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Times -Advocate, March 25, 1998
Page 7
Thanks for the break
Mothers In the Time -Out program hosted an appreciation luncheon for the volunteers who
babysit their children each Friday morning at the Exeter United Church. Back row from !eft:
Leanne Robinson, Nancy Hartai, Betty Coates, Ann Marie Vachon and Heidi Williamson.
Front row, from left: Donna Shapton, Irene Dunn and Ethe!•Cushman. Volunteer Jean Dow-
nie was absent The ladies especially thanked the Exeter United Church for the facilities..
Hensall Horticultural Society meeting
• HENSALL - "Could we go and visit her garden",
were a number of pleas members of the Hensall.& Dis-
irict Horticultural Society President, Syhille Schaufler
received from ,intrigued listeners after the meeting.
Ahout 40 society members and guests from as far as
Arva listened as Deb Witte described their garden and
what makes it unique., "We'll definitely have to have.
our trip co-ordinator, Janis Bishack look into this" was
• Syhille's promise. Call-Syhille.Schaufler at 262-3431
in put your name down for such a trip.
Jennifer Roth shared son Jt3nanth4n's 'show -and -tell'
project. a 'just -emerged'. moth •and two companions,
still in their cocoons, all occupying a fancy hug -house.
BtAiness was kept to a minimum afier.that.'A num-
: her 'of plants. including some shamrocks, all home-
-grown and donated by Rachel Schwalm, and a prize
donated by William's Hairstyling. were given away as
• -' door prizes.
The winner of the membership draw was Adrian
Bayley. His prize: Attendance at the `1Luck"now event;
that is "The Annual General Meeting of Ontario Horti-
cultural Society District 8" on April 25 from 9:30 a.m.
, to 3:30 p.m. at the Lucknow Legion. Guest speaker -
Marilyn Edmison Driedger of The Herbal Touch, 'in
Ottcrville will speak on: "Have Fun -with Herbs 'Grow-
Yourself Flavor' at l�:30 a.m. To sign up call'Sybillc
Schaufler at 262-3431. Your $12 ticket must be 'pre- •
paid by April 14. Drop off points: William's Hairsty-
ling,, King - Street, Hensall or Syh,ille Schaufler Ac-
counting, London Road (Highway 4), Hensall.
Planting team captains also please call either Schau=
fler at 262-3431 or Liz . Sangster at 262-2715 to. enter
your planting team in the Upcoming'competition. Prize: '
$200towards the winning teams attendance at the On-
tario Horticultural Society's Annual Convention in Pe-
terborough. in Ju'nc,of 1999
Students receive awards
TORONTO - In November 1997,
, Humber -College student Gail
Brownlee of Crediton, received the
'Voyageur - Insurance Award',
granted to a' student in ' the Travel
and Tourism program who has ex-
The award was generously donat-
ed by Voyageur Insurance Ltd.,
presented by company represents-
tive Debi Tziatis.
Gall Brownlee • - Crediton, receives the Voyageur insurance
Award from Debi Tziatis, presented to the students who have
excelled in the Travel and Tourism Program at Humber College.
TORONTO - This past Novem-
ber Humber College student Rebec-
ca Darling of Exeter, received the
Canamera Foods Award.
This award is granted to a first
year, student in the Hotel and Res-
taurant Management program at
Darling was recognized for.ex-
ceptional achievement in food ser-
The award was generously donat-
ed by Canamera Foods Ltd., and
presented by ,company representa-
tive, Rosemarie Grivich.
Rosemarie Grivich - right, presents the Canamera Foods
award to Rebecca Darling, Exeter, the student in the Hotel
and Restaurant Management Program who achieves high aca-
demic achievement.
Plans underway for: canoe rally
By Joan Belerling
Varna correspondent.
VARNA-Church Service was
held in Goshen on Sunday and will
be in Goshen next Sunday also.
Sunday, April 5 is Palm Sunday in
Varna. The Good Friday service is
April 10' in Goshen and the Easter
Celebration is April 12 in Varna.
