HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-04-15, Page 26Paige 26 Times -Advocate, April 15, 1998 Easter performance In Centralia . ('I:NTRALIA - The A.C.'1'.S. of Faith ministry team performed an Faster presentation on April 1.2 at Centralia Faith Tabernacle. ..The evening began with the drama entitled "The Dreatn". 'The dream chows how Charlie's church experience come+; alive as he is shown the reality of an empty haskct. The reflections of the disciple John's relationship with Jesus was then presented in the turn] of a monologue. The music of'performer Ray Iloh/'s "Watch the Lamb' was portrayed by a cast of approximately 511 adults'and children along. with a young lamp. which also stole the show. The closing conk was hy Ray Holli entitled "At the Foot of the Cross". The Easter piesclntarion will also he shown un April 18 at 7 p.m. al Seaford] 1)i.1r1ct High School. Easter brunch at St. Patrick's By 11. Davis . . Suint.chury Correspondent ti.\IN I'SIll11t1'. Si I'atlick's was ticc111atrdfwilh spring Mowers and hrnches-as die .ungregaiion and trsrlins galhelcd al 1(1 1(1 a.ntl. 1•a\te1 Sunda\ 111 rrleIuale fhc Holy I_u( haw,' with Th.' I(ev. Slanlev . Ian „111CIrn1 ('ourtnes til the Pas. hal ('antic and 4•a\ ter 'Cl 1(11 the sertice nob NI:IC(.1111vi.iy .140.1tted w 1111 the •'CI1111111e Iea1]HL\ fhr t'hlldirn'\ 11 u• )Va. under • %landing the 1 .Isle] scam in and the Pact hal candle M hit 1 \VIII hal 11 .11 - all set .I( es horn out I .Isle' Day thou)!] the 1)as 111 1'enteelI.1 I.11,wet\ 1111 t11r ,ilia welt n1 110.• Id}! nte'i►1411% :11 Ihr lade , I-IlI4.rie D:It IS .Y.0110'. ,4110 p.t\.Ctl atya• A1n11 .'h. I'!(,5 hoot her mimic, .Ind Llllills Kal11\ 1.1s. 1,n .I (I\Il 11(1111. 11141 'lean 1)111.11144 111 u: Klett thi- !misfit lin the sett Ice Recessional Irmo 4•.t\ Itrli'It• the 1 old 1s •K1nt• • t011o(( 1111' 1 was 111'urll Ito I .1.1e1 h11111d1 .h1p 'R0)► ('110o11 litho] .Med In 110\I,dlal. I'yenln)' I'I held r\pI it • 1.‘1.1% one. is he \ersIce t'%ell,0ne the. parnth hall 101 .111 .11111 .1 I1111e 411 Irlluw I , I.\ It•: 111,elaun)' .lt lilt s s1.1' 111 1111ltcl'lly .Iver set t1t a w1I he 1`)ir 7 p nI ai St. • m. iictl 10 allcnd tide 1 ,aster I)cancry.Scrvice of Witness l0 he held a1 Si. James Anglican ('I►urch. Stratford on April 19. Women planning Io attend the Perth Sjiriti I)cancry meeting on April 2I Will leave Harel's (tome at p.m. The meeting will he held at Si. James Church in St. Marys. On Thursday. The Rev. Stanley Jay accompanied hy clown Billy Pickle (alias 1.i/ Jay) visited Mary 1 )avis and Go1c .Wennerslront at the I st'Icr Villa and celebrated Maundy Thursday 1:ticharisl. 11ugh Davis attended also. . . . IIIc 1 hiyls' visited the Needham imp sal Holm.. on Tuesday and the 'uncial Wed: esday..of cousin I:11cen I 1).,s is) Hay who passed asy;Is sApi11 S 1n her. 7(1th year. She was the daughteri)1 Marjorie Davis oI•1.0ad(1n.aud tic Talc Gurdon )a( is. The Davis' family lived Cur many .years on the Whalen Linc and all attended St 1'alritk's. ( 1)I Thursday.. Ilaiel Davis cnluyed Innt li )vitlt coutms. Marlys ()tumuli. Heim, and Nish Johnson. Gerald and Lous'McI'alls, Joyce 1 and Ralph. Simpson. Audrey. MCFalls. 1101) fancy. Ger r v .(1lenn and Ken Mcl ally a1 KImika Bob and llcalhcr MacGillivray. Katie Scarlct1 (':deb and Corbin visited with grandniiilicr Mary 1)ayis nn Thur'4) iy evenring. Mary Davit was Pastel dinner guess with Bob and •A lesia Tindall Back in Time... By Ross Haugh from the archives of. the Exeter Times Advocate 10 YEARS 4G0• • Api11 1 1. 198Si The Eviler 141(IIiawks defeated Lanark in a tough Inv Lance sones to advance -to win the Ontario. Hardy ('up. In the 1?astern Canada final ihey here mauled in four straight games hy the ('.►mpliclhon 'tiger. of New. Brunswick. • • 20 YEARS AGO • :\p,II 13, 1978 • The Exeter hawks didn't need any Miracles to . win then carie in Si. George Tuesday night as they dominated play. I ii they did hags some luck going forvthen] on their trip. , Just west of Paris. .i large hunk of steel bounced off the hack of an oncoming truck ah(I shattered the windshield ()I' the bus. FortunatcJ Is. the boomerang shaped missile hit the steering wheel as it. came flying ono the hos The showdown hi.