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,Times -Advocate, May 27, 1998 „
Village prepares for annualyard sale
By Liz Sat —1Pi -
Hensall correspondent
HENSALL • - At Hensall's
Community -Wide Yard Sale, May
30.. the Hensall and District
Horticultural Society will be having
a sale at the corner of Nelson and
Main. in front of- William's
Hairstyling. Donations of perenni-
als, gardening tools, houseplants.
books on gardening, herbs. pots,
bulbs etc. arc welcome. These may
be dropped off prior to sale day at
William's Shop or at Liz
. Sangster's. phone 262-2715 for
more infonnation. • -
• On May 28 the Society will he
' planting the village beds starting at
9 a.m. The general membership
will not he phoned regarding this
but anyone intere.ted in helping out
is encouraged to meet at the par-
• kette. •
_ If you are a member and haven't
yet picked up your pansies please
do so et the -following locations:
William's .Hairstyling or by phon-
ing Jancth at 262-2715. if you ere
- not a member hut want to he you
buy a membership from these
sources and gel your pansies and up
to a 10 Per cent discount at Local
•A fancily get-together was held
. Sunda • afternoon at ,Beth
Grenicr's apartment to celebrate the
engagement other grandson Robert
Luther. Rohert is the son of Carole
and Larry. Luther of Grand Bend
and is marrying.Joy Cooper. daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs..Dave Cooper of
Stcrling,Heights. Michigan. '
The Hensall Park Board will he
hosting a Smart. St -ve Training
Session on June 24 The session _
will he from 7 too 10:30 p.m. at the
• 'Hensall. Community Centre. Smart
Serve •is a training program for
. servers. which outline: the skills or
responsible service. The Smart
• Serve .qualification was developed
by the Ontario Hospitality. Industry.
and has replaced the previous train-
ing known as Server Intervention
• Program. Smart :Serve- highlights
the prevention of problem situs -
tions. as well as intervention when
:problems do arise. The training is
useful Pot/ anyone involved in the
pr:oytsion of alcohol serving events,.
• • The Fist includes -such persons as
hartendcrs. wait staff. -caterers.
managers. owners, security staff:
•and special occasion permit hold-
• ers: Additional information is avail-
able from the Hensall Arena (262-
'3206) and Hensall Municipal
Office (262-28122).
Collection of special household
garbage will .take place June 1 in
the Village of Hensall. Residents
should.have items to the curb h� ,
a.m. to ensure pickup. Special
• household garbage includes, such
- items as: furniture:. appliances.
(tagged frcon fret. if applicable).
waste in containers: Metal items
must he piled separately. Carpet
must he rolled. and no longer than
four feet: mattresses must he rolled
and -tied. Items which are not
accepted. include: tires. harhecue'
• tanks. building materials. batteries.
paint. or regular. taggahlc garbage.
Questions regarding the collection
can he directed to the Hensall
Municipal Office..
It's your last chance to nominate
someone you know for reeognitiun
as a Hensall • volunteer.
. Nominations are being accepted
for: Civic •volunteer. Humanitarian
• Volunteer and Service to Sports.
The selected volunteers will he rcc•
ognized at the Hensall Parks -.
Board's Beef barbecue in. August.
This is the third annual, barbecue
co -hosted by the Hensall Kinsmen
and Firefighters. Nomination forms
• are available at the Municipal
Office and Arena. The deadline for
nomination submissions is June 1
' at 5 p.m. '
On May 22 Hensall Legion and
Ladies Auxiliary held joint installa-
tions with Blyth. The officers and
Executive for the next term are
Past President Bryan Fink,
President Dave Smale, First vice
Larry Uyl. Second vice Gerry
Glenn, Secretary -treasurer Bea UyI,
Service Officer Larry UyI and Sgt. -
at -Arms Pete Zwaan, Executive
Betty Simmons. Donna Smale, Jane
Glavin. lea Reid, Stewart Taylor
and Lillian- Beer for the Legion;
Auxiliary President Iva Reid.
Secretary Donna Smale, Treasurer
Lillian Beer. Executive Joan
- Beierling and -Bea -1.1y].
At the regular meeting of the
Branch. it was agreed to.donate'to
the Children's Aid Societe- for
camping .and St. Boniface School,
Zurich, towards purchasing play--
lay-.ground equipment.
-Hensall Legion has just received
a much needed face lift. New..
.drapes were installed and it was
On Junc 6 the Legion arc holding
their Elimination - _ and
l;ntcrtainment Night.
The Ladies Auxiliary Penny Sale
is now open • Tuesdays and
Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
'with draws June 2..It is located at
120 King St. in Hensall. •
Margaret and Jack Consist •cele-
brated their golden wedding
annivcrsar� at Erb's Country
Kitchen recently. Another celebra-.
. tion took. pla a in Kitchener "when
the' met with Fred endBarh Birosh-
cif St. Catharines and Marg and Ray,
•Consitt of Exeter for dinner.
Carmel.Presbyterian Church will:
celebrate the 150th anniversary on
Ma 31 at 9:45'a.rn.
