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Times -Advocate, June 24, 1998
Home and garden tour another success
More than 400 people toured six Exeter homes during the United church event
EXETER - The Exeter United
Church Home and Garden Tour.
was another success this weekend
with more than 400 people visiting
six Exeter homes.
.Peaceful comer. Backyards,
such as Jack and Tove Bells'
added a special dimension to
the weekend's tour.
Jack and Tove Bell, George and
Lois Godbolt, Ted and Donna
Jones, Ross and Wendy Long, Jim
and Sue Rolph as well ' as Elmer
and Jennie Rowe participated.
Diane Carson. who co-chaired
the committee .with Ila Mathers,
said the tour was a great success.
. She credits the weather and the
success of past tours with in-
creasing the number of people.
"People have heen on the tour he -
fore and wanted to come .back."
Carson said.
The.. houses were decorated ac-
cording to the owners' personal
tastes. rather•than professional dec-
orators as is often the case with oth-
er tours.
"They (homes) all had surprises
in them you didn't expect." Carson
She said some homes were Carver
Homeowner Ted Jones points
species in his back yard.
on the inside than they appeared
from the .street, the Godholt home
had the solar aspect and the Jones'
have been collecting antiques for
many years. The backyards were
pleasant surprises.
out one of the Carolinian tree
Carson thanked the homeowners
for opening their homes to the pub-
lic and the hostesses who made the
committee's Joh much easier.
'She promised the tour .would he
hack tri 2t500. .
Slo-pitch '98
Exeter Men - Recent scores and standings as of Jone 17
ETR Sluggers.) vs Murphy 24
RSD Seminoles 10 vs. Mudhens 13
inndians 4 vs Murphys 21
ETR Sluggers $1 vs Mudcats
Ir-. ,ns - v. f. •:con Travel
tytik.. '_h v. •irflyz 9
• Ellison Travel 19 7,h sing Stretcher: 11
Knighthay.k.: 19 Mixed Nuts 7
Lavier Division.
Bogart Division
Jarrett Division
ETR Sluggers
Knight Hawks
7th Inning Stretchers
Murphy': Puh
. Ellison Travel
RSD Semnotes
Mixed Nuts
W`t. LI TI
W5. L.S. TO
W2. L7, TO. 4
W2. L. TO 4
Wo( LO. r i 17 .
W5. L3. r2 . 122-
W 5. L4. 7() 10
W4. Lh. rt) a
W' L2. ro 14
wh L3. I'I 13'
W2.1; r 1 5
W L8. r t .�
. 10 '
Assessment rolls
arrive at long last
EXETER - After several de-
lays. the assessment rolls ar-
rived at the Exeter municipal of- -
ftce 'last Monday . from the
province,. t '
The '1998 assessment rolls'
contain the updated current val-
ue•assessments on which,munic-
ipal property •taxes are calculat-
ed. Until • •they ' received the
assessment rolls. municipalities
could not collect the final in-
stallment of'taxes fur1998.
Boards of education have also
been waiting for 'the figures tq
determine education taxes. •
Exeter deputy clerk -treasurer
Laurie Dykstra said the assess-
ment roil' format looks different
from previous years but she
hasn't had time to delve into the
Summer reading program for youngsters
By Carmel Sweeney
Zunch correspondent
ZURICH - The',Catholic Rural
Late ,Conference will he sponsoring
an evening of fun and information
this June 24 at -St. Boniface Parish
Hall. beginning w.lth.a'potluck sup-
per at 6. p mfollowed by a pro-
eram.at ? 30 p m.
