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'9 8
nrali spring �&ir thrills
Page 18
Threes -Advocate, June 17, 1998
Umm umm good. , Lucan's Nathan Angus, 11, enjoys
some cotton candy at the Hensall Spring Fair on Satur-
• day.,
Showing the strain. D,ashwood's Rob Hoffman puts his
all into a tug of war match at the Hensall Fair on Satur-
day. The Bluewater Tug of War club held the invitational
competition as a warm-up for the season that includes
the provincial qualifying matches the Bluewater team will
host in Dashwood during Friedsburg Days on Aug. 1-3.
They're fair. Hensel! Public School students Jessica
Schutz, left, Jane Simmons, Greg McTaggart and Jillian
McTaggart marched In the Hensall Spring Fair parade on
Results from the 1998 Hensall Spring Fair
Hensall - Prize Winners At Hensall
Spring Fair 1998
Parade Competition
Hensall United Church, Hensall.
Hensall Econ Dev Committee, Hensall.
Cook's Div. Of Parrish & Heimbecker,
Hensall. Hyde Bros Farm Equipment,
Hensal. Human Resouce Centre, Exet-
er. Aaron 4 Ashley Rowcliffe, Hensall.
Becker Farm Equipment, Exeter. Huron
Halflinger, Zurich. Orland Reichert,
Hensall. Karen Cooper, Hensall. Ho-
ward Adkins: Hensall. Tinkertot Nur-
sery School, Hensall. Hensall Public
School, Hensall. Jack's Snack Shack.
Hensall. Jordon Glenn. Danny Fergu-
son, Hensall. Gordie Mcmorland, R R
I. Brendon Bilcke, Seaforth. Tyler
Glenn, Hensall..
Cattle Competition
Suzanne Coleman, Kippen. Sally
Johns, Staffa. Carmen Scarrow, Sea -
forth. Carol Coleman, Kippen. Lindsey
Haney, Seaforth. Yvette Haney, Sea -
forth. Anette Haney, Seaforth. Debbie
Hoggart, Londesboro. Kim Mckenzie.
Dublin. Jason Hoggart, Londesboro.
Mike Townsend, Arthur. Brent Ribey,
Seaforth. Billy Jo Ward. Bornholm.
Greg Hendrick, Crediton. Andrew
Kinsman, Hey.. Daniel Townsend, Ar-
thur Ont. Jenny Mckenzie, Dublin.,
Craig Nigh, Seaforth. , Adam Hancy.
'Seaforth. Mike Bean, Auburn. Lee Ann
Johns. Staffa. Brett Bean. Auburn.
Luke Kinsman, Exeter. Elisha Cole-
man,kippen. Nathan Kinsman. Staffa.
Alissa Kinsman, Kippen. Amber Town-
send, Vanastra. Chad Insley, Ailsa
Craig. Trevor Johns. Staffa. Scott Dow,
Skaffa. Tony Bean. Auburn. Dan Kins-
man, Exeter. Jacob Kinsman. Exeter.'
Nathan Elford. Woodham. Elysia
Townsend, Vanastra. Jordan Gardiner, •
Kirkton.' Brenda Elford. Woodham.
Heidi Muller, Crediton.
Sheep & Goats Competition
Donald Dearing, Exeter. James T
, Callaghan, OA Springs. Gerald/ Pack -
ham, Caistor Centre. Ivan H Paff, Ailsa
Craig. Hugh Todd. Luckpow. Karl
Miller, Chase Mich. Robert Stokes.
Swine Show Competition
Robbie Archambault, Auburn. John
Storey, Seaforth. Allan Storey. Sea -
forth. Dean Van Raay, Dashwood. Ty-
sqn Aarts, Seaforth.
Western Horse Show Competition
Sarah Miller, Exeter. Brittany Vei-
not, Lucan. Rhonda Smith, Broadhag-
en. Barb Mccaughey, Staffa. Katie Vvi-
not, Lucan. Adrian Brand, Crediton.
Michelle Malek. Lucan. Brendon
Bilcke; Seaforth. Rr 2 Wessman-
mallet,n0m 2j0., Paige Romain, Lucan.
•Chantel. Masse. Hensall. Jim Storey.
Clinton. Matthew Mousseau, Hensall.
Lisa Currah, Clinton. Nicole Podbury,
St Marys. Allison Podbury, St Mary's .
Margaret Broom, Crediton. Margaret
Geurts, Clinton. Candice Lawrence, Hu-
ron Park. Carol, Anne Munn, Hensall.
, Rebecca Darling, Exeter. Gus Geurts,
Poultry & Pigeons Competition
Donald Dearing, Exeter. Josh Hey-
wood, Exeter.
