HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-06-17, Page 23Page 22 Times -Advocate, June 17, 1998 LASSIFIELP CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID. Ads not he printee until lr,thrnent receive(' 1O 1'I 1( 1 win: 11) ?35-1331 235-0700 Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 1)1 \l)1 1\1 S: \1()\ l)Al S 4 P.'s1. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our Sii Super Ad• Or We'II Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge • FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY • ONE ITEM PER AO • Private non-commercial ads only • All Suoer Ads must be oreoald OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 • .m. R \ FI•: WORD ADDS -20 word maximum 1 insertion 2 insertions 3 insertions $9.63 $16.05 $22.47 Additional 15q charge for each word over maximum NOTICES - 3o word maximum (Births, Deaths, Announcements, Coming Events, Memonams, Cards of Thanks) 1 insertion 2 insertions 3 insertions $11.77 $23.54 No Charge Additional I Se charge to, each word o.rt maVmum • CLASSIFIEDS .AI)S MUST RE PREPAID ADS Will. NOT RI-. PRINTED UNTU PAYMENT IS RECEIVED Bordered & Monday Ads - Rares available an request PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (with identification). 06 Money Order. Visa and Mastercard arc accepted PLEASE CHECK YOI 42 AD THE FIRST DAY iT APPEARS TO F.NSI 'Rl- THAT iT 15 CORRECT tt 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 235-1331 c'1 .'\titi11-11 1) ()RI )1 Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! NAME ADDRESS PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT: CREDIT CARD NO. SIGNATURE DATES TO RUN: Visa MasterCard Cheque Expiry 8 8 8 ldttotritalira eat 2u 1 < Situations W mited • 4 Neth anted 1 3 6 Blivid Opportunities 1 / 1 i 7 ES veatock 11 a F•� Mach9 • Il S iter F9uipmineent, Veh. 114 ,S 1'e� 'Nal; 13 eMutslcallnatruMenta rponr; �8, Television 1 ; 16 For Sale esi 17 Wanted to Bu 1 1 18 Wanted y 1' 19 es : 20 Property For Sale 1 21 Property far Rent Rent a 22 For Sale of 1 24 Wanted to Rent 25 No ices Wanted 26 Legal Notices . 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales' 29 Yard and Garage Sales 3 Situations Wanted WANTED - KIDS - Mother of 2 wilting to habysit Kirktnn area. Sara► Taylor 22°-S196 "25.26*1 OLf RUII..` •s1G.or barn .,a needs to he taken down' 1 work for S10/hi Call 235-612' (24.::5• APPROVED CHILD(. ARF PRO\'iDER wishes to provide quality childcare in ms home. Healthy meals and snacks prnvtded. activities include .:rafts storytimes and special nuting.s Reeistered with the Huron Home Childcare k Familt Resource Centre Vert reasonahlr. rates Will give receipts Please call Tammy al 22R-6135 (25.1 4 Help Wanted F171.1.TIMF CSR, RiRO OR previous company experience required Competitive salary plus benefits TAM training an asset Respond with resume to Garser Kneale, P.0 Rox 219. Grand Rend. On NOM I TO Att: Tom Kneale (23-25c) The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution • when sending money for business opportunity ,or employment ad- vertisements. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, It is. . CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers o` prices count as one word pe• set Words 'Dined by hy- phens count as separate words FIRST INSERTION - 2C words $9 63 2 insertions $16 D5 3 insertions $22 4' Additiona '5c charge for each worn ove- maximum NOTICES: 30 words (births, deaths announcements. coming events me- moriamsl (Cards of thanks 10C each word over maximum) 1 insertion 511.77 2 insertions S23.54 3 insertions No charge • Classified, Ads must be prepaid. Ads will not be printed until pay- ment received'. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50 • GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 510.0D per column inch SJBSEOUENT INSERTIONS 56.00 per column inch (minimum size in this category 1 inch Accepted in multiples of half inch BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion SUPER ADS 511.