The P.C.W..w•ill meet June 1 at 8
P.m •.
On Ma. 24 at Hensel' United
Church it was Conference Sunday.
Cecil Pepper conducted the service
and Ann Marie McGregor read the
children's stor\ The greeter was
Hazel Corbett. Chuck Mallette was
the usher and Pat'Veal was the lec-
tor. There will he no service at
Hensall United Church on May 31
due to the 150th anniversary at
Carmel'Presb.'Itr:an church.
A meeting will he held after the.
service on Junc 7: Prayers arc
asked -for the executive staff• and
committees of the Presbytery. -
The Friendship Circle will meet
on Monday ai 4:30 to .tour lcc
Culture. followed. by a potluck'
nice! at McAllisters• in Bayfield.
Thursday afternoon- ladies meet
June 4 at Millingtons for -lunch at -
noon. ..
- -Bake table donations will be.'
received from 7 109 p.m. on'Friday
in the fellowship hall. Coffee and -
mufiins will he served on Saturday
morning and lunch will he avail-.
able at the friendship -hall.
• It's time to start thinking about
Hensall Spring Fair on June 12 and
13. The theme is "Focus on Pork"
Donations and support frvrn arca
individuals and. business has made
the fair possible. • • _ •.
The proud tradition is approach-
ing the 130th 'year. The forerunner
of the Hensall Spring Fair was the
South Huron Electoral Agricultural
Society formed in 1868. Earlier
fairs were rotated between
Bruceficld. Hensall. Kippen and
Seaforth. The society sponsored
plowing and reaping and. mowing
matches. in 1869 the mowing
match featured 13 entries and over
1,0(X) spectators.
The agricultural society was
formed to promote . new and
improved farming equipment, seed
crops. livestock bloodlines and
farming practices. The fairs were
also an important social event.
Today fairs may 'look different than
in years gone by but their purpose
.hasn't changed.
In 1951, 50 calves were pur-
chased from Western'Canada. The
calves were distributed to local calf
club children to ready for the show
and -sale at the '52 spying fair in
May. The club was so successful,
the 1965 fair saw 113 entries. This
year there are approximately 60
calves which will he shown and
sold at the fair:
• A Swine Show and Sale.will be
introduced at the '98 lair following
the Calf Sale. ` - -
Team Penning.is a new addition
to the program this year. It is a
horse and cattle event hound to
lend a western flavor. Three riders
must sort out cattle with assigned
numbers, from the herd, and move
them down the corral -and into a
three sided pen. They have 90 sec-
onds to pen the cattle in order to
place. There arc six classes includ- .
ing youth 14 to 18, and 1.3 .and
under. There is a novice class,
ladies class and a Pro -Am as well
as an open class. This fast growing
event is a great spectator event.
The popular traditional livestock
shows - sheep, goats. horse and
poultry shows will. be featured. •
• Friday night will see the ambas-
sador and the Jr. Prince and.
Princess crowned. Local talent will
provide entertainment in the, talent
show. The Midway will provide
"Pay One Price" midway entertain-
ment Friday•evening and operate
all day Saturday. . •
Enjoy • a hearty. ,breakfast
Saturday 'morning from .8 to 10 a.m.
The parade has an earlier start
this year at 11 a.m. Saturday.
The categories for the photo con-
test arc "This Little Piggy" and
"Home Sweet Home". Entry -forms
and rules are available at the •
Municipal Office. Deadline for -
entries is Junc 5. 1998..
Deli • Campbell. Regional
Pronlotional Co- old inaior of --
Ontario Pork will give Cooking'
demonstrati(ins'•featuring. pork
re:apes and samples of the product.
Marg Oke will demonstrate the
art of chainsaw woodcarving and
-Ice Cultuie will showcase ice carv-
ing. •
The Blucwater Tug'of War will
'hold a competition and later •coach
the amateur teams. Area youth arc
welcome to put a team together and
join the fun. . , -
The Porcelain Pony races will
return followed by Big Round Bale
Rolling and these events are open - •
to the public. • .
Mutton.Busting will be staged
Saturday afternoon, for children up
to six years old and sheep undecd-
rating for children' seven years,to
grade eight. . • "
"Babies on Parade" with prizes
for all entrants will take place
Saturday. at 1 p.m.
Popular with the children is the
Pct show Saturday morning. at 9 -
a.m. ' .
The '99-Internati(inal Plowing
Match Family Lifestyles
Committee will sponsor a "Soup of.
the.Match" competition at each
Huron ,County Fair this year. The
best soup of each' fair will compete
• at the 'District Annual Meeting in
October in. Exeter. The Grand •
Champion Huron County Soup
winner will receive $25 and the
soup will be served at various
events at IPM '99. •
Prize lists can be obtained from
the hanks, municipal office, post
office. William's Hairstyling or by
calling 236-4558.
Sunday School children to conduct Pentecost service
By H. Davis -
Saintsbury correspondent
SAINTSBU•RY - St. Patrick's
-congregation met on May 23 at 7
p.m. *to celebrate their evening
prayer service with Hugh Davis
leading from • the Book of
Alternative Services.
