T-116 may he obtained for $355.00 tor a package of.tme complete sets o'
working pants and $30.00 for eachadditional set of the same pain. Allow $15.00 extra to
cover the cast of postage and•handeng (8.C. residents 8dd eppecable sales tax to pier
total/ (All Canadian residents add 7% GST t0 plan total plus postage and handlu(g). - •
This rs one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are now available in our NEW
catalogue:Two Storey Humes Under 2000 sq. h , witch is available for $8.51 including .
postage and handling and GST
Prease make all cheques, rnuney (*Oars. ono v.sa or MasterCard eutroiKalsvns payable Iv: tram
Design inc. c/o Exeter limes Advocate Pion of the Week 43659.108ih Avenue, Surrey B.C. V3T
244 • . '
a 1 •
• am/ • :.a:rfe:
• Ceramic: . • HarowocM
Excetlen' seieittto t' carpet an"
vutvt remnant: -
457. Main St.. Exnte• 235-4401
Across trail Canadtar Tut
Fsepa:e:: Sas 6 Propane
Neer E4ttcienc14-u•rtacet .
01. • :•a- • Frupam
AP ybrtoniUfltnt•
• nAl Watt" nate' •
Ream •3r•Ws:.
369 Main S•, Emu. (6181236.703:
Clinton Community's
fraM /el►War
camallistalisso• MnC coact
• ,riaitalrwu tMllo►s+an.
Credit Union •
paivek• -tt Clem Ma
116WIrft. Mtidrfell•
141/4riM40 1.em.2440.
Oat 141N3$ 1 Fac 1418474743
Fisaisce with Ms'
N.0 JUNES E, SONS 1111
Sam', 4iotr•t 10(.;,1111
qsaatity d.
• InMock"
Wallpaper also 500
books to (Moose from
Pouliot • $MMries • Mew"
E_ xeter Decor Centre
15 01diey St_ ,Exeter
(�ertt Glevui
K.F .r. Crnudit.t -n,. Mitt" 11(
5 i1..C�y
LAI t; • ..
- t•d.u,:
'310111). - . .
italnmll - ._,.•, ,,,.Huy
41' t, i .iI i•' -ti •stltl(dttS
r . A.B. Case
Plumbing,& Heating
92 Victoria St. W
Exeter. Bert. NOM 152
(519) 236.1404
Spee; meta - Viupat48 atK'
110100• gat . wiea:Int; rile;. tt,
.(.UIK11SW1n11(;• gat 1,0)14148: d"•
Inataa4e: Vva,r :.east.,: f
• Concrete Ronan(
• F(yurxletio(ts and Fruity.
• Impresseo Goncrett
• Driveways arra Sidewalm
R.R.,2 twine Band
can (1319) 243.3261
arise (51.9) 238.2622
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Bss: 233.2489
Res. 235.2815
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