HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-07-01, Page 5sack. in Time... By Ross Haugh frons th, archives of the Exeter Times Advocat, 10 YEARS A(;(1 June 29. 1988 - SHDHS principal Bruce Shams an- nounced friday that Jeanette Van _ Esbroeck, daughtct' 01. Mi and Mrs. Aluysws Van Eshroeck oI R.R 1. He'usai. and Rlitw rt Bowers lit" -Creel ton. son of Mi and M-rs. 1•re. Bowers are ttu'• year's wn, nets of -*the- Morteur Se hul.0 _,ship The tithe: • top students were grade- 12. Said Osman.• grade 1 1. Lisa Meluehe: grade 10. David Thiel and grade nine•:Barbara Tiernan.... Alum' 150 staff. trained laniiurnaker:. ' volunteers 'and friends - forked . hack- fru__ an amazing record as the 'Hum; Town ` and Country Home- makers, Celebratee _their omemakers,celehratcc'.-their •lthir anniversary 2(1 }EARS AG(i Junc329. -197h Ores •!flit poop. ' r . nr: ; uurg funnel and p:. u,trand students ai SHDhs -gathered at the. re: Centre Fridas' night to -honor Glen Micktt a 30 -year ' ete- rat. of 'the teaching, staff :who --will reure-at the end of this. tool Bill .£>• Brlcn and- Mut; rayMay;two tneinbcis of the - firsl seauot basketball leant ` Mackie rook to a FOSSA title were• ern and along With six stall ineinbcrs milk- Were at the school when he started his teaching career at 1948 Thcs were Sonnet principal H.L Sturgis. • :Ands-Dixbu.. Cecil UI'tlson. Eugene..Hawey. Mot - les Sanders - and Laurctta-',• Setgnet • Two members Of the Exeter li:r1 fannies. Barbara Ani,- . {" strop:'. anu Kathy Giffin • re- ceived, Inert Canada Cords. Monday iirght 40 }EARS .9 GO 1951• 'A- five or sty rents addrtior r.• South Harm, Dtstricl Hteri Sciluui w•i1. hr .recuses, wtthti, the nz.).rr two• :year:, r:. was rt - Seated a! the hoard meeting Tuesday night, Estimates pie pared by prltrcipaf reseaiec: entulltnent is likely- • to excecJ 70() by 1960. : At a spcca.d tuetittng otHu- ron County,. c;ouric4. John C; . . Berry wits appointed' ,clerk- -i treasurer succeeding the tat. • A.H Histone un a temporary oasts -until the September srs• - stun of i-turon County Cuun• ct; '45 YEARS AGO-- Jute. GO-Junc• 27, 1953- Lk. • br'uce '' Eckmen:.wtiu received has. de - gee: of Doctor -of Dental Sur gery recently. has tipenud•an office 'at the corner of Maui' anti Huron streets in-.Lxrtei' ;He is a graduate -of Exeter Dis-• trtrt.Htgtr Schvtil. - A county branch o{ the-Melts:- ter ile-Milster Plumbers Association was , fortiacJ teeeddy with ether -man '' Bill Slurdevan4,o4 Grand 'Bend and secretary Lorne Kiemsu' - er of Dashwood r• The Exeter UES coopie r - school :tat -acted Exetet tend tis tract Wumicti 10 01 the 'Legwu ' Hall - Mondat and . 1 uesdas" eveinng'. anti Wednesdad adlrt- neiuti. i Mrs Charles Acheson •'won a 111ix111aster in. thy'• final+; draw • 55 -M.4 -XS AGO June 27. 1943-- Over hall of _the ruralpublic school teachers of Huron County hue re- signed. most of • them to take teaching positions to towns and cities. inspectur'J.H, 1:n, keit told counts council, Fri- day' There is rsnndl chance of replacing theta. he said. Sala- ,• ries now range from $1.000 to ,b 1.400. an increase, of 2.5 per- . cent ' 'i•he:' Exeter branch of, Caria- - than' Canners CUrtitllenCed can- ning uperatlons on the new pea pact. - it - was. a face: between • setting up necessary nt echine' -..and equiptnent and the ripen- ' dig of the peas were under the Wire first. but not lot long. Ear h 111 the sprung alter the old factory was . condemned the work of tearing down and re- building - buiiding commenced. d80 YEARS AGO June 28, 1918 - Mr. Thomas Smile of Elitnvilte is again in front with his early garden stuff. Last