Times Advocate, 1998-03-11, Page 26Page 26 Times -Advocate, March 11, 1998
Lucan fells province to show them the money.
The village is asking for a whopping $167,030 from, the province under its Special Circumstances
Fund that is supposed to ease the pain municipalities will face with provincial downloading. •
moved that the' village tum down can't set up its own reserve account
the. request with' councillor Perry arid take the existing one unless all
Caskanette seconding, it. Caskanette its member municipalities agree to:
said giving Scouts/Guides free tags • the move. • '
would open up the flood gates to Waste of time
other community groups seeking Reeve Robert Benner isnot high,
the same consideration. on the Association of Municipal-. -
Excuses, excuses ities of•Ontario (AMO) after he at -
Benner 'feels the Lucan arena tendedan emergency AMO session •
hoard .is simply finding more ex-• in Toronto on Feb.. 6 so members
cases to'not set up a skateboarding could hammer out a juint.approach
facility. - retponding to the province's 'Who •
Benner ..made his remarks,. after Docs What' -downloading. -Benner
councillor/arena hoard . member said he left the meeting after over
Perry. Caskanette filled council in • two hours of .talks resulted in two
on what happened at the Feb. 26 .. "weakly 'worded" resolutions that•
hoard meeting.. Board members essentially told the pros ince mu -
want to know how many • young- ' nicipalities would . raise taxes if
they didn't get more grant.and
they wanted to. •know the final
downloading numbers ° inunedi-
ately _
- By Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
need for the downloading to be rev-
' entre neutral? $8,977,913:. .
The application deadline had
been Friday, but the province has
LUCAN - • The province relight now .extended the deadline till .
soon start' telling Lucan and other April 17. Rcymer said.. - '
.Middlesex County Municipalities Other council notes
they gave at thellaftice. . So, you wan* a raise... •
Like its otheelkliddlesex counter- Reeve Robert Benner doesn't like
parts. Lucan will apply for the that the village employee pay grid
province's Special Circumstance; can he nudged- ahead by both the _
.Fund that is supposed to ease the Lucan Hydro and •Lucan Com -
effects of downloading and make munity Memorial Centre pay grids.
"That strikes me
municipalities more •
• efficient. And like "That strikes me as an extremely an-
other Middlesex mu -•satisfactory situa-
nicipalittes. Lucan as -an extreme
es. tion." Benner said. ••
. • administrator .Ron unsatisfactory Lucan Hydro has
Reamer will anply _ sitiialion. " - approved a one per sters will use the facility before
for . - the. entire - cent grid - increase they spend an estimated • $2.500-
$167.030 Middlesex administrator for '98, and because of pay equity.' $3.000 to -pave a 30'X100' area in
Nigel.: Bcllchamber has - identified - council may have to approve a sitd. front of the Lion's shed.- Benner
Lucan needs to make the prow- ilar increase for its employees. countered this request, as well as-... Benner said the trip was a waste .
_. incc's downloading- 'revenue neu- • Reverter said thc three bodies usu- the humming and ha-ing ovcr,.h- of his -time and taxpayers'.- money •
_ tray.. He tilled council in on the ally hold a _giant meeting before ability concernsare._ rust excuses to and. "AMO is'•incapahle of pro-.
Special. Circumstances Fund-ap-..-' their respective `budget :talks to . not deal with the issue -. . viding effective• representation of
phcation process at last' week's come to an agreement on possible Caskanette said it should he up to municipal. -interests. with Queen's
meeting. grid • movements hut this year the.. the skateboarders to spearhead the . Park."' ,
- Keymer said Lucan likely qual process was interrupted by the tall • protea just like how other roe- . -He advised council should look of
- -ities for twos of the program's four municipal election. reational user groups •_ Member- . continuing its_mcher-
:Components_ one titled sistitnce_. _ Council. Hydro and the arena . strive, towards their "They. really ship with AM() at bud -
to meet assigned municipal savings. , hoard all have .the power to up or own interests.. Benner don't have a•get time and think.
