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Times -Advocate, June 3, 1998
Volunteer thankyou
South Huron District High School recognizes volunteerism. On Wednesday S. H. D. H. S
took a moment to thank the 117 volunteers who have lent a hand in one way or another
during the school year. From Co-operative education employers to School Advisory Council
members to volunteer drivers and coaches, the school paid tribute to their help. Vol-
unteers were treated to a coffee and tea break as well as given a gift. From left, Jean Ma-
son, Bill Shore, Sue Stewart, Diane Darling and Phyllis Crawford.
Party thrown for Queensway volunteers
HENSALL - The Queensway
Nursing Home booth did a boom-
ing business at the. Hensafl
Community Yard Sale on Saturday.
Residents had a wonderful time sit-
ting outdoors along with volunteer
Jessie Archer.
A volunteer appreciation party
was held on Wednesday afternoon
from 2 to 4 p.m. with approximate-
ly 50 in attendance. Rev. DiNovo
led a devotional about angels.
Belva Fuss was organist. Following
the program, volunteers enjoyed a
buffet of hot hors d'oevres, fruit,
punch and coffee. Several draws
took place for Queensway quality
care, volunteer t -shirts and gifts
from Village Vines. Carnations
were available for all volunteers.
The Hensall Girl Guides .visited
their Buddies in the retirement
home on Monday evening and were
presented with thcir certificates of
appreciation as well as a pizza.
party from Queensway. This was
their final visit to Queensway until
summer ends. Residents and Girl
Guides alike have benefitted from
the relationship. •
Following the Senior Diners on
Thursday. Max & His TownLincrs
entertained at the May birthday
party. Birthday greetings go to
Elsie Johnston. Vivian Barret.
Orville Witmer, Alcida Kitts and
Hazel Mason.
Rev. Tracy Crick of Varna-
Goshcn churches led the worship
service Tuesday afternoon with
Belva Fuss as organist and Marg
Cole assisting the residents.
Coming events
June 5 - 7:3() p.m. Friendship
Friday with Clare and Andrew; -
June 11 - 6 p.m., Seniors Dining
Group; 7 p:m. Norma Preszcator's
June 13 - Hensall Fair. Residents
have a picnic outdoors;
June 17 - 4`.30 p.m. Fishing.
canoeing and weiner roast at
Gaschos Pond.
Rotary trail to be extended into Grand Bend
GRAND BEND - On May 19 village council ratified
the extension of the• Rotary. Trail north into Grand
The extension will begin at the new parkette situated
at the southwest corner of Highway 21 and Pinedale
Road and follow the existing road in Pinedale subdivi-
sion, Edmunds Boulevard. to Lakeview Road. The new
portion of the trail will run adjacent to the highway
from Lakeview, on village property to join the existing
sidewalk at the Pinedale Motel, a distance of 1.3 kin.
Council agreed to fund one half of the cost of the
trail up to $20,000 and to bridge finance the Rotary
Club for the remaining $20,000 over a period of four
The action was taken by council as a safety precau-
tion for the many cyclists, joggers and walkers who
use the existing trail as an access to the village. These
people are presently forced to use Highway 21 or its
shoulder - a dangerous situation.
The existing 7 km. Rotary Nature Trail extends from
the entrance to Pinery Provincial Park along the west
side of`Highway 21 to Pinedale Road. The Rotary Club
of Grand Bend, in co-operation with the town of
Bosanquet, completed this $171,000 project in four
years. The trail is a safe. convenient and enjoyable
place to walk, cycle or jog.
The 75 ft. by 100 ft. parkette was generously donat-
ed -to the Rotary Club by Huron Woods Inc. Dave
Taylor Tree Service cleared the area and McLaren
Associates surveyed the land. both free of charge.
The Rotary Club requests your support in a fundrais-
ing jet haat draw to fund the Rotary Trail Extension
into Grand Bend. and the development of the Parkctte
at Highway 21 and Pinedale Road
Tickets for the 175 h.p. Sca Rayder, complete with a
trailer will go on sale May 15 to October 12, 1998 at
various locations and functions in Grand Bend and
Tickets may he purchased for $5 each or five for $20
and inay he purchased from any member of the Rotary
Just, in time for Father's
1-3 P.M.
Take a trip back in time
- a trip through
Southwestern Ontario.
. 'Mks;- /ft nary f,
So many of the towns and cities we are familiar with
today had extremely crude and haphazard beginnings.
Many became gracious, tree -lined communities with a
thriving business and social life.
73 'mini -histories' offer a valuable look at a past rich with character and drama. The railroad,
the natives, unfriendly forays from the U.S., and, most of all, the courageous early settlers all
played significant roles in shaping our past and, therefore, our present.
100 black and white vintage photos show us a time and way of life we have forgotten.
Blacksmith shops, milliners, cottage life circa 1900 - all evoke a precious past.
About Terry Boyle
Terry has talked and written about Ontario culture, folklore and history for more than 20 years
and is a recognized authority. He is a special education teacher and hosts the popular radio
show 'Discover Ontario' on Classical 96 and 1203.1 FM (FCFMX).
