HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-03-11, Page 120
Paste 12 Tin,('. -Advocate, March 11, 1998
Costumes everyone!
Magical performance.. Ashler Masse, at left. and Amy
Masse. take part in a'dress rehearsal for Cinemagic on
Monday afternoon. Show times are • at 7:30' p,m. from
Wednesday to Friday at St. Bonifce School. Contact Te-
resa Van Raav at 237-3255 for rriore"information.
explain their work
in New Guinea
RRtiC I4FIEl.1) • Misstnns w;I:
' the theme at the Youth for Christ
ralh at Huron Centennial achool •
on March 7 -
have and Deb Ridges -and f1nt1-
h spoke. about .ihcir v ork in Papua.
Ness Guinea. They Showed a slide
presentation of how dies had to
learn -the I;ui,gua ie.'bu'ild their
pluses and an air .trip for landing
in,thr {un11r, These people are 'cry'
anxiinas for Ini'sloil'arlc� Its CO1Tl
anct'teach them the.' gospel message'
heF and I)ase and` their live "girls
• have heel -in Papua. Ncw Guinness
-tor ty c years Tefey are now on a
, One year fu.rinurh and will he
tcturning in July 1y9S.•
The Praise Band. under the lead- '
crship or Kevin titeckle trop) the
Zurich Mennonite Church. opened
the meeting by leading the group to
severalchoruses •
, Rob Steckle conducted the bible
qui/ taken iron; Proycrhs 5
- Gr,dcrich: Centralis ant+ 7anch,par .
The •next'rallwill feature Bills
Grahams ne Jilin "The Ride"" on'
April 4 Es cry one is iselconte
Dining for
EXETER Keyboard player: for
the month ai Dining Inn Seniors
were lean Hodgen. Maxine St:rcda.
Josie Rv.. kntan. and Wilma Das is
hehruary .•._Heather Neil. a regis-
tered orthrpedic nurse. Irons "Neill
Consulting Scrynces— tit Aonuika
gays a very intormatiyc present.r-
tnon on torn replacement surgery
and answered ,several questions re-
garding the different types of arthn-
us and it's complications Fehruar
II was celebrated with a Valen-
tine's theme The "Rivers less Ram-
blers'" danced to several lively
tunes and challenged the diners -to
take part Ruth Brock ent}rt.uited
with .an amusing qui/ and Ruth Ar-.
shun Lays a pleasing reading. The
jells hcali contest w;rs wore Josie
i•ebruary 17. students Iron1 Pre -
anus Blond School were warmly _
wckonlet] as they spoke on a vatic:
-ty of interesting topics. The stu-
dents . enjoyed a treat afterwards.
February 24. Ephram Gingerich re-
cited a touching poerii called "A
Slaves Ureant••" by Longfellow
and other selections by Byron. He
also initiated a rousing sing song 01
enjoyable old favunues. Sympathy
cards were signed for the families
of: Mildred 7•honrson and Marjorie
Dyckman. Cards of sympathy -were
also sent to Helen Broderick and
Don Jolly.
Draw prize winners for the month
were: Doris Anderson. Elsie Jory.
Helen Hindle. Helen Broderick.
Erma Dohnndt. Bill Davis. Marten
Andrews. Lorne Porter. Mabel
Stanlake. Phyllis Case. Ruth Brock.
Georgina Engler. Mary Neil. Marie
Bugyra. Ruth Skinner.
Birthdays celebrated for February
were Lousic Carson and Marion
-`Madagascar' .. .
topic. at World Day .
of Prayer service
Roberta Templeman .
Stec correspondent
STAFFA - Hibbert United
Church womgn joined with the
Cromarty Presbyterian women
on Friday afternoon for the
World Day.of Prayer service.
The 'service was on
Madagascar, the great red
island. which lies in the Indian
Ocean, just off the southeast
.coast of Africa.
Women from both churches
participated in the service.
Special music was enjoyed by
Mary Lou O'Keefe and Cathie
Elliott singing a duct accompa-
nied by Betty. Lou Norris on the
piano. -
Guest speaker for the after-
noon was Irene .Richardson,
whose topic was "Who is My.
Neighbour? She spoke about
the economy," industries. health
care etc. of Madagasy .people
and their hope for improved
conditions. -
Following the service a -social
hour was enjoyed.