• Plants & F7owerp Competition
• Betty Simmons, Hensall. ..Rita Van
Wieren, Hensall. Diane Andrews, Cen-
tralia. Mary Brintnell, Staffa. Hazel Cor-
bett, Hensall. Anna Dolmage, Lon-
desboro. Bonnie Gould, Hensall. Donna
Bigelow, London.
Domestic Competition
Diane Andrews, Centralia. Eillian
Beer; Hensall. Hazel Corbett, Hensall.
'Phyllis Parsons, Kippen. Elaine Steb-
bins, Hensall. Anna Dolmage, Lon-
desboro. Laurie Bowman, Exeter. Eliz-
abeth Kerslake, Exeter.
Valerie Pratt, Hensall. Betty Simmons,
Hensall. Mary Brintnell, Staffa. Exeter
Villa, Exeter. Queensway Nursing
Home, Hensall.
Sewing Competition
Linda Bedard, Hensall. Laurie' Bow-
man, Exeter. Marlene Zwaan, Hensall.
Teresa Wynja, Seaforth. Helen Toorn-
stra, Hensall. Marjorie Dayman, Exeter.
Mary Brintnell, Staffa. Rita Van Wier -
en, Hensall. Anna Dolmage, Lon-
'desboro. Hazel Corbett, Hensall.
• Crocheting Competition
Rita Van Wieren, Hensall. Teresa
Wynja, Seaforth. Betty Brand,. Hensall.
Bea Dykstra, Exeter. Helen Toom-
stra;hensall. Anna Dolmage, Lon-
desboro. Diane Andrews, Centralia.
Marjorie Dayman, Exeter.
Knitting Competition
MaryKinsman, Hensall. Bea Dykstra,
Exeter. Betty Brand, Hensall. Helen
Toomstra, Hensall. Anna Dolmage,
Londesboro. Rita Van Wieren, Hcnsall.
Laurie Bowman, Exeter. ivcma Haw-
kins, Pembrooke . Teresa Wynja, Sea -
Quilts Competition
Emma Cox, Clinton. Marg Cole, Hen-
sall. Marjorie Dayman, Exeter.
Arta & Crafts Compedtion
Bob Parsons, Seaforth, Jack Brintnell,
;tafta. Lindsay Corbett, Exeter. Ivcrna
Hawkins, Pembrooke. Laurie Bowman,
Exete'. Donna Falconer. Hensall. Mar-
.jorie Dayman, Exeter. Teresa Wynja,
Seaforth. Diane Andrews,: Centralia.
Mary Brintnell, Staffs. Michelle Zwart,
Hensall. Mona Alderdice, Kippen. Rita
Van Wieren, Hensall. Phyllis Parsons,
Junior & School Dept.
Dianna Taylor. Hensall. Brittany
Caldwell, . Hensall. Stephanie Pratt, -
Hensall. Denise Ritchie, Hensall. Jen-
na Dayman, Hensall. Sherilyn Moir,
Hensall. Brittany Pilgrim. Hensall. Ar-
temysa Fragiskatas, Hensall. Kelsey-
O'rourke, Hensall. Jessica.- Bedard.
Hensall. Nathan Bedard. Hensall. Re-
becca Bedard, Hensall. Stacey Butson,
Hensall. Scott Forrest, Kippen. Laura .
Parsons. Amber Caldwell. Hensall.
Ashley Ingram; Hensall. Matt .Al-
exander. Jason • Small. Desiree Small.. •
Katie Jinks, Hensall. Scott Stire, Hen-
sall. Dana Martin, Hensall. Jennifer .
Young. Hensall. Travis Thomson,
Hensall. Brent Ingram, Hensall. Daniel
Camphcll, Hensall: Bryan Parker,
Hensall. Lauren Jinks, Hensall. Ashley
Renning, Maggie links. Hensall. Tri-
stalyn Russell. Exeter. Megan Bis -
back. Hensall. Katie Shute, Hensall.
Amber Lea Elder, Shannon Wedge,
Hensall. Katie Stewart. Anne Marie
Verhoeven,: Hensall. Meagan Dickens.
Jordan Reid. Warren Elder, Exeter.
Amber Kehn. Marlec Bachnish. Jordan
Ritchie, Hensall. Tabitha Gardiner.
Crystal •Willert. Meghan Collins.
' Cassy Ryan: Kristina Troyer. Jordon
Glenn. James Taylor. Erik Lawrence.