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Advertising r the Times -Advocate is accepteo or condaior tha: a the oven• o' a iypoprapnica. erro- the. porbor of the advertising space occu- pied by Me erroneous seri . toped's, and, meteor able altowanoe lo' signature wit be rerun n e subsequent issue ase mane good a' no charge While the balance or the advertisement we be Paid to' e: err applicable rate in top event o' e typograptace erro• advertising goods o• servicer a' a wrong price goods o• services may no' oe sold Advertising is ar oder to sel� and may be wanorawn a. any lane Any errors must be ac- anowgoged wider liven days 0' publication The Tines -Advocate reserves the privilege al re - vis.% o repctng advertisements tat a consad ars obeictionebie and Id Mange the Clalisaicaten or any advertisement from tai ordered 10 con- form to the poky or this newspaper Commits are protected by copyright Reprciaudron of any malarial without the permission or 1ne publisher • totb cosr Adwsnisers purchase specie and circulation only All rights to any advemiswants prodtoed by the Tnas•Advocele using artworS typography or photographs aneng•d for by to n•wapap•r sae be to property or to Tomes-Advocete No soot, ad or any pert Meteor may be reproduced or as- teroid elbotn written sw»enf co Ms Times AdvocaN STATEMENT Of POLICY The Tmes•AdvoclN ■ rip row:visible lir mors m advef0MemMns nor submitted n *pow tone. rip Ip more than sr Marlton of Mal advertisement Phone ® 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 4 Help Wanted i NEED SOMEONE. to learn my business Must have leadership ahlity and strong desire for above average income. Call Jeff at 519-657-9:163.(22-11c) RUII.DING MANAGER - Required for 12 unit apts. Hensall. Apply Rox *10f.. ceo Exeter Times Advocate. Rox R50. Exeter. ON. NOM 1S6. (25tfn) Part Time Help Wanted to work every Tuesday and possibly ever Wednesday. Woodworking experience helpful but not necessarily required. Please send resumes to P.O. Box 104. Exeter Tirnes Advocate. 424 Main St.. Exeter Ontario NOM 1S6 OHURON WINDPOWER INC!V ii Full time - reaaired Immediately NIGHT SHIFT TEAM LEADER Successtu candidate wi(: be responsible for a group of 1215 laminators qualityand meeting P"oducttor scheduling. Reoulrernents. • Grade 12 • Murmur,- 0' 2 years supervise' experience • Team player Experience -wit,. fibreglass as we.( as Manufacturing 'Industria: experience. is an asset Andir:ants should far 019 22S- 6460. mail or droo off their resume to the attention of. Maureen Denomme. Human Resources. Huron Wlndpower Inc., Bldg. *3. Huron Park. Ontario NOM 1YO 4 Help Wanted INSPECTOR N1- Capable of running the CMM, doing metallurgical and microstructure work with little supervision Capable of receiving or finaling any produ:t in the plant Gauge setup for all lobs in the plant Gauge calibration with little supervision. Atilt to read punts and Inter -pre' specs Grade twelve math level or equivalent Contact Temp -Ted Employment Services. R.R 1 lunch. (iNT NOM 2T0 (25c) looking tor l,c en•ed cells for Mutual Fund .ales. ;lie insurance sales and *,neral ,n<uranc_e. Rest deals in Canada' IReply to Box #102, Exeter Times Advocate, PO Box 850, 424 Main St. Exeter, Ont. NOM 156 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Selp's • •: • •- valu-mart •Part time Meat • • Wrapper . • • - tat -let% o1 shirts: days. • • weekends• •• - Training prof ided • - Most be dependable • • and energetic • • - App)) in person at • • the store • • Hwy. 4, Exeter • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ALEXANDRA MARINE & GENERAL HOSPITAL requires a Part-time Occupational Therapist to work in a well' equipped department in Physical Medicine with a varied inpatient and outpatient caseload. The successful candidate should enjoy working independently as well as part of an interdisciplinary team. Qualifications will include membership with the Ontario College of Occupational