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Times -Advocate, June 24, 1998 Page 5
The ups and downs of being a young entrepreneur
By Katherine Harding
• T -A Reporter
EXETER - Melanie Stuart is al-
ready her own boss at the tender
age of twenty-one.
As the proprietor of the nine-
month old Esthetics by Melanie,
Stuart has recently moved her op-
eration from the recently closed
Cutting Corner hair salon to the Ex-
eter Business Centre located at 476
Main St.
Originally from Granton, Stuart
decided to set up shop in Exeter he -
cause "for its site. small businesses
seem to do well here."
"kis is far away enough from Lon-
don that people will come here first
if they need something," said Stu-
After graduating from Elegance
School in London _with a diploma
in Advanced . Esthetics, Stuart
worked hriefly at Joanne's Esther-
ics Boutique in Masonville_Mall.-
"When I was working at Joanne's.
i knew then that i wanted to go out
on my own...1 didn't' like how 1
was always rushed with my cus-
tomers all the time i wanted to
give my customers individual treat-
ment," she said. -1 always thought 1
could do it better and now f have to
shut up and Just do it "
Getting started
As far as husiness training..Stuart.
admits that she has been pretty
much "winging it."
"I had no idea -that I had ti, reg-
ister my name.•get 'a perrnit and a
G.S.T. registration number among
other things," Stuart said "My hus-
band Mark Stuart owns his own
business and him and his secretary
Heather Wells have helped me out
a lot with the business end of
Financing the operation was also
a minor headache. Stuart estimates
that it. took about $5,000 to open up
her venture.
"1 couldn't get a hank loan or. a
line of credit...the best thing the
hank could do for me was. to issue
me a credit card with a limit," said
Stuart.. "I've gotten a lot- of fi-
nancial support from my husband
Mark 'in the way .of interest-free
The pros and cons
"i love what t do." said Stuart. "If
you don't love what you do you
Shouldn't be in the business."
"My dad always told us to have.
-our own husiness because of the in-
dependence." she said with a grin.
"Resides the money worries there
isn't it lit of stress from being in-
Stuart admits -that -there is a lot of
stress running your own business
when things are slow. "if is not
busy then !don't make money . •
However, Stuart has already'start-
ed .to built .up a loyal clientele -of
"steady regulars." _
• Words of Wisdom
• Stuart is. confident that anyone
can set up their own husiness with
-the- right. attitude. She admit.' the
money is Casually the stumbling fac-
tor for many.
She advises new husiness
to be wise with their money
"Don't go craiy money wise kpend:
Melanie Stuart, owner of Esthetics by Melanie offers a wide
range of services including manicures, facials, waxing and
eyelash. and eyebrow tints.
ing to get .started," she said "You
don't want to be overwhelmed with
a loan so he modest starting up."
Stuart also advises potential en-
- trepreneurs, to prepare a business
• plan'.
The future
Stuart is looking forward to' her
future in her new -location. "I like it
here because it is quieter and there
is more privacy for my customers "
Her goals ti r Esthetics by Met-
,inte are simple "1 hope to get es-
tablished and to make a good living
from it." she said.
Maclean's honored for excellence
EXETER - MacLean's Home
Hardware has been awarded the top
honors as one of the best Home'.
dealers in Canada.
The store was cited among 9611
dealers from coast to coast as -
achieving the highest standards in
retailing, merchandise presentation,'
staff performance and overall qual-
ity of the,store.
"All of us at MacLean's Home
Hardware arc excited to be rec-
hgnized among Canada's hest."
said Jerry MacLean.
"We are proud.to serve our com-
munity by providing great prod-
ucts. 'selection and expertise in a
pleasing shipping environment." -
To receive the ' Proud of • My
Home Achievement Certificate. the
Home Hardware store must dem-
onstrate, excellence in staff,- per-,
formance and customer service: in-
terior presentation including clear
signing. tidiness. and merchandise
presentation.. and displays. exterior
'presentation including cleanliness
and- attractive. window display:.
staff trnnmg: and participation in
dealer network•initiatives. .
