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Discipline and grit
Kicking It Exeter Tae Kwon Do
members cleaned up at the On-
tario Black Belt Team Trials
Second Eliminations and Lon-
don Tae Kwon Do Champion
ships held at London's Regina
Mundi College on Feb. 28 -
March 1. Front left: John.Athony
Christmas (3rd sparring), Mac
.Potter. (Isis in pattern, spar-
ring), Brittany Wagner (2nd spar-
ring), Justin Bayer (3rd pattern,
2nd sparring); middle left: Ste-
phen Darbishire (1st pattern,
2nd sparring), Michael Wagner
(1st pattern, 2nd sparring), Ja-
son Kelders (3rd sparring), Lan-
dis Millar (1st sparring), Jon-
athon Kelders (2nd sparring);
back left: AI' In Cunningham
(lsts pattern, erring), :head
instructor an •ird degree
black be, Visouvath and
-Brian Greet lf7,tl (2nd sparring). •
Culbert wins OFSAA swim title
ETOBiCOKE — Huron Hur-
ricane Melanie Culbert of RR2
Hensall is breezing her way to
• swimming glory.
'• Culbert, 14. won the OFSAA
.200m age 13/14 girls individual
medley title at Etobicoke on Thurs-
. day.
- Culbert finished second in the
-same event at the,Junior Provincial
Championships at Brantford's
Wayne Gretzky Sportsplex as well
as stroking her .way to a sixth in the
800m freestyle. eighth in the 4(X)44
I.M. and first in both the IOOm
breaststroke and 200m heaststroke
consolation finals.
The pretorntances quality Culhert
for the Youth Nationals in Sher-
brooke, PQ in May and the .Junior
Nationals. in Edmonton in July.
Culbert will also swim at the Com-
monwealth Trials in Etobicoike in
July. • .
Culbert's hest time in the • 200
I.M. is 2:24.26 and she swims the
400 I.M: in about 5: I2.36.
A competitive swimmer for six
years. Culbert has dreams of -some-
day competing in the Olympics.
"I enjoy the thrill of doing your
txst then - later - doing even better."
she said about what she loves about
swimming competitively. -
Other rnembers of the Hurricanes
also fared . well at the Junior Pro-
vincial Championships.
Clinton's- Kristy Cameron won
the gold in the 200m backstroke;
Brittany Segcrcn, also of Clinton,
placed fourth in the 100m breast-
stroke in a Youth National qual-
ifying time, fifth in the 200m
breaststroke (also a Youth National
qualifying result). eighth in the
IOOm butterfly and second in the
200m I.M. consolation final.
Cameron also won gold ,at the
Nationals in Brandon, Man. on the
weekend in the 200 I.M. The per-
formance qualifies Cameron to be a.
member of the. national team.
The Hurricane team, including
members Leslie Burton of Wing-
hani and Andrea Vanderloo of.
Clinton, finished lith out of 24
teams and swam personal best
times in their relay. -
The Hurricanes swim outof the
Vanastra Rec Centre.
In the swim. Huron Hurricane
swimmer Melanie Culbert of
RR2 Hensel! is won the OFSAA
200m I.M. title fast week.
Hensall Minor Hockey
Dynamite Novice Girls -
• March 6
Stephen 1 at Hensall 3
(dials: Katie Stevan (3)
Assists: Kelsey O'Rourke. Lindsay Allen
Goaltender: Natalie Laporte
'Iiensall u ins playoffs 3 g;nnes to (1 to be'the
Lamhton League Novice Girls 'A' champs.
Novice Hurricanes Boys
, March 8- game 3 of playoffs
Hensall 4 at,Mitchell (1
Goals: Matt Campbell (2). Kenney Allen.
Brent Ingrain
Assists: Ingrani. Brandon Consist
Next game: PI3yoff game #-I March 14 at I
pin. in Hensall
Atom Rep
March 5
Hensall 4 at Mitchell 7 •
Goals: Blair Campbell, Ryan Cautphell,
Man Campbell, Charlie links
Assists; R. Campbell. M LCanlphell, Erik
Legion Peewee
March 1 - game I of hest 3 of 5 semi-final.
