HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-03-25, Page 20Page 20 Tinges -Advocate, March 25, 1998 CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID. Cols will not he printed until 1).1) merit received. 10 PI =I( i 1( )111:._11) ( 1 235-1331 235-0766 r n1.Til: ta:0 sed y.cour Box WORD AS -20 word maximum 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $16.05 3 insertions $21.47 Additional 1 541 charge for each word over maximum NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Births, Deaths, Announcements, Coming Events, Memoriams, Cards of 'Thanks) 1 insertion $11.77 2 insertions $23.54 3 insertions No Charge Additional 15$, charge fur each word over manunutn • CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST BE PREPAID. ADS WILL NOT BE PRINTED UNTIL. PAYMENT IS RECEIVED 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 Get Results With Our 511 Super Ad* Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge ,, Foo 4�E 1Tt:�h'LSQ�Ii�Y zT ��R9p .inns►c!>3l_e Ly * ...rrSt @ IfLS12�� 235-1331 s 1 'per s ace. The rate* is shown on the left. ,1 PleaseREME print one word ORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! REMEMBER! TH e 1 I I IINIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I � IIr 1 I 11111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111 1 a IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII e / Bordered & Mon ihly Ads Kates available on rec uest PAYMENT Cash, Cheque (with identification). Money Order. Visa and Mastercard are accepted * PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAHIT 1 IS CORREO ENSURE T 1 Lost, Strayed • SET OF CAR KEYS with Myrtle Beach key chain. lias remote car starter. Please call Vivian, business number (13') 4 Help Wanted SUMMER 1011 - Guelph or Ridgetown first year diploma student. Main and cad ies will be crop scouting, seed production work. marketing with some general farm May 1 to Sept. 1, 1998. Please mail or fax resume to Hill & Hill NaM Farms lid., R.R. Fax Varna, Ontario 5l9-233-3440. We appreciatelialt responses, however only qualified app e contacted for an interview. (12.13c) The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution a tifor mone business When sending opportunity or employment advertise - meets. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. e - Remember... if any adver- tisement tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. 4 Help Wanted a NAME - a ADDRESS a PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT: ... __ CREDIT CARD NO. -------------------------- SIGNATURE_______----- DATES TO RUN: MasterCard - Cheque Visa - Expiry - NEED SOMEONE TO learn my business. Must have leadership ability and a strong desire for above average income. Resume to: B. Deters, 49 Orchard St. Exeter, NOM 1S3 (11-14*) NEEDED - 176 Sanders St .NTF.NT Responsible fax the Sanders St. Exeter. - maintenance of 17 unit complex. For more information call 660-8787. (12-14c) IRONWOOD GOLF CLUBacceptingg clubhouse resumes for full time ct. and ca maintenance staff. Email g or 72 Wellington St. Exeter, On NOM 1S1. (13c) CONSTRUCTION LABOURER with experience. Fax resume to Construction, Fax #235-4295. concrete Brintnell (13c) ••• + + • + + • • + • • • • • + + + • + • + + + • + • Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for erial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one hy- phens per set. Wordsojoined words. count as separate FIRST INSERTION - 203 orris $ ons 2 insertions $16.05, for $21.47. Additional 15¢ charge each word over maximum. deaths, NOTICES: 30 words (births, announcements, coming ofigievent 0¢ moriams). (Cards each word over maximum). 1 insertion $11.77 2 insertions 523.54 3 insertions No charge aid • Classified Ads until ust be re pay- ment : re Ads will not be printed received'. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS Witt) picture - $25.50.picture $10.50 GRADUATESSEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $6.