The special guest will he'crop
spe,aaltsts Peter Johnson and
Mervyn Erb, wuh the theme entitled
"Seeds of Discernment' For more
, information' phone Joe Miller at
The Youth Group and those
interested ,in -Joins to Canada's.,
Wonderland inToronto on July. 13
are to set their tickets from Denise t
Meidinger as 'soon as possible. The
A Point to Ponder
This was passed on to me recently
"I saw him in the church building for. the first time
last Wednesday. lje was in his mid -70's, with thinning
silver hair and a neat brown suit. Many times in the past [ had
invited him to come. Several other Christian friends had
talked to him about the Lord and had tried to share the .Good
News of Jesus with him. He was a welt -respected. honest
man with so many characteristics a Christian should have. but
he had never asked Christ to take away his sin -or '
acknowledged Jesus as his Saviour. I had asked him a few
years ago, 'Have you ever been to 'a church service in your
lite"' We had just finished a pleasant day of visiting and
talking. He hesitated. Then with a bitter smile he told ole of a
childhocid experience some sisty.years ago. He was one of
many children in a large impoverished family. His parents
had struggled to provide food, with little left for housing and,
clothing. When he was about ten. some neighbours invited
him to worship with them.
;Che Bible class had been Very exciting. He had never heard
such songs and stories before. He.had never heard anyone
read from the Bible before. Atter class was over, the teacher
took him aside and said, 'Son, please don't come again dressed
as you are now.
We want to look our best when we come worship the Lord.'
He stood in his ragged, unpatched overalls, looked at his bare
dirty feet and said. 'Nu ma'am, 1 won't ever!' and 'I never did,'
he said, abruptly ending our conversation.
There must have been other factors to have hardened him so,
but this experience formed a significant part of the bitterness.
in his heart. I'm sure the Bible teacher meant well. But what
if she had studied and accepted the teachings found in the
second chapter of Jaynes?' What if she had put her arms .
around that dirty, ragged little boy and said, 'Son, I'm so glad
you are here, and l hope you will come every chance you get
to hear more about Jesus!'
I pray that I Wright ever be open to the tenderness of a child's
heart, and that l might never fail to see beyond the appearance
and behaviour of a child to the eternal possibilities within.
Yes, I saw him in the church house for the first time last
Wednesday as I looked at that immaculately dressed old
gentleman lying in his casket. I thought of the little boy of
long ago. l could almost hear him say, 'No ma'am, I won't
`ii, Don't miss the point!
by Rev. Vernon Dean
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
cost i.; S25 per person.
There will he a Summer Reading
Program at Zurich Library again
this summer for children ages four
11 years. . •
The . theme •this summer is
"Reading Takes You Places.' Two
university students are hired to help
co-ordinate and present these .pro-
grams to the public. The children
participate, in stories. learning
games. crafts and songs. For more
intormaaon call the library at 236-
Nineteen Guides and Brownies.
from the Zurich and Dashwood
groups. along with their five lead-
ers enjoyed spending the weekend
at Camp Kirkton. They participated
in many outdoor a,t)yittes as well
as crafts and James
The ZuriJi A_rieultural.
Committee (.Fair Boards meeting.
rill he held .)n Monitay. June 29..0
the Hay Township Hall at 8 p.m.
Representatives from' the various
groups in town are encouraged to
attend and help plan for the up-
coming fair on July 21. 25 Jt•26.
•.abbey and Wilma Erb will Cele-
brate their SOth anniversary on
June 26. Several friends and rela-
tires helped them celebrate Sunday
afternoon at the Mennonite -Church.
Clem and Theresa Regier are eel-
ehratinJ rheir 50th anniversary on
June _r \ family celebration will
with a smile
No spilling hem Precious
Blood School Gr. 5 student
Michelle Gainer looks con-
fident during the school's
play day 'spoon race' event
last week.
he held 'tor the Zunch ,couple on
Jerome and Carmel Sweeney cel-
ebrated their .36th anniversary on
June 23. alonwith their daughter
Heather -and Paul Klopp's 13th
anm versary on the same day.'
Family and friends (fl' Dennis and
Sue Rau helped them .celehrate.
rheir 25th anniversary ( June 23 i.at
St. Peter's Parish Hail on Sunday.
' ' Don and Dnna. (j' Brien' spent
last travelling around Lake Huron
in their mouir home.
Bradley, 'lichael,•vas horn •)n
1 June 11 ro Mike -and Carolyn
f Regier of Exeter.• a. g=randson for
\'targe and Jim Love. Zurich.
