HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-03-18, Page 14Page 14 Times -Advocate, March 18, 1998 This Week in Sports..: • Hensall to get Sr. A hockey club? - page 15 • Adding to the Lucan area harness racing legend list - page 16 Jr. D Hawks pull ahead of Cents The Exeter Jr. D Hawks found their confidence after dropping their first division final game to Seaforth to win two straight last week By Craig Bradford T -A Reporter EXETER — It scernS the Exctcr Jr. D Hawks have to lose a game. ortwo before they'lind the Midas touch during the playoffs this sea- son. In fact. the Hawks seem to get better as a .erre. winds .down. They are now up 2-1 over Sca- forth- in their Morenz Division fi- nal series. " Exeter blasted the Cents 7-3 at home: on Sunday . Scan McCann and Jason Dunlap • led the Exeter attack with • two goals. each while Jeff Glavin and,JeffFinkbeincr showed their generous sides by picking up three assists each. Oth- er Exeter goals were scored by Jeff • Finkhcincr, captain Bill Hodgc ithe -eventual. w inner at 14:57- of -the second period)•and Jcff Campbell. Other assists went to Chris McDonald. Campbell. - Hodge. Scan McCann. Dave Far- quhar and Dan Taylor. The Hawks scored the first zeal of the game at 14:41 of the first.. • Scaforth tied things up on a pow- - crplay marker at 5:49 of the_ f irst but Exeter squeezed in the go - :ahead goal ,with only two seconds Icft in the stanza. -Scaforth, tied it up again after onlyplaying 39 sec- onds of the second period but Ex- . eter went ahead again only _tl.sec oncds . Iatcr. Exctcr then scored Hold on. Exeter. Jr. D Hawk Sean -McCann,. left, tries to cor •three more unanswered goals -bc- ral Seaforth's"Shawn Walsh during their Morenz Division fi • .fore the Cents scored on the pew- nal playoffgame-game at South Huron Rec Centre on Sun et -play with 3:44 left in the third. day. Exeter won 7-3. - (photo/Brenda purke) Cambell put the ganie on ice by - . scoring his goal with 2:56 left in the game.. • Down 3-1 at the beginning of the third peri►x1. Ex - The. Hawks and Cents played a barn-hur'ner at eter rallied to tic it up i-3 with two quick goals; a Seaforth on Friday. a 4-3 overtime win for Exeter. • powerplay marker by :McCann on assists by Far - Sean McCann scored the sudden -death winner quhar and• Ben McCann_ at 19:10_ and an even- ,. while shorthanded with 2:38 left to go in the extra i ,strength tally by Brian Richardson on assists by - period. Scaforth got on.thc hoard first- scoring only - Campbell and - Ben McCann at 18:12. Scaforth 25 seconds into the contest. Exctcr evened things al s, red the winning goal at 5:12.• - . 1-1 on a goal b,- Tim Graham- assisted by Jeff Gla- - In an -incident of adding insult to injury. Rcv�ing- vin at 1.7:57. The.Hawks went ahead at 16:18 of the tem said he was surprised at what; he. learned from first on a goal by Erik Abayof assisted by Dunlap. game two's official scoreshcet —. it has Scaforth Scaforth tied it up at 17:57 of the second with a -- w inning by a 5-3 score. Seaforth did shoot the puck powerplay goat but Exeter took .a one goal.lead into". into Exeter's empty net with no time left on_the the third when Scan"McCann scored from Finkhein- Clock (0:00 on the scoreshect) which the referee and er at 11.:54 ofthe second. : - • — scorekeeper apparently 'included. Revington said he Despite a number of chances. Exeter couldn't find didn't think the goal counted and took his players the twine in the third hut. let- in another. !tial while off the. ice before a face -oft could be done. shorthanded with 6:05 left. • . League convenor/statistician Wayne Of.note:•more penalties were called cc They're not a - Smith said. the rulebook .states a goal during the overtime period than in the team you want is only official.after a face-off is done rest of the game: a: 1 1 to f0 tally re- at centre ice. even if no trine remains spectivcly. Hawke coach/G.M. -Dave Reving, .. .ton is happy with his squad's per- funnance in games two and three. "Wetry-to play a good defensive style of game." he