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING pOUCY Adverksng n the Times -Advocate is accepted • COndAion that. In the even) 01a typographical error, that portion ol the advertising) space reason- abl• eby the erroneous Aero, together with able allowance for signature. will be rerun in e subsequent issue as a make good at mei charge. *tide the balance of the advertisement will be pad for at an applicable rate. In the event of a e typographical error advertising goods or s ala wrong price, goods or services may n ot he soil Advertising is an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any Ivne Any errors must be sc- knowAt n seven days Of publication The Tidged of re The Trries-Advocmle reserves ttie privilege "sing or re;ecing advertisements that A consid- ers oblectioneble end to change the classification ol any advertisement from that ordered 10 con- form to the policy 01 this newspaper. Contents are protected by copyright Reproduction of any material without the permission of the pubkaher forbidden ca end ckcidaliori only. Advertisers purchase spa the NI rights to any advertisements produced bTrnesy usng typography photographs arranged ngedfo by the newW.Wr shag bi11.ppp tycd d1e No such ed or any pen t o1 the T meb i eptoduted or as - ed or pen Meso' may t» r TImN signed without written consent ol the • Advocate. Ttnea•AdvoraN STATEMENT of POLICY M T is not responsible for errors in adverlisemenls not submitted in legible form. nor for more than sin iserton of fret advertisement Alzheimer Society of Huron County currently has openings on their Board of Directors Interested individuals call to request an application form 1-800-561-5012 482-1482 5 Business Opp. HOT DOG CART FRANCHISE - At best spot in town. Well priced, great money maker.' -800-915-4683.(9-13') •• :IC Phone ® 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 • 6 Services • • • + • • • • • + • • • • + • • • Carole's CLEANING SERVICE Do you need a little help with your cleaning? PLEASE CALL 235-4729 1� tri ay�ed ---- 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted S Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cara, Trucks 1 12 Pets I13 Musicallnstruments 14 Appliances, Television I 15 Personal 16 For Sale • 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted s• 2 210 Property For Sale Property for Rent Rent 22 For Sale or Rent i23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 125 Notices 1 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted ' 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales I 1 \6ServiCes rRED CLOVE INR. EED SPR III WITH ATV 1 1 $2.00/acre 1 call 1 Bruce Thomson 1 1 (519)-263-5072 1 Wayne LAWN BARBER AVAILABL•1'394 Main St. (rterbein s Barbershop, ARE_ 235-0559. Open at 8 a.m., Sat. til 2 uAn^N � Exeter,10-13*) m. o • Fertilizing Closed Wednesday. POWER and stand-by working, •Power Sweeping FOR ata •Crab Grass Control electricity that works and y • Grass Cutting call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. 1936. Phone 1062 Reliability since 235' 519-655-2396. (30tfn) Laverne McCarter PHOTO ITNISIIING and • • • QUALITY now 5 minute • framing and Main St. + • • custom • SERVICES DE�� enlargements. Jervis Photography, Exeter 235-1612. (3tfn) • ;ars' TELEPHONE - TV CABLE HEALTH SERVICES FIRST! INSTALLA710NS Repair wiring - Install � FOOTCARE Prewlre houses - � modems - Internet � • in your home �- jacks for phones •-0368 by Alice Broom, RPN ELTha CFAL 235 Call 1-800-463-3158 ANTIQUE WATCH AND CLOCK r • e� THE, IAprofessional repairs to •� SPECIALIST - Doe Free estimates to repair watches and olocks• grandtater clocks. Ca11sRuP Arnhold. 243-11.30) Gillespie, Peal Franks. (3Qfn) + ++ + + • • • • • + • •• + • • + • + •• • • • PUT YOUR FEET + • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Also CUSTOM No -Till and tosiConventional Planting ____MI NI1 • 8 Farm Machinery COMBINE 4WD - V8 diesel, hMF 760 S16,000. Call 519229-6868.(12dro, auto e13sa) + • + +•• +++ •• ••• Avon Maitlan Learning for a Lifetime will accept applications for one or more positions of DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUS DRIVER at BrooksidePublic NOG 2W0 R.R. # 4, Wing Duties to commence immediately. The successful candidate must Driver's hold a valid Class "Boto Interested applicants should send a letter of ap litication, nnphoto- and education, aClass "B" Licence,references, to the untders gned by noon, lining exp educatt ion, including Friday, April 3, 1998. Shelley King Business Manager Avon Maitland District School Board 163 Princess Street eo East Clinton, NOM 1L0 We thank those who submit a resume, and advise only those who are chosen for an interview will receive Aa reply. BBY ARMSTRONG (iUl1r PAUL CARROLL Director of Education 6 Services 6 Services MORTGAGE LOANS FOR ANY PV RPOSE FOR • PURCHASES • RENOVATIONS • DEBT CONSOLIDATIONS * Difficult Situations Welcomed* 8-7788 - MTM Realty Services CALL 66 STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SINCE 1971. LUCAN, ONT. Florida rooms, build & design additions, windows, roof coatings, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows FREE ESTIMATES • (519) 227-4033 SCRAPPER JOHN RECYCLING ND WAREHOUSE DISPOSrAla New and Used Bulldlnk anted: Old Brick Houses, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals before Calinoffice 235-4614I • Res. 235-1662 Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Call Jeff McCann 237-3531 1 8 Farm Machinery 44 MASSEY TRACTOR - 40+ 4x4' bales International baler, No.9 Massey of hay, spreader, wood splitter, baler; Manure p 10 wood, hay rake. Call 349-2358 let ring times or 284-2187. (13sa) 11 Cars, Trucks f WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars, trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, Paul's Auto Marine, 168 Thanes Rd. W. Exeter. 