HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-06-17, Page 10Page 10 Times -Advocate, June 17, 1998 COJvIMUNJTY. Celebrating Seniors' Month Exeter Public School's primary choir entertained residents of the Exeter -Villa last Wednesday. The Gr. 1-3 students sang several songs in celebration of Seniors' Month. The choir is led by teachers Cindy Hamather and Jody Regier .and Exeter P.S. parent Anne Spivey accompanied on the piano. - Talents demonstrated at piano recital Rhoda Rohde Thames Road .- nrrespondent THAMES ROAi) - The June meeting of -the 1;.0 W was held on Tuesday evening in Thames Road -('hurch with 12 women and two men present. June- Stewart wel: corned everyone and g -ave the theme -God in Nature". Jean Johns read scripture and Pat Ballantyne - gave readings , Sharon Pavkeje and Ballantyne ' received the offering -with a..prayer by Johns. Pavkeje gave a reading "l' fook my Soul for a Walk." June Stewart gave a reading "Scattei Seeds of Kindness." Jim Heckman and Brian Norris i>f Thamcsview Church in Fullarton described the blueficlds Project they worked, at in Nicaragua in _1997 -through the London Conference,. They showed slides and gave an informative talk. They also had articles they had brought home with them. - Pavkeje thanked the men and presented them with a gift of money -which they gave hack to the treasurer to he sent on. • President Sharon Lynn opened the business part of. the meeting with a poem "You Can. Carry a Pack." The roll call was answered by each member telling their sum- mer holiday plans. Minutes were read and corre- spondence was dealt with. Marilyn Pym gave the treasurer's • report. Beatrice Dawson told about • being to Camp Mensetung on Monday. The women are catering to a sup- • per meal at Thames Road Church for a group on June 23. Plans were made to go to Blyth Festival on August I I to see a per- formance., Johns accompanied on -the piano for all the hymns: - Sunday School anniversary School Board takes a moment to think about Toss of principal CLINTON -It was business as usual for the Avon Maitland District School Board last Tuesday when it again faced issues such as funding, finding a new director and reorganizing its offices. But, it took a moment to think about the loss of Pat Latta. The prinicipal at Arthur Meighen Public School was killed in a car accident two weeks ago. • John Patterson. associate direc- tor, told trustees last Tuesday night in Clinton the outpouring of support and affection from the community. staff, students and trustees was overwhelming. "I know it's been a difficult time for the school," he said. Gerry Krug, of Shakespeare Public School in Stratford, was there from the beginning to help the staff and students through the diffi- cult time, he said. Patterson -shared the information with the trustees during the good news portion of the board's agenda. "A lot of that is good news although the cause of that is not," he said. A good 'cro"wd attended the Sunday School Anniversary on Sunday. Kathy Bray. superinten- dent of the Sunday School. wel- comed -Peter Snell and his wife Sharron. Maggie Miller led in the call to worship. Ngnes Bray accom- panied for the hymns: Jessica Bray read scriptures and Kristy Bray led ina prayer. Virginia Warwick introduced. guest speaker Peter Snell. who spoke on "Let Your Light Shine and he sang and played his guitar.. - Chad .Smith -and ian Weston received the offering with Sarah Miller giving the offertory prayer. Megan Parker thanked Snell and presented him with an envelope. Everyone went downstairs for a potluck lunch. Seals and diplomas were handed out by Kathy and Vanessa Bray to the following: Diploma - Ashley Toornstra, Ian Osgood, Christine Ellis: Second year seals - Amber_Cooper.Nicole Pavkeje, Ashley McKnight: Third year seals - Richard Johns, Robin McKnight: Fourth year seals- - Megan Pavkeje. Brett Warwick: Fifth year seal - Evelyn Johns:: Eighth year seal - Matthew Johns; Ninth -year seals - Jessica Bray. Sarah Miller: Tenth year seal - ian Weston: Eleventh year seals - Megan Parker, Maggie Miller. Courtney Smith. Andrew Weston. Brenda Elford: Twelfth year seal - Kristy Bray; Thirteenth year seal - Chad'Smith: Fourteenth.year seal - Vanessa Bray; Faithful- attendance two Sundays or less - Courtney Smith. Corey Smith: Perfect atten-. dance - Jessica Bray. Kristy. Bray. Megan Parker and'Vanessa Bray. Coming events Thames Road-Elimville Education Committee are sponsor- ing a one day Vacation Bible -School on -July 26. The day will begin at 11:30 a.m. at Thames Road Church with the children bringing a hox lunch. to, eat. The centres of Bible study, games. t - shirt. songs and a snack will revolve around the theme "Being a Blessing in.God's•World." All children ages four and up are welcome. Adults are invited to a weiner roast and campfire at 5:30 p.m. Admission is a salad or a dessert: Personals Belated congratulations are