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pril 8, 1998
Exeter Curling Club Elimination Draw Early
Bird Draw - Sylvia Si lith; 25th ticket win-
ners -Donna Shapton: 50th ticket 'winner -
Sharon McNeilly: 78th ticket winner.- Elmer
Rowe: 100th ticket winner -.John Coleman;
I25th ticket winner - Shirley Dawe; ISOth
ticket winner - Stephenson/Morgan; 1,7Sth
ticket winner - George Tryon; 200th ticket
winner - Sue Brintnell. Congratulations to
all' • I Sc
Birth Announcements
BEANIE BABIES - Scotty, Gracie and Mel
along with all their brothers and sisters. are
Pleased 10 announce the long-awaited arrival
of a• new sister "Princess." Please visit at
Shoppers. Drug Mart. Exeter. This weekend
only S109.(10. LSc
FINCH - George and Nancy Jane Thank
God for the safe arrival of Nathan Halton.
born March 27. 1998 at 7:58 a.m. weighing
8 lbs. 6 or. Spoiling privileges gu to proud
grandparems Harry and Ruth Jeffery of
Ushornc Township and Allan and Mary.
Finch of Belmont. Special thanks to the
enure staff of third floor, Si. Joseph's
Hospital in London. .15*
SPEERS - Marone .Bercier and Cameron
Speers are plcased,to announce the birth of
their son Alec Daniel Specrs on March
19987 - , - 15*
Stephenson and Sandra Coleman of London
are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of
Jason Thomas Stephenson, a brother for
Mark. Jason arrived at 7:31) p.m. on March
29, 1998. weighing 6.Ibs. 6 or.. 19" in
-length. Jason is the eleventh -grandchild for
Ralph and Mona Stephenson and the .third
grandchild for Jack and Eleanor Coleman.
-all of Varna. Great-grandmother is Mabel
• Reid of Bayfield. 15*
Death Notices
Cards Of Thanks
Cards Of 'I't,tanks
In Memoriams
ESTEY • At South Huron Hospital, Exeter
on April 1. 1998. Larry Estey of Exeter. in
his 76th year. Beloved husband of Jean
(Parker) Esrey. Dear father of Judy and
Steve Collins of Orillia. Dear grandfather of
Katie and Michael Collins. Dear brother of
. Edna Mower of Manchester, New
Hampshire. Dalen Kingston. Ruth and Frank
Murphy all of Mirannichi, New Brunswick,
Belle and Alfred LeBlanc of Sumtnerside,
PEI. Gerald of Blackville, New Brunswick.
Edwin of Mirarnichi, New Brunswick, Fred
and Kay of.Sunny Corner. New Brunswick.
and Clare and Tommy Harris of Warwick,
New Brunswick". Also survived by many
nieces and nephews. Predeceased by a
brother George and sisters Sarah Lynch and
Joanne Estey. Friends called at the Hopper
Hockey Funeral Horne, Exeter, where the
funeral service was held on April 4 with
Father Paul Baillargeon celebrant. Interment
Exeter Cemetery. Donations to The South
Huron Hospital or the Arthritis Society
would be appreciated by the farnily. I 5c
FEEIIAN - After a courageous battle with
cancer. surrounded by, his family at Sarnia
General Hospital on Sunday. March 29.
1998. Jaynes (Joe) Feehan of RR #2 Forest.
age 69. Beloved husband of Eileen
(Morrison) and loving father of Deborah
Nesbitt and Geoff Russell of London.
Joanne and Jerry Willer( of Hensall. Kim
and John.of Camalachie and Kevin Feehan
at home. Dear grandfather of 9 grandchil-
dren and 2 great-grandsons. Brother of Jean
Herlick of Burlington. Marge and Fred
Baelz of Parry"Sound and John Feehan of'
Grand Bend. Funeral service was held
Wednesday, April I. 1998 at Gilpin Funeral
Chapel. Forest. Father John Sharp officiated.
-Cremation with interment Holy Cross
Cemetery. Mount Forest. Memorial dona-
tions to V.O.N. gratefully acknowledged.