''The •Proud of my Home
Achievement Certificate represents
_ a- total team effort and show;, the
value of dedicated people working
together to serve their ' ccrh-
munities:" said.Paul Straus. general
Top honours. MacLean's Home Hardware of Exeter recently received the Proud of My Home -
Achievement Certificate for achieving the highest standards in retailing, merchandise pres-
entation, staff performance and overall store quality. Area manager for Southwestern Ontario
Ron Harris, second from right, presented the certificate to, from left. Ken Varley and Gary and
Jerry MacLean.
Classrooms used for Avon !id District School Board
By Michele Green
CLINTON - The Avon Maitland District School
Board will use four olassnuonis of Seaforth District
High School iSDHS1 for administrative space until a
permanent site is found.
Last.Tuesday•mght in Clinton. trustees approved the
plan, which also involves leasing a municipal office
for administration. The' board is also listing for sale its
two board -owned properties at 210 Water St. -and 426
Britannia St. in Stratford.
Accounting and human resources staff working out'
of the Water St. office -and Central Huron Secondary
School, Clinton, will be -relocated to four unused -Class-
rooms tri Seafitrth as well -as to. a municipal office.'
A. trong wouldn't reveal which municipal office
because leasing negotiations are continuing.
Operations and technical support staff on. Brittania
St. will be moved to Stratford Northwestern Secondary
School. Although the board agreed to put the issue of
finding a permanent headquarters. for the hoard on hold
fbr two years, Chairperson Abby Armstrong said the
moves are intended to create efficiencies in the short-
term. Architects are in SDHS designing the new office
• Armstrong said she expects the board will be in' its
new locations by September. No student programs will .
he affected by the presence of administration in the .
school, she said.
With the Classic
5 Function Rosewood Pen Knife
• Stainless Steel Cutting Blade
• Cork Screw
• Bottle Opener & Screw Driver
• Key Ring
Pricy includes Laver
Engraving (One Sifdls)tChwpi-33r4Arrixtil mar SO as Q11
Aqui ixil• of *Me
r x ]l4•
manager of Home Ha Jware..it the
recent awards presentation
Home Hardware Stiires' Limited
- is a a>Ilective of dealer-owned..ind
operated independent hardware:
building supply . and furniture
stores.. Founded in • 1964 by ap-
- proximately 120 independent hard-
ware dealers. the company today
has grown to include. 961) menihers
' in every province, and ferruory. In
Canada. •
Art and craft
show coming to
Grand Bend
GRAND BEND -..On July I.
the Grand Bend premier an craft
show comes to the Colonial
Hotel parkette. Special Canada
Show •and Sale. one dayonly
This collection is a gathering
of some of Ontario': finest art
and craft people. who will he
offering their work for sale. The
handmade selection includes:
jewellery. wood craft, fabled
cloth work. sewing, folk art.
ceramics, childrens clothing.
dolls, art, designer clothing. pot-
tery, stained glass. dried (lowers
and much more.
According to Bill Nonern, the
show's -producer "There is
something for everyone." Show
hours are 10 a.m. to R p.m.
It's easy to find at the corner
o'f Main St. and Hwy 21.
Follow the signs.
Osborne &
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
Exeter, Ontario NOM 1 S 1
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full Insurance
for Farm Properties
New Applications are
Joe Chaffe. RR5 Mitchell .348-9705
Ron Feeney. RR 2 Dublin
Larry Gardiner. RR2. Staffa
Jack'Hodgert. RR 1. K,rkton .
Michael O'Shea RR3 Granton
Morris Willows: RR2 St. Pauls
Wayne Mayer Exeter
bawd Moore Dublin
Barb .Worden Dublin
Joseph Uniac. Mitcheli
Head Office Exeter
A refund from surplus was de-
clared for all policy holders
who qualify, are on record and
in good standing as at Decem-
ber 31, 1997.
.4,0 s�l
The new EBA COUPON BOOKS are now avariaafe For
-$10 you get a book full of savings. gifts and draws-r.c:uding
one entry per book for a chance to win $1000 in Exeter
Bucks (to be drawn at the Main Street Christmas Open
House. Sunday. November 15/98.
The EBA COUPON BOOKS maybe purchased `rom a
representative of any of the following organizations:
Exeter Junior Hawks
Exeter Minor Baseball
Exeter Figure Skating Club
Exeter Precision Club
Exeter. Dance Club -
The Exeter Business Association is proud to be &community sponsor
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