extended to grandparents Lorne and Pat Ballantyne, Irene Earl and to parents Ron and Wendy Earle and brothers Rohhie.and Ryan. on the birth of.thetr son and brother Sean Michael. , The piano recital of Agnes Bray's pupils was +ell attended on - Wednesday evening in the Thames Road Church. V A Hanna picnic dinner. was. held at a church in London on. Saturday • Those attending were Norman Shier. Mary Gay Brook; Of Toronto, Mary •Gartenhurg of Kingston. Viola Hewitt of London. Ruth Shier. Murray and Louise Shier of Ki-rkton. Clarence and Isabel of Woodham. John. and [sobel M�Lauchlan of Lambeth. Bili and Rhoda Rohde. Glenn and' Dorothy Jeffery of Thames Road. and Doug and Joyce Clark of Clinton, who were the host and hostess. . Several -from this area attended the chicken barbecue for Woodham U.C.W. at the' Kirkton Woodham Community .Centre on Wednesday evening. Loren •Hewitt of Hoppers Crossing. Australia is staying -with her uncle and aunt. Brad and Jane Cann. Several relatives- from this area attended a bndal shower for Karen Rohde. bride •elect of August at Exeter Legion on Sunday after- noon. - ..• BanthE770 'u'7 7 M tChltUBA= Off' TILE' 12`17n Rat, To conserve water, lawn and garden watering will be permitted during the following time periods only. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated Residential Households 7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday to Saturday Inclusive Commercial Businesses 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday THiS WATER RESTRICTION IS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (June 17, 1998) and will be In effect until August 31, 1998 Shuffleboard Exeter June 10 4 game winners Bill Sullivan . 26i How.ai'd Johns - Estelle Chalmers ' 1 3 Doris Miller - - 1 .lune IF 4 l - 4 game winners. Marge McCurdy . i 3() Allen Johns 211• 3 game winners Mike Underhill 121. Hensall .lune 9 Edna Dietl Lorne :\r. her Doris Hamilton Hazel :McEwen Dorothy Corhett Dave- Woodward Evelyn Venner. Theo Vandenhoom 546 519 517 467. 462 413 410 lid. Foundation wants to grow CLINTON - The Perth Foundation for the Enrichment of Education wants to grow into the new Avon Maitland Distr.ict School Board. The charitable organization which fundraises to bring arts, sci- ence and technoloy and career awareness programs into the schools, has focussed its program- ming in Perth County 'public schools. "We would like the opportunity to offer our services to Huron County as well as Perth County," said Ann Lake. executive director. She told trustees last Tuesday night in Clinton that the foundation has brought about 19 .programs tt) kindergarten to OAC over the last 10 years. It. is perhaps hest known -for its Shakespeare -on -Wheels pro- gram. To extend its services, Lake'told trustees That the foundation will have to step up its fundraising in order to cover the costs of imple- menting its programs across the SS' schools in the hoard's jurisdiction. it will also require a minimal increase in the administratvie sup- port. • Lake said she is confident the increased fundraising -is possible. One hoard member has taken on a fundraising campaign geared to taking the programs into Huron County. Also, Lake said -the foundation has developed credibility over the last 10 years. People recognize the • foundation and -are willing to make donations. make gifts in kind or direct in memorial donations to the foundation. - • She also encouraged trustees to Make donations themselves through payroll deductions from their honorariums. The payroll, deductions firom trustees and teachers funds special projects. . which are about $200 grants to teachers with good ideas for enrichment programs, she said. ATTENTION FRANCOPHONES C.ATHOLIQLTES DES CONITES DE HURON ET DE PERTH LE CONSEIL SCOL -URE DE DISTRICT DES ECOLES CATHOLiQCES D[: SCD-OCEST destre offrir une education catholique en-langue fracaise aux eteves catholiques Francophones des . orates ,1e• • . HURON ET PERTH - Toutes les personnes interessees s,int invitees `t ine rencontre 2eneritle au Candlelight Restaurant 350, rue Bayfield, Goderich 1 Ontario I le mardi, 23 juin 1998 a compter de 19 h Sovez des n ftres' ATTENTION C.ATHOL[C FR.ANCCIPHONES - OF Hi:RON AND PERTH COUNTIES LE CONiSEiL SCOL. -URE Dt. DISTRICT DES ECOLES C.ATHOLiQLES DL SCD-OCEST wishes to offer a Catholic French-Ianguatte education to Catholic Francophone students residing in THE COUNTIES OF HI: RON .4ND PERTH Those interested are invited to a meeting at the Candlelight Restaurant, 350 Bayfield• Street,Cioderich, Ontario Tuesday, June 23, at 7:00 p.m. Sovez des n Cres' AS ADVERTISED... TWO GREAT OFFERS FROM SAAN! All Brooks athletic footwear is 30% off Buy two pair of `Wrangler Rugged Wear' Wrinkle Resist pants at 25% off and get a FREE! `Wrangler' i.\/�F watch! SEE STORE FOR DETAILS SAAJI6,y peop y� EXETER 193 Main Street S. Offer available until June 21, 19911 or while quantities last.