Greg Mctaggan. Charlie Jinks. Matt
Forrest. Hensall. Krista Taylor. Hcn-
sall. Christie Hartman, Hensall. Ben
Toornstra. Jasmine Westlake -powers,
Hensall. Kaihry Forrest. Keehm West-
lake -powers. *Hensall. Mandy Ma-
thonia.. Jane Simmons. Laura Elder,
Exeter. Lindsay Corbett. Exeter: Mor-
gan. Hoover. Amy Shapton. Rob Erb.
Scott Keys. Troy Sherri Spencer Ra-
,, chel. Troy Katie Artemysa Natasha:
Brent Matt Daniel. Samantha Dayman.
Megan Rooseboom. Justin Meikle.
Collin Dickins. Tyler Cooper. Austin
Clarke. • Jacob. Foxton. Nathan Roth.
Danielle Meikle. Dimitris Fragiskatos,
Krystal Brideau. Sean Consitt, Hen-
sall. Jordan Bilcke. Tim Campbell.
- Lana Shapton. Brandon Consitt, Hen-
sall. Michael Corbett,. Exeter. Kevin
Noname Competition
Barb Westlake Power, Hensall.
Valerie Pratt, Hensall. John Skca, Hen-
sall. Debbie Collins. Hensall. •
Pet Show Competition
Katie' Stewart,. Jillian Robinson,
,Hensall. Bryan Parker. Hensall. Sam
Stewart. Mallory Greenhill,. Brandon
Consiu, Hensall. Jennifer Soudant,
Brent Ingram. Hcnsall. Ashley Ingram.
Photos by
Marching music. The _Clinton Legion band were on hand to share their distinct sounds at the
Hensall Spring Fair parade on Saturday.
Ambassadors all. Inset photo:
Ryan Cooper, 7, Melanie Crete,
18, and Ashley Bruxer, 9, were
crowned Hensall Spring Fair's
prince, ambassador and princess
respectively for the event that un-
folded on Friday and Saturday.
Crete, who was sponsored by
Hensall's Huron Autobody, will
begin studying hospitality and
tourism at Sarnia's Lambton Col-
lege in the fall after graduating
from South Huron District High
School. Bruxer was used to the
attention that comes with being
named the fair princess — she won the honor last year. Top photo: Ambassador contest run-
ners-up Tara Ingram, left, Shelly Gardner and Jamie Reaburn showed they were good sports
during the fair's parade on Saturday.
Ambassador Contestants
Tara Ingram. W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd.; Shelly
Gardner. Klip N' Kurl; Melanie Crete. Huron Auto Body.
Jamie Reaburn, Anstett Jewellers.
Ambassador - Melanie Crete; First runncrup • Jamie
Reabum; Miss Congeniality - Shelly Gardner.
About 50 children participated in the Junior Princess and
Prince program. Each child was asked"What they most
liked about Hensall Spring Fair." Their names were entered
into a draw. Jr. Princess was Ashley Bruxer and Jr. Prince
was Ryan Cooper.
Horseshoe Pitch
First, Jack Snell and Wayne Gibson; Second. Brian
•Sanders and Lia Snell; Third, Betty Sparling and Fred
Kursikowski; Fourth, Keith Lovell and Don Parsons; Fifth,
Jake Marks and Lenore Latulippe. Jake Marks was the win-
ner of the Varna General Store gift certificate.
Babies on Parade
Up to four months: Sleeping prince - Hayden Bowman;
Most hair - Raymond Delbridge; Pretty in pink -
MacKenzie McClinchey; Most resembles mom - Calc
Four months to eight months: Sleeping prince - Ryan De
Putter; Most smiles - Kate Gill;
Eight months to one year: Most smiles/most dimples -
Jennifer Taylor; Handsome in Blue - Deman Clipperton.
Swine Sale
This is the first year Hensall Spring Fair hosted a swine
show and sale. It was supported by the Huron.County Pork
Producers, exhibitors and buyers.
Tyson Arts, Breeding Gilt purchased by Coleman Farm
Supply for $170; John Storey. Breeding Gilt purchased by
Townsends for S I SS; Dean Van Raay, Barrow purchased
by Zurich Abattoir for S190; Allan Storey, Barrow pur-
chased by Veal's Meat Market for $ 170.
Other events
Mutton Busting was a big attraction with about 20 par-
ticipants. Two groups of sheep undecorators enjoyed that
novel event.
Team Penning was introduced this year and drew a good
number of participants and spectators alike.
Fun events'including Big Round Bale Rolling, Little
Round Rale Rolling. Porcelain Pony Races and Amateur
Tug of War drew good participation.
The Bluewater Tug of War entertained with five teams
participating and coached the amateurs.