HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-03-11, Page 15.__SPORTS
Times -Advocate, March 11, 1998
Exeter girls hockey a big success in year one Chiefs take
league title
Fine first year. The Exeter Intermediate girls hockey team. -front left: Carolyn • Quinn;
Amanda Glavin, Kim Keller, Missy Hayter, Preslee Mayer, Miranda Hayter; middle left:
Kendra Masse: Ann -Marie. Parsons, 'Laura Skinner, Jodi. Truernner, Pam Keys, Jacyln Bayn-
ham, Sarah Mosuringohn, Shawna Rowe, Meagan Ratz, coach. Jeff Keller; back left: train-
rainer Monica Keys. coach Bob Parsons, Sarah Hamilton, Maggie Steciuk: 'Shannon Milley, .
Lauren Baynham and coach Bryan. Quinn. Absent: trainer Cathy Hayter, Becky Case, Ni-
cole Revington, Sarah Webber, `Becky Wuerth, Sarah Wuerth and Jannette MacDonald.
By Craig Bradford
71/1 Reporter
.I \l ft•.R.. 11 year one. I. any indication. girls
hiickcy m Exeter ha.:i bright 1uturc. In their tn.l,.ea:uli.. the Exeter Intermediate girls
Finished eighth Intl or 22 • wain, 11) the 1.amhlort
I calm: durntg the regular season and fitlh.out (it 10
teams alter the. lira round. of playoffs. Ni►yy iIie 11
: face -oft -against Stephen Township. nship, .Seaforth. Park-
hill and 1‘ :Mord
:\ctrl .Minor, Hockey gm'1s hockey rep Marg Par-
,•Iridgc said (here iuuh(bc•thrce girls teams. next sea-
- son -.0 interest-•w;ur:ulls intermediate rage 13-191:
junior 1 age -11)_ 1 1 i and novice (under -10i. -
• his sear Nrrre are 2; ,nils play ing 'hockey in Ex-.
'etc,.. to, , Many ror one 10:1111 but not enough for twit
teams \Ouch ,•oar: lies Tried to ptit. on' the ice at the
Beginning of the season -
Intcrmedctc coach Jell Keller said he sees girls
liockcv ending tip like boys Mickey "with age groups
starling at pre -tyke age and going. up to Midget and
• "II • • 111.1 growing - by leaps and
.hound.." Kelifer said about interest in
girl, htickey in hie Exeter area.
-13ut Exeter has ta''cd hehuul other
centres xyhcn it.comes to girls hock
e Parkhill etahlishcd'girls hockey '
year. ago and -ha.. a thrive ng sy.
tem: Stephen 'I t-yy nahii, started 11,+ lint girls hock-ey
IcaIir lour years ago..-Hensail has ;girls hockey -as
well as hosting- all Exeter Ringctte Association ac
non: 01hcr Centre. to the south have had .girls.hock-
cy (o» -year.. • .
-So why has glrls�lwckcy talon so long to catch yon
in lixeicr. ;i rcputett.grcat '_Hatvkyt(iwri' (a reference
bribe- Emmet -Ji'. 1) Hawks)? Keller said a comhina-
non of a lack of volunteers. ice .time and the -dif-
ficulty of taking the .challenge on could -account for
the laity start
Now that it'. here.. Part (dge hope. 1t.yi ill take off.
"There". in' point driving out 01 town %•belt it's
ln)rnrccssarv." Pariirldge saki of parent. who had to
travel as far as London lir their. girl. -to •play or-
ganwed hockey
-But :i. fhe Interest .un• girls hockey heightens. the
• enrolment in rnlgettc tends to lessen. Keller said he.
rc,'rets that the emergence of girls hockey hurts rin-
cite hut girls should have the chance to Choose
chat they want to play. - -
"R(ngcUe is a good game to watch and it's un-
tintunaae-hocke\ is hurting il." tic satd.•"Bul it is a
sign of the times. Hockey is- new and everyone
-wants toiry it. liventuallt .nngette a 111 come hack. 1
'think gods should have the opportunity to play any
1\'I0lr the on -ice and lite skills learned in boys •
and girls hot'ke\-arc the same,. Keller said there is..ai
vastdillcrencc in coaching the two sexes.
