HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-04-22, Page 17Ca 1pi rte Dust Control
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1'A 1:1V1 11 P1?ATF_
•Times -Advocate, April 22, 1998
Page 17
Be good to the earth. Everyone's in the tree planting and
gardening mood this week. Wayne Ford of the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation Authority displays spruce trees
bound for the. countryside. Schools are holding numerous
-Earth Day events this week.,
Brussels Livestock Sales
1 BRUSSELS - Sales at Brussels Livestock for the week ending April 17. 1998,
Fed Cattle: 765 _ Cgws:228 . . . .
veal and Bob Calves:500 Lambs and Goats: 1096
Stockers 2169 . 1
Stedns and heifers sold SI higher with cows selling steady. Beef veal sold fully steadj':
-with hof. veal selling $I -S2 higher. Lambs sold sharply lower. All classes of stockers -sold a
frilly steady market -
There were 510 steers on offer selling from 90.00 to 96.90 to the high:of 10300.
Thirty -nine -steers consigned by Jerry Mintz. Formosa. averaging 1512 lbs. sold. for an
average of 93.85 with sales to 101:00. -
Thirteen steers consigned by Jim Howattt.-Londeshorough averaging 1454 lbs. sold: tor
an average of 95.00 with' sales to 101.75. -
1 Twehty-nine steers consigned by Jack Culbert. Dungannon averaging 1156 lbs_ soldilar
an overage of 91.32 with sales to 101.(10.' ` •
Nine -steers consigned by Hugh Love,•Atwood averaging 1322 Ihs. sold .for an average of
i') 77with.sates to 101.(0 1
One char. steer•consigned by_Alfred Maschke. Mitchell weighing 1310 Ihs sold for
10(15)) . 1 . - - ,
• Thirteen steers consignedlby Ken Bearss.1St. Marys averaging J ff 15 Ihs sold or an aver-
age of 9';.64 with sales to 100.25. .. ' :. 1 . ' i
One gold steer consigned by Onias Bruhacher. Teeswater wcighurg•I3S5 Ihs• gold for
1(81.(8)., i 1: 1 • 1 1
Six steers consigned by Dorig. Shiell, Wingham averaging 1270 lbs. sold for an average
I t_
of 95.09 with sales to 99.90. i.
,!Six steers consigned by John Glousher. Wingham averaging 1393 Ihs 5otd for an aver-
age of 94.6I'with sa es to 98.50. f . -
One red steer con'agned by Ian Johnstrin.. Bluevale-weighipg 1130 lbs mild for 98:50
Seventy-eight steers confiigned by Earl Foster. St Malys averyging 1449 Ihs. sold for an
average of 95.05 with sales to 98.25
There were 241 heifers 0n offer selling from 90.00 to 96.(8)10 the high of 105.2.5.
Twelve heifers consignei,I by Alan Powe...Exeter averaging (222 Ihs said for an average -
of 98.91 with sates 10 '105.25
Eleven heifers consigned by Kada Farms. Bluevale averaging 1196ilbs. sold for an ader:
:,geof 97.39 with salts 10 102.50... 1 l-
Twelve heifers consigned M• -Paul AhMinkle. Varna averaging 1246 Ihs sold for an ii -
c4age of 92 48 with sales to 99.50 i
Elctvel► heitcrs consigned by Don Johnson. Badlcros averaging 1251 Ihs soli' loran aver-
age of 93 16 with sales to 98.75. .
Threetleifcrs consigned by Machan Construction, Monklon averaging 1326 Ihs soli) lir,
an average -of 92.64 with sales to 98.25.: i
Seven heifers consigned by Ross Barber. Listowel averaging 1238 Ihs. sold for an aver
age of 93.51 with sales to 97.50. i
Twolnno heifers consigned by Lauderlea Fames. Listowel averaging 1218 lbs. sold for
.Two heifers consigned by Mark and Paul Pennington. Mildfiav averaging 1255 Ihs soli)
for 97.25 .1 .
Four heifers consigned by Don Cronin. Dublin averaging 1134 lbs. sold for an average
of 89.60 with sales l0 95.(0. - ! • '
. Two heifers consigned by David Bowles. Brussels averaging 1 197 Ihs. sold.tor an aver
age -of 94.10 with sales to 94.75 r 1
There were 228 cows on offer selling from 40.00 it) 57.00 to the high of 65.(0. '
Two cows consigned by Earl Bcnnewres, Bornholm averaging 1430 Ihs. sold for an aver-
age of 71.05 with sales to 73.50.
