HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-03-18, Page 2113 Musical Instruments
GUITAR & PIANO Lessons Available.
Beginaer to advanced, all styles of music.
E erer Music Centre 235-1263. (20tfo)
GUITAR LESSONS available in Zurich
area on classical, acoustic or electric guitar.
All ages welcome, call (519) 433-5544 on.
weekdays or (519) 236-4230 on weekends.
Ask for orleave message for Troy. (43tfn)
14 Appliances,Television
24" GAS STOVE Almond $250.;
Admiral 18 cubic ft.. fridge $250. Both in
excellent condition. Call 284-4890. (9-12sa)
15 Personal
with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St.
(Beside Noah's Ark). Open 9-12 only
Tuesday = Thursday. Phone 235-4104.
16 For Sale
5'x5', dark brown col-
our, $50 obo; LARGE
long x 40" high x 2'
deep $50 obo.
Office chairs
to give away.
PHONE 235-1331.
1 16 For Sale
We buy woodlots
• PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices.
Ron's Health Centre, liensall, (16tfn),
FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood
hickory', beech, ash, maple, delivered and
picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping
WOOD FOR . SALE - Good dry mixed
hardwood, by the cord or I/2 tonne pickup
truck load. Will deliver. Call 225-2609 after
6p.m. -
Northern Spys & Other Varieties
• Fresh Pressed Cider
• Grape Juice • Apple Butter
• Fresh Honey
235-0446 Open Saturdays all day
Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad
condition. $1500. Denfield. 519-666-0777.
hardwoods, split, • no deliveries. Call
349-2605 after 6 p.m. (6-l2sa) -
• $6.95 - $9.95 -
Suitable for: pen, pencil; charcoal
or watercolour
Save 10%
on Corn Purchased by March 31/98
Jeff Horn
Sale Representative
R.R. #1 Centralia, Ont.
Phone f519) 229-8176
'Advertise Across Ontario of Across
ACE :. .
the Country"
Championships, STRATFORD Fairgrounds Coli- home -study course. Call today for your FREE •
seum, Friday, July 3rd, 7:00pm, Saturday July 41h BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 38
9:30am,. Finals and Show 7:OOpm. Tickets at McArthur Avenue, Suite 3002, Ottawa, ON K1L
door. Advance tickets/camping information: 519- 6R2.
271-6115. .
WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment Ages 18 - 30 with agricultural experience to
for hardwood logs, prepayment for timber stands. livelwork with family n Australia, New Zealand,
Veneer log prices. Provincially licensed tree Europe, Japan. Costs/details • 1-800263.1827.
Calgary, Alberta.
markers and certified equipment operators. Spe-
cial care taken in harvesting. Pannill Veneer Co. FOR SALE
Ltd. esi. 1927; 340 Louisa St., Kitchener
(519)742-5887. • SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS,
planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill
ANNOUNCEMENTS value anywhere. Free information 1.800.566-
6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kdworlhy,
BLIND. Tax deductible. Free towing. Need not
run. Free phone card. Sponsored by AAOCO. SALES HELP WANTED
800.463.5681. • $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money
selling chocolate bars. New products available.
BUSINESS OPP$r;'_ . Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-
.Simple! No personal selling! NOT MLM! Have LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER or just need
lun! EarnSS. Enthusiastic, Entrepreneurs Only! extra money? Sell C&M Gills' unique line of
1.800-905-0796. Ext. 2202. 24Hr. Msg. affordable home decor, toys and gifts. Call 519-
258.7905, Fax.519.258.0707 for free catalogues
NEW FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY: featuring and information about this wonderful opportunity.
acrylic bathtub liners and walls (installs over
existing). Exclusive territories available. Pack- - PAY TELEPHONE SERV.
ages for existing reaAed businesses or your new HAVE YOU CONSULTED REAL CLAIRVOY-
business. AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVES ANTS and mediums before? Then come discover
(519)743.5453. the ugexplicable experiences of Karononna Zan-
. ,r , , , ,, more (Inc.), 28 years experience; yery precise.
' CA i riPS.; . She can describe and give you your sign. Learn
LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held April from her other well known mediums and clairvoy-
ants, To find out your future, CALL 1.900.451-
18.24,'98. For information conlad: Southwestern 9602. 18r,14.99/mn., 24 hrs/7days.