-"The -difference is the attitude. - Keller said. The
girls arc tun:to deaf t\ith They all gel along and arc
out for the tun of it. They're keen to learn. The- ac;
mially -listen to, you at pracuce. " -
Although adntiuint he' ohviously biased. Keller
Icels sonic cif .his girls can nr.ake a "mark in inter-
natli)nal hockey . He. said Missy Hayter. 17: has-
''naturaJ talent:-" SILtyvna RoWe has "the hest shot.
ever seen ,and &an outskaie anyone in the -
league:" .Anis-141:uti
lir-sons is an "amaiing hockey
plover -
"If these girls
stick with it 1 can
see their on the
national tea/lt..'.'
1) these girls steel. it t(r it 1 sari
'see -them on the, national team."'he
. said. -
Tit -ere :are also girls who've never
skated before. cuitingup'with the In-
terrnediatcs. Keller said.
"it's gratifying to see -these girls
improve." he said. .
bile- th
- Vere rs nu hods �on)a -t. Kellet Said the
games arc last paced and "very aggressive." And
Iikc hots hockey. the girls 'Can sometime. "get nas- -
tv with foul language. stickwork and insults -during
heated matches and Keller said allowing body con-
tact nrotder girls hockey may let, them let off steam •
like the hovs can. -
"i think there should he hotly contact in winner's
hockey starting at intermediate • age." Keller said.
" 13u1 they should learn- the skill, first."
Two kactet Intermediate players are leading "to..
-the league all -slat ganlc tin Parkhill 00 March 30: .
Hayter and team captain Sarah iMosuriniohn, 19_
Thr itSu were- named as Exeter's reps alter a team
vote. -Keller said. with Rowe and Meagan Rati fin-
ishing not tar behind.
Generals forced out of OMHA action
Rounding the net. Exeter RSD Generals Midget player Tyler Bourne. right. tries to evade a Dor
chester defender during game four of their OMHA playdown series at the South Huron Rec
Centre last week. Exeter lost the game 4-1 and went on to lose the series. The midgets are
still in contention for the Shamrock 'B' title.
DORCHESTER 1 i"he Exeter
RSD Generals Midget rep hockey
team played t-ahanth but lost their
'CC' OMHA hest-ot.five playoff
series to Dorchester after. losing
game four '3-2 in Dorchester on
Jason Grenier and Tyler Bourne
scored for the Generals with Jeff
Campbell (2) and Scott Keys pick-
ing up the assists.
Exeter started the series with a 5-
3 win at.horne on Feb. 25.
Campbell shined by scoring a
hat -trick with Chad Darlymplc and
Kion MacDougall adding Exeter's
other two goals.
Assists went to Campbell (21.
Greg Geoffrey. Bourne (3, and
Grenier (2).
Dorchester took game two 4-3 at
home on Feb. 27. Geoffrey. Grenier
and Chad Monteith scored for the
Generals with MacDougall. Cani
Dougall. Keys. Geoffrey, Jarrod
Bourne and Ben Cottrell picking up
the assists.
. Exeter fell behind two games to
one by losing game four 4-1 at
home on March 4.
Campbell scored Exeter's lone
goal, an unassisted effort at 10:56
of the second period to even the
score al one. Dorchester controlled
the play front that point forward for
the win.
The Generals will play a final
Shamrock League game versus
• Strathroy this week.
11 they win. Exeter will advance
to the 'B' final championship
B.J. 'i'heophilopolous and Ryan
Sullivan share netminding duties
for the Generals. The Generals
coaching staff is made up of Bill
Brack. Dave Darlymplc, Brent
McDonald and Tim Moore.