A reminder of the Lenten Study
on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 in
the Varna Church. Everyone wel-
Anyone interested in taking part
in the Good Friday Service of
Worship is invited to come to a
planning meeting on Saturday,
March 28 at 10 a.m. in the Goshen
Stanley Township $aseball
Registration will be held Saturday
March 28, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the
Stanley Township Complex. T -Ball
is $15, tyke .to slow pitch is $25
and there is a Family Rate of $50
for 3 or more _in the family. The
slow pitch team is for ages 15 - .18.
Please bring Health Care Number
when registering. _Anyone interest-
ed in coaching, helping or conven-
ing please call Ken Renning at 233-.
3190 or Lauren Love at.263-5349.
Plans' are also under way for the
Annual Canoe Rally to be held
Sunday. April -5. This year there
will be,a raffle for a 15 ft. canoe,
life jackets and paddles. Tickets are
.on sale for $ 1 each or 3 for $2.
Contact anyone on the Roc
Committee for a` ticket or the
Stanley Township office.
Members of Goshen Church arc
being enouraged to donate' a copy
or more of ".Voices United" for use
in the Church. To date 33 copies
have been donated: If anyone
would like to donate one or more
copies please contact Anna Keys
by March 29. With the Service
being in Goshen on March 29 there
will be a short meeting with the
Goshen Congregation and the
U.C.W: after the service to discuss
the hymn book situation and to see -
whe're to go from there.
• There will be a Congregational
Meeting of the Varna Church on
Sunday, April 12 after worship. All
Varna members should beaware of
this important meeting. '
The Five ,Alive Committee pre-
sents Family Friendship and Fun on
April 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Brucefield Church. This program
will feature "The Friendship
Band". Paul Consitt is in this barid.
Also guest speakers, skits and
more. Plan to attend.. -
: Mark your calendars for. the
Varna.United Church Annual Pork
Barbecue at the Stanley Township
Hall on Wt;dnesday, June 17.
The Crokinole_ Club met last
Tuesday for an Open Crokinole
party for regulars, spares and any-
one interested incoming, There
were five tables in play. Door
prized were won by Joe Fulop,
Ralph Stephenson, Graham Laurie,
Alec Ostrom and Joan Beierling.
Next Club night will be March 31.
Six members of the Club trav-.
eled to St. Jacobs on Saturday to
the Crokinole Tournament there.
Joe Fulop won the "A"
Championship and Jason Beierling
was third in the "B". Way to go,
guys! They will be traveling to
Hanover this Saturday for another
tournament. Good Luck!
Country Bakery 367 Malta St. S.
Exeter 235-2525
Wed., Tburrse, Frit and Sat. Mar. 25,26,27,28
50% Whale Wheat
Bread .79
Brown Country
Buns 6/69¢ -
Cinnamon Buns -
Capsule Comments
Osteoarthritis is the common form of arthritis affect- —
ing one in twenty -North' Americans, most of whom
are women. it is called the "wear and .tear" disease
often affecting those busy hip and knee joints. Re-
cent new ideas for treatment are focusing more on
pain control and less -of inflammation reduction. First
line therapy is now Acetaminophen up to 4000 mg
per.day. (That's Tylenol and all its generic equivalents). See your doctor
before treating yourself. •
Tofu lowers cholesterol. Researchers reported in. the New England Jour-
nal of Medicin,e report that diets high in soy -protein (like tofu)'can pro-
tect against heart disease bylowering levels of LDL (the "bad" choleste-
rol). Tofu... people either love it or hate it..., but it might be something
worth learning to Jove! -
with Ernie Miatello
Nitroglycerin, a powerful diitator of blood vessels, is used•to reduce the
chest pain felt when blood flow to the heart is restricted. People taking
routine nitroglycerin either in patches, or tablets, should have a dose -
free period of about 8-10 hours in a 24 hour day to• avoid a condition
caller/. "nitrate tolerance". this will help the medication work better. Dis-
cuss this with your doctor or.pharmacist. •
Hiccup cure #437: Apply ice cubes to the sides of the neck at the level
of the Adam's apple. It's supposed to. affect nerve impulses that cause
contractions of the diaphragm.
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