HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-06-17, Page 11Ausable Theatre brings drama to Lucan
ay Cray)drad[ord
-T--A Reporter
LUCAN - Now Lucanites with a
thirst for the dramatic won't have
to leave home to satisfy their pas-
. slant'
The Ausable. Theatre company
premieres its first production. Rob-
ertson Davies' Overlaid and Eros at
Breakfast at the' Ausable Centre on
Friday. .
The two plays, written in the•
1940s, will not be performed any-
where else in the region, a fact that
works into the Ausable Theatre's
unofficial mandate to first feature
plays that aren't put on elsewhere
and secondly produce locally .writ-
ten plays when they are made avail-
"I'll keep an eye out for. them,"
Ausable Theatre artistic director
Jeff Culbert said.
Culbert, a Lucan native, will di-
rect Eros and will play Pop in
• Overland.
Both plays are short comedies.
Overlaid is set in rural Ontario and
-tells the story of a showdown be-
tween a cranky retired farmer and
. his long-suffering daughter.
Eros is set inside the solar plexus
of a 21 -year-old man who's falling
in love. -
Culbert said Overlaid was Can-
ada's most popular play throughout
the 'SOs and both it and Eros won
. the Dominion Drama Festival in
'47 and '48 respectively.
Though best- known as one of
Canada's best novelists, Davies
first found prominence -as a play-
wright, penning 10 plays before
publishing his first novel. .
Culbert is excited about bringing
theatre to his hometown and wants
to put Lucan on the summer theatre
festival map alongside the Huron
Country Playhouse. and festivals in
Blyth. Drayton and Port Stanley.
"We're trying to get into that cir-
puit," he said.
Overlaid and Eros will run to-
gether on. June 19.21 and June 26-
All performances have an 8 p.m.
,The-Ausable Theatre's first play-
bill also, includes Bob the Teapot
Premiering Friday. The Ausable Theatre premieres its first production, two Robertson' Davies
penned plays called Overlaid and Eros at Breakfast, at Lucan's Ausable Centre on Friday at 8
p. m. Pictured are the company: artistic director Jeff Culbert, sitting in front; back left: Jean
Harrison, Art Fidler, -Virginia Pratten, Jason Rip, Glen Sheppard, Jasyon Penner/McDonald and
Michele Barnes. _
by Londoner Jason Rip (July 1.7-19
and July 24-26) and Target Audi-
ence by Ottawa's Mary Crawford
and Alan Templeton. -
All performances will he. at the
Ausable Centre
at i70 Main St.
in Lucan.
Tickets' cost
$15 each with an
all - three play
package at $40.
Tickets can he
hooked by call-
ing the Ausable
Theatre box- of-
fice at 227-1453. •
Culbert played Judas at the Tal-
bot Theatre's '95 production of le -
sus Christ Superstar. John Bar-
rymore at The Grand Theatre's
McManus Studio production of I
Hate Hamlet and Frank Conway .in
Herman Goodden's Nature Abhors
A•Vacuum. - -
He has directed George F..Walk-
er's Beautiful City for Hit and Run
last -.summer and appeared
.in Port Stanley
Festival Thea-
tre's Jupiter ' in
July and Office
Other Ausable
Theatre players
include London's
Original Kids ar-.
tistic director Art
Fidler i also Oak-
ridge : High
School's drama dept. head). Lon-
don playwright and musician Jay-
son Penner/McDonald, musical di-
rector Dean Harrison. (most
recently. heard as the piano player
for The. Grand's West Side Story ).
The Ausable Theatre
company premieres
its first production,
Robertson Davies'
Overlaid and Eros at
Breakfast at the -
A usable Centre on
, Rrp this Iasi play, Hollis Gets the
Girt ran` ai London's Forest City
Gallery last_ .year). producer Mi-
chele Barnes t Kitcheher-Waterloo
Power Plays Festival hese, sup-
porting actress winner and hest ac-
tress nominee in the past two iea-
sons), Virginia Pratten I Palau
Theatre vet) and Glen Shepherd. •
For more information, call Cul -
hen - at 645-1130 or the Ausable
Centre at 227-1453.
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Times -Advocate; June 17, 1998
Page 11
Landfill site still an lssue
Zurich reeve is still con-
cerned partnership with
Hay Township is unfair
ZURICH Reeve Dwayne La-
Porte is not happy with the current
amount of representation -the vil-
lage has on the landfill board.
"I still don't like the fact that we
don't have equal representation;"
said Reeve LaPorte at Thursday's
council meeting. "They (the Town-
ship of Hay) want us to pay 55 per
cent of the operating costs without
having equal. representation.. We
are not asking to have any say on
the operating expenses of the land-
fill site."
Zurich pays for over half of the
site's operating_ costs while Hay
picks up the remainder of -the tab
by contributing 45 per cent. •
"i think we should push a little
harder...it just :doesn't seem
right," said LaPorte. "They said
they want to he fair about 'it hut
nothing has changed."
Except for councillor Brad
•Clausius, council remained rel-
atively quiet.on the issue.
"I don't know whether it is
worth fighting for another vote."
Clausius said.
The issue of pursuing more rep-
resentation on the landfill hoard
was left unresolved by council.
to present '
Monday, June 29, 1998
8:00 p.m. SHARP
at McGillivray Township Hall, West McGillivray
34665 Creamery Road .
Copy of proposed plan available at Township Office
• Shirley Scott,
Clerk -Treasurer
The Corporation of. the Village of Lucan
Take notice that the Council.of the Corporation of the Village of
Lucan will hold a public meeting on the 7th, day of July, 1998 at 7:1;
p.m., atthe Village Of Luean,Municipal Offices,, at 161 Main Street.
Lucan Ontario to consider a proposed zoning by-law.amendment
pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.,C) ,,1991).
The Village ot'Lucan will consider amending Zoning Bylaw 13-7'9 to
enable reduced,side yards for.setni-detached dwellings, it a carport
of garage is attached to a semi, detached dwelling.. (The by-law
currently permits reduced side yards for a single detached dwelling,
with a garage or carport, but no similar regulation exists -tor a seMi-
.Any, person may attend ,the public meeting and; or make written ;:r
oral representation,either in support of or in opposition to the
proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. If You are unable to attend the
meeting, writ -ten submissions to th* Village Clerk will be received up
to the time of the meeting. Written submissions should include a
request for .further notification, it so desired.
If a person or public body that tiles an appeal of a decision of the
Village of Lucan in respect of the proposed zoning by-law does not
make oral submission at the public meeting or make written
submission leo the Village of Lucan before the proposed zoning by-
law is adopted, the Ontano Municipal Board may dismiss all or part
,it the appeal.
Additional information relating to the proposed zoning By-law,
amendment is available for inspection between 400 a.m. and 31)0
p.m.. Monday to Friday, at the Village Municipal Office.
Ron Reymer, Clerk
Village of Lucan
Box 449,
Lucan, Ontario
\01W 2J0