HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-06-24, Page 6Page 6 'fires -Advocate,. June 24, 1998 FAMILY Missionaries return to New Guinea By Mary Peterson Centralia corresjondent CENTRALIA - For Father's Day on June 21, an all-male choir pro- vided the anthems during the. wor- ship. Part way through the service, the children and Sunday School teach- ers joined the congregation for communion. Congregation mem- bers brought cups from home for a common Communion cup for their. families. On June 28, the Sunday School Anniversary will he celebrated at Zion United Church. A joint wor- ship service will begin at I I a.ln. at • . CROSSWORD 2 1 mm 5- El A 9 II11 12 13 14 15 �■ •■ 17 ®■ ■■ 19 20 ■I 23 ei 21 ® ■ 25 M 22 27 28 ■. 29 ■■ 30 31 32 36 ■■ � .■ � ■ ■ ■ 42 . 43 III 44 .1 ■ 45 RI 46 ■U 1 47 48 • 49 ■�� 50 51 52 U 54.55 � . 56 ■ ■ 58 ::':::; 60®■ 61 ■�®■ .AcR0ss 46. Voice -specialist Mel 24. Amphorae , 47. Director Daniel 25. Church members 1. Adds pizzazz49. Type of Lunt 26. of Triumph 5. .Competition for Phil 50. Flock memberr 10. Spring, in Israel 53. Strife-, 27. _- Sine Singe. . film) 14. -.__, 17 (Four 56. Darhn . • Seasons songs 9 -_____ (Blake 28. Gives a hang Edwards film) 29. Beefy 15. 66..e g. 57. Tom Joad. for one 30: Official copy 16. Garr of Tootsse 58. Fundamental 31. Albacores 17. Be introduced to 59. Heroic poem 33. -_ Old St. 18. Change 60. Afternoon social - Nicholas 20. By means of events - 35. Like a moray 21. Brigham Young's 61. Calf's neighbor - 37. Crumples into a ball - slate 62. Diminutive ending. with 'up" 22. Twain narrator • 38. Abraham. Martin and 23. Private teacher •John ;anger. '25. The Labynnth, for DOWN ' 40. Actress -Ladd the Minotaur 41. Signal 27. Tally keeper 1. Ceremony 43. What photographers 29. Elizabeth __ 2. Fencing tool change Browning 3. San Juan's land - 44. Quick scan ' .32. Is a breadwinner 4.Fast plane 46. Overt setting 33. Frappe ingredient 5:'�'Daniel Webster. (Or 47. `Pat and " 34. _ de le Pam one 48. Mongols' turf 36. Actress Meyers el al. 6. Type of cap or bear 49. Floppy 'the • 37. Mary ofcomics ' . 7. Buzzi or Gordon 51. Got off a horse, 38. Borge. e.g. 8. Devoured 52. Lab animals 39. Kind of room • 9. Part of HMS 53. Tittle 40. Waste time 10., Garb 54. Heat's league: abbr. 41. Last chance to 11. Nervure , 55. ' - Femando improve a grade 12. Potential steel 56. Colter Elder 42. Compactly 13. Burgundy product 44. Shining 19. 'Hearts - (TV 45. - to Be Hard' show) • t Harr) 21. y(festern Indians • •Aet `vl tA4r .0 • N.1 1. Whalen School. The guest speaker is Dorothy Bowman, a story teller from the Mennonite tradition. Following worship, everyone is invited to bring a potluck contribu- tion., lawn chair, dishes and cutlery and stay for the picnic. The worship schedule will he changed during July. A combined service will be each Sunday beginning at 10 a.m. Worship will be at Centralia on July 5 and 19. It will he at Zion West on July 12 and July 26. There will be no worship during August. Upcoming events Worship and communion will be celebrated at Exeter Villa un June 24 at •2 p.m..Volunteers to assist would he appreciated, especially the elders. Fun Night will .be held at the Essery's farm, Spruce Grove, on June 24 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Activities will move to the church • if it rains. Centralia Session will sleet June 24 at 8 p.m. at the church. A yard cleaning hcc is scheduled for Centralia Church on June 27 at .9 a.m. Your help would be appreci- ated. "rhe Promise',.a musical pageant on the life of Christ, will be pre- sented in Forest in July. The. gate opens at 7:30 p.m.. and the perfor- Staffa mance begins at 8:30 p.m. There is the possibility of reserving a bus for the performance on July 5. If you're interested, please sign the sheet at the church. • Centralia Faith Tabernacle Regular Lost and Found/Family night will he cancelled tonight due to the annual Sunday School picnic. The bus will be.in Huron Park at 6 p.m. The picnic will he at 6:30 p.m. with games to follow. There will be a Youth Fundraiser Car Wash at the Sav-U Gas Bar in Exeter on June 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. . On Saturday at.3 p.m., there will he a Praise Picnic at Doug and Cathy Prout's home. 