COMMUNITIES INCLUDED IN THE BOOK ARE: Acton, Amherstburg, Barrie, Brampton. Brantford, Bronte, Burlington,
Cambridge. Chatham, Chatsworth. Clinton. Collingwood. Cookstown, Dresden, Dundas, Dunnville, Durham, Elmira, Elora,
Exeter, Fergus, Flesherton, Fort Erie. Georgetown. Goderich, Grand Bend. Grimsby, Guelph, Hamilton. Kincardine.
Kingsville, Kitchener, Lion's Head, Listowel. London, Long Beach, Lucknow. Meaford, Midland, Milton. Mono Mills.
Niagara Falls. Niagara -on -the -Lake, Oakville. Orangeville, Owen Sound. Penetanguishene, Port Colborne, Port Dover, Port
Elgin. Port Stanley. Queenston, Sainte -Marie -among -the -Hurons. Sarnia, Sauble Beach. Simcoe, Southampton. Stratford,
St. Catharines, St. Jacobs, St. Thomas, Stoney Creek, Tillsonburg, Tobermory, Walkerton. Wallaceburg, Wasaga Beach,
Waterloo, Welland, Wiarton, Windsor. Wingham and Woodstock.
if unable to attend, you may
reserve your copy by calling
Sue /tolling* at
(519) 235-1331
or by
o*a*Hn>x your local newspapor
424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 235-1331 • Fax (519) 235-0766
WI holds 95th annual meeting "
ZURICH - Huron South District
Women's Insitute members held
their .95th annual meeting at. the Zu-
rich Town Hall on May 21.
Bridgette• Groot welcomed the
members from the eight branches.
Hostess gift ideas for the upcoming
International Plowing Match in
1999 at Dashwood was given by -
Shirley Cooper from Elmville W.I.
The 4-H report was given by Ma-
rie Salm of Goderich. -
Fern Dougall from Hurondale WI
was one 0168. members from Cana-
da with their husbands that attend-
ed the A.C.W.W.. Convention at
Pretoria South Africa.
In her report of a very interesting
convention she said each delegate
was asked to bring a book for a
school child.
The next triennial will be held
June 2001 at Hamilton Ontario and
it will be the year of the volunteer.
The guest speaker Ernie Miatello,
pharmacist from the Huron Apothe-
cary in Exeter spoke on the theme -
lor the meeting - Mind, Matter and
He stressed that everyone should
known their medications and to be
sure and ask questions about the
medication they arc taking.
Entertainment was supplied by
Betty Hulley from Seaforth; a read-
ing Letter from "Ma to her Son"
and a humorous skit by members
from Dashwood WI about farm
fresh eggs.
A very fitting In Memoriam was
conducted by Fern Dougall of Hu-
rondale WI. Donna Willows, the
Provincial Board- Director ,ratified
the District Directors from the
branches and brought greetings
from F.W.i.O. along with informa-
tion on upcoming events.
Greetings from London Area -
was given by. Gladys Egleton -
.London Area President and a repre-
sentative from Huron West, Huron
East and Perth South also brought
Glenda Ladill, Membership Or-
ganizer brought a report from the
Educational Workshops was re-
ported by Mona Alderdice, watch
for the information on the fall
Curator's Workshop will be held
in Dashwood on August 6. Area
Convention will be held in the
Kirkton Woodham Community
Centre on Thursday October 22.
Huron South District picnic on July
7, 12:30 p.m. at Crediton Commu-
nity Park.
Courtesies were given by the Cre-
diton Institute and an invitation to
hold the meeting in Crediton in
The election and installation of
officers was conducted by Donna
Willows with the slate of officers
for 1998-1999.
Past President - Helen McKenzie,
Seaforth. President - Lois McFalls,
RR 3 Exeter. '1st Vice President -
Bridgette Groot, Zurich. Secretary -
Jane Dearing, RR 1 Exeter. Treas-
urer - Marilyn Pym, RR 3.E,(eter.
Examiners: Doris Bestard, Failey
Marten, RR Parkhill. Cur&tor - Do-
lores Shapton RR 1 Exeter. Public
Relations Officer - June Stewart,
RR 1 Kirkton. Program Co-
ordinator - Marjorie Johns RR 3
Zurich WI members served a de-
elicious lunch with a time of fellow-
ship after a busy evening.
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Low square footage and a simple foundation plan make this basement entry home an idea!
choice for those just starting out. Both narrow and shallow, this home will fit on a variety of
lots. As well, the unfinished basement can be completed when time and finances allow.
A den, just inside the front entrance, would make an ideal home office or hobby room.
upstairs, a spacious living room provides a comfortable atmosphere for entertaining and
features a boxed out window seat. The kitchen boasts an efficient 'U' shaped working
area with a walk-in pantry and a handy work island.
Both front bedrooms feature boxed out window seats. The master has a three piece
ensuite and space for a desk or make-up vanity.
Plans for GL -647 may be obtained for $355.00 for a package of five complete sets of
working prints and $30.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow $15.00 extra to
cover the cost of postage and handling (B.C. residents add applicable sales tax to plan
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This is one of our new designs. Many innovativeplans are now available in our NEW
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Bus: 235.2489
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