235-3922. (16tfn)-- roP Dot.LAR PAii)' for older cars, tricks, scrap, etc Brock$ Auto u oin pe 700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety 535.00. Auto repairs. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE °Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' • COMING EVENTS ORANGEVILLE FIDDLE & STEP DANCE CAMP July 12-17. 1998 with the best OSII dorsJin y Canada Scott Woods. Cindy Weymouth, Chanda Gibson. Kendra Nolte and more. Contact Bit Elliott 519.941-5683. ANNOUNCEMENTS EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS WEB SITES. $25/year Personal $16, including your own URL for business cards. brochures. nadveadedeisi g ssearch engines. 1-10 page, ead s. Change contents anytime. cost. Easy. Investigate_ Explore otherssi es.wwwiickymc- mountan.com FOR THE DONATE YOUR CAR. HERITAGE BLIND Tax deductible. card Sponsored byNAADCOeed t. ruun. Free phone 800-4635681. ,w �1 REDUCE YOUR LONG DISTANCE BY EXTENDING YOUR LOCAL CALLING AREA TO INCLUDE ALL LOCATIONS BELOW. AS LOW AS 268,269,283,284,89,293,294, 227, 228, 232475, 485 633, 631, 637, 246, 644, 652, 425, 461, 415, 666,693,162,164,169,775,782. LIMITED TIME OFFE "2 FOR Ext. 6000 For InIormatlon call today Need Help with a Computer Problem? I can Help! I am fully qualified and no problem is too difficult to fix. Call Jelt Denys at 263-5060 BUSINESSoPPS get positioned NOW! was ENTREPRENEURS Po Flex wl Deregulation & service HUGE tr ee SPOTENTIAL nd S NT S.A.S.E. mg ha e.Fe$ MLM co. launches new division A+ systems & 43, Toronto, training.Earn1 0g 2S n hours. Suite Digital industries 1.800 922 2545 (24 hours) • Publish- ing. 599B Yonge Street, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WITH EXCLUSIVE Ontario M4Y 1Z4. o mproducts Weekly commissions, ���`�� rR .ssF ', natural health P rsharing, and high royal- i :`' , monthly illh ly bonuses. P ort and training. Cat i, i. 11es pai2411 IS $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a 10 01 money 1-800.760.2117. EEKLYINO24 hours. selling chocolate e baars. New pro delivery av table. W gam. INCOME CIRCULAR MAILING prod Nothing to pay gram. Free into rush sell -addressed stamped 383.3589. Dept WOCM, r:f+ envelope to Canadian Prospects, +Y� 4to�'il f' Box 219. Chesley LINT NOG 1L0 I' -,.. R+ zik HAVE YOU CONSULTED ' CAI1i�'I� ANTS and mediums b the unexplica e experiences recise. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes mort (Incl, 28 years experience; very p lormalan contact. S 15, ood- ridyou your sign. Learn Shecand Oniano School of Auctwneenng, stock, Ontario N45 7V9. 1.888-866 7355. Irrxn her o her well known mad'ums and clairyy CALL 1-900.451- 'e' ants To Lind out your Lafora, 'r rr rr* F 9602. 18*, $4.991mm , 24 hrslldays GIIii�E; `•,+ r 1.800.451.7865. Live i-' r.'. WRITE DOWN this numbs Earn mei RES TOR li age C rpe try and Mil- psychics. You choose who you want to talk to! ry You pick the top mono advice. etc. Earn a diploma in Henlage Carpentry and Mt • ic. Love, Y� wen er or Clana and Heritag nTradesoand Tech 24hrs 18+ Centre for Canadian 11 0 pe nolog 613.2 Algonq uin College. Perth ampus Phone 13 267 2859 ax EMPLOYMENT OpP 4t CHARLTON RESORTS. BANFF has immediate opening for room attendants- Subsidized accom- modation may be available. Contact Darlene Sin- clair 403.762-4485. lax 403-762-2744. Box 1478. Banit, AB TOL OCO. r r • FOR SALE SAWMILL W LOGS P clNTOy. BO aRDSl1 plauks, 68199 Norhere Free wood Sawmills, R R 2,1Ki wor hy, 6899. Ontario POE IGO lion s ..xit1 HELP •YiAIiSQ• • PART-TIME . Hight Quality Ind stE - Seeking tr al Lubr cant Pture menu- odu is Mp. 9 World-wide. Products Manufacturer since 1933. ISO 9001 cerbhed. Office out ofehome Be your own boss. Set your own goals. ty contmu ng factory We provide extensive training, support For details by return mail' at South - tern Petroleum Corp at 1.800.866 ATV witb GrasslRed Clover Seeding For Rent teff Horn 229-8176 LTED REAL CLAI V store? 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