'.•target.:,and the other 'asatstanee to •hold the pay_gridbased- on sc'�eral said it -"will be hard for voice.
„ twice before. attending
enable rauon.iGatipn of program factors including job performance. the skateboarders to or another -AMO- confer
delivery The province . require. ••seniority. cosi of living .and so on. _ ganizc . like minor ence. -
muni.�ip:ilities tc► show . they have, The - Hydro increase was based . sports organizations. - _ In bloom or Khat?
pursued -all sayings opportunities to upon a hike in the inflation rate. ''They really don't have a voice:' -Council .approved writing _the
quality in the former and show per- Benner wants to know exactly what he said, because -skateboarders are ' $200. cheque to' enter .thea Com- •
manent sayings will he reahicd -in the local :inflation rate -is for jus-- so young. munities in Bloom .- competition:
the latter, titication-of the Hydro pat• hike.. - in other' arena news, the hoard But realizing there is no more mon-
.Rcvmcr said either Middlesex ad= Tagless in Lucan . - wants to use the existing arena re- cy in village coffers to beautify the
ministrators-he's oonta: tech are Council turned down 1st ..Lucan serve ,account to set up its sten sep- village. Wraith wants the com- •
keepingthen application details Cubs' hen :Rees request for more arate reserve account in case a corn- munity to step up and yoluntecr.its
"very general' -°in hopes the pros- free garhaee tags for Lucan Scout- _pressor • gives at the arena. The time and expertise. .
in: (Aili :c ueh up -the dough or at int/(iuicfine: The •village gave the hoard wants control of the funds so L Communitics in Bloom is a ea-
- .least think twice about they 'Who proofs- one year of tags when' the it can replace the $25.000 piece of iional and provin4i-1 coimpetiiion '
• Does What' committee res- user pay system was adofited in '96 equipment if and when it hrcaks-- that judges: which coiiirmunitics
ommended downloading. The. total . which hake lasted till now' • ._down. look' prettiest using floral displays:
amount, Middlesex 'municipiilities , - •l')eputs Reeve Harry -«. raith- Reamer said the arena heard and other beautification methods.
Cats, possums and other Hensall animals
The proposed stray cat enforcement bylaw in Hensall drew some
scathing remarks from a Hensall taxpayer at Monday's meeting
HENSALL - Hensall residents. Including ..ouncilt can't seem to get
stria .arc off their minds • .
The issue came to'a'hcad again ai Monday's council meeting. although
the. issue was not on the agenda ' Hensall resident/ Jack Lavender took
Reeve Cecil Pepper to task tor not providing the leadership to solve the is-
sue once and for -all He added the village. is well known in surrouliding
et -Immunities for not being able to solve its roaming cal issue.
. "We're looking fora man with: a little hit of leadership.”, Lavender aid
.of Pepper '!'So far you've shown. as much leadership as a potful of limp
spaghetti " •
Lavender also_claimed the reeve dragged the entire community- into the
debate rather than prompting conccrncd•parties.io sit doyen to hammer out
solation.....- t
He then •questioned whether there is even a need for the a bylaw h,-
cencing cats A draft bylaw is availahle for the public at the village office
"As lavas a cat bylaw goes.' Lavender said. "shove it...o_ut the door.-
Sonic detailsofthe proposed cat bylaw•:
•All cats owned by Hensall residents arc to wear a collar hearing a reg-
istration tag from the village or have a veterinarian tanto with a registra-
tion number recorded with the village. Another option is
havinag a vet implant a registration microchip in the cat.
•Registration lees (yearly renewals paid M March- 15'
pending a $15 lite fee. cats under age 12 weeks excluded t.
spaved/neutered cats: one -cat; 5.10: second cat. 5,25: third
cat. $35. fourth cat. 1,45: for non-spayed/neuiered cats.