• Margaret Carroll assisted with
the scripture readings -and Suiannc
Davis read the collect for the sev-
enth Sunday of Easter. Sunday
School was led by Courtney and
Katie -Scarlett MacGillivray and
prayers and 'account of the 15I st
Synod was given by Hazel Davis.
St. Patrick's was represented at the
Diocesan Synod in 1860 by Patrick
St. Patrick's will celebrate
Evening Prayer on May 30 at 7
p.m. as the Sunday School children
will take the service of Pentecost.
The Rev. Stanley Jay will cele-
brate the Anniversary Service on
June 7, Trinity Sunday at 10:30
Janett Barker and daughter Joan
Beaune called on mother and
grandmother Mary Davis last week
at the Exeter Villa. Cousins Art and
Marion Abbott also visited: •
Bob and Heather MacGillivray.
Courtney, Katie -Scarlett, Caleb and
Corkin visited with the Clarks in
Walton on Saturday evening'.
Nephews Jim and Greg Clark. both
in the Ontario Provincial Police
Force, were home on a' visit from
northern Ontario.
Get well wishes go to Mabel
Needham, a patient in hospital.
Congratulations -to Harley -Davis
who took' fourth place honors in 80
cc and third place in Super Mini at
Auburn Hills Raceway on Saturday
and Sunday.
Rebekahs elect officers for following year
EXETER -. On May 20. 20 Sisters of the Pride of Huron Rebekah
Lodge met and draped the charter in memory of departed, brothers and sis-
ters. Wilf and Bea Bowman are transferring their memberships to Huronic
Lodge in Clinton.
Officers elected for the term '1998-99 are as follows: NG Sis. Jean
Hodgert; GB Sis. Audrey 'MacGregor; Secretary Sis. Gloria McFalls;
Financial secretary Sis. Barb Tiedeman; Treasurer Sis. Grace Ballantyne:
Trustee Sis. Iva Blair.
The next meeting will be the group's 51st birthday party., Guests are
invited from Ilderton, Stratford, St. Marys and Victoria Lodge in London.
A reminder to officers - they will open in long form but long, white dress-
es are not necessary.
The group made $313.40 in a recent Ike sale. The evening closed with
games of bingo and lunch.
Hensall playground equipment
-For the kids. Contributors to -the new., play station at the Hensal! Public School cut the rib-
bon .Monday afternoon. From left, School Advisory Council president Ron McTaggert, Sue
Elder of .the Optimist Club,. Avon Maitland District School Board Trustee Bob Allan, Li-
oness Liz Stephens, Lillian Beer of -the Hensall Legion and Denise Troyer, chair of the
Playground Committee. Contributors .who were absent during the ceremony were the Exet-
er Lions Club, W.G. Thompson and ,Sons; Hensall District Co -Op .and Cooks. The com-
'•mittee continues to raise money for the newly -installed equipment. New Orleans Pizza
• cards will be sold at the optimist booth at the Hensall Yard Sale on Saturday. As well,
money raised at the Optimist booth will be donated to the playground project.
School windows smashed
ZURICH - Several Windows at
Zurich Public School have been
broken by vandals over the past
few weekends, London-OPP
Const. Donna.Shulist said. •
The damage is estimated at
over'$500 •
Tool theft in Hensall
HENSALL - An impact
wrench and drill were stolen from
an Oxford St. garage in Hensall
on May 22. .• , . .
The value of the stolen goods
is estimated at about $400.
Thirsty thieves. in Exeter
EXETER - Thieves broke into
a Carling St. garage in Exeter to'
wet their whistles.. `
Shulist Saida quantity of beer
was stolen in the theft:
Taxi stolen from Mr._ Mugs
GRAND BEND - A wrhitc '87 .
Pontiac -6000 'Beyond the Bend'
taxi was stolen from the parking
lot -of Mr. Mugs in Grand.Bend on
May 18.
The car was left running when -
it was stolen and the car contained
an undisclosed amount of fares .
and a Motorola cell -phone -
If you have an information on
this crime. call the North Lambton
OPP at (519) 786-2349 or Crime
Stoppers at 1-800-265.-7500.
Beware phony .money
GRAND BEND - The North
. Lambton.OPP warn Grand Bend.
business owners.that counterfeit
hills are circulating in the area
again. .
North Lampton OPP Const.
Luke George said two Grand Bend
businesses reported receiving fake
bills over the Victoria Day
weekend. Other police agencies in
the region have also reported .
fielding calls about counterfeit
bills being passed.
George urges business owners
to take extra time to examine all
money before taking it. He gives
this advice:
•Phony money will not have
raised graphics:
•The small water marks called
planchettes can be rubbed off on
real bills but can't be taken off
fake bills;
•The two-tone colored lines
behind the 'faces of the money are
actually the denomination of the
bill and on fake bills the numbers
are not discernible;
If you have any information on
counterfeit bills being passed, call
the North Lambton OPP or Crime
Stoppers at the above phone
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