said. • Scaforth has some talented offensive players, and Rcvington'said the key to Exctcr winning,thc series is to contain those players: - . . . "They're not -a team you want to get in a high scoring game against," he said. to get in a high "It should read 4-3." Smith said of scoring game the official score.. • Against." Rey ington said his ° squad didn't • hay c - the intensity they had during game one hke they did up against the wall versus -Mitchell in the. Iirst.round. "If was a •hit of an emotional last series." he said: "We- had all kinds of chances but we just couldn't finish." Game four was played yesterday. in Scaforth after press. Game five IS at Exeter's South Huron Rec Centre tonight: game six (if necessary) is Friday at Scaforth, gaine.scsen (il necessary) is hack in Fixet- er,on Sunday. All game umes arc 8:30 p,rn. If Exeter finishes oft Scaforth. they'll face the winner ol the McConnell Division final which has the Port Stanley Laker. facing elf scrsu,s the Tha- nresli,rd Trojans. The l-akers. the top finisher in.Jr. 1) this season. were leading Thanicsford 2-1 in games when the T -A went to press. . Hawk veterans like Soan McCann. Farquhar and "ge,altcnder :Andy. Glavin :hays • stepped :up- their - gan►es. Re'rngton:said.'and Dunlap's first two goals of this playoff's on Sunday is a welcome sign hist of- fcnsu a touch is hack. ' • - - The Hawks lost game one 4-3'a1 home last week. - Alter .going •down 2-0. I inkberner got the Hawks Back in it on a goal assisted `by McCann and Far quhar at 5:27 of thc'second period. let down alter the Call Sports Reporter Craig Bradford with your sports tips (519) 235-1331 • Fax (519) 235-0766 Exeter Minor Baseball needs- you A lack of volunteers plagues the association which needs coaches and assistants for almost every team By Craig Bradford TA Reporter EXETER — Exeter Minor Base--; hall has- the talented players. Now all •they- need is just about every-- thing very=thing else. Association president Dave Reid needs volunteers to coach and gran- • age trams, help fundraise, • co- ordinate registration. umpire (in= eluding an umpire-in-chien•..and the list goes on. Reid said hc. wants to start the rebuilding process by. creating an executive committee that meets every Month. He said the Exeter.Minor Ball or- - "has • been make -shift • every year" over the past. few years. Past president Gary Parsons stepped down last. season- alter he was banned from eoaching by the Ontario Baseball Association for using an overage player in a West- ern Ontario Baseball Association playoff game. Despite the dishonor of being banned. Parsons was the heart and soul of Exeter Minor Baseball and did the lion's share of organizational work because of the association's- constant lack of: vol- untecr.help. Both Reid and _"WOBA vice-- president/Exeter WOBA liaison Al- bert VanDyken said they •don't have the extra time to do all that Parsons did because of their careers (Reid is an Exeter lawyer and Van- Dyken a senior salesperson .with Nabisco). VanDyken was Parsons right-hand assistant in recent years. Reid said parents and other po- tential volunteers "got used lo" Par- sons and a few others doing most of -the work behind the'scenes. That time has come to an end. . Compounding minor ball's_ woes -throughdut the region is the pop- ularity of another spring/summer sport — soccer.r. Exctcr Minor Soc- cer has grown by leaps and bounds while .baseball has shrunk accord- ingly. Reid 'and VanDyken said .it 'isn't their wish to compete head-to- head with soccer but to make the community more aware - of what . baseball has to offer youngsters and their parents. . "It's simply a great _sport;' Reid said. "There's- more skill dcvelop- mcnt than any other sport." • 'Reid added that while youngsters .eventually give up other team sports like hockey and soccer when thcy.becomc adults because of the strain:it puts on their bodies. pcoplc can enjoy playing baseball in one of its many forms (slo-pitch for example) well into middle age. This season there will. he teams in T -hall- and tyke • (age 4-6). rookie: (age 7-8), sr. rookie (age 9); mosquito (age f0-1 I. ), peewee (age 12-13) and midget (16-17). 