HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-03-11, Page 163a Pari'(' 16' • Times-Advtxate, March 11, 1998 SPORTS Exeter Masters will play soccer in Lucan LUCAN = Exeter's newest soc- cer team will start their season feel- ing like visitors. The Exeter Masters men's soccer team. made up of players _age 35'. plus: will kick off their season in Lucan rather --than m their own • town. Spokesperson George .McE- wan said the reason the team can't play in Exeter is because of an "un- derstanding" the Middl'cscx Mas- ters League has .with its -members on the radius around London teams can come ftom.. .• McEwan said Exeter was just (00 far for the league executives' liking - and Lucan was the closest centre to Exeter that was acceptable. to the league. While -the -team accepts the league"s decision. McEwatj said things may change in subsequent seasons. li `is our intention to conx'incc them uthetwise, when we beculne established." he said. . Exeter will play teams from Lon- don, 'Woodstock. •Ertibro. and Till- sonhurg. The Masters will play 11 home• games and• seven away games this season starting in mid- . May, home games on Fridays. . In other soccer news, Lucan Mi- nor -Soccer will.debut a, new field this.season on land owned by. Mur- phy Bus Lines adjacent to village owned facilities. • . ' . The. arena board entered inti) a five-year agreement with•Murphy's - two years ago to set up'a soccer pitch on Murphy's land in •return for paying Murphy's the equivalent. in property taxes for the land. Reynler, the Lucan Minor Soccer secretary. said it has taken sibs time for the association to prepare the land for play. South Huron indoor SccerLeague } Women's League - March 2 scone (:rand Bend 5 vs. Exeter (11) f Goals fur Grand Bend: Pamela Punts d 11. Kum Lticer (21 Goals for Exeter (11): Ann Ileeney Lucan 7 9•s. Exeter (111 Goals for Lucan: Kathleen Gntliih( ). Ikhhtc Greenlet-..- II' llndgim. Kellie Maslen. Trac) ('oulier. - • Goal for.Exeter (11: !Seco I:imiuh.0 _ Men's league - March 4 scores • Exetcr.('entcnnials 5 vs. Grand Bend 2 Goals for Exeter: Frank Bax t 31. fele Halston: Dick Lord - (:mals fur Grand Bend: Cullen Kobe. Dan (':urelra Pork 'n'-Bcef 3 vs. Stratford Central Rams 4. Goals for 1'urk'ii Beef: Ntike KuMcki, Patrick B: •It. Jrl) I) nOtler• Goals for Stratford: ('mhis; Ramos (21. Matt Peck. Slew N1c('allum ' Exctcr Fury 3 vs. Taxandria 4 - Goals for Exeter: Chris Genmier t21,7asoii Nkhalls ' Goals fur- raxandria: Bealilsedge (3),IL nk Veens• • , tic obi ban 5 vs: Stratford Scramblers 2. • (dials for St. ('olumban: Josh Diet/ 13). Stark Muir. Nike Smote ' - Goals forStralford: Frank Santini (221 Zurich bantams- win awards By , Ron Dann ZURICH-- Three Z-urich Town -and Country Youth Bowling (Y.B.C.) • bantams (age 0-10 year. of .age won awards in the , -three. game, pins over average. Bluewatcr -Zona Master -Bantam rolloffs Sunday /at .-Male worth lanes. _ • Kevin Duchar'mc and Jacqui :-Rader won the h<►ys.