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4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
It's New
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34 years
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Canada Day
with Soapbox
See Crossroads
Second front
Elder notches
v -ball
See page 18
Council meetings
decrease for summer
EXETER - To enable staff to
take holidays. there will be fewer
Exeter council meetings this sum-
mer. -
With fewer staff, i1 is more diff,-,
cult for them to book their vaca-
tions 'and still provide the necessary
resources for council meetings.
' There will be a council meeting
on July 6 and a committee of the,
whole and/or council meeting on
July 13. The next council meeting
is August 10 with a committee of
the whole and/or council meeting
on August 17.
AlI meetings start at 7:30 p.m.
The regular'meeting schedule will
resume in September. -.
Local beaches show
acceptable bacteria
levels, tests' say
ing recent tests of area beaches the
Lampton Health Unit is announcing
that bacteria levels arc within the
acceptable range.
Lake Huron.beaches sampled
were: Grand Bend, Pinery Provin-
cial Park, Canatara Park, ipperwash
Main Beach and the Port Franks
Conservation Area. Centennial Park
of Sarnia Bay was also tested.
Despite the test results, the Health
Unit points out that water at arca
beaches may be temporarily pollut-
ed for up to 48 hours following
heavy rainfalls. If water becomes
cloudy due to wave activity, bade- -
ria from the lake bottom may be-
come suspended and increase the
possibility' of illnesses among
Signs.advising possible high bac-
terial Icvcls following heavy rain-
ainfall have been permanently placed..
at Centennial Park and Lambton-
• Cundick Park of the St. Clair River.
The Larnhton Health Unit has es-
tablished a Bathing Beach.Water
Quality Information Line, which
can be reached 24 hours a day, sev-
en days a week, at 1-519-383-6231,
ext. 825. '
And the winner 1a...
You guessed It. Kingsdown. •
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If that wasn't notable
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so Glen".
BRiNG t j 1
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It's official
ft's ours again. Grand Bend civic leaders held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday to mark the return of the village's
beach to public ownership. "It is important that we get the message out that we are open for business," Mayor Cam Ivey
told the assembled crowd. The village now owns the beach after Ontario's Natural Resources Ministry negotiated a deal be-
tween Grand Bend and former owner Archie Gibbs last November: From left are Coun. Brian Knights, Coun. Bob Mann, May-
ayor Cam Ivey, Coun. Shirley Andraza and Jim McCoy, president of the Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce:
Emergency problems
cause another shutdown
By Katherine Harding
T -A Reporter
EXETER - It has happened
tor -the second time, in just ()vel-
vera month, South Huron Hospital
temporarily suspended their
emergency room services due to
a shortage of doctors. '
On Friday from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.,
Exeter and area residents were
told to seek medical assistance at
nearby hospitals. ,
—"We 'are experiencing a critical
staff shortage;' said South Huroh
Hospital's new Chief of Staff Dr.
David Hodder. Hodder recently ,
took over the position after Dr.
Jerry Jadd's two year term fin-
ished at the end of May.
"The emergency department is
one of the most important fa-
culties in the community and eve-
ryone is at their wits ends because
of this situation," said Hodder.
"There is a.tremendous feeling of
frustration among the doctors be-
cause they can't do more. They
are .disappointed that something
they have worked so hard to keep
running is being harmed...it is
very - difficult •for them right
Hodder explained because two
of thc tour doctors practicing in
the Exeter area have "retired tem-
porarily" from performing emer-
gency services, a manpower
'shortage has arisen.
"I wasn't expecting it to happen
for a second time," said South
Huron Hospital administrator
Don Currell regarding the clo-
sure. "I was expecting things to
change but now we know that
change' will happen slowly."
Continued on page 2
Consultant gives Exeter
landfill good report card,
EXETER - The Exeter Landfill consultant reports on litter control,
Site is working well. the titter patrol is being improved.
That was the bottom line of a re- (Neighboring landowners have ex-
port from Exeter administrator Rick pressed concerns.)
Hundey to council's committee of 5. Until a new operations plan is
the whole Monday night. approved, Exeter should continue
The following are highlights of 'the current landfill practices under
thc 1997, status report from B.M. MOE requirements and B.M. Ross
Ross and Associates: and Associates (town's engineers),
1. There- is no change in the en- guidance. •
vironmental impact to local ground The report's specific .directions
water and surface water resources. and concerns have been conveyed
No leachate problems are evident. to the Acting. Public Works. Super -
2. -Waste reduction programs con- visor and the landfill site attendant
tinue to be effective. who will meet with Hundey to dis-
3. Waste .Volumes have increased cuss the landfill operation.
due to increased commercial and Mayor Ben Hoogenboom asked
industrial activities as well as con- Hundey to send a summary of the
struction waste. - report to the citizens who expressed
4. Operations have been accept- concern over the landfill site expan-
ablc although more care is needed sion. Councillor Pete Armstrong
to ensure nocontaminants are -in- suggested the complete report
eluded in burn piles. could be placed in the library for
While there have been favorable people to read.