. Two cows consigned by Tim Barre. Walkerton averaging 1040 lbs. sold for an average
of 59.58 with sales to 61.00. .
One gold cow consigned by Mike. Henry. Brampton weighing 1695 lbs. sold for 66.00.
There were 10 bulls on offer selling from 59,50 to 65.50 to the high of 76.00. '
One limn bull consigned by Prospect Feed Lots Ltd.. Wyoming weighing 2025 lbs. sold
for 76.00. .1 •
One black bull consigned by Barry Johnston. Holyrood weighing (920 lbs. sold for
74.00. i
There were 393 veal on offer sellyng: beef - 90.00 to 127.00. hol - 75.00 to 90.00; plain
hol - 6.00 to 75.00. -
Tvloveal consigned by'John Van Eeden Petersman. Aubum,averaging 700 lbs. sold for
an average of 116.05 with sales to 127.00.
Four veal consigned by Murray ,Nelson. Palmerston averaging 678 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 118.25 with sales to 127.00 .
Six veal consigned by Cor De Boef. Paisley•averaging 732 lbs. sold for an avcragc of
98.12 with sales to 125.0(1 • '
Lambs: Under 50 lbs 195.00 -to 232.5111
50 to 79 lbs . 185.00 to 217.50.
80-94 lbs. -1 1/10.00 to 190.00
95 to 109 lbs. • • • 66.00 to .177.50
Sheep: - it 60.00 to 125.0(1
Goats: 1 548.00 to S127.50
Steers: Under-400lbs 115.00 to 137.50
401-499 lbs. 107:50 to 133.00
500-599 109.00 to 131.00
600.699 106.00 to 1253()
700.7991 101.00 to 124.00
80)-899 89.00 to 113.50
900 and over 91:75 to 110.00
Heifers: 3(81-399 1 100.00 to 132.50
400-499- 107.00 to 125.5(1
500.599 97.00 to 123.511
600.699 92.50 to 12100
700.799 -92.50 kr l 14.00
801-899 . ' 97.(X0to 103.00'
900 and over , 87.00 ki 102.50
Plain stockers: 45.00 to 60.0)
bourse helps promote
agri-tourism businesses
- HENSALL .Prepare; promote
and then put out the Welcome -mat!.
That's what .this Ontario Agricultu-
ral Training. institute .course is all
about. It is designed to help you
present -your agri-tourism business
in a professional package, enhance
customer visits' with creative flair
and.to capitalize on tourism trends.
"Looking at future trends in tour-
ism, • Huron County _ is well posi-
tioned to offer travellers the type of
experiences they. will be looking
for - Agri -tourism, culture, heritage
and nature." states Cass -Bayley,
Project Manager. of 'Explore Onta-
rio's West Coast'. "There arc many
outstanding opportunities for -farms.
nurseries/green houses..and nature
-preserves offered by the 'F.xplorc
Ontario's. West. Coast'_ grant, The
Harvest- Trail. project, to . he
•launched this fall. will feature-per-
manent...self-guided routes tie visi-
tors through Huron County that
will • include farmgate marketers
and tour experiences."
• "Agri -tour package.- will also he
promoted -•to national -and interna-
tional bus charter companies and.
.others looking for unique. leading
.edge or 'different than we do it at
home' tours." • •
Whether you already. conduct
tours or are looking at tours as an
alternative cash crop 'Open your
. gates to tourism' can assist you.
Learn how to: develop an agri-
tourism experience in harmony
with visitor needs -and expectations:
package your agri-tourism business
-iq, a professional way,- creating a
cohesive image with substance and
sparkle; prepare a plan for promo-
tion of your activities; create a co-
hesive. exciting agri-tourism expe-
rienec for your visitors; effectively
deal with visitors to your agri-
tourisni operation -and improve
your hospitality skills: .
Sponsored hy. Hensall Economic
Development Committee and 'Ex-
plore • Ontario's West• Coast';this
session will he held in Clinton,
Monday. May 11 from 9 5 p.m. To
register 'or ti)r more-- information
call Mary Lynn MacDonald at 262-
i 423 or fax 262-29(1(1, This is a
very ' ve workshop and
space is therefore Limited to 16 par-
ticipants. Its time to plant "the al-
ternative crop of the, future'.
Denfield Livestock Sales
The market at Denfield traded actively with prices 2-3 dollars higher on
April 14.