'there will he a special mission- ary service at 7 p.m. on June 28 with David and Deborah Rodges and their family. David and Deborah will be returning to New Guinea with their family in July. Euchre results Despite the flu bug making the rounds, there was a good turnout to play euchre in Crediton on a recent Monday afternoon. George Adams and Esther Hodgins had lowest scores, High Hand winners were Marg Baker and Gil Northey. Edith Eaton and Walter Wcher were the Lone Hand winners. by Roberta Templeman 345-2346 STAFFA - "Wrap Up" Sunday, for the Sunday School children at - Cromarty Presbyterian Church, was held on June 21 with all the chil- dren participating. Cathie Elliott opened with the call to -worship. The children sang "This is the day" accompanied on the piano by Carol Ann Scotts • The kindergarten class, led by Kim Bcrtcns and Tessa Dill pre- sented a skit "Jesus and the Fishermen." The primary class, led by Bev Templeman presented a play "Isaac of the Covenant": The Junior class ted by Mary Jane Parsons and Peggy Kerslake,' presented "God's Family Tree". with everyone having .the opportu- nity to put their leaf on the tree. - ` Cathie .Elliott led the senior class in a talk entitled "Christian Kids Talk." The Sunday School children" sang "Mighty Fine" and "Deep and Wide" afterwhich the offering was received and dedicated. : J7ter l.�'I - uhf 11/4 "7 r_I t. Precious Blood Mission is invited to share in a F I. "Town Meeting" Thursday, June 25, 1998 from at the South Huron Recreational Centre 94 Victoria Street East Exeter, Ontario s 1 ,4�..• v 1 t t Ii P. r�v t •r Several Marion Ritchie W.M.S. members presented a skit also, On June 28 Cromarty Presbyterian church will hold its anniversary service at 11 a.m. with Lillian Sparling as the guest speak- er. There will be lunch following the service. Family members joined John Templeman on Father's Day for a visit. . FLATTS OF. ' .�'b! t t>g• • GERANISH p don't forget. TED'S TASTY TOMATOES! ViStt Our Beautiful - PERRENIAL GARDENS! Ir nor mar e wwCom. .1 11.0+11 5TRAWDEPPIE5 STILL AVAILAt5(.E Weather .ermittang! TE -EM PARA rc fl r'S Para 14$2-9020 1 BcylielLJ Ort. NOM 1G0 Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello In the field of organ donation', the demand al- ways exceeds the supply. Kidneys are in most demand but other organs are urgently needed for heart, liver, lung and pancreas transplants which are all life-saving procedures. As well, tis- sues such as cornea, skin and bone are need- ed to improve the quality of life for many people. Make arrange- ments to be an organ donor in the future. The giant pharmaceutical manufacturer. Merck, is using-rbbots to produce its chicken -pox. vaccine. The robots follow the original manual process of manufacture but with superior levels of accura- cy. speed and cleanliness. Some people have absolute pitch, the. ability to identify a note or sing a specific note_•on demand. It's often an inherited trait and appears more often in men than women. .The area -of the brain cortex which measures audio signals is measurably larger in those with this skill. However, if people .with perfect pitch hear someone singing or playing slightly off key, it drives them,crazy! A defensive driving tip: Buying a new car? 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Hrstonc Site York Redoubt National Histone -Ste NEW BRUNSWICK Fundy National Park KOuchlOouguac National Park Beaubears Island National *store See Carleton Marlelo tower National Hardy See fort Beausepur National Historic Site Monument Lefebvre Nation, Nestor( See SI Andrews Blockhouse National Historic See PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Prince Ldward Island National Park Ardgowan Nalanal Historic See Pon fa -Jose -fon Amherst National Historic Ste Province House National Historic See - Green Gables 'louse ' NEWFOVNDLAND/LABRADOR Gros Moine Nitanal Park terra Nova National Park Cape Spear National Historic See Castle KM National Historic See 1' Anse Jo Meadows National lkstonc See Pent au Char Natrona' Historic See Ryan Premises Natrona' lstrey See Signal Hill National Historic See QLrEBEC' I (Hilton National Park 1 a Mauro( le National Park Mogan Archipelago Natana' Park Reserve Saguenay. SI lawience Marne Part Artilery Park National Hittite Ste Battle of the Chateauguay National 'entree See Battle of the Rest grulhe NatarW Historic See Cation Canal