HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-03-18, Page 19Head to head Quick reflexes. Stephen Township Bantam 'D' player Jesse Schroeder, left, readies himself to scoot the puck back to a teammate during this face-off against 'a Wallace opponent during Saturday's Ontario Minor Hockey Association semi- final playoff series game at Stephen Arena. Stephen won 4- 3 and tied Wallace at Stephen Arena 2-2 on Sunday. Shroeder normally plays for the Stephen Peewees but was called up for the bantam game. The six -point series is tied up at three points a piece though game four took place yes- terday at Wallace after the T -A went to bed. Game five is at Stephen Arena on Saturday at 2 p.m. with the Stephen Pee- wees taking on Tara in game four of their OMHA series at 3:30 p.m. (photo/Brenda Burke) Stephen Minor Hockey Novice Rep \larch') Si Thomas 7 at Stephen 5 Goals: ('ale 1)urnl ( i ). L f Knee. Uas id Reschke Assists: Knee. Josh Cornelissen 2) Gualtcndcr: , I. In Blanchard \latch 14 Parkhill 2 at Stephen 6 Goals: I)uenk. Reslicke (2). Kelly Crony n. Knee (2) Assists: Reschke. Knee. Jordan Crony n Gualtcndcr. Brent 1)ixon Atone Local :starch 9 - Stephen 2 at Zurich 4 *Goal: Ryan \lasso, Ryan Heywood Assists: ('uius Plait. Leanne Crony 11 ' Gualtcndcr: John Yung L/11 Peewee Bullshooters Ntarch 9 - Exhibition game Stephen 5 al Bayfield 5 Goals: Jamin Bibb): (3). James Reschke, Mike Carradine Assists: Bihhy: Reschke. Wes deLange (2). Justin Muller, Nevin Hodgins. Cory Lawton. Many Glavin Gualtcndcr: Richard Young Nlarch 13- Playoff game Forest 2 at Stephen 5 Goals: Bibby (4). Reid O'Neill Assists: ('Neill, Hudgins (2). Muller. Reschke • Goaltender: 1'iiung !March 15 - Playoff game Stephen 4 at Forest 1 Goals:Geoll Duckworth (2). Kory 'anAltena, Jon Eagleson Assists: Mike Carradine, Glavin. Muller, Bibby Gualtcndcr: Young Stephen defeats Forest 7 pis. to 1 pt. and nisi advance to the finals against Lucan. Bantam 'U' 'March 11 - Six point semifinal Stephen 1 ss. 1Vallace 3 March 14 - Six point semifinal Stephen 4 vs. Wallace 3 March 15 - Six point semifinal Stpehen 2 vs. Wallace 2 The series is tied - Stephen 3. Wallace 3 Hensall Minor Hockey Novice. Boys Hurricans Mardi 15 - WOAA playoff game Hensall 6 al Mitchell 5 Goals: Mau Cauiiphell (2). Brandon Cousin. Brent Ingram (2). Timmy.C:uuphel l Assists: 51 Campbell. ('onsnt. Kenney, Allen Next game: 'starch 17. 6 p m . Hensall, Game 5 FCC Junior Girls \larch 13 - Burlington Barracudas tourna- ment Game 1 - Hensall 4 ss \llssissauga 4 Goals: Miranda Knight. Amy Taylor. Karly • Pinder.Unanne Elliot Assists: Taylor. Pinder. Elliott. Jenna Daytuan, Chantelle Elder. Julie Farquahr Goaltender: Charlsey ('Rourke Gaulle 2 - Hensall 2 vs Burlington I Goals: finder. A. Taylor Assists: Pinder, Knight. Erin Campbell. Jilhan Koehler Goaltender: O'Rourke Game 3 - Oakville 1 vs. Ilensall 3 Coals: Chantelle Elder. A. Taylor (2) Assists: Diane "Fay kir. Julie Campbell Gualtcndcr: O'Rourke Arne finish Turning fast. Exeter AE Midget Lions player Ryan Munn makes a quick turn after acquiring the puck and heads up ice at South Huron Rec Centre on Saturday during the Li- ons game versus Six Nations. Exeter lost game 4-2 and their OMHA semi-final series 3-1 to end their season. (photo/Brenda Burke) Heart and Stroke Foundation appreciates community support HURON COUNTY - Congratulations Huron County! You've made the Heart and Stroke Lottery a success for the second year in a row. You've helped raise millions and helped save millions. Thanks to you, the Heart and Stroke Fourfdation is estimated to have raised nearly six million dol- lars for life-saving research into heart discasc and stroke. The Heart and Stroke Foundation truly appre- • elates your continuing support of its efforts into finding a cure for the #I killer of Canadian men and women, heart disease and stroke. More funding for heart patients TORONTO - Bruce Smith, MPP of Middlesex, is pleased to an- nounce that the Honorable Eliza-. beth Witmer; Minister of Health has announced $102 million for cardiac services. This funding will enable 4.0(X) more heart patients to benefit lion) this government's re- investment to health care in Onta- rio. "The $10.2 million is part of the $47 