Mike Hartman,_ Dashwood sold() heifers. average weight,1 188 Ihs.. aver-
age price 99.32. . • • - -
Earl McEach eren, Glencoe, sod 20 steers; average weight 1421. average
- -pricc.94.13.- . • . • .
Don Ecdy aid"Mark Vandcrploeg. Dcnlicld. sold 33 heifers, average:
weight 1-251. average price 96.86, sales to 106. .
Morley Hodgins. Parkhill, sold 26 steers, average weight 1343: average
price 93.52. • 1.• - -
Ray McPhail, Kerwood sold 'I0 steers. average weight 1439. average price
Ross Dull: Croton. sold 11 stccr 'average, Weight 1420. average price
Don Weigand. Dashwood sold 5 head. average weight '1272. average -price
94.. .
•- Gord Hardy, Lucan.sold 11 Steers, avcragc weight 1384. average price.
9209. `- -
Jtnt Scott. Local' soil20 hcilerr. average weight 1161. average price
Choice steers: 95-100. sales to 104: Gond steers; 90-95: Common: 75-85:
Choice hcitcrs:195-I(K1. salesto 106; Giiod heifers: 90-95: Common: 75-85;,
Good cows: 50-55; D4 cows: 40-50: Shells 25-35: Good veal: 80-90;
Commop: 70-80; Direct ti) packer cows oscr60O lbs.: 108: • •
Bolls: 1 I0:Sows: 30-34; Boars: 20-25. ,
Pool Plus Marketing
Advantage program .
launched in Ontario
- ETO 3tCOKE Ontario pork 'pro-
ducers can enroll in Ontario. Pork's.
•new . Pool Plus Marketing Ad-
vantage Program ghat came into
'effect last week.
Pool- Plus Marketing Advantage
henetits producers who market
through the pool by securing marc
stable prices over a longer tel -n).
'This new program is available for
all -,pork producers in Ontario that •
have hogs thatdarc not•already com-
mitted to other marketing options. '
Mary Lou McLeod, Ontario
Pork's Director of Sales and Mar-
keting said Ontario Pork can use
. the committed •volume of bogs and
actively seek markets.wherehigher
volume vales can be used as lever-
age in negotiations.
Producers can commit some or
all of their production to the Pool -
Plus Marketing Advantagc program
for terms of 12.. 18. or 24 months
A $2.(0 premium will he paid to
producers far every committed hog
shipped through the program.
"Thislprogram is,a win-win situa-
tion fin Ontario's pork producers.
They can benefit from both Ow
stronger marketing advantage that
pool hogs can demand and the $2
premium:" Will. Nap. Chair of On-
tario Pork. remarked.
Producers who wodld like to re-
serve more information, including a
copy of the Pool Plus Marketing
Advantagc Agreement. should con-
tact Doug Richards at Ontario Pork.
I--80 -263-0697. Ext. 255.
Specializing In:
• Farm & Municipal Drainage
• Clay & Plastic Tile Installations
• Backhoe & Dozer Service
• Septic System Installations
For Quality, Experience,
& Service call:
Wayne Cook
(519) 236-7390
R.R.2 Zurich, Ont.
Achievement Night
y. y,•
,r.- 1,. t ,
Granton 4H achievement night - The Granton 411 'Maple
Syrup Club' held its achievement night April 8 at the
Granton firehall. From left, front row: New members
Colleen O'Shea and Stan Vandenberg. Back row: Jodi
Pronchuk and Rebecca Harlton, who both completed six
club projects.
The Windsor Mermaid
-- putt
t",r� 20M9
and receive
Instant Savins
on your next purchase of Crystal II
System Saver Water Softening Salt
Meet Crystal at:
Hwy. 4 North of Exeter
RR 1 Hensall 263-5252
Plan Ahead Newt
t1-• .
We will apply Calcium Chloride for
excellent compaction and dust control
• Your scum: of >;in d tinting couldn't be let ler. so take advantage
of it at your White dealer... today. For rt limited time only you stn
choose from two "easy to own" finance litmus, •
Buy .1110V and pay 19 u o.11.c. Or. with our no,iey di►tvn... out es -en
flu taxes. pay ((0 interest and make INT payments 'til October 1998.
OR . 0.1.c.,°
AI H ITE„ (61(Aii A)�"'f11r'9c1)orY ( u
Salook bHAoe
MTD 16161 (tett) est 1411- ( 11) at1Sd►aflo at atm* It L, A61•1