HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-04-01, Page 5You take your Investments seriously. You should. You expect a fair deal. You should. You demand Security and guarantees. You should. TERM RRSP INDEX FARM PLUS DEPOSITS RRIF LINKED T.D. GIC LIMITED TIME RATE OFFER 6 MONTHS (Minimum 510,000 New Money) OA) 15 MONTHS (Minimum $500) INTERST PAID ANNUALLY AT END OF TERM All funds are reinvested in our local community and deposit insured by Deposit Insured Corporation of Ontario. Call today. You should! CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 48 Ontario Street 118 Main Street North CLINTON 482-3468 EXETER 235-0640 OPEN: MON. to THURS. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. FRI. 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. cal -minor hockey team to reach the Ontario finals. meets Huntsville in a best -of -five ti-' tie series beginning Friday night. •. 40 YEARS AGO: • March 31, 1958 - Exeter Li- ons sold hundreds of brooms to town householders last week as a "clean -sweep" fund rais- ing drive. Chairman of the drive was C.S. MacNaughton, the PC candidate in the May 12 provincial by-election. Rev. N.D. Knox of Trivitt Memorial Church in Exeter and St. Paul's Anglican Church in Hensel) told his con- gregations Sunday that he has accepted_ a call to Trinity Church in Lambeth. Six teachers have resigned from the .staff of South.Huron High School. They include Ce- cil Wilson, head of the Frene4h department; John Mahon of the agriculture department; Cecil. Porter, head of. the English de- . partment; Heather Goldstein, social studies teacher; Marilyn Bowman, home economics teacher and Mrs. C. Nichols of the English department. 50 YEARS March ,30, 1948. - Mr. Nor- man Walper has just complet- ed a dealer training course in a four-day conference sponsored by, McColl-Frontenac Oil Company., Mr. B.W.F.. Beavers has re- tired as secretary of the CJs-, borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company after 19 ' years in that position. , • Pupils of Winchelsea School, • were taken on- a tour of Lon- don by their teacher, Mr. Har- vey Sparling, and ,six of' the district ladies. on Monday. ' Only two marks separated ,the Huronia Male Choir 'from the Stratford -choir for first prize at the Stratford Music 1~estival. 75 YEARS AGO March 31, 1923 _ - Messrs. 4rthur Ford and Charles Prout, who have beert working in De- • troit, have returned home for the' summer. • Mr. Alvin Moir, ,who has. been working in Windsor and who had the - misfortune to have his hand badly injured ,has returned home. Have a news tip? Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331 JIT 'S YJ LJR BUSINESS_ Times -Advocate, April 1,1998 Page Shane Wilcox: an Exeter artist for hire By Brenda Burke T -A Reporter EXETER - "In Grade 1, I started• really drawing seriously." confided 18 -year-old Shane Wilcox, sitting at his kitchen table surrounded by samples of his best work: A 'Listen to the Wind' poster de- signed for last year's South Huron District High School play. A vi- brant drawing of a boy at a forest edge, a rainbow leading him down his dream path, past tree roots that represent life's obstacles (Wilcox. won the regionals with this work of art in the Marion Drysdale contest just a few months ago). Detailed pencil drawings of a crack deal go- ing down, of rappers Ice Cube and Tupac Shakur. 