Ontario School of Auclioneerng, R.R. e5, Wood-
stock, Ontario N4S 7V9. 1.888.866.7355. WRITE DOWN this number 1.900-451.7865. Live
psychics. You choose who you want to talk lo!
+ }; • -.- You pick the topic. Love, money, advice, etc.
yCOMPUiERS,24nrs. 18+
JUST 5900 PER MONTH. Absolutely Complete!! PSYCHIC NETWORK. Advice, relationships,
NO Money Down!! No Payments for Three dream interpretation. Any topic. Many kve opera -
Months" From the fifth larges) PC manufacturer tors to choose from. It's your choice. Call today.
in Canada: 200MMX, 24X CDROM, 2.0 GB 1-900-561-2005. 24 hrs. 18+. 83.99/min.
Ouantum, ATI 3D EXP Video, 33.6 full duplex,
Intel MB and Processor, 16MB EDO 14 inch. PERSONALS•
SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet. Don't be fooled WHAT BLOCKS YOU from accomplishing what
by other offers! Credit Approval available right you want in Me? Find out with Dianetics! Buy i1l
over the phone! 1.888-860.9190 more into/lo Read d! Use it! S8 99+65T. Call 1-800.561.5808
order. Fast FEDEX delivery, to your door any- todayt
where in Canada. ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Companion -
THE BEST COMPUTER, the Best Price. Deliv- ship/marriage. Ages 18-85. Single,
ered right to your door anywhere in Canada! Just widowed,divorced. State age. All across Canada.
569.00 per month, No Money Down. For Tynan• P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE IMO. Free infor-
nus loaded 166MMX Multimedia Package: 166 mation. 1.250.679.3543.: www.bcwebsites.com/
MMX, Motorola 56.6 Fax/Modem, Stereo sur• servlces/Ashgrove
roundsound, digital full -motion video, 3 2 GB HD, MALE IMPOTENCE corrected and prevented.
24X CD ROM, full colour 14 inch monitor, loaded Decline associated with age, medications,
current software (list is too long for this ad, cal surgery, diabetes, injury can be overcome. Free
us!!!) Instant credit approval available right over information/advice: Performance Medical Ltd.,
the phone' Call 1.800.551.3431 • to order/more Box 892, Vernon, BC, V I T 6148. 1-800-663-0121.
MCS CANADIAN: PENTIUM 200 MMX from just s, .L.'- u..? EEL• • . • ' NB • : •• : -i
569.00/month. Pentium 200; 3 2 GB HD, 32X CD, STEEL BUILDINGS...Final Clearance. Construc-
32MB SORAM, 56K lax, 14' SVGA, 3YR warren- lion and Leasing available. 20 x 14 x 30
ly. Accessories available: printers, scanners, 83,688.00. 25 x 14 x 30 53.988 00. 30 x 14 x 40
DVD, Microsoft CD bundle, Instant credit avail. 85,944.00. 40 x 60 $9,688.00. 40 x 80
able. $0 down & no payments to July 98, Co IoM• S12,244.00. 50 x 100 $21,566.00. 60 x 120
free 7 days/wk. 1-888.301.9898. 828,900.00. Others. Pioneer 1.800.668.5422.
• R's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Doss It All
- • Northern Ontdrlo $78. • Eaajim Ontario $138
• Western Ontario $130 •• Control Ontario $134 • AN Ontario $390
• National Puc age. Available '• • Call Ibis pspsr for details)
16 For Sale
Jogger/gym/rower cost 8380.. like new.
Asking 5225 00. Phone 283-1362.
ONE INGLIS DRYER - 1 Beatty fridge -
green,.1 25 cu. ft. freezer; I compressor for
cold room: 1 way - angle -snow plow 12 ft.
and 3 S1. mounting. Best offers, must go.
Call 225-2609. (49. I2sa) •
If. you know someone with ('OLD FEET
you need "Wooly Warmers" Reece lined
socks and milts. 'Available at ',eggs General
Store,Birr or ca1I473-5052. (10.13•)
refrigerator 13 cuhin ft.' . white. in good
condition. Asking $175.00 hest -offer. Also,
one vinyl easy chair in fair condition,
asking 810.00. If interested call 284-3272
weekdays, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
-dryer, super -size, almond colour, dryer
excellent. washer•needs some repair,
S175/pair. large wagon wheel ceiling fight
825. hunter green wood. corner stand 2
door cupboard at bottom $125. ('all
284-1912. (01-12sa)
ElectricScotter. Phone 284-3726. (4-12sa)
year no payment or free scanner. Pentium
166 MMX, fully loaded with printer,
Internet ready and much much more!