-and•gir,,ls three game scratch tide -with scores =of 519 and 3217-. respectively while 'Corey Due-harmc took the one game high single. trophy with a 181 scare. Brent Ducharme missed receiving an award by.just•two pins. 1 , • ' The tournament was `won by a Listowel team with plus 264 while Molesworth and Lucknow• finished -second and third with plus 226 and plus 175 respectively. Listowel now advances to the Provincial Mater -Bantam championship at Hamilton in April. - Zurich hosts Golden Agers• triples • Zurich Town and Country lanes hosted ' the -three-game :Shuffleboard , Exeter March 4 5 game winners • Ann Northcy 523 Iry Armstrong 502 Doris Miller 466 Hal Walsh ,421 Marj Hodge 406 Mike Underhill 379 4 game winners Iva Blair 334 Howard Johns 334 Wilma Davis 275 Eleanor Hendrick 267 -011ie Esscry • 239 Bea Richardson 226 March 5 5 game winners Ann Northcy 623 Iry Armstrong 51 1 Gil Northcy 497 Hal Walsh 491 Elwood Trucmner 488 Lois Armstrong 481 4 game winners Sena Gosar 285 Hensall March 3 6 game winners Evelyn Fenner 494 Doris Hamilton 477 Dave Woodward 443 Alice Thiel 424 Doug Insley 423 Jeanette Turner • 422 5 game winners Hazel McEwen 417 Hugh McKay 394 4 game winners Glenn Davidson 358 Ethel McMurtrie 258 • `Southwestern •Ontario Golden Agcrs men's and ladies teams triples team rolloffs "Tuesday. Six men's••yind six ladies teams were coliipcting for their respective -pins. -over average division titles. Results will he listed next' Wednesday. Bluewatei' Association 3-6=9 moves to Clinton The fifth' Mcg of the BlucwatEr 5 Pin Bowlers' Association- 3-6-9 tournatnent moves to Clinton Crown.lanes -Friday, March 20 at. 7 p.m.• Under this unique format -all competitors wi!I receive a strike in the third. -sixth and ninth ffanie of •all five .games. The highest total scratch score will determine the winner. Ontario Five Pin Bowlers' Association (O.F.P.B.A.) rules will 11e in effect. ' - O.F'.P.B.A; Ontario Youth / Challenge at Winter Games The O.F.P.B.A. Youth Challenge Championship,. on March 12-13 at Peterborough will include men's ladies and mixed teams plus men's and ladies singles. The competition will include 14 games in a double round-robin format. The to three ladies and top three men from each province will advance to the National Championships April 2-6. Kippen Gun Club March 7 Skeet 12 gauge Brad Mann Tim Hoff Paul Mcillor George Hamm Steve Graham John Mogk Jamie Caldwell' Harold Cook Jon Gaiscr 20 gauge John Glazier Russ Bcavcr •Brad Mann Harold Cook ' . 28 gauge John Mogk Glen Mogk Russ Beaver 410 gauge Jamie Caldwell Glen Mogk 25 24 • 24 24 23 23 23 21 . 19 22 22 22 19 23 22 21 25 19 Have a sports tip? Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331 Minor hockey scoreboard Haugh Tire Inc. 265 Thames Rd. Hwy. #83 East Exeter Gail 235-3752 MIC ELIN. emus 10 MUCH 11 RIDING ON roan IMES' Exeter Minor Hockey • Tyke T -Rex -• March 7 - MI Btydges 5 at Exeter 2 Glu's:•Jan-0i Johns, Mike Van(icrwcn - Atislst.s: Jordan Hudgins, Breit Overholt Goallender,: Jarrell Johns. Brent (iodku' Next genie: Exeter Tyke luunlanent. Math 14 Tyke Little Hawke; klatch 7 - The Moon 6 vs. Exeter 6 March '7 - Iscien I 1 ii Lucan 4 Goals: Jayden•lhyardnne (41. Michell Partridge (2). Lucas SI, •r(2). Jesse Blanc • (2). Brendan Shapton (2). Ltie 1)rinlncll • Assists: 1ksjardine (2). Partridge (3). - Skinner (3). Biotic, Shapton (2). lirntutell.