'A T-shirt • design reading 'R U Stoned' (The idea' didn't sell because the market is al- ready saturated with marijuana con- tent, Wilcox was informed). A sketch of someone's pet pooch. "That's what -I'm basically trying to get into," said Wilson, who has recently distributed flyers around Exeter inan effort to advertise his talents including pencil portraits, greeting cards, advertisements and murals. - He's particularly interested in set- ting. up an on -the -spot sketch area at an area flea market. He said he'll charge $30 for "a quick little pencil sketch" that takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete. • Wilcox landed his first art job de- signing a new business• logo for Windworks and Solar -Ltd., in Lu - can. He plans .to take the • current logo and add dimension to it, make it "not so computerish." Believing "graffiti is art," looking up to Exeter artist Harry Burke as a mentor, and using a hip-hop uni- versal character based on his own nick -name, Tame (couch potato), throughout his work, Wilcox knows exactly what his an stands for. "Art is something that takes a lit- tle bit of skill, not just splatter, splatter...I like art that makes you think...You drawit exactly as you see it. If one line is incorrect. then the whole drawing is out of whack." . Wilcox is not only a critic of,ab- stract art, but of Huron County art programs. Although he feels art his- tory has its place; he feels skill de- velopment is more crucial in art class. A natural at perspective and hu- man drawing, he doesn't make a habit of doing rough sketches, pre- fers to hide both his name and Ta - toe in his work and doesn't- like his Free Internet access for Lambton County residents LAMBTON COUNTY - Industry ' Canada has announced the names of 11 communities in Lambton County ' that will receive funding for the next two years to provide free Public Internet access termi- nals as part df_ the Community Ac- cess Program. The sites are' at Grand Bend Li- brary, Alvinston, Library, Bridgen Library, Corunna Library, Forest Library, Petrolia-Library, Point Ed- ward Library, Shetland Library. Sombra library,. Watford Library and Wyoming Library. These sites are available so that everyone has the opportunity to learn how to use electronic cominunications, the In- ternet and email at no cost. . CAP (Industry Canada's Commu- nity Access Program) works with rural Canadian communities to take advantage of new communication technologies. CAP's goal is to fos- itt LINOTICEO POBC A portion of COUNTY ROAD NO. 83 (formerly King's Highway 83) will be closed for repair and reconstruction of three bridges (west of Highway 4) effective April 6, 1998. Detour roads around the area will be posted and maintained throughout the construction period. Sandra Lawson, P.Eng. County Engineer SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1952 By Ross Haugh from the archives of the Exeter Times 4dvocate 10 YEARS AGO March 30, 1988 - Once the money was in the bank it didn't take long for the South. Huron Rec Centre to pick up the new Olympia ice surfacer.. Major contributors were the . Exeter Lions, Gregus Con- struction, Exeter Minot Hock- ey; Exeter Mohawks, Exeter Legion, Beta Theta Sorority, Rebekahs, Alpha Tau Sorori- ty, Big 0, Times Advocate,. Exeter Molting Hawks, Exet- er Lioness Club, Exeter Opti- mists, Exeter Figure Skating Club, South Huron Rec Cen- tre; Xi Gamma Nu Sorority, Ellison Travel, Dashwood In- dustries and Exeter Roofing. 20 YEARS AGO March 30, 1978 - The pick- et lines at Fleck Manufactur- ing cooled considerably this week as United Auto workers • were out -foxed by company officials. About 80 workers from Ford Talbotville arrived al. 7 a.m. awaiting the arrival of non -striking members only to learn minutes Eater that the workers had arrived at Fleck about three hours earlier,. Asexpected, striking Huron county secondaryschool teachers continued to stay away from classrooms • this week.- The Huron County Board of Education an- nounced last week_that it was• lifting the lockout of: the teachers and that the schools would be open Tuesday morn' ing. Parents of most students ,heeded the warning that the teachers would not show up. About 35 did arrive for class- es and were met at the main entrance by . principal Joe Wooden and told to go home:. ' Exeter Hawks, ousted Bel- - mont in' four straight games in OHA junior play anti will now meet either Stayner or St. George in the semi-finals. . 