'There won't he a hantam team (age 14-15) due to a Play ball. Exeter Minor Baseball president Dave Reid, left, re- ceived a $3,500 cheque from Exeter Lions Club president Paul Anstett last week. Reid thanked the club saying without the donation, there would not be minor ball in Exeter this summer. - (photo/Kate Monk) juvenile -team (age. 18-19). with any 18-year-olds going to the Junior. -Co-ops (age 19-21). Doug Fair- bairn and Joe Fulop'will return as co -coaches for the Senior Express (age 21 and up). - Reid is also 'concerned about . whetherExeter•will be able to field a peewee team this season. - "We're op- timistic." he said. "But we need about five more players. to be comfortable" "Besides the Ex-` press, the association needs coach- es and/or assistants for all- levels listed above. - • "We need a lot of people to get started," VanDyken•said. Despite the lack of volunteer help, products of Exctcr Minor Bali have excelled. VanDyken said the Juniors won seven WOBA and one OBA title from '82-90; the Seniors have also won OBA titles over the years with the Juveniles taking the .last OBA title in '95. "We have traditionally ' well," he said. Those. thinking about vol- unteering for travelling tcariis (sr. rookie and older) can ex- pect one about two hour- long game a week and one similar length practice and sometimes three games over Iwo weeks. VanDyk- said he'll have to for umps. Reid said they have special needs. for limner (or current) players with pitching "experience w volunteer as pitching coaches and for parents to step. in and help fundraise. Reid said the association's finances arc - fine, but they arc about $800 in the red and organizers ccWe need a lot have already dipped into their own piggy hanks to keep things afloat.- - -• Reid reminds_ community groups that Exeter Mi- nor Baseball would love to see some -donations directed towards • them to keep registration.' costs -. down. and pay for. field main • - tenanec. While the tour -year-old Nabisco Field is in good shape (there will he a. grand -opening there - sometime this season after finishing touches arc completed), Willem Field needs some work. Exeter's other two di-• amonds behind the • South- Huron Rec Centre arc in good shape. Reid said there will he hour and a hall -long peewee skills clinics/ - practices at South Huron District High School's big gym each Wednesday at 7 p.m. starting on March 25 till the season begins on May. 11. • Exctcr Minor Ball registration will he held at the Rec Centre on April 5 and 11 from 10 a.m.-noon and April 8 from 7 p.m. -9 p.m.Cao per player ranges from $40 for 'F -haft up to $10(1 for midget. Reg- istration costs have stayed the same as last season except for midget and peewee 'that were nugget! up $10 each. For more information or if you'd . like to volunteer, Call Reid at 235- 4154 or VanDyken at 235-1704. turn to London of people to get started." done "It's supply a great sport." lack Of players. The lack of a ban- tam team is signiti.cant hccause - VanDyken managed last year's bantams to the WOBA title. He'll take essentially the same team up to midget competition this season. VanDyken doubts there will he a South Huron girls curling win WOSSA, off tO OFSAA appointed on not making it to OFSAA but the team had a good season." The hoys (cant is made up ol Geurts, vice Geoff Stasik, second •Jayden Ruvscll and lead Dennis Noakes. TILLSONBURG — The South Huion girls curling team swept their way to the WOSSA 'AK -championship last week in Tullxmhurg. South Huron beat Glencoe in the final and Ingersoll -in thcir•Iirsl match The other team at the WOSSA tournament was Hawing. The WOSSA championship rink members are- skip -J nn Mercer. \ " Laura Miller. second Melanie.Urquhart. lead Br 'antic Webber and .pale Marilcu Hern. Coach Les Hills said Hern did more than serve as an extra body --- she packed the South Huron Drstrrcr High School Panther mascot costume