$16./wk. Free delivery. 1-800-515-5545.
(OAC) (k;8-13•) . . -
STRAW - Large "round bales clean wheat
straw 4'x6'. Stored inside. Phone 229-6712.
beaver tail and ramps. 8000 Ib. axles.
Electric brakes, new tires. Large 4x4x6' tool
box. $2,000.00: CIIEV '350 truck engine,
can install. Phone 229.6712. (10tfx)
SOLID WOOD TRIM and furniture.
diningroom, bedroom sets. Come see what
we sell. Melvin Albrecht, south of St.
Marys off No. 7 highway, on Cherryhill
road, 3rd place right house No. 24081.
includes drop leaf table, 2 leaves, 4 chairs
huth and buffet; asking 51000. 1)UN('AN
FIFE drop leaf table asking 8150., 2 small
beige• bedroom lamps. asking 835.:•.
.incomplete cornflower pattern tea set,
asking 840.: Arberite maple kitchen table
with 3 chairs (1 captain)asking 8100.: TV
stand asking 840. Phone 284-2465 after 10
a.m. (I0-12sa)
CLINTON 482-7898
Sat. March 28 at 9 a.m.
Household auction at Lobb
Auction in Clinton. We are
accepting additions , for up
coming auctions, "call now".
Thurs. March '26 at 11 a.m. 3
tractors and machinery for Joe
Smeekens, 3 corners east of
Forest on Townline, then 3 miles
North on Jerocho . Rd. Farm
#8407. Phone 519-786-4091.,
Thurs., April 2 at 10:30 a.m.
Combine, 2 ,tractors, machinery,
1 1/4 miles north of Walton.
then 1/2 mile west for Jacob
Hulzebos and John Haan, 887-
6548 plus good additions of
machinery from Stuart
Stevenson 887-6777.
Thurs., April 9 at 11 a.m. 2
tractors, farm machinery, for
Arlene Falconer. Lot 17, Con: 4
Goderich Township, 524-6487.
16 For Sale
1 - 15X16' SLIDING D(X)R; 1 - 15'115'
sliding door insulated; 1 - 15'x16' insulated
wall; 1 set 20.8 x 38 snap on duals; 1 set
•20.8 x 38 tires good for duals; 1 Ford 100
lawn mower 10 HP cooler engine; 1-307
olds engine and trany; .1 Acorn. stove; 1
. Scope engine analizer; .1 8 HP clinton
engine; 1 wood splitter; 1 60,000 BTI)
Swank Radiant Heater; 1.3,000 I Ib Forklift
(3 pt hitch); 1 cultivator 16' 1-20 rototillers .
(nu engine); 1 Foley Reel Mower grinder; 1
Robi Cut off saw; 1-280 gal. tire 'calcium.
Call 349-2304.
WEIGH "WAGON 8' M.F. disc., J.U.
Rotary hoe, bean pulling e•ui.ment; 100
gal George White sprayer; 1 t (t gal. septic
tank: gravity table; assorted scrap metal.
('all 235-4075 Mon -Fri. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Iluron Research Station. (12.13c)
L,rwn Sz Garden
Want the Best
Forget the
Hensel! 262-2605
Lawn Sr Garden Et ui anent
The Exeter Public Utilities
Commission is inviting tenders
for grass cuttingfor Exeter PUC
Since there are several - •
locations, specific details on the
locations may be picked up at
the Exeter PUC office Monday to
•• Friday between 8:30 a.m. and
4:30 p.m:
Tenders will also be received by
' the PUC,for the spraying of
weeds on all -PUC properties. .
• The term of this 'contract will be
* for two years - 1998 and 1999.
Please address a sealed
envelope marked "GRASS
i to:
• Exeter Public Utilities
P0. Box 579
Exeter ON NOM 1S6
Closing date for these tenders
* is April 1 1998 at 12;00 NOON.
Lowest tender will not
necessarily be accepted.
tzzzxi xxxxzzzlixmxxxzzzk
Annual Auction of tractors, implements, and farm related items at the
Jacob Auction Yard in Mitchell.
- Wednesday, April 8 at 10:00 a.m.
Bring a full line or single piece, Call before Wednesday March 25 for
Ontario Farmers ad. Phone 519-271-7894.
Auctioneers: Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr
519-271-7894 519-887-9599
AT Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell.