AYLMER - - Although New
Hamhurg.made them take a second
round exit from the OMHA play-
downs, the Exeter Juvenile Chiefs
hockey club finished the season in
line fashion by capturing the South-
ern Counties -title at the season- -
ending tournament in Aylmer on
Assistant coach'Mikc Soldan said
Exeter's toughest contest was
against St: Marys who fought 1,11
the end of a 4-3 Exeter win. Exet-
er's Marty deBruyn scored with
only six seconds left putting the fin-
ishing touch on his natural hat -
trick. John•Rutten assisted onthe
winning goal with deBruyn scoring
unassisted on his other two mark
ers. Jason Becker opened the scor-
ing for the Chiefs with assists -going
to Greg Hendrick and Matt Froud.
The Chiefs easily handled.Elora
(who they heat in the first-round of
• the OMHA playoff:) in the final on
their way to a 5 -0 -victory. Bryon
l;llerington. Jason Becker. Ruttcn.
Ryan Frciter and deBruyn scored
for Exeter with Paul Knight, Jere-
.. my Stewart. deBruyn (2). goalie .
Nathan Hcrn, Freitcr. Ellerington. •
• Ruttcn and Hendrick assisting. .
Attention all
want•to race at the Grand Bend
Micro -Speedway, you hater he
at the London Sportsplcx on •
Match 22 at 1 p.m. for the '9.8
general !meting -
MKS Motorsports' Al Cham •
pion said racers must attend the
meeting to register for this
year' -s racing.season. Rule
changes. ihis•scason's sponsor
ship and the points fund struc-
ture and 04) outs will also he
(hccussed at the meeting. -
The racing season starts May
4 and continues each Saturday
throughout the summer. The car-
Iy races hegm-at 230 p.m. with
race nine switching to 8 p.m.
starting May 30. • .-
Spectator tickets cost $6 for- .
adults. S2 for children age 6-12
.and free to kids under six.
For informatin. call Champi-
on at (5191 268-3.751.
Sportsplex is located al 25f9
-Fanshawe Park Rd. E.
March - I:\eter 9 vs Sirailurd
Goals: A.hle, Gallagher. Siacr Miller (4).
Danielle Oindrepcka 4 1). Jclainc Jackson
Assists: Gallagher (4/. Alan:i Hndgert..
11iikcn McBride. Jessica Brock Kn.un
• Dau son
March h Slrattoid 'It 4 at Exctrr
Goals: Knsuu Ferguson:Mk-1-01e
Assists: Ferguson. Lauren Taylor: Kela'\
Pinder. Ashley Bedard
Goaltender: Shauna Skrmiei
March + plas1r11 nuke #1
Sl. Man. 2 al Lscier 'n' t,
(Goals: Amur Presrcarur t2), Danielle
Ritchie. Kate Stewart. haunter -
Tunner,iwn.. Brunie), SchnKdcr
Assists: Pres/.calor' Ritchie, Shanrltlrl Bae)
t2). Kristen Reschke. Kelsey O'Rourke
(:oahender: Leah Mudge
March x - playoff game «2
Exeter '13' 5 at St Marys l
Duals: Stcaan 141. Tnninernians
Assists: Reschke (2). Ritchie. Rita Kemp.