• ('life Hackett 151. Jeffrey Penn (3): S'cu11 Overholt (1). Sieph.n (-latke (21. Christopher Pfall Goallender: Jake Panridge - Nex(.gamc: -Tyke Itutn.uIenI. Match 14. 8 a n ur beater - - Senior Tyke 5), tch-7 • 1Idertou 2:u lixeler 3 Goals: 1)ac Id (icnlfrcy. Jared Green. Junes Marsden - - Assixls: Marc 1knomnie,:Marstiu. Qeolfrey: Green, Mitchell Boyle Goallender: Scutt Gorlkin ' Next game: Marchl 1, Iixelcr al Ildennn. - 6:i11pm. : • Novice AK March 7,-• hncrsquad-garnc - While guyy 3 vs. Men in Black •4 - . Goals for 31'hilc: Zack'fhumpson (21: Scull Valle - Assists for White: Valk). Shane Mudge. Justin Buchanan - Goals for Black: Brent John\ 12), Justin • Cann, Justrtm Anslelt Assiits for Black: 1)an I/cnnnune, Jarrett. 'Johns • ' • Goahender fur While: Mae Potter- Goaltender fur Iilack: Kyle litysun ' 1./M Novice Bombers ' glareh 7 -.playoff .gaini: M2 it'4 . I ldcilon I :it Exeter 7 , (:t►als: Jahn Dionne (41. Bien Owl. lien - I,lienl. Bobby ('iok ,Assists: ))iuune: Hrw'ul, Cook- (21. A.1. Miller. 1)11' -Id Markle. Jeff Weido. IJrad Vit*. Trent Taylor(2),-Kon killer, David Maters, Ryan Bnntncll. Sean 11:u-rigan . GI'►altendei•: I') k Brysuni . • • Top forward: Justin Dania:: - Top dcfenccman: Brett Owl- ; March 8 - playoff gawk• N3 Excler 2 ai Ildctton I Gnats: Markle, Taylor • Assists: weidn, I)iunne. K. Miller, A 1 • Miller Goallender: Valk 'fop forward: Taylor 1'op dcfenccman: K Miller Next game: March 10 in Mi lirydgcs; 7 pili• Atom AE Nabisco -March 4 - OMIIA quarter finals gine 3 Lambeth 2 at Iixeter 5 Goals: Breit Ilackett.Jurd:til Darling. Mark Seip, Michael ('ouper 12) • Assists; Adam Johns, Scup Looslcy, - Darling. Luke Kerslake. John Stacey: Exeter advances toOMIIA semi-Iinal% against Waterford March 6 - Shamrock playdowns game U2 Exeter 1 at Lamhclh 3 - Coal: Illackci - Assisi: I )arhng Sh: ick playdowns game p3 Exeter 1 at Lambeth 1 Goal: 1/ailing - Assist: Seth • Midget AE - Marcti 7_- 0511IA semi-finals game 1 of 5 • Six Nations. 1 at Exeter 4 • - • Goals: Ryan 51uno, Breit Hartman, Adan) Miller, Greg Young - Assisi::: Munn. Andy Frener (2). I)an• Snell, Wayne ('ole. Brad Tiernan Goallender: John I'ryde - - .Nasi game: March J 1. gavel 111 Six Nauuns al 7 in p : Game 4. March 14 in )ixetQ r al 6 (0 p In Intermediate Girls I'layo t round robin - 'A'iltxll -Exeter 4 at -Stephen 4 Goals: Missy Ilayler, Sarah Wuenh, Meagan Raj/, Sarah Mosuraljohn Assists: I layer, Rau. Iauryn Baynlrun, Laura Skinner, Jiidi True,nner. Kum Keller Goaltenders: ('arol)n Quinn., Miranda , Hayter • - - lixhihiiiiu► gave London 5 at lixeler 3 Goals: Nicole Revinglon, Rat,:Ilayter Assisi: foss Goallender: Quinn . - - Nexl game: Marek 10, Seafonh at I.xcer, 5:10 p iii : March 15, Warford :d Exeter. 6 Stephen Minor Hockey Senior Tyke. March 8 • Parkhill (1)2 al Stephen 2 Goals: Malt Kuncina, Tyler Windsor Assists: Windsor. Richard Dinncy, Kooky VanAltena, Ken Lynn Reschke • •Goallender: Kyle Masse ' • • Neat game: March 14, 12:30 p.m. in Ilderttin . • Novice Mauraders- February 2 Zurich I. al Stephen 4' Goals: 1 T Knee (2). David Reschke, Calc Duenk Assists: Josh Cornelissen (2) Goallender: Brent Dixon Fehruary 26 Slpehen 5 at HeI. nlns4 - Goals: Reschke 12), C. Duenk (2). Knee Assists: Knee. Comclisseu. Kelly Cronyn • (2). Ryan Masse. Nick. Jeffery • Goallender: Breis) Dixon - •March8 ` Stephen 3 at SI. Thomas Goals: Reschke. C. Ducnk, Knee Assists: Reschke. Cornelissen, Eric Duenk. • Masse Goaltender: Adam Blanch:ud . Atom Local March 3 - rournfrobal playoffs • Slrathruy-4 at Stephen 7.