Thursday, March 19 at 4 p.m.
INCLUDING: Fancy oak hall seat, Chatham hoosier (original) high back
sideboard, brass bed, high back organ stools. 4 rockers. two fainting
couches, 5 piece parlor set, parlor tables, blanket box, approx. 20
violins, 10 old clocks; chamber set, hooked mats, cradle, oak wall
phone, cast frame hanging lamp, many collectible dishes, 100's neat
old collectibles, quality furniture and much more. Miss Wood was 97
and has an excellent old offering.
Prop: Estates of Miss Gertrude Wood and Irma Connor.
Auctioneers: Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr
519-271-7894 519-887-9599
Sat., March 28/98.... 11 a.m.
On location Main Street In Denfleld. Selling for the estate of Calvin J.
Kellerman (Kelly's Collision) Denfleld, 10 miles north of London on Denfleld
EQUIPMENT: Guy chart power pull and attachments (frame puller) Star 180
arc welder, HD mig. welder, Steam jenny. pot sand blaster. Blast Vac portable
sand blaster, Canox 355 2 Porta -Spot welders, Hunter high speed wheel
balancer, May tire changer, 2 sets of hyd. Porta -power, Devilbiss 5 HP air
compressor. Devilbiss spray booth 15' x 25', w/exhaust fans, cross draft and
lighting • complete. HD drill press, 14'- wood band saw. Guy Chart push-pull
Procti-jack, 2 Ind. 39-110C battery charger -booster. 2 portable Hyd. lights.
power hack saw, portable cherry picker.
SHOP TOOLS: 4 floor jacks, 2 acetylene carts, hoses, gauges. 4', met brake.
bench grinder, shop vac, 2 sets of 2 ton chain falls and rollers, portable man
bucket on 10' Steel stepladder, w/wheels, snap on air chisel set. Flaring tool
set. 3-S water pump, 7 HP B & S gas motor, Master Craft jet pump, (as new),
large number of air grinders, sanders. impact tools, electric grinders, sanders,
drills, jig saws. chain saws. 45 pc. tap and die set. soldering, grease and pop
rivet guns, power drills, floor stands and jacks, pullers, nibblers, chains, trays
of bits, hammers, files, wrenches of every kind, bolt cutters, gas cans, rolls of
paper w/dispensers, quantity of pin striping, cleaners and paints, and bars of
body soap.
OTHER; 36' aluminum extension ladder, 8' aluminum step ladders, steel work
benches, steel shelving, snap -on 14 drawer top chest w/4 drawer roller
cabinet, Herb -Bran 4' chest w/32 drawer steel storage lockers, 5 drawer filing
cabinet, 50' of wrought iron fencing, assortment of spare body parts, sheet
metal (4'x8') checker steel 1400' of square tubing, quantity of flat and
wrought iron, rolls of fiberglass matting, 3 PH blade, 50' of radiant overhead
heater, electric motors, 3 riding lawnmowers, and a 1973, 350 GMC 21' strait
bed truck.
* Not responsible for accidents day of sale.... Food booth on grounds.
George Taylor, Auctioneer Phone: 519-481-0538 OR 481-0771
Times -Advocate, March 18, 1998
Page 21
of farm machinery, truck, misc. etc. for Jack and Janet Heaman. 1
1/2 mi. N. of Miss Crat$ (4810 West Corners Dr.)
$aturday. March 28 - 10:30 a.m,
TRACTORS; Case 1070 diesel with cab, only 2900 hrs., Ford 4600
diesel with industrial loader, Int. diesel 624.
MACHINERY; Overun 5 fur. plow, 3 fur. Ford plow, '21' Kongskilde cult.,
22' A.C. cult., 12' Kongskilde, harrowgator, Case Int. 181 rotary hoe,
20' chai harrows, 16' wheel disc, Super 717 harvester with narrow 2
row corn head and hay head. Kools high throw blower, Gehl forage box
on heavy duty wagon,. Dion box on wagon, M.F. 925 haybine, M.F.
#124 baler, 2 wheeled rake, 3 drum roller, 12' - packer, 6' Massey
rotary mower, 375 bu. gravity bin on '12 ton wagon, 175 bu. & 150 bu.
gravity bins on wagons, 4 flat racks and wagons, Gehl mix -all. Knight
252 manure spreader, single' axle, slush gate (like new), Massey #33
17 run drill, 200 gal. sprayer on wheels, 100 gal. 3 -pt. h.. sprayer, Int.