• one 'cat. $40: second cat. $55: third cat. $65. fourth cat. •
•Fines for cat owners: $I() for the taking a cat to the pound. $53.5(1 for
failure to pick up cal excrement
•Consequence: to owners with 'nuisance cats (meaning cats that cause
damage or create a diswrhancei: first offence-v'erhal warning:'second of-
fcncc-written warning from s-illagc. thud offence -cat seized and im-'
pounded at South Huron Veterinary' Clinic in Zurich till owner has com-
pensated for damages done .by their. cat or pard a village fine not less than
$25 and vet costs.
•Cat- .arc to he leashed when outside: cats will he deemed "running at
large" when lound anywhere but en the owner's property and not leashed:
cats at largc.can he picked up and impounded at the South Huron Vet •
Clinic till the Owner pays the. $25 plus fine, . _
shit) (Inc can have noire thn Iran cats per household over the age of 12
weeks. • -
•The animal control officer. upon talking to the South Huron Vet Clinic:
can pick up any sick. injured or stray cat to he impounded at the Clinic if
they deem the cat poses a health risk to -anyone in the village.
•11 a impounded cat isn't picked up by its owner within 72 hours (or a
tnne.agreed upon by thc animal -control officer and the South Huron Vet
Clinic). the cat will he tarried over to the Ontario Society for the Pre-
vention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) Huronia Branch in Blyth. If the
OSPCA doesn't accept the cat.. it may be put down at the discretion of the
vet only alter "every reasonable attempt has been made to identify the
owner and/or.frnd a suitable home for the animal:"
Thc next step in the cat bylaw process will be discussed at an upcoming
council meeting. "
. in other OSPCA related news. the. Huronia Branch wants the village to
pick up vaccination costs-of.stray dogs tf the vet clinic recommends the
dog be put up for adoption after the mandatory three day waiting period
and if the OSPCA has found u foster home for the dog. Thc rationale is
that vaccination casts less than euthanasia for the village and fewer dogs
would be put down. •
Other Hensall council notes:
• Possum season?
A possum was caught at the Lavender residence on Feb. 17 and released
unharmed in the wild. Thc Lavenders called the village about a possum on
their deck on Feb. 4 and it took a couple of attempts to'catch the critter.
in other bylaw news. a dog noise complaint at the Maple apartments is
at a standstill. Bylaw enforcement staff have talked to the parties in-
volved about a solution but no headway has been made.
• One day later.
Council will hold its April council meeting on Tuesday, April 14 at 7
p.m. to avoid conflicting with its regular day and time on Easter Moliday.
It'U coat you
"So far
shown a
For councillors' -eves only at tjie,mecung was the final draft()) the per-
petual care agreement for the Hensall Landfill Site and Ili cnginecr's-fig-
uresfor how' much t.i•shorne-Toivnship wi11 pa? for '97. The tov.nship will
he _asked .to pay $1.631.05 plus 50 per cent of all administration costs .for
coming_ up with the agreement: The agreement- will be forwarded to Us-
. borne c•iiuncil for their consideration. • - ' •
' - ' - Rent eontrol • -
Council passed , a motion concurring with Godericli and Scaf-nib that
they want to see a Policy on setting rent and capital projects at- Huron
County library.- branches to protect member municipalities from.hayipg to
subsidize those costs hcfore they apptove.Any contractual agreement.
. Home tour set for July 11-12 - •
The Hensall Horticultural Society will host the''98'Country Homes and
Garden Tour on July 1 1-12. Several ensall area homes and their gardens
will be featured on the self=guided w ling tour. .
Get with the plan
The Hensall Economic Development Committee.approyed participating
in the Industrial/Highway. Commercial_ Development Conceptual Plan/
Agreement.at its March 3 meeting. The plan will map out what to-do with
36 acres in thc northeast corner of the village. The HEDC
would pick up 25 per cern of the $5.(x)01 cost of the plan
along. the. village 25, per, cent" with other interested parties
picking up the rest. •
In a related matter. there will be a public meeting to-
morrow at 7 p.m. on a proposed zoning bylaw amendment
, that if approved .will turn land along the western side of
Hwy. 4 at the nonheast edge of the village into commercial
property . ' Thc land is now zoned for industrial use. The effect of the
amendment would he to increase the depth of the lot from 28(1 feet to 550
feet for commercial use.