Ministry of the Environment and
Exeter native playing the country diva
Dania Thurman pays. tribute to four country music queens as part of her Country Divas act
Exeter's years because theatre wasn't the
Susan Gra- path she knew she had to follow.
ham and Before changing musical direc-
her time tions, Thurman appeared in two
with the Huron Country Playhouse pro -
high ductions: The King and i and Gyp -
school's sy. She also showed off her pipes in
drama and St. Marys Community Players' pro -
music de- duction of The Sound. of Music.'
partments She also did well auditioning for
as her in- the Toronto production of Rent, but
spirations. was passed over for someone the
"The dra- director felt best looked the part.
ma and mu- Thurman's ultimate goal is to
sic de- land a recording contract state -side
partments and record her own original tunes
did a lot of she's pennedherselfor co -written.
good for "My stuff is Reba (McIntyre)
rnc," she comparable," she said.
said. "it Thurman is getting some nibbles
would be a from record company reps but
real pity to didn't want to "jinx" her chances
close them by elaborating. She wants to wait
down. Kids for a label to make an offer after
need to ex- she records and shops around a
penmen( demo tape.
when they arc young, experience She said she hopes to eventually
different things and then make a move to Nashville to focus full -
choice (on what they want to do time on her music career. But Thur -
with their lives)." man said she'll never forget where
After graduating from South Hu- she came from.
ron, Thurman attended Sheridan "I'm not going to lose my Ca -
College to study musical theatre nadian roots," she said. "I'll never
performance. She left after two lose that."
By Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
EXETER - Dania Thurman is
moving towards her dream of a re-
cording contract through vamping
it up as four of country music's
best known female singers.
Thurman, 24, lives in Hamilton
but was born and raised in Exeter
and is a Souih Huron District High
School graduate. She was back in
town last week" visiting her family
that includes mom Judy Thurman,
dad Glenn and sister Stacey, 22.
In tier 'County Divas' act, Thur-
man impersonates Trisha Year-
wood, Patty Loveless and Canada's
own Michelle • Wright and Terri •
Clark. -
Shc premiered the act last Sep-
tember and hopes w bring it to the
Exeter area soon. A recent show in
St. Marys had to be cancelled at the
last moment.
Thurman has performed at
LuLu's in Kitchener with her most
memorable 'date in Bettendorf,
Iowa ,where she sang on the Lady
Luck casino floating on the mighty
Thurman's act includes costume
changes and even do"ning a blonde
wig 'to
make her
look more
like Year-
wood. Of
the four
queens she
es; Thur-
man said
she loves
ergy on
stage, but
best loves
to sing
s " numbers
because of
that , sing-
er's rich
• She"
chose four
artists rath-
er than focus in on one like most
other tribute acts to be different.
"I didn't want to do just one artist
and get typecast," she said.
Thurman said it was her ex-
periences while in high school that
shaped her desire lo sing for a liv-
ing. She credits voice lessons with
in doubt
EXETER - Savor that last boys
soccer and girls field hockey
WOSSA and OFSAA experience,
Exeter. It may be our last. •
And just pencil in that annual
spring high school band concert
next year as well.
Area teachers that coach sports •
teams are sending a message to the
province that increases to their time
in the classroom may jeopardize.
what many students get up in the
morning and go to school for —
inter -school sports and music -
A press release from the Huron -
Perth Conference states: "All
scheduling fro the 1998/99 school
year has been put on hold and we -
fear that there may not be athletic
competition given the current state
of contract negotiations."
Huron -Perth Conference execu-
tive director Bob Campbell said
teachers doubt they can handle
coaching duties since the province
has mandated teachers be in the
classroom for seven out of eight
teaching blocks a year. -
"Teachers are still up in the air
whether they'll coach," Campbell,
a retired teacher, said.
Huron -Perth Conference
WOSSA director Terry O'Rourke
(also a South Huron_District High
School teacher and well known
coach) said a motion was passed at
Monday's WOSSA meeting in .
London that effectively puts all
planning for next year's inter-
school sports in the region in
limbo. The motion states that there
will not be WOSSA competition
for championship activities/fall
sports with no convenor or for
which there is less than 50 per cent
participation by member confer-
"Basically everything is on
hold," O'Rourke said.
All WOSSA member confer-
• ences, including Huron -Perth,
Oxford -Elgin and Middlesex, have
handed in blank convenor sheets.
Convenors, the teachers chosen to
be responsible for organizing a
male/female sport for the season,
are usually chosen in April.
The issue for teachers/coaches is
the new mandate by the province
that teachers be in the classroom
seven out of eight teaching blocks.
For example, a teacher at a semes-
tered school like South Huron has
four blocks'per semester. They may
teach three out of four blocks in the
fall and four out of four in the
spring. Some teachers arc in the
classroom only six of eight blocks,
but have many other responsibili
ties like administration. curriculum •
development and extracurricular
organization/participation like
sports programs and music.
Teachers argue that if they have
to be the classroom for four out of
four blocks during a semester, they
wouldn't have time to coach sports
that semester. Some teachers could
continue Coaching their chosen
sports in one of the semesters
because they have a free block or
two, but because their colleagues at
their own school and other
WOSSA schools may not be able
too, are holding the line pending
contract negotiations with their
school boards.
• Teachers will also be in a posi-
tion to strike legally in the fall. An
illegal strike in the fall had teachers
picketing and students out of the
classroom for two weeks.
Avon Maitland Board of
Education director Paul Carroll said
negotiations with teacher unions
+' Continued on page 2
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