#56 6 row corn planter, Little Giant elevator. pipe elevator with motor.
MISC; 60' belt feed conveyor with motor, Patz silo unloader, (in 20'),
steel penning, hydro poles, lots of lumber (Walnut, . cherry, pine);
plywood, 10 cord fire wood, 20' 5th wheel stock trailer -(as is), grain
augers,•old small road grader on wheels, lots of tools and misc., cattle
head gate.
ANTIQUES;• Cross cut saws, neck yokes, wheels, tongues, whiffle
trees, fanning milt, corn cutter, mist.
TRUCK; 1992 Ford F150 pickup XLT, selling certified.
Mr. Heaman is retiring from farming, everything to be sold. Further info
(519) 293-3387.
TERMS; Cash sale day or approved cheque with I.D.
Auctioneers: Fllson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833
Bob Heywood 235-0874 Res.
586 Main St. Exeter /
Saturday. MARCH 2l - at 10 a.m,
-at South.Huron Rec Centre. Exeter •
WE have been favoured to disperse a large offering of household and
collectible items for Mr. Gordon Hoggarth and the estate of Ms-. Anne
PARTIAL LISTING; - a lovely .9 pc. dining suite, Willis Apt -size piano
and bench, walnut ext. dining table with 4 carved chairs, matching
corner china cabinet, Lane cedar chest, Queen Anne style ladies desk,
chesterfield sets, excellent couch with double recliner ends and
matching loveseat, 3 pc: bedroom suite and other beds. several plant,
lamp, and parlour tables, old blanket box and fernerys, drop front desk
with upper mirror and shelf, trunks, ofd cupboards, a large offering of
smalls incl. 2 sets of dinnerware (1 Noritake, 1 royal Doulton
"Chatsworth"), 8 settings "White Orchid" flatware, silver tea service,
"Garden of Larkspur" by Wallace: Nutting", Depression,. Noritake,
Nippon, a full line of appliances, incl. Inglis- stacking washer and
dryers, fridge, 30" electric range, stereos, Filter Queen vacuum and
power head, hall tree, lamps, mirrors, Wood's chest freezer, hand and
garden tools,. extension ladders, elec. sewing machine (White), colour
TV, , old "Imperial" wooden counter radio, odd tables and chairs;
dressers, washstands, crocks, Enarco oil can and box, old oil bottle,
linens,'gas lawn mower and much more. This is a good clean offering.
SAT. MARCH 28 AT 11 a.m, on location- at Pt. Lot 5, Conc. 13,
Tuckersmith Township: (2 miles east of Hensall then north to 1st
corner, turn right, 1st farm on right). Comprised of a 50 acre parcel,
more or less, with approx. 2 acres of bush, on which is located a 3
bedroom brick residence and a large bank barn. Creek runs through
property. Approx. 45 acres more or less workable. Offered subject to a
reasonable reserve. $10,000 down sale day, balance in 30 days.
Proprietor: - Estate of the late Mrs. Winona Jacobi.. Contact the
auctioneer for viewing.
Of tractors, implements, truck, and misc. held 11 km. south of
Mitchell to Line 16•and east 3 km. to Marker #5700.
Wednesday, March 25 at 12:30 p.m. "
TRACTORS: Case IH 7120 Magnum 4 WD (2485 hr.), duals front and
back, sold separate, Deutz -Allis 8010 with cab (4920 hrs.), duals sold
separate, Int. Farmal 766 (3500 hrs), Case IH 885 4 WD with 2250
loader with bucket and blade attachment (1000 hrs.) •
IMPLEMENTS: JD 7200 Maxrmerge -2 six row planter with dry
fertilizer, monitor and bean cups, MF 424 24 run drill with grass
seeder and press wheels, P -G 500 gallon tandem sprayer with 45 ft.
booms, foam markers and monitor (2 yr. old), Degelman stone picker,.
Degelman •15 • ft. stone windrower, Lockwood 835 bean windrower,
Speedy 6 row bean puller, Kongskilde 6 furrow semi -mount adjustable
plow, yetter 3415 rotary hoe, Kongskilde 6 row scuffler, Turnco 14 ft.
packer (new), 3 Krantz 10 ft. packers, JD six row corn chopper (with
extra parts), McKee 7 ft. double auger snowblower with hydraulic
chute, NH 795 spreader with flotation tires and end gate, NH #27
forage blower, 40 ft. bale elevator, 6 sections diamond harrow, Wifrich
27 1/2 ft. cultivator with harrows and 400 gallon incorporation tank, -
single axle dump trailer, Generac 30 kw. alternator on trailer, MF 3 pth
3x16 plow, Kongskilde 12 ft. 3 pth cultivator with harrow, 40 ft. grain
auger, 1800 gallon water tank on wagon, four 350 bu. JM gravity bins
on Host double reach wagons, J & M 325 gravity box.
