HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-06-03, Page 9C()MMIJNJTY Cubs hold year-end camp outing By Carmel Sweeney Zurich correspondent ZURICH - St. Peter's Lutheran Church celebrated The Day of Pentecost on May 31 with 11 young people .being confirmed by Pastor Ross Thomson. A welcome luncheon for them and other new members of the church will be held in the.fall. The Grade 8 students of St. Boniface received the sacrament of confirmation on Pentecost Sunday by Fr. Wronski at .a special Mass with family members and relatives attending, followed by a reception . in the parish hall with their spon- sors. Teacher Vince Trocchi was also present for the Mass.. Individual celebrations were also held at their homes afterwards. The music students of Aimee Rau, and Shelly Hoffman put on a piano recital at St. Boniface School gym on Tuesday evening with their parents, family and friends attend- ing. There will be another recital at the Mt. Carmel School on June 9 at 7 p.m. for piano students in the area. . Approximately 30 people attend- ed the May 26 Fair Board meeting. The theme of this year's fair will be Community Partnerships. First vice president Paul Klopp chaired the meeting along with secretary/trea- surer Margaret Deichert, who gave the minutes of the last meeting and the financial -report. A -history of the Zurich Fair was given. The fair used to be held in September but was changed to the summer months about 20.years ago. . Deichert has been involved with the fair for many years and has been secretary/treasurer for about 30 years. Anne Flaxbard has been an active director for over 30 years. Correction Iva Reid was incorrectly identi- fied in a photo of the new play sta- tion at Hensall Public School in last week's T -A. Reid represented the Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary which donated to the playground project. The T -A apologizes for any con- fusion this may have caused. The Lions Club will be running the Elimination draw and dance on Friday night and tickets are avail- able from any Fair Board member or at the pharmacy. Cash draws of up to 51,000 can be won. The cost is $10 per ticket which includes all the beef on a bun you can eat and free admission into the fair on Saturday. The next meeting will be held June 29 at 8 p.m. Cord and Cecilia Smith recently attended the Knights of Columbus convention in Toronto. The Optimist Club is having a meeting at the Town and Country Bowling alley on June 10 at 7:30 p.m. The year end District Camp was held at Benmiller on May 22, 23, 24.. The 1st- Zurich Cubs and their leaders arrived Friday night to set up camp. Nine Cubs; four leaders and two camp cooks settled down for the night after enjoying hot chocolate and snacks. The theme on Saturday was "Life in Space". Many games, crafts and obstacle courses were set up through the day. The Goderich Remote Control Airplane Club showed everyone how to tly and handle their planes. About 40 Beavers, Cubs, leaders and parents enjoyed lunch and a break together before returning to the day's activities. Saturday night six Beaver boys from Zurich/Bayfield stayed the night with the Cubs for their first outing in the Cub program. Zurich Cubs brought home a new award "the Huron District Pack Outdoor Award" for the 1997-98 season. Also 1st Zurich/Bayfield Scouts and Cubs brought home with them the "Huron District Canoe Award" for'the 1998 season. Brian and Bonnie Bellaire were the Have a news tip? Call the ernes -Advocate 235-1331 Artists' Expo . '98 Over 100 pieces of art were on display at S.H.D.H.S. last Tuesday as part of the art program's Artists' Expo. At top, Rob Turner displays his piece "Bred to Die in the USA." Below, Jennifer VanBakel displays the screen she made that included 15 paintings. Times -Advocate, June 3, I998 Page 9 camp cooks for the weekend. Senior games were held to see who advances to the District 29 Tri County Games in Mitchell on June 15 and 16. The results are as fol- lows: Contract Bridge - Marie Gelinas and Aldene Wolfe; Cribbage - Louise Hayter and Lottie Grenier; Crokinole - Della Gascho and Ken Gascho (fingers), Ina Neeb and Doreen Oesche (sticks); Euchre - Ina Neeb and Gwen McKellar; Five Pip Bowling - Elaine Weido, Glena Horner, Ross Horner, Robert Horner, Madelaine Desjardine; Golf - Marge Schilbe and Hubert Schilbe; Lawns Bowling - Doris Hamilton, Paula Osch, Harry Osch; Shuffleboard - Thea Vandenboom and Denis Hamilton; Solo - Lottie Grenier and Orlen Schwartzentruber; Walking - Louise Hayter (women), Charles Mortley (men). Personals Congratulations to grade 1-2 teacher at St. Boniface School, Tracy Klaver and husband Nick of near Walton on the arrival of a baby girl, Kelsey, born on May 28. Last Wednesday, the staff held a baby shower for Tracy during the noon hour with a special lunch and gifts. A party for Kathy Merner and Mark Mcllwain will -be held June 6 at the S.eaforth arena. The couple are planning to be married in August. She is the daughter of Bob and Tootie Merner in Zurich. Glen and Doreen Webb, Dashwood celebrated their 50th anniversary on May 29 at the Exeter Legion. On Sunday they ate at the Little -Inn in. Bayfield with their original attendants. Their wedding dinner was held there also 50 years ago. Speaker describes her trip to India to Kippen .East Women's Institute EXETER - Kippen East met at the home of Helen MacLean with Marlene Bell was co -hostess for the May meeting. , Grace Drummond, the president welcomed every- one and read "Why I fired by secretary". The Ode was sung and the Mary Stewart Collect repeated. Ten members answered the roll call with their -fa- vorite spring flower and only one had to pay a pin fine. The minutes were read and the ticket money given for the Playhouse for -June 23. Grace Drummond had a humorous story. Grace Drummond had a humorous story. Grace Eyre gave a smile "Sterile Dad". Helen MacLean read a poem "Out of Time". Doro- thy Bell gave a true story of an escapade that hap- pened on one of her trips. Dorothy Bell introduced the guest speaker: Laurie Shapton. Shapton had a most interesting and infor- mative talk on her trip to India. Her pictures also showed the great contrasts - rich and poor, luxury and drudgery of the people. Everyone has to work, in the field or home herding, washing, milking etc. The hotels were Shapton stayed were wonderful but outside the walls could be much poverty. Many Mona Alderdice conducted a contest. A bountiful lunch was served by Ruby Triebner and Lil McLellan. "WE HAVE IT ALL FORRIM Mat. GREAT CASUAL, LIVING" • For Outdoors • Pools • Garden Areas • Stmrooms rwt uManwrM aaoic DIstinct' • • 1.4 • am NOOK PliremOrt• Quite Simply the Finest P.V.C. 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