• O'Rourke. Amber Cald%ell
Goaltender: Mudge •
Exeter won the series 22.11-
Next game: March 12. 7:50 p it) 0)
Mitchell. finals hest 2 oft
March 7 . playoff game
Exeter ()yttrium '(" 1+ vs Godench 3
Goals: Cassandra Morriss): % (2). Amanda
Overholt (21. Laura Parsons. Theresa
Gallagher. Frances VanOss. Michelle Gaiser
Assists: Gallagher(21..Christrna
Sommerville. VanOss (2). Gaiser (21. Jaci
Marshall. Bonney Foster. Ashley
Desjardute, Sarah Watson
Goaltender, Holly Fiero
Shots on goal; Exeter 32. Goderrch 20
The Petite 'C' advance to the "C' Huron
Perth finals against Stratford. game I at
Stratford -yesterday alter press. game 2 at
Hensall March 22
-March 4 - Huron -Perth 'AA' 2 vs Seaforth
Belle 'A' 5
Goals: Kelly Miners. Jessica Buerstna
Assists: Jennifer Bradley. Megan
Preszcatur, Denise Ritchie
March 7 • Huron -Penh 'AA' 6 vs. Ajax I
Goals: Buersina (3). Miners (2), Ritchie
Assist: Boersma. Pain Gibson (3). Bradley.
Kendra Mudge (2)
March 8 - Huron -Perth 'AA' 11 vs. Brey-
Bruce 4
(:oats: Miners (3), Boersrna (3), Ashley
Gooch (3). Heather Morgan. Bradley
Assists: Miners. Boenrna. Gooch. Bradley,
Tiffany Orenchuk (2). Gibson (2). Bnttney
Caldwell (2), Ritchie (3). Jennifer Griffin
(2). Mudge. Pres/calor
Page 15
Take it...if you can
You can't have It. Exeter Petite 'C' •ringette player Francis
Van Oss, right, guards th,e ring from .a Goderich defender,
during their third and final playoff series game at Hensall
Arena on Sunday. Exeter won 8-3 and• -advances to the 'C'
Huron -Perth finals versus.' Stratford. - Game one was played.
yesterday .at Stratford after press and game two is_ .at Hen-
sall on March 22. For more details` on'the petites, see Rin:
gette elsewhere in sports, (photo/Kate-Monk)
Panther badminton
starts on high note
WALKERTON. - The South
Huron District High School had -
Minton' team won the tears -eham-
piimship at :the Walkerton• tourna-
ment last week.
The Panthers finished with 54
points '
ints on the (lav:. tops among -all
school.. Points' were awarded •in
this. fashion: five tit a single/pair
-winning a semi-final. seven for- los-
ing the final arid 10 for winning the
final. -.
South- Huron• competitors made.
all 10 semis with two_ sets of
players losing in the finals.
Of note. Krista Tuininga, and
Chcrisse' Knip lost their tumor girls
doubles final two game. to cine.
"This was a tremendous feat for
their, first tournament of the year."
coach Mike Soldan said, The
team': other coach is Phil C'onlcY.
Soldan had this for those un-
initiated witlr..hadnunion: ',Badmin-
ton Is a tremendous • personal game -
in which voti:-.arc challenged. by •
your opponent. You can't rely un
Someone else. It's niit tike other •
games where. -you an 'tee' the hirci `
it: you. arc- being .pressed and you
run the bird 0411 o1 hounds." •
Senior team members: tan Beck-
er. Julie Coleman. Ryan Morrison. .
- Nathan• Zimmerman. -Jen Rcgicr.-
Arlenc Inklahana_ Lori Richardson
and Steve' Farquhar: junior team
members: Tutnmga. Knip. Lance
Pfaff. Artianda Rtchhcr.-Aran- Beat-
tie. Craig Overholt. -Sarah Work-
man and Tom-Phoutharath.
Thursday, March 12 7-9 p.m.
Saturday, March 1410 -12 noon
Cost • T ball 515.00 • Other Teams $25.00 for first two;
$10.00 for each additional child
Age groupings will be enforced
Coaches needed
Please hand in any uniforms
4.a ai.
On Instock
Clothing & Accessories
Playoff hockey
at it's best
Exeter Junior D Hawks vs.
Fri., Mar. 13 8:30 p.m.
in Seaforth
Sun., Mar. 15 8:30 p.m.
In Exeter
Tues., Mar. 17 8:15 p.m.
In Seaforth