million re -invested by this gov- ernment in cardiac services this fis- cal year. making the total contribu- tion since 1995 in excess of $65 million," Smith said. "The London Health Sciences Centre will receive $2.081,015 for the $10.2 million being distributed to hospitals across the province. This additional fund- ing will allow hospitals such as. the London Health Sciences Centre to treat more cardiac patients faster and hater. The funding announced by the Ministry will he disbursed to a va- riety of life-sustaining procedures such as, adult and pediatric cardiac surgery, angioplasty, coronary stents, pacemakers, catheterisations and implantable cardioverter defib- rillators. More dialysis patients to receive services TORONTO - Bruce Smith. MPP Middlesex. is pleased to announce that the Honorable Elizabeth Wit- mer, Minister of Health announced funding of $6.4 millilon that will enable 200 more patients in Ontario to receive dialysis services. "Dialysis plays an important .role in the life of many Ontarians. In- creased access • to this life-saving treatment is an initiative which this government gives high priority" said Smith. This government's 1997-98 com- mitment of more than $18 millivii for dialysis service will allow fi • an additional 450 patients to . e- ceive these services. Ringette Petite March 12 - playoffs. game #1 (2 0111 of 3) Exeter 'B' 4 a1 Mitchell, 3 Goals: Katie Stewart (3). Shannon Baer Assists;,Atnber Caldwell (2), Rita Kemp, Danielle Ritchie. Amber Presicator Goaltender: Leah Mudge March 25 - playoffs. game #2 (2 out of 31 Mitchell 9 at Exeter 'Fr 6 Goals: Kristen Reschke, Stewart (3). Presceator(2) Assists: Stewart (2). Presicator (2). Jen Timmermans. Baer. Jenna Phillips, Caldwell. Keinp (;oaltender: Mudge Next game: March 26. 7:50 in Mitchell. Series is tied 1-1. March 10 - Game 1 of playoff final Stratford 'C' 5 vs Exeter Optimist 'C' 2 Goals: Michelle Gaiser. Frances VanOss Assists: Gaiser. Theresa Gallagher. Cassandra Morrissey Gualtcndcr: Holly Horn Shots on goal: Exeter 21. Stratford 31 March 15 - Exhibition game SI. Marys 'C' 2 vs Exeter '(" 5 Goals: Christina Sommerville (2), Gallagher (2). Briltney Foster Assists: Gallagher (2). Foster. Laura Parsons (2), V:uuOss. Sarah Watson, . Amanda Overholt. Jaci Marshall Great goaltending by: Itern Tween March 11 - Huron - Pen h'AA' 5 vs. Stratford Belle 3 Goals: Ashley Gooch 13). Jessica Boersnta. Patin Gibson • Assists: Brersnta, Megan Presic:nur(2). Kelly Miners 12). Jessica Helmuth. Brittany Caldwell March 15 - Huron -Perth 'AA' 3 vs. I lurun- Perth Junior 'AA' 4 Goals: Boersma. Gibson (2) Assists: Boersma. Gibson.. Miners (3) • Time's -Advocate, March 18, 1998 Page 19 Your Views Letters to the editor Anonymous advertisements rejected Even a "thanks - but no thanks' would be appreciated.... Dear Editor: have an opinion that concerns employers who place anonymous "Help Wanted" advertisements in the Times -Advocate. There must he a better way to find motivated, dependable employees. Looking at this from an employer's perspective, one realize 'walk-ins' and phone inquiries can he disruptive to regular husiness routines. Personally, I find it very intimidating - even risky, to apply to an anonymous hox number that does not even offer the name of the person I am writing to. Employers must c.onsidcr what a disadvantage this presents to re- sponding prospective employees. A cover letter is more difficult to prepare and does not truly present you at your hest under these circumstances, and the detailed resume included, exposes personal details to an 'unknown'. Worst of all, the majority of these anonymous hox number employers never take the time to to acknowledge your time and effort in re- sponse to their advertisements. Even a "thanks -hut no thanks" would he appreciated. Personally, I believe this practise should he dis- continued. The Titres -Advocate could he the leader in newspapers to reject anonymous• "Help Wanted" advertisements and encourage employers to •place responsible advertisements for employees - assist- ing us to help ourselves. Respectively . Christine Boyd Walkathon planned "...help us make a difference in the life of a child." Dear Editor: As another summer approaches. members