HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-04-22, Page 12Page 12 Tinto-Adi'ocate, April 22, 1998 Good tunes Music filled the air •at the South Huron District High School spring concert on Sunday. Maryanne Grotentrast.. Danielle Knox and Jill Ramer concentrate during 'Grease'. Speaker describes visit with Chernobyl victim Rhoda Rohde Thames Road correspondent . THAMES ROAD :The Easter meeting of the I. (- W. was held on • Tuesday evening in ..the' sanctuary Thantes,Road Church - i.•an Morgan we lc stmt d the - hour and Ferne Stcw tit _*a%;e an Easter Call to Worship - • . Janis Richardson reed scriptures :and. Shirley Kerslake gave a med,t- .t icon - Morgan give a reading entitled -"Thc I -act ot Easter'' A humorous SI it. w as presented by Morgan.. hers -lake' and'Ri'hardson. , '- Diann4- Waft 01 Exeter spoke about a Lir, stun Chcinobl who she looke(I alter t..w six Weeks -last • eta'- ,Slim ane he; sister are ;oming lei V aun:" main this .year ,NN. atm s4tuwed picture; and answered. - qucstions`Richard.on-thanked her and presented her. -with ii gift and donation " - 'Cheesecake and a heccragco w•as served attcr:w ird' in the hascmeni which •h.id t ei n dc, orated .tor • • Easter - There were', 50 women in attendance. including guest. from 'Cromarty. Centralia and Woodham. Church service , • Rcti•: Jerk Tolmay was in charge of•the regular church service on Sunda morning at Elimvillc. He wcicoined everyone and. told the children a.story .The.choir sans' "Because..Hc, Lives': acco,mpanied.'hs pianist Marilyn' Vandenhusschc. ', The title of the minister's sermon was Because He [ayes • Joyce Fulton and Amber Cooper were rite greeters and S,hi'rley Kerslake and Fulton received the offering "---7fpcoming events • On April 22 the confirmation :Tats arc to. meet at Thames --Road Church parking lot at 4 p.m. 'to- go to a Jevrtsh,svnagogue in London. On April•26 a minister 'from Godcrlch will exchange pulpits with Rex. Tolmas .. On May 3 the. Pastoral Relations.' Committee is holding a-congrcga- tional meeting alaer the church ser- victr.at_Elimvillc for the purpose of salting a minister. On Apnl 29 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.,.the Christian Development Committee Of London Conference is hosting a "Living *Our -Faith" -event at Exeter United'.Church There will he worship. music..con- .vcrsation'groups and fellowship. The cost is $fi per person. For more 'information ,contact `London 'Conference office at 672- i930. - London ,Conferenee hillcts are , needed from" May 22 to 24. Forms arc available at both churches. • Personals Nine women of Thames Road Elimy;iIIe U.C.W. attended the-- dcsscrt and' meeting -of Caven' Presbyterian women on Monday afternoon. Mrs. McRae 'of ingers'oll vvas. the guest speaker: • - -.: Quite a •numher, of people called •at the .Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home on Monday where they paid their respects to the late Erna Allison. Symapthy is extended to her family and relatives. 40 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Toyota's Annual Red Tag Days are back with deals that won't stretch your budget. • • Dual Airbags • 5 Speed Manual Transmission • Intermittent Wipers • Full Time 4 -Wheel Drive • 2.0 Titre 16 valve EFI •.AM/FM Cassette Stereo Or get 4.8°'° no limit financing for up to 60 mths on selected models.' 242 Main St. N. OMARIO EXETER TOYOTA) Exeter 2352353 To 1-800-361-0677 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WI members exchange plants and seeds Roberta Templeman . Stea correspondent STAFFA - Claudette Elliott host- ed the -annual meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute at her home on April 15 at '1:30 p.m. There were 12 women present including a new member Nancy Lane. -- President Kay •Smale presided, opening with the Institute Ode.and Mary Stewart Collect, Billowed by a poem "Changing Seasons." . An invitation from the Staffa'4-H club to join them for supper Saturday evening at Hihhert'htnited Church was accepted. A thank you note from Christcna Ashbourne for her music festival award from Staffa W I. was read. . Members answered the roll call by paying their fees for the coming year. Margaret Daynard had the spe- cial number. She 'began by playing a Lewis Annsirong favorite "it's .a wonderful world". She then consid- ered some of the aspects of the world that appear in nature at this time of year., Joyce Miller presided for. -the annual.meeting declaring all offices open. Secretary Claudette Elliott read the minutes of the last annual meeting..'Reports were given 'by.