Fountain/trash marriage?
Thc IIEDC wants to use a convened green trash receptacle for the base
of the fountain. The Exeter Oddfcllows have been contacted about wheth-
er they can help fund the $1.000 cost of the project. ,
It's proclaimed
Council approved proclaiming,May 3-10 as 'Drinking Water Awareness
Week' on behalf of the Ontario Water Works Association and Hensall
Public Utilities Commission.
s much
ip as a
of litnp
Carpet bowling
For the past five weeks the
club has had a tournament. The
final standings are:
First: -Wilmar Wein's team
score 20 with an overplus of 90
Second: John Batten's team. 18
with an under plus of -11
Third: Sandi Maxwell's team.
17 with an overplus of 8
Fourth: Doris Hamilton's
team. 14 with an overplus of 33
Fifth: June Hodgson's team. 1.3
with an underplus of -2
Sixth: Myrtle Maguire's team.
12 with an overplus of 8
Seventh: John DeWeerds
team, 12 with an underplus of
Eighth: Don maguire's team. 6
with an underplus of 75.
Marshall Dearing set up the
play and kept scores etc.
Next week the club goes back
to regular play. New players or
spectators are welcome. 9 a.m.
at the Lion's Club Youth
- Centre on John St. West.
Have a news tip?
cat 235-1331
cFA ;a
Ice swan
Ice _Cultures of. Hensall -hosted an. open house on the
weekend to -showcase. their . ice carvings. The growing
company.. carves - sculptures for : weddings. corporate
events and other special events..
No hike for Lucan
area fire service
By Craig Bradford
• T -A Reporter •
LUCAN - The Lucan-Biddulph'Fire Area Board has held the line
.with their '98 budgetcoming in with a zero per cent increase.
Lucan council approved the budget unanimously at last week -'s
meeting: Councillor/fire `hoard member Glenn Silver said hoard
members were originally looking at a four per cent increase but
shuffled some numbers to come up with the goose egg increase.
Notable changes include firefighters getting $10 per weekly prac-
tice. up from $5. and an attendance bonus drop to $100 per year
from $1'25. Firefighters only get the bonus if they attend over 75 per
cent -of practices.
The Lucan 'Fireman fundraising arm hopes to raise $2,300 this
- year. up from the $1.377.40 it raised to buy a foam unit.
The department Will continue its pager replacements with $4.500
earmarked this year -compared with $3.529.81 spent last year and
hopes to "spend • less on air packs and
tanks with $3.000 budgeted compared
with $6,211.30 spent in.'97.
Lucan and Biddulph will split the
"This is not a
good year to
$55.550 levy. (to make up the differ- start finding
ence between revenues
and ex= ways to tax the
penditures) evenly. That works out to taxpayer"
$39 per household. what Reeve Robert
. Benner called "pretty, reasonable."
in other fire department news. Silver said the department will have
to replace.the' pumper due to new provincial regulations. Lucan-
Biddulph's pumper has an open cab at the hack while the province
now calls for both the front and back cabs to be closed. A closed -cab
• pumper is longer than the existing fire hall which means an expan-'
Silver said•the fire hoard. was hesitant tb move forward on a con-
ungency.pLin 'fora fire hall expansion and new pumper without di-•
rection from, Lucan and Biddulph councils. He said the ideal situa-
uon.would u• lump in the expansion, the possibility of housing art
ambulance ani a new pumper in a five-year plan. -
Council decided to, sit on the five-year expansion plan till some eif
the current provincial downloading and municipal restructurir
clouds disperse.
"This is not a good year to start finding ways to tax the taxpayer'
Benner said.
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