Natrona! Hakim See Cartier BreDedl National Hntare See Cnambly Canal National Historic See Coteau du la National Motor( See imps du Surd Maurice National Historic See I orldcatans of Ouebec National Historic Se. I ora Chambk National Historic See I01 Lennox National Historic See ' int No 1 al Ponte de 1 evy Natana' Historic See bort Iemrecamngue Natana) Historic See !he 1 ur Trade at Lachine National Hatar See t,rande Grave Nahonal Historic See Grasse he and the Irish Memorial National Historic See I achne Canal NatanM Hkstore See t uu 0 S St Laurent NetlonaI Historic see Saint Ours Cana! Nafional H1g0ric 540 `:anti Ported. Mena GM *norm *am SIR Se George Etienne Cartier National'lalarc 54e Se Wi'Rd laurel National Historic See Ord POA 0101rebet Inlerpretaten Centre ONTARIO lines Peninsula National Park Georgian Bay Islands National Park Pont Pelee National Perk I'ukaskwa National Park St lawlenie Islands National Part fathom I rve National Mans* Part Bellevue House National Hislorc See Henbane Memorial louse National H*toe( See Nus Merz ISWa 1 gbtliMI WOW IMtOrc See Butler s Barracks Nahonal Heroic See tort George Nalanal Historic See 101 Mallen National Hetrick See 101 Fort M,ssssaiga National Hatorc See Fort St Joseph Natrona! Hstorc See 'Ort Welkngton National Ekstone See Glengarry Cairn National Harare Site Navy'sand National Hatonc Site Pont Clark lighthouse National Historic See 0reenston Heights National Hatay Site Saint -Lows Mown National Historic Ste Sault Ste Mane Gnat Natrona! Historic See 5r John Johnson House Natronat History See Southwold Earthworks NatariaL Historic See Trent -Severn Waterway National Histunc Ste Woodside National Historic Site CANADA'S CAPITAL REGION Laurier House National Historic Ste Rdeau Canal Natrona! Histo r Ste Agriculture Museum 'Canadian Children s Museum Canadian Museum or Cn-1.•atan • Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography • Canadian Museum 01 Nature - Canadian War Museuri National Aviation Museur, Natana! Gallery' of Canada National Museum 01 Screnct and lecr'' oiogy National Postal Museum MASit1oe^ Riding Mountain Natana' Park Wapusk National Park the Forks National Hatorc Sae Lower f ort Garry National Historic See York f 61011 National H5t°ric S to SASKATCI IE WAN Grasslands National Park Pence Albert National Park Batoche National Historic See fort Batllefurd National HHatac See tort Walsh National Historic See Mothenwee Homestead Natrona' Historic See AtBER1•. Bann National Park kik Island National Park Jasper National Park . Waterton lakes National Park Banff Park Museum National HIM 0 54e Bar LI !Lurch National Historic Sae Cave and Basin National l$astorc 50e Rocky Mountain Hare National History See PRI1Istl CoLUMenA Lucre, National Park Gwan Haana$ National Park Resere Kootenay National Park Mount Revelstoke Natrona' Park Pacific Rim NahorW Park Reserve Yoh° National Park Gwan 1Yams National Marne Park Reser, Cheroot Irae National Hatae Site !regard LeaNhouse National Fbtoic See Fret Longley National Histone See loft Rodd Hill National MINK See 10.1 St James National 115100 See God of George Cannery National Historic See Ktwanga f ort Natonal Historic See Nvatml?sr 17:RRrr oras Auavk National Pyr Auyueluq National Palk Reserve Eleanore Vend National Pyr Reserve Nahanni National Part Reserve Iuk1N Nogae National Palk Wood Bullas Notional Park -VKON 'vvao* Natrona' Perk Kluane National Part Reserve Vunhe National Park S S Ker) National HalaC SM 5 S Alork?U National Historic set Dredge No 4 Dawson City GROSS! r AAc .....� M-uL+A; Nr :to. H s".‘-‘ S'• Utter: t e tor, kk'.:..-r'1 NA' caul Pion. Moores* S. (uvatlw.!.nm.Ni. tiu POM Oawenv Landscapes of spectacular beauty 1'laie•< where people r;t' rintaf� hrh'rt, &castart . of tate past tltett tell as stones the extraordinary and fit? L': Y'rvdal4. /'hese things are iter ,Til L't '.....tit c►t►t'y, to stare .rr:d to cherish. They a -e Olt r he't.and our legacy, our •.pant anti our strength. They ,tie Canada's National Parks, \'at,'u al Historic `tit's and National A lu•eums. Pons'' ft' klk'Z4' them. Canadian Heritage Patrlmoine canadien Parks Canada Pares Canada NAr•000/ GMlttw (4 CI MO O',AAA Canada's National Parks, , National Historic Sites and National Museums are celebrating the country's birthday with free entry on July 1st. (Illil(ll