* treasurer. P.R.O. Tweedsmuir' and standing committees.- Auditors reported hooks correct. Thc ,slate of officers for the coming year were installed by Joyce Miller. Kay Smalc and Joyce Miller -had attended a broom doll course at Si., Paul's and displayed 'their finished 564- 'IV dr�vi r'� As7/rfl' �a 1 Wy�rP!'fOtir4t -4— pay; product. Ey eryone participated in an exchange of plants and seeds. Memhcrs were reminded of (he : upcoming District Annual on May - 12. Staffa branch is in charge of • registration. - •Claudctte Elliott and Doris Miller served lunch. Cromarty W:M:S. and Ladies Aid members were guests of the Thames Road U;C.\\', on Monday evening. A good crowd attended the con- cert at Hihhert United Church on Wednesday evening %Ith music provided by the Cow and Sow. A social hour, followed Baptised at Cromarty Presbyterian Church on .Sunday morning ,were Antic Margaret. daughter of Rev. Ke%in and Kate Steeper and Terry Victor -and John Rohcrt. twin sons of Ron and Barbara Hartman. I.ycter Panther Profile By Sarah Vermunt The SHDHS music department performed a spring concert •on Sun' - day at 4 p.m. The school's two concert hands and two jazz hands en- tertained the crowd until.5:30 p.m. it was a gond turn out as all con- certs usually are and a great performance. •The sthooi wishes the hands good luck at the competition they will he attending in Cleve- land soon. - 'The South Huron athletic department will he putting on a fashion show on -Wednesday. April 29 in the large gs m from .7:311 - 9.30 p.m. The models will he South Huron's ow.n students who will -he wearing everything from casual clothing to formal wear. Thc cost is S5 and all proceeds will go towards SHDHS athletic.. The t;ishion shoe is open to the public and we encourage everyone to Colne out' Any stucicnt._wbo•havc thought shout trying out for the school track .and field team arc encouraged to do so. There arc duce -dedicated eoaclhes Who are willing 10give up their time. but few students on the team. There- is a spot ,for everyone on the team and has •tit events to hoose froth. On Monday. April 27 there s itt he a meeting for all graduating-stu- dents in the 'cafeteria at 9 a.m. All graduates should attend as the meeting will deal with commencement plans.- ' Yearbooks are no longer tOr sale 1f you missed your chance to get a yearbook please lee one of the editors t Tan BeckerSarah \"crmuntl with your down payment hchire next week. There are it few. year- books from the years 01 1990/91 and 1991/92 on sale in the main of= lice. There is an opportunity for those students who-haws••t Nought them in previous.vears to get them. The South' Huron music department car washes \l ill he held on Sat- urday from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m at Huron Motor Products in Exeter and he - hind the Bank Of Montreal in Grand Bend. Thc cost is S4. It's a good .way to support the music department while shining up your -car. Upcoming Events Tlirn,cdai. April 2? - Black light dance in large gym at 7:30 p.m. ttickets $5 in advance: Go derich girls sot -eel -at SHUNS. St. Mike's girls soccer at SHDHS. Ausahle Bayfield Conservation Authority workshop held for elementary students in large gym. Friday..4pril'24 P.A. day - . .Monday. April 27 - Student council election week begins. 'Meeting at 9 a.m. in cafeteria for graduating student.. Godench boys soccer at , 'SHDHS. . • Tuesday. April, 2.5, Girls, soccer at St. Anne's. Sr. hews rugby at Westminster:, 1}'cdnesday..4pril 29 - Wingham hors soccer at SHDHS. fashion shhw. in large gym from 7:30 9:30 p.m. t$5 cover charge goes to SHDHS athletics) g Lawn &Garden Pine Bark Mulch 3 cu. 5010-604 11111111F - Home Gardener Flower & Garden Seeds 5063-101 5 pkgs. 1. 3.8 Cu. Peat k*,/ Mossc �' $J. 5053-149 Homelite Grass Trimmer 15" cut Reg. S129.99 25 cc Engine $ 109,9 5073-626 ION -LiAgHOrilit soax.uII •ow moron +s Stop the Weeds 3'x25' Landscape Fabric 5010-445 $3„ 4"x20' Heavy Duty gim Lawn Edging $199 5022-325 ®RadioShack w 110 MAIN ST. N., EXETER 235-0800/237-3150 AUTO PARTS 1