MISC: Comet AC -DC welder, two Smith 12 tonne feed tanks, power •
.washer (3 yr. old), dehorners, herd gate, power and hand tools, round
bale feeder, Market 12 ft. fertilizer auger (1 yr. old), water pump,
wagon snagger, Badger mineral feeder, duals include 20.8x38; 18:4 x
3$ and 16.9 x 28, and a small wagon Toad.
TRUCK: Ford F150 1988 XLT 4WD pickup, sold as is.
Be on time. Few small items. Equipment in excellent condition.
Prop. and auctioneers not responsible for accidents. Decision of
auctioneers final
TERMS: Cash or cheque with ID. Proprietor: Murray Fraser 519.229-
Auctioneers: Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr
519-271-7894 519-887-9599
of 100 acre farm, farm machinery, antiques, vehicles, household
Items, etc.
For the estate of the late Orville Langford. Lot 6. Con. 2. Biddulph
Twp., (35871 Coursey Line) S.W. corner of Coursey Line and Mt.
Carmel Rd. 3 1/3 Mi. S. of Exeter on #4 Hwy. to Mt. Carmel Rd. then
E. 1 Mi. •
Saturday. March 21. 10;30 a.m.
PROPERTY; (Will be offered at 1 p.m., subject to a very moderate
reserve bid). Approximately 100 acres, approximately 90 acres
workable and tiled. Balance in bush, and buildings. 2 storey white brick
house, 3 bedrooms and large closet upstairs, parlor, dining room,
bedroom, kitchen and bath and small pantry on main level. Large
attached double garage. Newer oil and wood furnace. Full basement.
Newer loose housing barn approximately 90 x 40. Older frame barn
with steel addition. 2 cement silos, large steer drive shed, steel
granary. An excellent location with a good opportunity to have good
farm land with solid older buildings.
TERMS; $25,000.00 down payment sale day, balance in 30 days.
VIEWING; Contact Mr. Art Hern (519) 227-4314, or the auctioneers.
TRACTORS; White 2-60 diesel with 120 loader, Cockshutt 1850
diesel, hydro -power drive, Cockshutt 1650 gas, with over/under
hydraulic shift, Oliver 770 gas, Oliver 77 gas, 2 sets of duels, tractor
MACHINERY; Vicon AP 1210 round baler, Int. 230 swather, M.F. 410
gas combine with pickup head and grain head, Gehl 125 tandem
wheeled manure spreader with slush gate (real good), Gehl 95 mix -all,
14' harrogator, two 3 pt. h. cult., White 285 cult., White 508 4 fur.
plow with spring reset, Int. single axle manure spreader, N.H. side rake
on rubber, gravity bins and wagons, flat racks and wagons, steel roller,
6' rotary mower, M.F.. #33 seed drill, Int. 4 row corn planter, 479 NH
haybine, Novle 8 row flat fold scuffler.
TOOLS & MISC; Drill press, hack saw, compressor, pump and motor,
welder, grinder, Winco generator on wheels, 3 pt. h. blade, tools of all
kinds, augers, motors, aluminum ladder, large wire cob corn bin with
roof, calf feeder, Allied auger on wheels, metal hay feeder for round
bales, two Patz silo unloaders, 12' x 16', pressure washer, weed
eater, riding lawnmower, etc, Approximately 600 bales of hay, sleigh
and cutter.
VEHICLES; 1996 GMC SLE 1/2 ton pickup (like new), only 33,000 k.
Selling certified, 1986 Delta 88, as Is.
ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD: Sherlock Manning piano and bench, RCA;
colored TV, dining room suite, ele. stove, deep freeze, fridge,
chesterfield and chair, couch, bedroom suite, old radio, high chair, 3/4
bed, old trunks, iron bed with brass tops, old bureau with white pulls,
press back chairs, baby buggy, oil stove, desk, card tables and chairs,
everyday dishes, some antique dish "pcs., and toys, etc.
TERMS; Cash or approved cheque on chattels sale day.
Auctioneers: Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 888-0833