• Earn: and Anne. Flaxhard spent
•Saturday in Kitchener at the home
of Gary and Bette Fl.txhard for
rheir annual family Jet -together and.
summer pool party. anti to celebrate,
Father's Day
Charles Papineau•originally from
this area.. has moved hack to the
Paptneau homestead. n Highway
21 A welcoming party was held on
June 20.
A family_ get together on
Saturday at the -home of Lick and
.Sandy Stephan .celebrated Father';
Day and the second birthday of
grandson Paul Stephan on lune 20.
Melissa and Neil Francis and
Aaron. Orleans (near .OItawa are
htolidaying this week at her parents.
Motait and \,lame Gelinas Sr Fhev
will he attending her niece's wed-
ding. Beth Sweeney In Godench on:
k surprise 20th birthday party'
was hell! for Kim Geoffrey on
Saturday by her parents. Pattie and
Cameron Robert Levser was
born June 16.• His parents are
Maureen and Rob Levser of
Stratford and grandparents are
Louis and Catherine Masse.
Mark and Analette Stephan. have
been visiting with their parents
Jack and Sandy Stephan and Karl
and Mary Regier. The couple are
moving to Tokyo at the end of
Community yard sale
Granton residents held a community yard sale on Sat-
urday. Over 25 families participated in the 'sale. Because
of the events success organizers Hazel Anderson (above).
Marion Gricken and Juanita Westman hope to make .the
sale an annual event.
Celebrate 50th year
of Sheppard reunion
KIRK 1'('jN \pr.r ,' iU atciy I'50
,iescendants ;f Sarah and David
Sheppar .atter recently at the Kirk
ton C,,ninunnv C:entrc .io .:elehrite
the 50111 i,unil': reunion. .
(;race was sunt heli re ever,'o:•ne
en'loyed a hoitntilut pot luck dinner
2. 41p.m. .
rhe special anniversary .cake was
.cul by (;race F!-ascr .and Elsie Hol-
land ( Sheppard daughters • and
served •.vitt ice-cream.
Flossie. a ::nloriul .gown WAS in
attendance and kept the children
entertained with tact; painnno! and
.anntiat'h ailoon making.
.Ever' ,rte enp)vcti tttc' uitertain-
mens pr)cidcd by the Paul Brothers
&t. Shirley. a ,•'ulin solo by Erica
V'r"i:stman..t keyboard selection"hv
\'iclanie \'larien. .uid the .wondcn
-'dancing man.' ' performed he Ed
Westman .rad David Sheppard.
Morlcv Fraser •,n.•,ulenl. -.,n
ttiactec1 t ;IinrT :11611116! :l)ec1/1111'
1114 ;Calot 'lc V:is !tali
many 'prestent .Ind. hoped ;hey
would .111 he )hie .1u Mend next
year's reunin. -
Jlae oldest. ter;en in attendance
was Grace Fraser. 'he' vouneesa was
Fraer-Bcrdan and Jean• Sheppard
was • the oldest, present wuh rhe
'Sheppard' name.
:\s cacti faintly lett they were
presented wuh .t 50th Anniversary
Reunion, hoisklet t;nnuunine ' the
Sheppard Families trees. 194X -
i �)9X - a real keepsake..
Many thanks en io Norma Baird.
Marton Donna Westin an.
Debbie Neff. Pauline Morrison and
David Shephard for ul the hard.
work the,: put :nto mat :mg the day
;Lich a ;uc;:c s. •
Time to read and share
Author. author! Luca Public School students Mehan
Greaves, left, and Gloria Lee read over their story books
during the school's 6th annual Author's Day on Friday. The
day is a culmination of the year's worth of study on writing,
drawing and other related skills for the kindergarten to Gr.
3 students.
Getting some fresh air
Paddle power. Carol Gascho, left, activities co-ordinator for Queensway Nursing Home in
Hensall, spent the late afternoon of June 17 taking residents of Queensway for canoe rides
out at the Gascho Pond on County Road 84 outside Zurich. Pictured with Gascho are
Queensway food supervisor Connie Townsend, centre, and 96 -year-old resident John Pep-
per. Residents of Queensway also had the opportunity to fish and enjoy a barbecue. The
outing is something Gascho plans every year for the seniors.