HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-04-08, Page 25United Church in Godcrich .Registration begins at 6;30 p.m. • On April 29 from 6:30 to 9:3(i P.m. The Christian Development Committee of London Conference .is hosting a "Living of Our .Faith - event at Exeter United Church. There will he worship, music. con- versation groups and fellowship. The cost is 55 per person. For more information contact London Conference Office at 672-1930., Lilies can he placed in memorial on Easter Sunday at Thames Road. If you. wish recognition in the bul- letin please call Sharon Passmorc. 235-2708.. • London Conference runs from May 22 to 24. Billets are needed. Therc will he a hymn sing during .the' regular church service on April 26. Please submit your favorite hymn and place on the offering plate during any service in the next few weeks. An evening of gospel music was held at Tharlies Road Church on Sunday evening. Bob Heywood was chairman for the program which -consisted of a male .quartet from Brampton. Echoes of Faith: ladies trio from Stratford and Roy Dreaning from Mt.Forest, who -was originally from Ireland. He also played the flute.• He also gave a wonderful testimony. The Congre- gation also -sang songs accompa- nied by, Bob Heywood on his accordion. The church was filled to capacity. Times -Advocate, April. 8, 1.998 Page 25 ALL—POINTS Ri?A1 ,7,Y SERVICES Pat O'Rourke EXETER OFFICE - ; 147 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. 235-1449 CALL OUR EXETER OFFICE TOLL FREE FROM (RES) 237-3762 porourke@hay.net GRAND BEND & ZURICH AT 237-3182 brAlk M..l. Chanyl (RES) 235-1077 VISIT OLIR WEBSITE AT www_ • TO VIEW ALL OF OUR LISTING'S Al YOL1F: LEISURE Jerry Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e -mall: zehrOhay.net direct line toll free (1-800)342-7217 Days or Evenings ZURICH OFFICE - 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ONT. Ruth Zlelman-Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e -mall. zehr®hay.nel ATTENTION FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS New changes just announced for first time buyers by the Federal Government will mean your CMHC fees will increase by 50% as of May11, 1998. If you have been contemplating that purchase make that move now and save those increased fees. Call today for details. EXCELLENT BEGINNER HOME iN EXETER - Newly decorated interior and exterior. Nice, hnght, and fresh Gas heat. Main floor laundry Mnrtgage..ppavments a, low as S514.S6 per month I)on•t rent any longert Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep for tour showing 4 BEDROOM HOME - in Hertsall. hu-eff heat, replacement windows, main floor laundry, new hath. new flponng Asking 595,000 Call M1 Chanvi Sales Rep `-,-1‘;1.-- \ \1ONTI-I ■ . WHAT A DEAL! 3 bed m begin-• home in Zunch Great location one block from St. Boniface Church and School- New gas furnace. Put those payments toward your own home. Pat O'Rourke Sales R IDEAL PROPERTY FOR THAT FIRST TIME BUYER immaculate 3.1 bedroom home on the edge of Kippen Backing onto open field. Huge cnuntr kitchen Mortgage payments as low a. 5553 42 per month Call Par O'Rourke Sale. Ker today ON I 1 S.I8S.43/MONTH OR MORTGAGE PAYMENTS.or the• at 3 bedroom beginner home or. nice met St in Dashwood Newer siding. root nsulation and drywall Main floor aundn Large rear vard Call Pat 'Rourke Sales Re for detail: FOR MORTGAGE PAYMENTS FOR this recenth renovated Dashwood 4 bedroom home New gas furnace. wiring, plumbing. drywall. insulation etc Move right into this home' Pat O'Rourke Sales R iDEAI. FAMIL.i HOML HUGE 300 FT. LOT mground =WOWIwood floors. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths Asking S'144,00( Call M 1 Chanvi Sales Ref (I \\I)11\I)(OI\IR) I10\11 a 4 Just reduced to 5189,000 Four bedroom house, 2 washrooms, mare floor laundry, fireplace in living room. family room, 40x30 ft shop. North from Grand Bend A must see JERRi• ZEHR Direct Line (5191 236.4712 days or evenings 1 •\R\1 l O1'',\l 1 Possible building site for your dream homc 54 acres fronting on 084 highway 'sear St. jotieph (Hay Township) Land, the best investment on earth JERRY ZEHR Direct Linc (519) 236-4712 days or evenin ; 1 •\R\1 1 Ol ' \I 1 IUST LISTED - 96 acres on paved road Random tile Small wood lot 5275,000 Call IERRi' ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236- 4712 days or evenings 111)1 (1!' \(.