along which she donned to show just how much spirit South Huron has. "It has been a long trate coming." coach Les Hills said of hrs.girls' suc- cess .this.season which included bringing home the (lore. Mutual In- surance provincial schoolgirls title. "It:s happening all al once." Hills said. Mercer's rink showed.their calni'Ihuugh they. faced a lot oI . pressure during the tournament. • , • "It is always tough but •they. have a job to do and. they just go out -there and do it." he said. - • - • • - . - Hills thanked the parents who have 'trawl led with their girls to support them. something some other rinks didn't base at the tourney: The WOSSA win qualifies the South Huron girls to vie for the OFSAA title versus 19 other teams in Midland on March 24-28. The South Huron boys rink skipped by Gerry Geurts. made it to the WOSSA final versus Tillsonburg Glendale but lost 7-0. Geurts said the contest was closer than the score indicates since some had luck on one shot in the sixth end kepi South Huron from scoring five. The South Huron boys also lost their second place game to Medway. who they beat in their first match to make it to the final. "We wanted the gold medal -in • our hearts," Geurts said. "We're dos - Playoff hockey at it's best f r,(1' Exeter Junior D Hawks vs. eaforth Wed., Mar. 18 8:30 p.m. (If necessary) South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter Fri., Mar. 20 8:30 p.m. Exeter Junior D Hawks vs Seaforth In Seaforth & 1f necessary Sun., Mar. 22 8:30 p.m. In Exeter If necessary en said. House league coaches/assistants ;an expect only one game played in'':xeter a week. VanDyken said there are uniting! and coaching -clinics available in April. The association pays for u►nping clinics and also pays. a third of the 545 coaches level 1 clinic with the coach and the league split- ting the rest. • If no one front Exeter steps for- ward .to heroine umps. VanDyken ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZxxxxxxXxzzxxxszxxxxxxxxxxxZzxxZZZxxZZxxZx Stephen Township Minor Hockey Cash Calendar Winners NOVEMBER; Michael Pavkeje, Madeleine Edwards, John & Cecile Muller, David Smith, Joyce Fulton, Matt Lovie, Theresa Somerville, Dean Barclay, Brian Sowerby, Ernie Hohner, Ila Bowerman, Mike -Moffatt, Mike Ward, Dianne. Rock, Nancy Deitz, Sandy Burns, Bonnie Christie, Pete Cornelissen, Justin Pickering, Doug. Geoffrey, Grace Steeper, Loretta Doherty, Bert and Linda Toonen, Donna Levier, Kevin Windsor, Doug Insley, Charlie Beausoleil, Kathy -Ann DaSilva, Katrina Michielsen, Stan Lovie. DECEMBER; Diane O'Shea, Marg Foster, Cathy Arnold, Jean Mason, David Chappel, Greg Ramsay, Donna Yarrow, Brenda Ryan, Adrian Cornelissen, Mike Koricina, Mrs. A. Duenk, Linda Nedza, Tony Timmermans, Philip Hall, Linda Wuerth, Charlie Beausoleil, Brenda Dineen ,Leanne & Kelly Cronyn, Laura and Pat Noakes, Leon Coolman, Ann Marie Somerville, Marie Fydenchuk, Matt Koricina, Julie Foran, Steve Sararas, Gail Smith,. Jennifer Steele, Chris Eagleson, Sheri Murray; Kate Steeper, Jessie Dineen. JANUARY: Cale, Eric & Mallory Duenk, Kathy Brooks, Les Drury, Mary Warner, Con Foran, Ben Kunz, Patti Stanley, Pete Ruttan, Dave Rock, Rick Barnes & Sandra Dickens, Marie Jaques, Marilyn Moore & Karen Van Altena, Gary Revington, Penny Crawford, Bob Clay, Gail Murray, Frank Funston, Jim Young, Brad Johns, Shirley Thompson, David McCague, June fisher, Bill Henderson, Paul Hodgins, Eli Caves, Mary Hall, Rob Ducharme, Joris and Connie Masschelein, Mike & Lynn Veri, Mar Shultz, Harry Westerveld. F ARY: Pete and Terri Parsons, Dillon Courtis, Kevin Pfaff, Tessa MlChielsen, George Blochinsky, .Lucan Red Hockey Team, Hary Kennedy, .Patrick Masse, Kathy Carradine, Mike Hartman, Gary Revington, Barry Mills, Jim & Darlene Parkinson, Marie Gelinas, Cathy Cronyn, Gary Brejak, Bill Johns, Millie Weber, Thomas Courtis, Bill Johns, Heather Rempel, Jill Dineen, Gary Glavin, Frank Martens, Brett Borden, John Beirlin:, Orlen Schwartzentruber, Gail Smith. • ••• •• •• • • ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