of the newly -formed "Huron County for Children of Chernobyl" committee are planning a walkathon to - raise funds to bring several Belorussian children to stay with local host families for six weeks during July and August. Anyone who would like to participate in the walkathon at South Huron District High School (indoors) on Saturday. March 28 from 9 a.m. to noon should pick up a pledge form at valu-mart or Country Trenditions in Exeter. or local public libraries. For more information, call Leesa Marlene (228- 6861), Shelley Bender (236-4270) or Dianne Waun (235-1902). Get a group of friends together and help us make a difference in the life of a child. See you at the walkathon - a great way to end March Break! Sincerely. Dianne Waun. Secretary Huron County for Children of Chernobyl. Box 64, Exeter. Ontario NOM 156 The facts of the case "...1 have heard and witnessed mistakes in the court column rr any times..." • Dear Editor: - My name is Scan Partridge and I am writing you concerning the monthly criminal court.column in your weekly paper. First of all, I really do not think it is your business or anybody else's business in the town of Exeter - - what convictions and sentences that are unposed on individuals such as myself. Secondly, if you do have aright to do these such columns. then.the least that can .be expected is that the facts reported should he A C'R E.E E 1 C OMAN T H E M E M E_ R Y H O P- E AOS L ILAC AVER A S H H O T LAREDO SEEOED WHOLE R U D Y AUNT HER F O_R A Y M 1 N:F 0 ORE E V I L 0 0.1 T SWAN T E N (; F N E S MIDSP E N G E W L R C O D.Y K N I T S ONEDAY R C- V E A L W O K ODE E L E .E D E C A L n O A'S E.M. I L f V A D E E D G E DONS REVILD EYES ANSWERS WiiNVVINWNVVIN Dance Hall 9p m. I a.m 349-2678 Una Dancers Welcome. Fri, March 20 Country Justice Sat., March 21 Country Versatiles vIIrnHI#wwI.MIwII rBX93 T'iekets $10.00 ea "t I VIDEO DANCE PARTY Saturday, March 21, 1998 KIRKTON COMMUNITY CENTRE 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Sponsored by: K.W. Optimist & Granton. Lions Lunch Available • .Izzzzzzzlxz-xix z II MZ =VIII z IIIIIIzIxz:zIIIIIIIIIIII Shamrock Antique Show at the Lucan' 1,mmunity Centre i This Saturd4 y (March 21) 10 a.ni. - 6 p.m. This Sunday (March 22) 10 a.m.-5p.m. General Admission $2.50 4. 33 quality dealers will be buying and selling ANTIQUES • • • ♦ • • ♦ •♦ •♦ ♦ •• •♦ •• • ••♦ • • • • • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ••♦ that of facts. In my coronion knowledge facts are that of the truth, not twisted misinterpreted state- ments. The reporter covering these monthly court affairs should listen more carefully to ensure the information he is recording is actual and exactly what is heing said. in niy case there are numerous mistakes: the con- viction name, the brief and facts. the time span of incarceration. Personally I have heard and witnessed mistakes in the court column many times and i think that there is some straightening up on your part as the Times Advocate to ensure these problems I ani pointing out are not recurring. - Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary BINGO March 19 Jackpot Guaranteed Full card $500. 130-150 Persons $ 750 Over 150 $1000 "NEW" Air purifiers No one under 18 admitted Lic. #M405944 Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. March 18 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1000 Jackpot Game 51 calls or less $600 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 Scan Partridge. Stratford Jail Graduate - Judi Wilson. Clairissa is pleased to announce that her Mommy, has successfully graduated from Grade Twelve at SHDHS. Judi's parents, George and Sue, sisters Cathie and Tracy; Grandpa Doug Insley, niece Brooke, and Rob are very proud. Way to go Judi/ We knew you could do it. Calliii • all Graduates... WHERE ARE THEY NOW? The Exeter Times Advocate ./ ,\4 424 Main St. Exeter. Ontario (519) 235-1331 Fax (519) 235-0766 e-mail: taeeedy.com would like to pay tribute to our graduates... If you know of someone who has • graduated from South Huron District High School • acquired a job in their field and would be a great example for our younger readers, please give us a call. A recent photo of the graduate would be required.