\I\ 111 OW %12u00' wo storey brick and Mock commercial building located at the busiest wtersechon in Zurich Dual residence on upper level JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (5191 236-4712 days or evenings. I'R \(11C -\I & AFFORDABLE era i BEDROOM, -1-1- store home with a. fireplace haths. fenced vard' and ei. window. Asking 595 (100 tall 51 'hank.; Sale. Ker 114 \Ill\TH \IORTG•\G1 PIl\IE\TS FOR THIS CUTE BEGINNER EXETER HOME .- immaculate condihon and nicely decorated Hardwood floors Main floor laundry Living room gas fireplace Rear Ooho Stove and fridge included Call Pat 'Rourke Sales Rep for your showing T IVO G -\S FIREf I A( 1', 5111 15 THiS GREAT DASHWOOD BEGINNER HOME - Huge country kitchen with patio doors 2 bathrooms Hardwood floors Heated and insulated shop Mortgage payments as low as 5632.18 per month Call. Pat O'Rourke Sales R . for details • 3 BEDROOM HOME with large covered veranda. new heating system. hardwood floors immaculate throughout Asking 5129.900 Call M Chanyu Sales Re NEW E l'- 1 t\(, 545,000 - Thc old Vama Feed Mill Back on the market at a NEW PRICE Vacant buildmg m pnme location (Varna•s busiest intersection) Town water JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712 days or evenin . - $24 9t(1(1 524,900 - Two bay concrete block building on country lot in Hay Township A rare find at a low price Town water and natural gas available JERRY ZEHR Direct Ime (519) 236-4712 days or evenings $$FARMERS $$FARMERS $$FARMERS I NEED MORE FARM LISTINGS. Family from Netherlands wants to purchase farms in this area (Spring 1998). If you want your farm sold or would like to know what it is worth in today's market call: JERRY ZEHR Agriculture Sales Rep. (519) 236-4712 Direct Line TOLL FREE (1-800) 342-7217 days or evenings Queensway Easter eggs Queensway Nursing and Retirement Home residents Pearl Eyre (center) and Mable Jeffrey got the jump on Easter egg coloring on Friday afternoon with the help of activit} aid Nancy Young. - Sunrise breakfast this Sunday at Thames Road Rhoda Rohde • . Thames Road correspondent THAMES ROA -D. - Rev. Jock Tolmav_.Iwas in charge of thclPalm Sundae church' service on Sunday morning.at Thames.Rdad. • Judith Parker lit 'thc candles and Natalia -Kerslake welcomed evcryi- tfine and led in the call to worship. 1 Kerslake read about the sitx:th light. of Advent which•represents commitment and betrayal.. Rev. Tolmay told' the children a. story and gave each one. a palm branch. - Janis Richardson gave a 'Minute for Missions'. The choir sang 1'Sing Hosanna in the Highest" accompa- nied by pianist Marjorie Johns. ' Scriptures were read by Kerslake. The title of the sermon was "A Rose With: Poisoned Thorns:" I Jgvice Fulton and Sandra Rowe received the offering and were the greetters: Barn Miller wheeled a Large cart filled.with•anicles for thc'1 fond hank. 1 Ret.- Tolmay' is taking a load of • clothes and toys to Dundas Street 1t1 nited Church in •London on Monday. 1 1 t 1 , Easter schedule i1 April 10 . - Good Friday • Communion service at Ehmville at 7:30 p.m! ) l ' . April 12 - K a.m. Eastdr Sunday Sunrise service at Thames Road followed by breakfast at K:3() a.m.1 Tile Easter service will follow' at' 9:45 a.m. The U.C.W. group is invited to Caven., Presbyterian Church for desserton April 13 at 1:30 p.m. and then to their meeting. - -The ,L{.CW. 'will meet on -April 14 at Thames Road at 8 p.nl. The program committee is Janis Richardson. Joan Morgan. Shirley.- Kerslake. hirley Kerslake. Ferne Stewart..Janet Coward and Marion Cann. They wild he entertaining Woodham U.C.W:, Centrarlia l.C".W. and Cromarty-P.C.W. The guest speak- er will he Diane Waun.-whose fam- ilty has sponsored a child from Chernobyl_ Group W and U will serve lunch.