SZABO - At Queensway Nursing Home,
Hensall, on Thursday, April 2, 1998, Gabor
Szabo. formerly of Exeter. in his 70th year.
No known farnily. Funeral Mass was held at
SI. Boniface Roman Catholic Church,
Zurich on Saturday; April 4. Father Matthias
Wronski celebrant. Interment Si. Boniface
Cemetery. J.M: McBeath Funeral Horne, 49
Goshen SI.. Zurich. entrusted with arrange-
menis ( I-519-236-4365). - I5c
BROWNING • Many, many thanks to my
family. relatives and friends for flowers.
cards. phone calls and visits while I was in
the hospital and since returning home. Your
kindness will always be remembered:
15* Sincerely.
DAFFODIL DAY • Thank you from the
Cancer Society and Beta Sigma Phi Sorority
to everyone who purchased daffodils.
Thanks to all office personnel for arranging
pre -orders and to the Town of Exeter for use
of the former police station, plus Ervin
- Sillery for picking up the daffodils in
Stratford. Special thanks to all the helpers
for selling and delivering including Ted.
"Norm, Joe and Ron. I5c
DELBRIDGE - A sincere thank you to our
friends.. relatives and neighbours for their
expressions of sympathy, kind deeds and
visits` following the death of my brother
Howard in Calgary.
15* Marjorie. Kevin and Diane
ELFORD - A special "Thank You" to our
family and friends for all the visits. calls,
cards. treats and plants to Lorne when he
was in hospital. Thanks to Dr. Hodder and
Dr. Sales and all the nurses at St. Joseph's
and Exeter hospitals and to the V.O.N.
-Thanks Don and Anne for everything. Your
thoughtfulness in remembering Dorothy and
was greatly appreciated.
15* Lorne and Dorothy
•Thank you Exeter Villa volunteers. There
are'so many dedicated people that share
their time and "talents with_the residt its at
the Exeter Villa. We thank each and . very -
one of you from the bottom of our hearts.
"Volunteer: give the gift that grows." 15c
HAIST - "What a surprise" Thanks ever so
much to all my friends. neighbours and rela-
tives who attended my surprise belated 6OIh
birthday and retire rent party. This was sure
a night to remember.,Thanks to everyone
who helped in any way and Ivan Norris and
his gang for the old time music. Special
thanks to Ruth Ann, Judy. Karen. 'John.
Denean and Alan for all their hard work and
keeping quiet for so long. The Southwestern
Ontario Children's Hospital in London also
thanks you for your donations of $340.00 to
be donated in my name. Thanks again:
15* Maurice
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, April 12, 1998
10:30 a.m,
Easter Sunday
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
for Pre-school and
Kindergarten only
Easter Week Services
April 9 - Maundy Thursday,
6:30 p.m.
8 p.m. Communion Service
Apri1,10 -Good Friday Service,
10:30 a.m.
Apn1 12 - Easter Sunday
7 a.m. Service at Morrison
8 a.m. Breakfast at church
10:30 a.m.Worship Service
Courtesy Car: Ken Agnew 235-1358
All welcome!
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Thursday Evening Home Bible Study
at 8 p.m. For info, contact 229-6572
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
HODGERT • We would like to thank some
very special people. after the arrival of.
Amanda to our family. First to Old Mommy,
for her love and care of Alana and Andrew
during Amanda's and my stay in hospital: to
bosh our parents. Kay and Ross Hodgen and
El,da and Gerry Riehl for helping with the
children. we couldn't manage without your
help; to the Exeter Petite 'C' Ringette par-
ents and players for -their gift and care: to
friends. neighbours. and farnily for the
cards, calls, visits and gifts: and also to the
third fluor nurses at St. Joseph's Health
Centre, Dr. Steciuk, Dr. Fellows and Dr.
Josh Porsky for their professional care.
Thanks again.