week he . brought into the -Times some peas that were of good sample. Last week tie Exeter Times took a holiday 'as the editor was at Buffalo attending the conference of the International Sunday School Association. Two ttjusand delegates were veserir representing every �province pf Canada, Alaska 1 .and every state in the United- ` States. t, •- - LT'SYQLJR B 11.51 NES • • Veri Trucking announces opening of new A place for the body and soul *Ming up shop. From lett, Elizabeth Davis and Donna areb. Time-- 1Jpoeate. lily 1, 199g Page' 5 facility for training professional drivers EXETER -1n less than a mon:t, Vert Trucking will unveil a nest- "state of the art-' training facility in Exeter Thr Vern Institute of 1'rofessional.Truck Driving hs holding an open 'h use Wed.. July 22 to show what they have to 'offer in improving the gtildity of truck'drt.''frs and to -make the transportation industry safer ,_ "In the future, it won't he the company with the trucks that will have. the .busrne,,ss aril one can - huy a truck li's the com,pans that. can supply its' customer .with. good. qualified driven t believe that." say: fleet manager Monte • Rouse • The new . Vert Institute of Professional Truck Drn•ipg.is reg- istered as a private school for new strivers and drover upgrades Ven has teamed with Kim: Richardson transportation Specialists le, one of, Canada's leaders in train- 'mg -entry Ievel.dravers. Richardson believes this program will he a rnt,Jcl Ior ,dht+ :anter, consider opening their own carrier 'has!: training centre . • r"People:in.the industry- think there is a i,hortage now ,lust wait.: Live sears The average age -rot .t protessitinal operator. is 47 What tire we going to do When these dri- set, retire ' We don't n't have enough people eettinc 101' the. industry to'. fill the- fru: 1.•. - The key word is. qualified .. Rishardwn stressed The :uutsr; ..t 1.1 sainsisi of paid _ stn the 1i,t tr;untne and thy` it ..nurrihet o1 hour, spent on training will he in t.` es. ,,, ;lift These hour, are Jisttled hctween.40 in :las. 4(+ in the yard and 2-t1+ on the-lot,traintne with ,, ertifieJ trainer Rt:hardson said once ilii por-- ilort is complete. those who dream lit owning then own traitor. the - option to -lease will be offered atter its to•eJght •m,vnhs with the company trainer ot owner opera- tor - - She _said V I.l' viii also have ether :arrlcrs who wit; want co hire driven not hired hs Ven . -The investment necersan to take_ the training will -he compel- • Sive with sndustrs -standard. and will also he hated on the tndrctd- ' ual.needs of applicants. Aside from the obvious growth 'in the Canadian truiking ndustn,. whs is Vett stepping tat '401-.1 specialised role ' --When the stu- • dent leaves here..they. will know how to hack up ,, trailer and oper- ate a reefer and he qualified for thc•tndustry.•' say. Rouse . -- The first clan. waits Aug . iC; . More information t. asatlahle . - hs calling Larry Nevinger for Bob: Rigby, at 1=g(x0-7'I-8374 •- Approxmate l' - . '400.00h. Canadians - Canadians earntheir living in the commercial [tucking Industry with about hat( of these lobs in-tcx.hire and_priate sectors The 199( cen• sus found that being a truck driver' is the single largest occupation of Canadian males. .with over 220.0000o1). - . - _EXETER ''Eiltzatxth Dai -is calls* the Drives Nest. -"Exeter's newetit- thrtftsour.."'(•lids store '_ - • "He has' put tDe pieces together for us to open," satid.Uavts • -Last surnmcr •Davis started buy- ing lar=ge quantities u1 ciothes ail .yard sales and stores • "'I had no idea why- 1 was buying thcnt because 1 didn't need them." said Davis "1 -was bas1c4l4y buying thcftr to give awa' - 'Soon Uaeis' . purchases snow- balled lino_ the idea Au open the 1}c+ve's Nei Uit'•ts, Win -.hay had experience -- running.. two. local thrift.