- (coals: Jamie ('arradirie (6), Blair McCann Assistts: Carradine, Mc('ann 121. Leanne C'ronyn (21. Travis O'Neil. Justin Bender, - David Iksjardine, Nathan Scott Goallender: John -Young March,% - round robin playoffs ' ' . Slcphcn 5 ai Stralhroy 2 , Gnats: Ca -ratline (2), Ryan Masse (2). Ryan - Heywood - Assists: Masse, Iksjardme. Curtis Pfaff. ('ronyn, O'Neil Goallender: Young The team now advances to 'A' finals. . • Atom Hawks March 8 •OMHA,serni•ftnal •AMI Ontario . • 'playoff game Nl - • Stephen 1 vs. Drayton S Goal: Jeff VanHergcn Assists: Jeff Srnak. Tim Sheridan Goallender: Jeff Baker ' Neal games: March 10 in Stephen, 7: IS_ p.m. March 14 in Stephen. 12:30. if neces- sary March 15 In Drayton, I : 30.p in. Peewee Rep March 7 • OM/IA quarter final '1)' division • Stephen 6 vs. Cayuga 5 • Goals: Aaron Geiger (2), Jesse Schroeder (3). Roman Wilson Assists: Jesse Schroeder (3), Aaron Geiger, Colin Sander. Ryan Knee Goallender: Dane Michielsen , Peewee Bullshooters- March 7 - Exhibition game Parkhill Ali 2 at Stephen 3 (:owls: Wes de Lange, Nevin Hiklgins. Jamie Brhhy Asskits: de Lange. Justin Mulhr 12) Guallender: Richard Yining : March 8 - game 2 of 6 pt. series `Stephen 4 at Forest 111) 4 • (:oats: Ilodguls 12). Marty Glavin, Bibliy Assists: Glavin 12). Bibby Goallender: Young •.. Slc(,hen Ieadds 1 Orionis to-) Shamrock Bantam - - March 2 - Exeter 0 ai Siephen 1 Goal: 1 R Davies ' Assist: Adam ('yr. Dion Mosurtnjohn Goallender: ('hos Glavin , Stephen won the series 2 of,j • March 7 - game 5 of 6' 1. - Cayuga 2 :d Slcphcn 4 . '. - Gilals: Ad:tn,Mc('ann: Jeremy Vantlergen „ - (1) - . Assists: DaLMosuraliuhn. Cal de Lange. • Maar Foran, linan'Uhxun Goaltender: Gary Souder - Stephen wins series and advanaces to semi finals against Wallaci' ' Next games: March 1 1. 745 to Wallace: March 14. 3* 10 in Stephen 1, Lucan Minor Hockey Tyke Lightning 1_ :March 7 Glencoe Tykes 10 al Lucan 8 . Goals: Judson Couture (1)• Jared De lung (2). Tanner Jackson (2),Tyler Dryden" Assists: ('suture, Brydcn, Ile longi Nathan Vandenhcuval Goaltender: Douglas Machell - Novice 'A' Laser March 7 Lucan 4 -vs. Oakridge 3 Goals: Bailey Van Prael(21, Gregory Noycs. Lance LcFebvrc Assists: G. Noyes (21. Lefebvre. Nick Engel: Jeff Latta, Dylan Pryce Goallender: Korey Hess •- - $950 IN FREE GEAR OR March 8 - Lucan 7 vs Oakridge 6. - Goals: M Nays) (-1). (i Noyes (2): Lo,gan . ('ttlllure - Assists: Engel (2). M, Noyes (2). Chad l.ilcy.. Couture. Vanl'raci. Lefebvre Goaltender: Korey Hess - ' . - • , Novice Al.:. February 211 - OMfiA playdowns.l. • , . , Pon Slanlcy 1 at Lucan 7 - Goals: Alex Avery (2)' DerekSowerhy, Ryan hake. 'led Peters. Tyler Orchard, Tlnnnyfl)unne Assists: Avery (2). Spwerhy (i►. Clarke (2). • Peters, Jacob Jeffery: Jcssrc'Garnson • March 1 • Shamrock playoff game' West Larne tal Lucan ' - Goal: Jeffery .. Assists:Garrison. 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