15x Al, Michele,
Alana, Andrew and Amanda
JEFFREY = Thank you to all of our rela-
tives, friends and neighbours for all the
flowers. cards: phone calls and food
received during our recent loss. Thanks also
for all the love and support. Church Masses
for "Clem" are also greatly appreciated. Our
farnily would also like to thank the Knights
of Columbus; the Mount Carmel Catholic
Women's League: Father Dick Boll. london;
Lucan O.P.P.; Hoffman's Ambulance: and
Hoffman's Funeral Horne for all their help.
15* - Mary and family
MCCANN = We would like to thank family.
neighbours, friends and staff and students of
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel for their visits,
gifts. phone ,calls, prayers' and concerns
while Meghan was in hospital and since
returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Steele.
Dr. Lain. staff at South Huron emergency.
Hoffman's Ambulance and,Deb for special
care. Very special thanks to Dr. Stevens. Dr.
Parnett and nurses at London's Sick Kid's
Hospital. Your kindness and care will never
be forgotten.'
15* Meghan McCann and farnily
McLEI LAN - Thank you to friends and
relatives for flowers, treats and visits white
was in hospital and to Dr. Steele and the
nurses at South Huron for all the T.L.C.
Special thanks to Sandra and Donna for
helping their Dad and being there when we
needed thein once again.
15* Lil
PYM - The family_ of the late Alvin Pym
wish to express their sincere thanks to rela-
tives. friends and neighbours for flowers.
cards. memorial donations and food sent to
our homes. Special thanks to Rev. Cordell
Parsons for his prayers and visits. to Dr.
Jadd, the staff of South Huron Hospital and
the Exeter Villa for their excellent care. The
kindness shown by the staff of the Hopper
Hockey Funeral Home and the lovely lun-
cheon served by the Exeter United Church
Women were greatly appreciated.
15* - Lillian, Leona,
- Aldeen and Sam, Grace,
Eudora and Bob, Jim and Mary Lou.
BALL LEAGUE wrapped up the year with
their annual playoff tournament this past
Saturday with the Hillbillies defeating the
Unknown. two out of three games to take
the championship. Thank you to the follow-
ing businesses for their donations which
helped to stake the tournament a success:
Canadian Tire, Gar's Bar and Grill,
Rebekahs, Farquhar Registered Massage
Therapist: The Cutting Comer, New Orleans
Pizza, M&M Meats. Source for Sports, the
Rec Centre and especially Joanne Fields. 15
In Memoriams
332 Huron St. W.
Pastor Peter Tuininga
April 12, 1998 •
10:00 a.m. Morning Service
Sunday School for ages 3 to Grade 4
during morning service
Nursery Available
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m,
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge .
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Thursday, April 9
Maundy -Thursday Service at 7 p.m.
Friday, April 10
Good Friday Service at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday, April 12
Easter Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. and 11
7:00 p.m. No Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
April 12
11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broadcast
on Community Channel
68 Main Street South
Rev. Daniel Roushorne
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro
Sunday, April 12, 1997
9:15-10:15 a.m.
April 13 PCW meeting, 1:3C p.m.
A warm welcome awaits you.
P.O. Box 934
Grind Bend, NOM 1TO
APRIL 10, 1998
Pastor: Rev. Brian Williamson
10:00 a.m. Good Friday
"The Crucified Crook"
Luke 23:32-40
SUNDAY. APRIL 12, 1998
11 a.m. 'Woman Behold Your Son"
Luke 23:32-40
Special Music: Sally Prouty
7:00 p.m. "My God My God! Why?"
Matthew 27:46
Thursdays - 7:30 p.m. Bible Study
Now meeting at Calvary United
Church, Dashwood
For further information contact:
238-8337 (office), 236-7834 (home)
Comer of Gidley and Main
Maundy Thursday
April 9, 1998 - 7 p.m.
Foot washing and altar stripping
Good Friday
April 10, 1998
11 a.m. St. John's By -The -Lake
Grand Bend
The Sunday of the Resurrection
Easter Day • April 12, 1998
11 a.m. Holy Eucharist - B.A.S.