Zur.ch 3 a Hensall 4 in overtire
Have a sports tip?
call 235-1331
Huron Perth Lakers AAA
Hockey Association
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For further information
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Huron Perth Lakers
AAA Hockey Association
26 Ring St. S. Crediton, Ontario
Phone (home) 234-6396
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Goals: Robert Erb (2), Dan Moir (2)
Assists: Kevin Dickins (2). A.J. Ferguson.
'Goaltender: Travis Shelton `
March 6 - game 2 of hest 3 of 5 semi-final
Hensall 7, aj Zurich 6 in overtime
Goads: Muir (3). Dickins (2). Thompson
.Assists: Dickins (2). Thompson (2). .
Ferguson (2). Erb. Gord McMorland (2),
Taylor Swinkel
Goaltender: Shelton, Young
March 8 - game 3 of hest 3 of 5 seini-final
Zurich 2 at Hensall 5
Goals: Moir. Ertl. John Jacobs, Kyan
' Campbell. Dickins
Assists: Moir. Campbell. Dickins. Matt
Forest. Kevin Ferris
Hensall now advances to the WOAA finals
against either Brussels or Milverton. •
FCC Junior Girls
March 7
Hensall 2 at Forest 1
Goals: Miranda Knight (2)
Assists: Chantelle Elder, Brianne Elliott
Goaltender: Charlscy O'Rourke
Next game: Burlington tournament. March
13-15; Ildenon, March 18
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Farwell free throw champ
CLINTON — South Huron Dis-
trict High School Gr. 9 student
Kyle Farwell knowk how to sink a
Farwell showed, his foul line
shooting prowess at the Knights of
Columbus Regional Basketball
Free - Throw Championships at St.
Anne's high school on Saturday by
sinking 22 Out of 25 shots to win
the.' title and .move on to all-
Ontarios consideration. ..
'Ilse scores of Farwell's lata three
competitions will be added together
and compared with the five other
regional qualifiers to 'see who will
be crowned the provincial champ.
Farwell said he'll find out if he's
won by mail in a couple of weeks.
Farwell was awarded a plaque for
Ih'e regional win to add tri a plaque
and a medal in school and zone
competitions earlier this year.
Mega accurate. South Huron
Gr. 9 student Kyle Farwell won
the _regional K of C free throw
competiton on the weekend.
Page 17
South Huron rinks advance to WMSA
Aiming to win. South Huron District High School curlers Marilou Hern, !eft, and Jenn Mer-
cer size up a shot at their Huron -Perth championship match at Exeter Curling Club last
week. Mercer's rink edged Beth -Ann Hero's rink for the title and now moves on to WOSSA
playdowns at Tillsonburg today.
EXETER — Curling fans at the Exeter Curling
Club had a tough time deciding who to root for dur-
ing the Huron -Perth high school girls championship
held there last week - -
The final featured the two South Huron District
High School -girls teams. Skip Jenn Mercer's rink .
defeated Beth -Ann Hern's team to advance to-
WOSSA action in Tillsunburg today.
On the boys side. the Sciuth Huron rink skipped
by Gerry Genus defeated Wingiiant's F.E. Madill in
Vanastra last week to advance to WOSSA.
A high school girls rink became the first one to.
represent Exeter Curling Club at the all -Ontario Icv-.
el after competing at the.Gore Mutual Insurance
Schoolgirl provincials in Gananoquc recently.
The team that includes Mercer. Laura Miller. Mel-
anie Urquhart. Briannc Webber and Hern, won their
first match over Che.tcrvillc's North Dundas High
School. but lost their next two games to Pe-
terhprough's Scott Collegiate 'and eventual pro-
vincial chantpions.Bradford High School.
- Coach Les.Hills said despite not coming out on
top, the team played well and "will benefit from the
. Lead Webber was named to the tournament's first
all -star -team to cap a great memory for the Exeter
Curling Club.
In other Exeter Curling Club news, Ross Hod-
gert's rink won the 'B' side of the Masters zone
playdowns in Hanover on the weekend.
Other team members. include vice Elmer Powe, .
second Rob Coates and lead John Batten. The rink
-now heads to Chatham for the regional Masters
playdowns this weekend. •
If they win there, they qualify for the provincials
later this month.
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