Therapy ADP authorization and knowledge of hands is an asset but not necessary. Apply in writing to: Nancy Huber. Director of Physiotherapy. Alexandra Marine & General Hospital. I20 Napier Street. Goderich. Ontario. N7A 1W5 HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED Opening very soon in the heart of Huron County... Exeter We need manager, asst. manager, jr. asst. manager, licensed hairstylists. We offer very competitive hourly wage plus commission, paid dental, eye care and drug benefit. All equipment supplied. No clientele needed. Come and be part of one of the largest hair salon chains in North America with stores in Canada and the USA. . Call for a confidential interview at our London Store at 519-473-1020 4 Help Wanted • WE ARE LOOKING for key people to expand our financial services business in this area. Expcnenee not necessary. We will train. Send resume to Jeff Bond, Branch Manager, 1615 North Routledge Park. Suite 34, 1Aondon,Ont. N6l1 51.6. (22.11e) RESPONSIBLE 1.t)V1NG C.AR1'GIVFR needed for 6 month old My home. Exeter. 3 days a week. Reply to Rox 107 do Exeter Times Advocate, Rox 1150. Exeter. ON NCMISh. (24.25•) Accounting Position Six-month accounting position. Must have experience in accounts payable and accounts receivable. Three to five days per week. Contact Ken Fischer 235-0800 ID cleans 6 Services TELEPHONE - TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Preluire houses • Repair wiring - Install lacks for phones - modems - Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 THE ANTIQUE WATCH AND ('LOCK SPECIALIST - Does professional repairs to watches and clocks. Free estimates to repair grandfater clocks- Call Rudi Arnhold. 7599 Gillespie. Pm Franks Phone 243-1130. (301fn) CUSTOM ROUND BALING - 4' wide by 3-6' high. John Deere. Call Scott Cousin at 233-9297or 565-272S.(21tfn) CUSTOM • ROUND BALING 4'-6' Call Ivan Hern 229-6712 if no answer leave a message or call 229-6566 Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Call Jeff McCann 237-3531 Windy Heights Farms Inc. CUSTOM BALING • 32" by 34" by any length bale • reduces handle & storage • consistently high density bales & hay & straw baling give us a call • we have straw for sale with . storage available CALL 519-236-4420 6 Services PARSONS LANDSCAPING Centralia, Ontario • Residential • Commercial • Sodding • Seeding • Free Estimates MIKE 228-6066 QUALITY PHOTO 11N1SH1NG and cuaom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter 235-1612. (3tfn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE • Fertilizing • Hedge Trimming • Grass Cutting Laverne McCarter 2354062 6 Services FOR PRIME. POWER and stand-hy electricity that works and stays working. call Soinniers- Mitis (kneratm Sales 1 id. Reliability since 1916 Phone S19-655-2396. (3lhfn) Q,,tet Appij mad` Peter "4), Aunger 23 Sherwood Cr., Exeter Ont. NOM ISI 235-2877 e-mail • paunger@odyssey.on.ca Roofin Specializing In: Asphalt Shingles Steel Roofing Systems Rubber Membrane (ideal for trailers. mobile homes. porches and flat roof applications) Insured and Guaranteed Call us for all of your construction needs. Tripp Construction Mobil Roofing (519) 234-6034 (519) 228-6320 STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SINCE 1971. LOCAN. ONT. Florida rooms, build & design additions, windows, roof coatings, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows FREE ESTIMATES (519) 2274033 r • 4 4 4 4 4 4 Pro Drainage R.R. #6, Forest Ontario - Farm Drainage Specialists - ' • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • MILK HOUSE DRAINS • EROSION CONTROL • BACKHOE RENTAL 4 • WATER LINES • BASEMENTS ' "We guarantee you the best value for your dollar" For free estimates call: ' Days 828-3641- Ron Evenings - 786-4241- Rick Wellington 4 4 • • Custom Round Baling - 4 ft. wide by 3/6 ft. high Scott Consitt Varna Ont. 565-2728 or 233-9297 A1011 Sales Rep. for Mycogen Seeds. Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa • •