HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-06-17, Page 30COMMIJW[TY Times -Advocate, June 17, 1998 Page 29 Dancing on top of the world Kicking up their heels. The Exeter Dance Club held the Spring Dance Showcase at South Huron District High School's large gym on Sun- day to celebrate their ac- complishments that include sweeping gold medals at the recent Stratford Kiwanis Dance Festival. Top photo: The Junior Jazz dancers per- form 'Men In Black'. The Exeter Dance Club trophy winners, front left: Lisa VandenBerk, Michelle Muller, Sarah Johns, Brooke Ramsay, Kim Read, Sarah Trottier, Lisa Johnson, Michele Weber, Kiersten Lappano; second row, from left: Maurissa Meyers, Kylen VanOsch, Brianna Ramsay, Amber - Lea Elder, Lindsay Nedza; third row, from left: Jessica VanRaay, Lori Read, Heidi Muller, Jennie Read, Chantal Russell, Lindsay Muller, Erin Bowers, Amber Lord, Ashley Nixon; back left: teacher Pam Cavaliere, Sam Yoon, and teachers Lorna Mardlin and Sheree Trottier. Hit, run and throw competition in Granton By Muriel Lewis Granton correspondent GRANTON - Get well wishes go to Vicki Bakker's son Jason, who is home after spending last week in London's Childrens Hospital with a rare infection. Paula Anne Pincombe received her Bachelor of Arts (Honors pro- gram) Degree from Huron College with distinction at the 270th convo- cation held at Alumni Hall on June 10. Muriel and Larry Lewis were guests at the convocation held at Alumni Hall on June 10 when an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws form King's College was conferred upon Shayne Ainsworth of London. • Granton Minor Baseball is spon- soring a hit, run and throw compe- tition on July 4 from 10 a.m. until noon at the Granton park which is open to anyone 13 years and under. There is a modest entry fee but all children taking part will receive a prize. Winners in each age group will go on to the regional competi- tion and then to the Skydome com- petition. U.C.W. The general U.C.W. met at the church on Tuesday evening, June 9, beginning with refreshments served by Unit 5. President Audrey Play Day Lucan Public School stu- dents participated in Play Day last Tuesday after- noon. Activities included a clothes relay and an ob- stacle course race. Above, Gr. 1 student Robert Slane competes in the bean bag race. Westman welcomed everyone. Unit 5 was in charge of the program when Margaret Spence read two poems. Florence McRobert intro- duced the guest speaker Catherine Malcolm who gave a presentation on her trip to the Ukraine showing slides and souvenirs. Ina Halton had everyone write down their favorite hymn and then read an article on the popular ones. Further plans were made for the beef supper in the park on June 17 and the Foodgrains dinner on July 5 when Kevin Stewart will be the speaker. At the Granton United Church on June 14 Val Hodgins of London led the service and the sermon was entitled "What does the Lord require?" It was decided at the congrega- tional meeting last Sunday that ser- vices will be held at Granton during *• July and at Wesley during August. At St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kirkton on June 14, Rev. Glenda Meakin led the service of morning prayer and the Sunday School chil- dren were presented with certifi-4 cates.. There was a discussion after the service about the summer time table and also information about a sabbatical from fundraising every seven years. The annual barbecue and Sunday School games, held at the Kirkton Community Centre on Friday evening, June 12 was well attended by members from St. James' Anglican Church, St. Marys. An upcoming village wide yard sale is planned for June 20, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Granton. Some 25 or more households are hoping to participate and the local hardware is offering a 15 per cent discount. *From the Principal's desk By Deb Homuth South Huron District High School * As summertime beckons and the end of the year rush isull swing, I find it difficult to put pen to paper in this final article of the school year but I would not wish the school year to end without mak- ing some final comments. Many thanks to Jim Beckett who willingly agreed to the idea of printing weekly reflections,by the high school principal in the T.A. and to Deb Lord of the T.A. and to Jean Mason of South Huron for ensuring these comments make it to press time each week. Congratulations to all the students who success- fully completed credits and a special congratula- tions to the graduating students who are moving •on in their lives to university, college or the workforce. May all your dreams come true. (Reminder: stamped, self-addressed envelopes are needed for report card mailing on June 26th.) Both the School Advisory Council and the Student Council have been terrific groups to work with this semester and you deserve a big thank you for all you have done for our school. The teaching staff and support staff have had a challenging year. The arrival of a new principal in mid -year as well had added another element of change. Your willingness to cooperate has been valued. I appreciate the opportunities to get to know the parents of our stu- dents through the phone calls and notes. Please continue to call or write: two-way communication between school and home is so valu- able to the education of our kids. (The school office is open untilJuly 3rd and reopens August 24th). Although the intended audience of the weekly column has been parents, I would like to take this opportunity to remind students to take time this summer to connect: * connect with you family - i know it's part of being a teenager to grow more independent from your parents - but by connecting with your family you have a better chance of becoming all that you are capable of being • connect with nature - its power, its beauty and how fragile it really is * connect with who you are inside - what do you believe? What do you value? - What do you dream of? Stay connected and the days will be exciting ones. Stay connected and you will become the caring, responsible change makers that this world will need. Stay connected and you will find more opportunities than perils, more delights than pressures, more reasons than excuses. $est wishes to you all for a safe and happy summer. I look forward to working with you again on September 8th. Deb Homuth It's magic! Norman the Magician was the feature entertainment at Sunday morning's Sunday School program at Crediton United Church. Here he is telling Mike Regier, Ryan Van Valkengoed and Tanya Stuckless that he is going to read their minds. Dance organized for Zurich youth By Carmel Sweeney Zurich correspondent ZURICH - The next Fair Board meeting will be held on June 29 at 8 p.m. at the Township hall. Everyone is welcome to help plan the Zurich Fair scheduled for July 24,25 and 26. Elimination draw and dance tick- ets are available at $10 each from any member of the Lions Club or Fair Board or at J&L Variety. This event begins at 8 p.m. on July 24. The grand prize is $1,000. This ticket also includes all the beef on a bun you can eat that night. The carnival is coming to town. The St. Peter's Lutheran Youth Group invite children of all ages to attend their Sunday School Carnival planned for June.21. The annual potluck picnic begins at 11 a.m. and the games will begin at 12 noon. St. Boniface C.W.L. met on Tuesday. Following the business a video presentation called "God's Call, A Family Affair" was shown. A Retirement Tca and Open House was held at St. Boniface School gym on Sunday afternoon, June 14 for Sharon O'Toole. She has taught at the school for the past 19 years. A chicken barbecue was held at the Mennonite Church on Saturday. Members of the United Church in Zurich enjoyed a Mother and Daughter/Friend potluck supper in their parish hall last Thursday. Brenda Erb was thc recent win- Iner of $10,000 from the Lucky Bucks contest held at Seyler's Foodland Store in Zurich. The Optimist Club meeting was held at the Bowling Lanes last week. The next meeting will bc•at the home of Donna Klopp on July 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the form of a Pampered Chef Party. On Monday the grade three and four students of St. Boniface took a bus trip to Wawanosh. The grade two pupils are.planning to have a picnic lunch at thc Zurich Arena Park on Friday. The councillors in the Village of Zurich will be hosting their annual Senior Citizens Dinner at the Community Centre on July 22, beginning in the afternoon with a program. Any Golden Ager wanti- ng to attend may phone Charlene as soon as possible at the Municipal Office 236-4974 to put their name in. The Catholic Rural Life Conference is sponsoring an evening of fun and information at St. Boniface Parish Hall on June 24, beginning at 6 p.m. with a potluck supper. The program at 7:30 p.m. will feature crop special- ists Peter Johnson and Mervyn Erb entitled "Seeds of Discernment." For more information phone Joe Miller at 236-4765. The annual family dinner for the residents at the Blue Water Rest Home will be held on June 28. On Saturday, the Y.F.C. held their annual barbecue picnic supper at Ken Gascho's Park near Zurich. Guest speaker was Keith Gonyou from Teen Challenge. The Optimist Club are having a Youth Dance for the Zurich .stu- dents of Grades six, seven and eight, from both schools in town. It will be held on June 19 at Zurich Public School from 7 to 9:30 p.m.The cost is $3 at the door. Hook's Party Sound will entertain, along with a live band. Pop and chips will be for sale and door prizes are available to be won. Personals Andrew Rau's family had a good time at their annual fishing trip at Mitchell's Bay on June 6 and 7. A stag and doe was held for Rick Smith and Michelle Stecklc on June 13 at the Zurich Community Centre. Rick is the son of Bill and Maddy Smith of Zurich. The cou- ple are planning to be married in August. • A bridal shower was held for Michelle Steckle at the Mennonite Church hall on June 12.There is another shower planned at St. Boniface Parish Hall on Thursday for her. A buck and doc was held at the Dominion Tavern for Chad Brown and Michelle Ross on Friday evening. Chad is the son of Chris and Janet' Brown, RR #2 Zurich. The couple will be married on June 27. A buck and doe will be held for Laurie Forrester and Jim Dickins at the Zurich Arena this Saturday. Laurie is the daughter of Bob and Faye Forrester, RR #2 Zurich. Several relatives from the area attended the wedding of Shawn and Bryden Finkbciner in London on June 6. This is the first grandson of Ted and Jean Geoffrey to be mar- ried. Shawn is the son of Doug and Darlene Finkbciner. New grandparents are Chuck and Tanya Erb and Art and Pauline Miller with the arrival of Natalie Grace, horn on May 29 to Dale and Shelley Miller. Ted and Nancy Ducharme have a new grandson, Micah Arren, born on May 27 to Darren and Lisa McKinley. Paul and Dorothy Ducharme, RR #1 Dashwood, have their second grandchild, Nathan Alexander, born on May 26 to Lianne and Bruce Papplc. Best wishes for a speedy rccov- ery go to Louis Willert who is home recuperating from a recent operation. Recent visitors at thc home of Arnold and Coby Vandenboomen of Zurich were his cousins from Holland. They also visited with rel- atives in Seaforth. Happy 36th anniversary wishes go to Ed and Dorothy Smith on June 9. Happy birthday wishes go to John Earle on June 9 and to Don O'Brien on Junc 7. Richard. and Monica Gingerich and daughter recently moved into the former home of John and Mary Earl on the corner of Main Street. Clare and •Mary -Faye Regier of RR #3 .Zurich are happy to have their 29th grandchild, Lauren Danielle, born on May 15 to Tim and Jacqui Rcgier. A double funeral was held for a well known Zurich couple on Friday at St. Boniface Church, con- ducted by Fr. Wronski, for Clarence and Beattie Geoffrey. They passed away hours apart on the same day, June 9. Boffo buggy Cool wheels. Dashwood's Travis Davis shows off his '68 Volkswagon Beetle convertible with Brad Tyler, 11, at the third annual Canadian Tire Classic Car Round -up outside South Huron Rec Centre on Sunday. Sixty-five cars from throughout the region were parked on the Rec Centre soccer field for the event.