- shops-. (Noah's Ark and The-Surnarman Storer, wanted to. open up a differ- -ern type of thrilt,.store . . "This is'. for peeiple who, cant elven afford the thrift sii►res... ex- - plants Davis •"Sonne people have -never • had new clothing ,_before. Thai's sad . 1 .feel for those peo- plc " 1 ' • - - Uttlike some thrift starts i111.1( 011, `crate un a consignment basis. all the psoitis raised Iron. tile' Dusk's' Nest will be donated to local chai- tties 'hu. sa'be money the, store will also be run t q ai volunteer basis • "All. OR. Inliney will -be going hack into the utnniunny because we; will be -donating it to -local churches. service groups ,acrd_ char - tiles' said Davis besides Operating as a'nun-profit. non -denominational Christian char itj thrift store, the Dove's Nest 'also has set aside a reioni for cus- tomers minas- find receive spiritual guidance.. "'I`lis.is. a stiae for both the'budy • r and sot:: ' .aid Day watt a grill Getur;p' tnc silo; ready for opening in late June was • work" she said She had to assettt!.r. o.., 1 rectors- and a nnssuu, ...atenit t an: sot ectives -for the -store in orucr tv rcccn-e ' a charitable number from the government • : "1 applied -for it Ili October and -was told -by officials that it would take• two year to get.' she .Fin 11 in April. It was rntracle" " Bowel members Davis.• Shirley Perry. Donna Greb and fay tninistet. Elly Van Bergen's next task was' to find a central location ui facilitate the store. The group linall} settled. on (cas- ing+ from Exeter the Old 'poke sta- icon on Sanders St . Davis Saud that the building. which teas been -vacant • lot U►rce years. almost had - to o be completely gutted'."hhe: hoard and. a cure• group of 10 volunteers the'.• -nftknatrted Gilheun s .Arita- pitched lir to help get the store wady' lot its opening 7 • - • ' ' From palating_ to installing rfew carpet. the station - lips, gotten a - brand niw , look The group" man aged to keep .seNre. of the. old Sta, tail heel by igcorpitraning the haul cells tote/ rooms. whcie--iuuns' clothing is displayed • Besides clotheog• Uie store also sells toys and household items Da= vis said-Dove's,Nest is always iucfk- ing .fin • donations especially clean clothing : • "Because of our charitable num- ber 1 wallalso be -able to approach ntanufacttiters_Ior donaOuns (if new clothing as.well" slte-said , e Its, of New superintendent at Catholic Board DUIjLIN - The Huron -Perth School in Clinton and has served Cattail': District School Board 1s as an efenaentar) principal in a please 1 to annouhee •the-tipputm---Lnub 1beer-ot Catholic schtiols with: ment of Ray Contors as Superin in Huron -Penh - - tendent of Educat.itn. effeeuve He has both led and served on a, Jan 1. 1999 number of key distract. board and Coultas is now principal of St. - piovtncial'educattunal intttau-ves- .Anne's Catholic Secondary • 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY AVAILABLE at 6.5°' interest or less Persona; Loans totally Unsecured it you quatdy. monthly payments as tow as - Amt. App. Mlh%y Payt. $5,000 $27.68 $10,000 854.16 • 815,000 881.25 Consolidate Your Debts 1(800} 387-1932 Astral Funding BEST G.I.C. RATES Syr. -5.35"* a SSW 11.1111011114kAly With 25 oassO sirs to bs t f stave you Gaiser Kneale Exeter Grand Bend 235-2420 238-8440 INfIPDIFp nor CORRECTION NOTICE, . We wish to draw your attention to the hollowing in our current "Canada -Wide Savings:' fIyer Page 3 Item 04. Cotton Barbecue Mitts: 85-1732.0.' Copy reads. Reg t, 99. Sale 5 ly pans Should read • Reg. 6.99 ea . Sale 5 19 ca: Page 13. • Portable Halogen Worklight. 