•lwecn the newly elected ('ana(lian Labour Con- gress president. Dennis McDermott, and police officers at the Fleck Manufacturing plant strike never matcrialtrcd as the OPP kept a low. • profile. 1;\ banquet marking the 10th anniversary of the South Huron Asso- ciation for. the Menially .handicapped also was the occasion when the 1)130.(X)() mortgafe on the ARC Industries building was burned._ 35 YEARS AGO April 15..1963 - South Huron Hospital which completed 10 years of service to the community earlier this year is 'flaking preparations to proyide,surgical facilities in the near future. 1 ' A new curve staked out at the intcrseclion of Highway 4 and Hu - roil County road 4 is bring installed by the Ontario Department of Highways. Provincial Consiahlc D.M. Westover. -who has hecn a mcri]hcr of ..the Exeter detachment of the OPP for the past filar years has been tr.insterrcd to Lions Head where he will establish a ntw one-man • police office. Mrs.. Gordon Schwalm of Hcnsall_ this week picked a lemon off her lepton tree which measured 14 inches in circumference and weighed about one pound.' It yielded oe and a half cups of lemon' ,juice. 40 YEARS AGO April 14. 1958 - Cavcn Presbyterian WMS celebrated its 60th an- niyersai y in the church 'Thursday evening., Sunday the new Sunday School room in the Exeter Penttccostal Church was dedicated. Tom Prydc's scat in the Ontario Legislature will he occupied by a neighbor when the next provincial.parliament opens. Charles Mac- • Naughton won the seat in •Monday's .1)y -election shy a margin of 1.164 votes over Literal. Dr. Alex Addison of Clinton. Friday eycning/ ]narked a great day in the history of St. John's -by - the -lake Anglican Church when the dedication and opening of the new parish hall look place. 50 YEARS AGO April 13. 1948 -• Exeter is experiencing another building boom. ' Excavations• have been made for the new turnip waxing plant on Highway 83, five new residences. a garage•for.R.E. Balkwill and a new howling alley for William Sweitrcr. Reeve Hutson 'Tuckey made thc presentation .of Cyclone hockey. •1 league championship crests and jackets to the players of the Lucai Irish hockey team. The town siren which heretofore has been operated from a push button in front. of the town hall -was on Tuesday connected with the Bell Telephone system. 1 A new shoc store operated by A.E. Buswell and run Tcd, is being , opened in the former Jones and May seed store. 75 YEARS AGO April 14. 1923 - Exeter is now assured that the unsightly post of- lice site is to be turned into a beauty spot and playground for the children. • - - The Exeter Canning and Preserving Company has this week sold out their holdings to the Canadian Canners. Mr. S.M. Sanders, who has been in charge of.thc factory since the first year of its operation is being retained as manager. Mr. Charles lord left Monday for Toronto where he has accepted n position with thc Toronto Telegram. Mr. Linden C. Harvey, M.A., B.D. has been awarded the Sanford Gold Medal for proficiency in the whole B.U. course of three years. 13th Annual HO$tL GARDEN &Lonna + . 5.00' drenor EREEw_ accompanied by an adult'`. • DRAWS & PRIZES • FREE BABYSITTING, • DEMOS - ;1 THE OPTIMIST CLUB OF EXETER tH ANU DISTRICT HIL THE OPTIMIST OF EXETER AND DISTRICT 40 Home and Garden Show HALL 1088Y SPACES BEGINNING IN 'H" , SPACES BEGINNING IN ' L EXHIBITOR LAYOUT Exit n IP 14 n >d 1, 31 a 34 II 11 1. es '4 0 0 •,‘• ; „ >. i 41 1 11....1/ N 13 31 „ l 10 . AMaw w 1,4414444 44.4 Mao Pa. NT.,(. tW' 41131441. • ern. Moor laN44. _ Hal C 44•4144 km• 64,140. 144 4• I( Wee4446.4,4_.144 4332.,+4 11, 1,.,,4 H.4, 114,14411/4.1i. 1124414 44324 1341 414.3.. n..3 132 1.' C."4144!3 ^.4.4224 3. * IN 4. (1.3.141 .4, . 4,3 11432 11 N C1.443.31.1 -44w Mal l33:1 1 1.4.,, Co116,444 't 11 brow 4,1114, Ct..(.__13. V 3 1 .1. 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