35 YEARS AGO March 29, 1963 - The mil--. lion dollar Parkhill dam -pro- ject was given final approval by the Ontario ' Municipal ; Board' Wednesday. Estiniated at a cost' of $1,073,620 the dam will be constructed just • north of Parkhill. - ,Prime Minister John Die- fenbakcr was greeted ,by a crowd of about 700 at the Ex- eter train station as he made whistle stops through Huron and Perth ridings. , Exeter midgets, the first lo- Business Directory AUCTIONEERS ■UCTI N all;RVICES Hensall Ont. All types of auctions. Complete service. Will purchase partial or complete estates. Brad Mousseau Auctioneer (519) 2364558 '***************** * Filson & Robson FULLY LICENSED 8 BONDED, CALL OR FAX * (519) 666-0833 * 3 Auctioneers for the * Price of 1 : * * With modem equipment Lc ,, Pickup and sell complete * •or partial estates 1r . Specializing In Farm, Real * Estate and General Sales * >K***************ii REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes . Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9880 ter economic, social and cultural growth in Canada. CAP plans to provide access to 5000 rural com- munities across the cointry in the next three to five years. Grand Bend Library will receive $6,387 from Industry Canada for one project. Matching contributions were received from Lambton County Library, local . businesses and industries; service clubs and or- ganizations, local municipalities and individuals. These Sites will he operational at the -end of May and will be availa'- ble for use,during library hours. creations until they are finished. He -claims he visualizes a picturebe- fore he draws it. With people and animals, he starts with the none and puts emphasis on the eyes as the in- • gredient that makes the piece come to life. He's learned the fine art of doo- dling in class and admits his biggest fear is that he will start working and put his art work on. the back burner. "i want art to be the main focus," said Wilcox, who plans to attend Sheridan College and. create Disney animation.. Shane Wilcox G/RAJN/D O/PIE7N/1/NG SAILIE System Bondwell 150 Case Desktop CPU Intel Pentium 150,,Memory 16. MB Motherboard LPX -OK Cache 256K Hard Drive. 1.7 GB Floppy 3.5" Video, Onboard 1 MB CD-ROM 8X • Sound & Speakers SD AV 310 ' Keybd & mouse 101 Keyboard & Mouse & Mouse Pad Software Windows 95,, Windows 95 Plus Explorer preinstalled $899.95 Modem 33.6 Voice. Data; Fax $ 69.95 Monitor 14" President 28 SVGA$249.95 Printer DEC 24pin colour $129,95 ■ • Complete System $1355. Opening Special s1199 Computer Trailing Academy 301 Main St., Exeter 235-4CPU a 14r! WNW RNft. Set Up & Installation Available THIS WEEKS MANAGERS SPECIAL TKOV12C 200mmx Cyrix Processor • VX Pro Motherbofard 512k cache. • USB supported • 1.6 Meg of Ram • 24X CD -Rom • 2.1 Gig Ultra DMA Hard Drive • 33.6K Fax/Voice/Data Modem • 14" Digital Monitor • IMB Video Card • Soundcard w/ESS. chipset • 55 Watt Speakers • 1.A4 FDD ' • Windows Keyboard w/wrist rest • Microphone • Mouse, Mouse pad • Windows 95 w/Internet Explorer 4 MANAGERS CHOICE TKOATID • 233mmx MD K6 PROCESSOR • TX motherboard • 512k pipeline purst cache USB supported • 32 Meg of SDram • 24X CD -Rom • 4.3 Gig Ultra DMA hard drive •- 56K fax/voice/data modem • 15" digital monitor • 2 MB 3D video card' • Soundcard w\ESS chipset • 70 watt speakers • - • 1.44 FDD • Windows keyboard w/wrist rest - ,• Microphdne • 3 button mouse • Mousepad • Windows 95 w/lntemet Explorer 4 • MicroSoft Homepack Intel Pentium!! 233 • Intel 233 Pentium It • LX 440 Motherboard AGP Video Support USB Supported • 32 Meg of SDram • 24X Quiet CD -Rom (BTC) • 4.3 Gig Ultra DMA Hard Drive • 56K Fax/Voice/Data Modem • 15" Digital Monitor Imago • 2 M8 ATI 30 Rage + II • Soundcard w/ESS chipset • 70 Watt Speakers • 1.44 FDD • Windows Keyboard w/wrist rest - • Microphone • Logitech 3 Button Mouse • Mousepad • Windows 95w/Internet Explorer 4 2 1 ■ Some restrictions may apply. 370 MAIN STREET, S. EXETER, ONT. 4245.55 ■ RS i $1749.00 519-235-0996 (John Norris Building) LONDON: 106-30 Adelaide St. N. 667-0897 1