No Sunday School
Nursery available
Everyone welcome
CRONYN - In loving memory of our
daughter Gayle, who passed away April II.
As this day approaches once again.
We relive that terrible day.
And even though its been three years. •
We're still filled with sorrow and pain.
They say time: heals all sorrow, -
And helps us to forget.
But trine so far has only shown.
How much we miss you yet.
You wished us no farewell.
Or even said.goodbye,
You were gone before we knew it.
And only you know why.
Our thoughts arc always with you.
Your place no one can fill,
In life we loved you dearly.
In death we love you still.
Always loved and sadly missed. Mom and
Dad. 15
CRONYN - in loving Incmory of a dear sis:
ler, sister-in-law. and special aunt. Gayle,
who passed away suddenly three years ago,
April 11, 1995.
Little did we know That morning.
The sorrow the day would bung,
The call was sudden. the shock seven:.
Tu part with one we loved so dear.
You didn't have tiine to say farewell.
Or for us to say goodbye.
You had gone before we realized.
And only God knows why.
We think of you in silence.
And often speak your name.
All we have are memories.
And your picture in a frame.
Our. titans still ache with sadness,
Our silent tears still flow, -
For what it meant to lose you,
- No one will ever know.
So dearly loved. so sadly missed by Joanne
and Bill. Mike and Marge. Mark and Judy.
Lon and Gerald. Lynn and Mike, nieces and
nephews. 15*
KINGMA - In loving memory of a dear
father. father-in-law. grandfather and great-
grandfather. John, who was taken from us
two years ago. April 7. 1996.
In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly tender, fond and true.
There is not a day dear father.
That we do not think of you.
Lovingly remembered by Elsie and Clif,
Harry and Sharon. Sam and Mane. Christine
and Wesley. grandchildren and great-grand-
children. I Sx
McFALLS • In fond and loving memory of
a dear husband, father, grandfather. brother
and uncle, Ross McFalls, who passed away
April 9, 1996: and to our wonderful parents
and grandparents George McFalls, who
passed away April 13, 1968 and Vera
McFalls, who passed away January 4, 1981.
In my Father's house are many mansions,
The blessed Master said.
And to prepare this blessed place.
lie travelled on ahead.
Our loved ones too, have journeyed on,
Free from every care.
And within God's many mansions,
Arc waiting for us there.
Lovingly remembered by Audrey, Hazel,
Joyce and families. I5x
MONK • In loving memory of our mother
Edna. who passed away April 10. 1988.
God saw her getting tired,
A cure was not to be. -
So he wrapped her in His loving arms.
And whispered "Colne to Me".
She suffered much in silence,
Her spirit did not bend,
She faced her pain with courage.
Until the very end.
She tried so hard to stay with us.
Her light was all in vain,
God took herto His loving home.
And freed her from all pain.
With a broken heart we whisper low,
"We love you and miss you so."
Always loved and sadly missed. Kate and
farnily. 15x
PFAFF - In memory of a dear husband,
father and grandpa. Bob; who passed away
April 7. 1995.
If we could have one little wish,
One dream that would conk true,
We would wish with all our hearts.
For yesterday and you.
We miss you and love you always. Grace.
Charlie, Barb. En, Earl and families. I5*
April 10, 1997
A year has gone since you went •
Our loving son and brother
It broke our hearts to lose you
But we must go on for each other
An artist he turned out to be
As his kindergarten teacher did
A smiling picture he left behind
For us to treasure and memories
of a happier kind
Our hearts still ache with sadness
And silent tears still flow
For what it meant to lose you
No words can ever show
We miss you Wayne,
Love.' Mom, Dad, Dan, Karen,
Derek, Tracey, Pam, Tanya, Lisa
and Amy.
zzzzzzz=Zit Mir
Love and
best wishes
from your
Friends and relatives are
invited to an OPEN HOUSE
at the Exeter United Church
Sat. Apr. 11- 2-4 p.m.
Why should
you plan your
own funeral?
Forethought' funeral planning'
Relieves your family r,f
emotional burden .