A Targe crowd attended `the
50th anniversary party for John
and Roberta Templeman held at
the community centre in
Mitchell on Saturday evening.
Auxiliary' presents program for flue Wafter seniors
ZURICH - The Monday after-
noon movie at Blue Water Rest
Home was entitled "Whales of
August" and starred • Betty Davis
and Lillian- Gish. At noon tenants
of Maplewoods Apartments
enjoyed a roaxf chicken breast din-
notr served with potatoes. carrots,
parsnips, lettuce and jello salads
and topped off with rhubarb and
. strawberry crisp. Auxiliary- presi-
dent:Martha Risi volunteered to
serve apartment tenants• Ve.rda
Baechler, Vera • Shantz, 'Reta
Snyder, • Meda O'Brien. lla
O'Rourke, Ira Neeh, Helen and
Lloyd Ottcrbcin, Mary Dickinson.
and Anna Erb. •
Tuesday afternoon Rev. Gani
Lataro. Dashwood/Zurich United
Church led Bible Study in the.
chapel. Residents Muriel. and
Robert Carson celebrated 25 'years.
of marriage in the auditorium with
congratulations from the residents
and friends" Everyone dined on
anniversary cake and refreshments
and perused the Carson's wedding
'album and recent photos. Muriel
and Robert lived in -the Grand Bend
area before becoming residents in
the last twii to three years. Muriel
was an active member of the Grand
Cove Singers and her fellow choir
menibers come at.:least once each
year to sing for her. -
Tuesday evening 'the Auxiliary
visited the home under the leader-•
ship of Cecilia Farwell and her
committee of Joyce Brisson:
Theresa Stark and " Marie
Denomme. Farwell read "Old is
Wonderful", Jenna McKinnon gave
her prize winning speech "The
Oklahoma Bombing", Joyce Pepper
was pianist, Clare -Masse and
.Andrew Rau played guitar and
Doug Insley played the steel guitar
and•mouth organ. After the musical
program everyone enjoyed a wide
selection of. homemade tarts pre-
pared and served by Mary -Lou Erb.
"Ina Neeh, Mary Ducharme and
Maria Mathonia.
Evangelist Arnold Gratton;
Gospel Hall, Grand Bend conduct-
ed Thursday afternoon Chapel
'Service with the assistance of his
Wife as organist. Fr. Matthias
Wronski, St: Boniface Church.
Zurich celebrated Mass. Friday
afternoon Art Coker played modern
organ music in" the chapel for the
residents. -
Sunday.'morning, the Zurich
Mennonite Junior Sunday School
singers entertained the residents
under the direction of Carol
Stccklc: Anneka and Amanda Zchr,
Kyle. Jason and Krystle Gingcrich,
and Brent Steckle played piano
solos. and Pamela Hamilton and
Janelle-Crossman sang: -
Sunday afternoon the Family
Heritage Singers under the leader-
ship of Ben Gardiner. pianist Albert
Gratton and organizer Bob Brown
sang gospel music for the residents.
Hubert Gratton and Buzz Brown
were also members of the group
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who sang.
Best wishes to Harold •(Scotty)
Fox who is a patient at University
Hospital, London. His wife Mae, a
resident at the home, is missing her:
better half.
Best wishes to Duward
McAdams who returns home short-
ly.. from hospital. Duward delivers
mail to.the rest home and apartment
complexes under contract by the
Canada Post and the Home. During
his recent health problems family
members are carrying out his duties
and the mail is still delivered on
Condolences to the family and
friends of the late Rose Janet
Merner who passed away at Blue
Water on March 6 in her 75th year.
She was a resident of the -home the
past five years and was well known
in the area as the woman with the
scooter and the woman on the hack
of her son Tom's motorbike.
The residents look forward to an
afternoon tea on March 1 1 with the
theme of Johnny Appleseed's birth-
day. A birthday party with the
Crediton Women's Institute is
'scheduled- for March 18, Max
Ducharme and The Townliners
March 19, Art Coker March 20 and
of course the Resident/Staff St.
Patrick's Day potluck supper on
March 17 with entertainment by
Gladys VanEgmond and The Merry
Makers in the afternoon.
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