52- 4079-6 Illustration shows a double workhght. Tfys is incorrect. The item un sale is a single workhght. We wish to draw your attention to the following in our -current 'Canada Day Sale Ryer. Page 8. Item 41. Wuudstream Tackle Locker Satchel. 78-2545-8. and Item N5, Fisher Kid Kit.- 78-2561-8. Illustrations should be transposed. Page 17. hem 05, Utility Battery. 10- 2050X Copy should read: "With trade-in" of the old battery. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you enote d32!t326 - All zones institute staff from the left are: 8or, Rlgoy. Buff!, Erb. Chris _Hogan. Morfte , rousE !veli'+nger. Sue Johnson arid 6:, • Ta!boy --. - New system bridges gaps between donors and food banks Ht:"Hots C'(l`NTl' - The, C try; dre r,s Aid of Huron and. Kith Kitchen Table- Project announced the set up t'! a supple• systtllt of sur -- plus plus food -distribution, "'The goal is to shake large food producers awiarc tri the .ease with. which they ear make a food dona- tion. said 1-vnda}toucan' Kt -J Kitchen' Kahle adt•au'r " A central - phone nutnitrt will serve as ai t-ontac.t for people -.who ha'..e donauuns o1 food but do not know who lib. contact in their arca The number .used- as the .toll., free 'number kir Children', Aid of Hu - ton 1-80(1-265-5196 -tile person answering di!: phone wig consult a Foot 13 rtret.,�.ttuoklet to determine which tocdtis.+'h is sati- able to receive the dO,tanon de= pending un location and fund star-• age capacity. blithe pastrtruck loads of ,vegetables have been losi'due to the gap • •tn c(►nm)unieatiuns be- tween- the donor and the food -banks h is. our hope t S eliminate tba roadblock and Improve the sys- tem Several volunteers 'rout • the Futrd Focus group' have agreed to snake the phone calls thin stake the system possible. 1 La`.; tali belire the systerti was ignited. a call• ,arnc regarding a .donation of '` ten pound hags of potatoes Tiles: potatoes were_ too large ot srnafl to be suitable for onnnrrctal safe bur were 'perfectly • edible "Ilielfarmer contacted ., sql- unteer 'and the :all vcas:detected t, • tyre Christmas Bureau Se'eat[y`-hINV tamale, had 1(1 pounds of ftut'ais es with two phone albs TM, 1) how the systeilt.wii1l operate--- Financial advice you can count on Mark McLlwain 183 Main St. S. .Exeter. ON NOM tSt' 519-2354344 Licenced with Mutual.Lile ot Canada Mark McLtwain es pleased to announce nis recere attdtatso' wit'' TnQ Mutual Grout:. Mark tm+tas tc ' Hila posiUo• 10 years ot et:sines' experenice arse , excelientcustome• service He mors lorwa'o tc• helprna yo vfir t oa'''5urance:attd hnanc,a ' • planning needs a•to invites you to contact 1,' 51'J-235-1344 - Mutual s growing line o1 products Inciuoes • financial Piann,ng • FIRST'S • We Insurance • Employee Benefits • Disability income • Annuities and RRtF • GICs and $avtngs Pians RAJTh.Mutual Group, . '"lAt FOR Amo wE a Md. CASUAL WOW *Scot > pass • Paoli • Qardso Atoms • foorsooms A Kt lfruf 1(1I(11111} '��q���t' O�< < 1.4 - Quite Seenpiy the t enrst Qtri QUALIT1rar et�e� t• • A LASTING � �)aJ 1 IMPRESSION - I V.('. TUBULAR RESIN FURNI IURE - the Ultimltr an Llegant thitduur a-•.y„s• Livin e • HAMMOCKS , .. • ARM K ML PLAN!. 1lil0, ANO I1.UNLr • SltAUl. Hous! • ACC1.5501t1l! A lra4hun ,n w'rvuxht Iron NEW Dnaine. Rosin s, Planterg fa Woo( and out GRAND BEND 238-2110 Hwy. 83 E (2 ropes from the water plant) Mart:Thum 9.1, • Fel. 9-8 • Sat. 10-4 set4410111#0,100111111. A►MOp C118itf10M1.