. 7i.tp esses Ferrer unit ►i islits
in your plans
Proterrs funeral ovist from inflation
lfakes it easierJrs-those vou.Gn'e
• C.111 Pr details today...
t Itrl, . ou're thinking ahout-ii.
Dinney Funeral
Home Inc.
471 Main St. Exeter
235-3500 '
• William Dinnev
• Robert Dinnev
•e:. • John Hendrik
- Funded through policies f
Forethought Life Insurance ('ompnny•
GOUIttPV I�Itchen
Easter Sunday Brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Easter Smorgasbord 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Hours: Mon. - Sat. 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Reservations recommended 236-4812
Take out available
Erb's GoIRtPP KitGiteR
Licenced under L.L.B.O. Air conditioned
Visa/Mastercard 16 Main St. Zurich
Coming events
EXETER LEGION MEAT DRAW, April 1 I. Meat draw with entertainment April
EASTER PRESENTATION, Sunday. April 12 al 7 p.m. at Centralia Faith
Tabernacle; Saturday. April I8 at Seaforth High School at 7 p.m. -Presented by A:C.T.S.
of Faith Ministry Team. Free will offering. For more information contact 236-7211.
Speaker: Karen and Ed Willis re: China adoption. A reminder to committee convenors,
yearend reports due in duplicate on three ring paper. 15*
HOT BEEF SUPPER sponsored by Lucan United Church. Thursday. April 16, 5 to 7
p.,n. at Lucan Community Centre. A great feast followed by delicious homemade
desserts. Adults advance. 59.50: children 5-12 years S4.(0); preschool free. Adults at
door 510.50. Advance available until April 12 at Lankin's Shell, Creative Affairs or by
calling Betty, 227-0720. 14,15.16'
BEI,ARUSSiAN TEA ROOM AND i{AZAAR, Saturday. April 18. 10a m. to 2 p.m..
Exeter Legion. Free admission, silent auction. raffle, hake and rummage tables. pocket
lady. Tea room (take -nut available). Canadian Relief Fund for Chernobyl Victims in
Belarus (CRFCVB) Huron County group. 14.15,16*
EARLY CHILDHOOD S.T.E.P. for parents of children ages 0-6. Learn communica-
• tion skills. effective discipline methods. and how to encourage self-esteem. To be held
at the Zion Lutheran Church in Dashwood on Monday evenings from April 20 to May
25, 7 to 9 p.m. The cost' is 530.00 per person, 535.001 per couple. Financial assistance is
available if needed. Sponsored by Women Today of Huron and Rural 'Response for
ilealthy Children. For more information, or to register, please call 524-6767 or 1-800-
479-0716. 15-17c
from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Come and join our residents for a time of thanks for all your hard
work and dedication. We also extend welcome to anyone interested in volunteering al
the Villa. For more information please contact Kim Caruso at 235.1581. I Se
HENSALL ANNUAL BEEF SUPPER, April 22. 1998. Two settings. 5 p.m and 6:30
p m Price: Adults 59, children five to 12, 54.50. Call for tickets: Hensall United
church, 262-2935 or Marg Cole, 262-2304. 15-17•
"RAISING HEALTH CHILDREN in a Sexually Sick World" and "Human Sexuality
- A Gift From God". A four week series Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. at EPT. This series
will be a combination of videos presented by Dr. Richard Dobbins of Emerge
Ministries. Akron, Ohio and Rev. Vernon Dean, Senior Pastor of EPT. Because of the
nature of this series, no one under the age of 15 will be admitted unless accompanied by
a parent or guardian or written permission. Child care will be available. Dates: Sunday,
April 26. May 3, 10 and 17. Place: Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle. 670 Main St. South,
Exeter, 519-235-2991. All are welcome. 15.16.17c
"INVESTING IN A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE" at Exeter Legion, Thursday, May 7
at 7:30 p.m. Door prizes. Everyone welcome. Admission: voluntary donation to support
Safe Homes for Youth in Huron. 15.17c