HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-03-25, Page 15Tough luck. Stephen Township Bantam -0 goalie Chris Glavin stops a Wallace offering.dur
ing their OMHA semi-final game on Saturday at Stephen Township. Are_ na. Despite a valiant
effort, the Stephen Bantams lost to Wallace 6-3 and are eliminated from -the- OMHA play
downs. In' another bit of bad news for Stephen hockey, the Shamrock peewees lost their fi-
nal OMHA semi-final game 5-4 to -Tara -on Sunday.
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SpjT.5 Times-Ativucate, March 25, 1998
Page 15
Gardner winning raves at Brown
PROVIDENCE. R.I. - Hensall's Cara Gardner is making
quite a name for herself among the hockey elite at Brown
University 'in Rhode island.
.Gardner, a defenceman, was the -only freshman named to
the American Women's College Hockey Alliance National
Championship.tournament first line all-star team on the
•weekend. Her team made -it to the championship tinat on Sat-
urday but lost 4-1 to -New Hampshire at the Fleet Centrc
where the NHL's Boston Bruins call home.
• "Cara has never played in front of so many people." Gard.--
ner's'proud mom Kay said. "it was a great experience."
• Kay said the U.S. college spoors fans take their women's
hockey seriously. :
"1t was a pretty big deal," she said. "They make a lot -more
out.of it than we do up here."
Kay said the Brown .Bears were hurting after their lough 3-
2 semi-final win over Northeastern at Harvard on Friday
night. Northeastern reporter Richard Hungerford said Gard-
ner "anchomd the bluelincrs" during the game.
"Her reads arc really strong and she has the mobility to act
and make the play happen." he said in his story.
Brown's appearance at the AWCHA is ;i first. for an Ivey
League school. Kay said. '
Kay said the highlight of the game• for her dat'ightcr was a
"fantastic breakaway save" where Gardner" slid across the
front of the Brown net to stop a Northeastern forward from
scoring a sure goal into a yawning cage.
The Bears scored another Ivey League fiat by winning the
Eastern Co1legiate.Athletics Conference championship by
beating New Hamsphire 4-3 at Northeastern on -March 15.
Gardner was named to the tournament's all-star alternate
line: again the only freshman to capture such an honor. Kay
said. Cara Gardner
The Bears finished the regular ECAC season with a 15.4-3 record and 33 pours-, good fora tie w ith l).urt-
miuth. though Brown was seeded fourth going into the ECAC playdi+wn because they had -less wins than
Dartmouth. Overall Brtiwn finished with an 18-6-4 record.
Gardner Trnished.the season as the second scorer among dcfcm:emcn with to goal. and.13 assists in 31
game:. Brown communications co-ordinator Beth James said Gardner is half of E}rown'..tup defenske duo
with captain Jodi McKenna and is the only newcomer among dctcnccnten this season.
Gardner did have. 'time to go to class, too. She .cited a 3:5 •grade point A.erage While studs ing human bi-
ology. .
Exeter Petites inch closer to H -P title
EXETER — The Exeter Optimist
'C' ringettc tcant,camc from behind
, to hest,Stratford 5:4 in overtime at
ionic on Sunday to force a 'third
and deciding game in their Huron -
Perth championship series,
Exeter scored with only 12. sec-
onds lcfi to tie the game and scored..
the winner after 13:12 'of •suddcn-
death overtime play . •
Christina Summerville and Jaci
Marshall led the Exeter attack with
two goals each with Michelle Gais-
er adding a single.
Assists were picked up tw Mar-
shall. Theresa Gallagher :and Gat.-
cr. Goaltcndcr Holl Horn was out-
standing in net. - -
On Saturday the 'C's easily won
an -exhibition game over London
10-1. Both, Sommerville ..111(1 Cas-
sandra- Morrissey had lite point
game. (three goals. two assist.1.to
- lead Exeter. Gallagher (16. IA).
Marshall (1 G. 2A). Sarah Watson
11G. 2A). Frances VanO.. (10.
2A i. Gauer (.2A t. Brittnev Foster
(1 A ). Amanda Overholt (IA I and
Ashley Desjardine ('1 A ) also made
the gameshect.
Game three was planed v cstcrda
sitter press at the Rec Centre.
The F.xetci Petite 't3' team focal
\litchell for the first time this sea-
son .on the weekend.
The high)i n of the game was a
\litche1l penalty; shot that Exeter's
Leah \Mudge saved with only 32
seconds left in the game.
• Game three is set lir tomorrow at
7:50 p.m.. in Mitchell.
• All of Exeter' -s ringettc teams
will pta at the Western Ontario
Regional Rin,_citc Inv Rational tour-
nament on March 27-9 in Kitchen-
' er/Water-loo. • - •
deBruyn tops In Fanshawe soccer
LONDON — Exeter's own Marty deBruyn was
named a runner-up male athlete. of the year at the
recent Intercollegiate Athletics awards ceremony..: •
deBruyn, a South Huron District High School -
graduate and automotive program student at
Fanshawc College, is a member of hankhawe's •
men's soccer team.
deBruyn also picked up the soccer team MVP tro-
phy. al the recent lanshawe athletics awards banquet.
Has nominated forathlete of the year and was
selected to the O AA all-star soccer learn as the best
College sweeper in Ontario.
Fly tying at -the Ausable.Centre •
LUCAN --.Ever wondered•how those fly fisher
men entice rainbow trout into their nets"
You can find out Part of the secret during 'feathers
in the breeze'. the Ausahlc Centre's latest
'exhibition by Lucian artist Bruce D.
The exhibition opens March 27 and
runs till April 22. •
Nut more intiinnution. contact
Rosemary Gahlingcr-Bcuune at 227-
• Lucan hosting 3 -on -3 hockey
LUCAN — The Lucan Arena is hosting a 3 -on -3
• nen's.Imckey tournarncnt.tor competitive and rccrca
tional teams on May 1-3.
Those inlerestcil in entering a team in the tourna-
ment should.call ktl-DeJi►ng at 227-4909. Each team
is guaranteed three :games witli prizes awarded tu.tttc
winners. Proceeds go towards Lucan Minor Hockey.
-• Women.needed In Stephen • .
STEPHEN TWP. The Stcphcn'iownship.recrca-
tional futsal (indoor soccer) league is looking kir
Call Marilyn Riley at 235-049(, ii interested. •
A save too late
1 t/nl;nuri 1In loo,\' l'hl' I'S l.it (,.\S1
gird ,11 l'„• ",urlli; dealt.,
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