- 1' 'High on 'Gospel'. a country gospel group. featuring Betty Beer. will perform at Hensall United Church at 3 p.m..on April 19. This is spiinsored by Mission Outreach and Communic-ations.Committec and Alcohol and Drug Recovery 'Association of Ontario. Therc will he a free will offering. A Couples Night Out is planned on April L9. Guest'Speakers will he 1 Roy .and' Faye. Docking.Supper will •hes held at 6 p.m. at Thames Road. 15 per person. sponsored by the Christian Education Committee. Tickets arc available from Sharon Pavleje. Janes Coward. Karen IEthenngton. Marg•Stewarl and Carolyn Johns. Please note change of daie. • U.C.W. April Event will he held April 20 at:'North Street • • • Wear your Easter bonnet to the egg hunt! By Carmel Svie ney Zurich correspondent ZURICH - The Optimist Club will be having 'their annual Easter_ Egg Hunt at the Zurich Public Schpol on April 11 beginning at 10 a.m. sharps Prizes will be awarded -for those wearing a homemade Easter bonnet or hat. The event will be held ram or shine. The! Zurich end Area Figure Skating Club held their annual end - of -the season awards night and family potluck supper on April 4 at the Community Centre . Several mefrtber) 01 the club received trophies for their achieve- ments in various skating levels. r President Carol Prang will be in charge for another year along with mdst of the same committee. Sarah - Rae Lovie will bc.representing- the Zurich Club at a H.O.M.E. Bursary Ice Show in Si. Thomas on April 11 beginning at 6:15 p.m..Thc Skater of the Year award will be presented to Jenna De Groot. The -Barbershop Show put on by the Seaforth Harmony..Kings on Saturday .night was a big success with the theme "Break into Spring." This was their 16th annual show. Guest chorus were the Harmony Hi-Lites and the Mitchell High School -Concert Choir. k guest quartet "Pasttimc" also performed. • The Harmony Kings arer prepar- ing for their next competition of the society that will be held in Toronto on April 18 at "Inn on the Park." The bowling team named the Pin Poppers enjoyed their end of sea- son party at the homc of captain Carmel Sweeney last Thursday. All the howling teams are looking for- ward to. tihe awards night and sup- per in Exeter on April 20: 1 The last meeting -of the Si. Joseph and arca Historical Society was held on/ April 6 at St. Peters parish hall. The speaker was Phil Durand of RR 2Zurich. For more information on this group, phone Martha Mungar at St. Joseph store. 236-7321 or Pamela Hall at 236- 1640. • Thc dog tags are now done for Zuncii. Therc arc a total of 77 dogs in the village. Thc Golden Agers• nett meeting will be held on -April 13 at the Township Hall beginning with a potluck supper at15:30 p.m. Any children wanting to play baseball •this summer are to phone Frances -Bedard at 236-7716 to reg- ister hs soon as possible. Thc Beavers enjoyed playing baseball at their weekly meeting last Tuesday at the Lutheran church Hall and at the public school dia- mond. They had a trip to the library on April 7 and at the April 14 'fleeting they will be making rain sticks. Anyone wanting to donate-some- thing onatesome- thing for the Time. Talent and Treasure Auction being held for St. Boniface School playground equip- ment fundraising. can still do so by calling Tracy Regier at 236-7120. It will take place on April 26 at the Zurich Community Centre at 1:30 p.m. . Personals Darryl and K•im•Rau of RR 2 Zurich have a new baby boy. Randy Henry Rau. horn on March 16. Nellie and Dan Evans.' RR 2 Zurich have a new baby girl, Shari Lynne. horn on March 31. . - Paul and Joan Ducharmc and • Dari and Tillie Rau have• all returned from Florida. Marie'Cyr is also back homc again. Doug and Julie Debus and family spent thc March break in Largo. Florida and visited with her parents Dari and Tillie Rau. Allan and Isabel Gascho. whose 50th wedding anniversary was April 7. celebrated at a family get-- together at the Dominion Tavern on April I I . - Steve Millet and daughter Kristina spent two weeks during March break in B.C. and Vancouver. visiting with daughter and sister Gina Miller. Best wishes for a speedy recov- ery arc extended to Donna Merner whois in hospital. Happy birthday wishes go to Paul Smale on March 30. • Welcome to town Sidney and Viola Ramer. who moved on Saturday into the former home of Denise and Winnie Hutton lived on Edward Street. . The family of Juliette Denommc helped her celebrate her 96th birth- day.on April 3. Juliette is a resident al thc Blue Water Rest Home. A get-together was held at the home of her daughter Yvonn and Michael Hartman near Bayfield. They plan to have another get-together in May when the rest of her children can come from Detroit and other places. • COU3WEL BAN KLIt EACH OfRCE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED MEMBER BROKER Of COLDWELL BANKER AFFILIATES Of CANADA