Times Advocate, 1998-03-11, Page 1Commissioner explains new assessment figures' ope ty wners hot know how reassessment will affect their taxes until the province, county and municipalities .set the 1998 tax rates Morgan. promised Huron . Coo nty property owners will not' see big differences. from the reassessment process since property assessments have been updated several times: •"Southwestern Ontario is rel- atively up-to-date." he said. adding Toronto's.assessment figures are up to 50 years old. EXETER - The property assess- ment road show pulled imo town last Wednesday night. The'assessment commissioner for Huron and Perth counties. Gerald Morgan went through the changes to the property assessment and tax- ation systems as well as re- assessment.' SEIP'S valu-mart 4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262 Film Developing 4.9924 roll Taxpayers in .Toronto will see drastic increases depending on .when their indi\idual properties were Iasi assessed Althrxtgh property owners have received their assessment notices in the mail. they will not know the dollar figure they'll need to pay in 199R until May at the eancest. Mu- nicipalities. will, not receive the as- sessment figures from the.privince until April 30. Based on these fig- ures, heal • gowenmments will de- termine the tax rate they will need to set to generate the necessary rev- .enue. The education tax rate is set by the province and is multiplied by the current value assessment to cal- culate education property taxes. The sum of the education and mu- nicipal property taxes is your total property tax. - The property asscssitmeni reform is 'one of the reconumeirdations, made shy the 'Who .Does What' panel with the goal of consistent .property assessment across the pro ince and 'frequently updated 'Values. . Morgan explained five key com- ponenfs to the new I.egislatit►n. 1. June 10. 1996 has been iden- tified.as the commmon assessment valuation date for all municipal - '•-( \ir�i, l vowl it Continued on page 2 . SEIP'S virtu -mart 4 & 83. Exeter 235-0262 1 Mside Lake Huron bacteria See page 2 ' Lucan budget talks See page 3 Exeter fair plans /See page 11 The winter that almost wasn't See Crossroads Second front Council gives draft approval to Taylor subdiviSibn EX1TER _ Council has yen' ap- proval for another- subdiif kion to proceed in Exeter. Last Monda\ night. Exeter/Coon- , cil xctcr./Coun- cil recommended stage two 01 the Traylor Subdivision to Huron Count \ Council. The subdivision is loyatcd hctwccn Edward Street and .•Prvdc Boulevard in Exeter: Stare • two includes 2K townhouse units in seven hlcicks. Exeter administrator Rick Hun- dey told council the development • cirnforhis with txetcr's official ' plan. has hccn zoned appropriate! . is provided with road.acccss and scrvicing,capacrty Is available. The subdivision was approved b� the previous courted three wears ago but needed/to tic approved by the new council • A big farming thank you Honored to be honored. Ex- eter Agricultural Society member Dolores Shapton, left. presents •Mary Kenney an Agricultural Service Di- ploma for, her many years of volunteer service in Exet- er area farming circles. Kenney has: served on the Exeter Fair Board since .1980, has been a 4H .leader for over 15 years and is a life member of the Creditor) Women's institute just to name a few of her involvements. Wednesday. March 11, 1998 Bowl for millions Tallying up. South Huron Big. Brothers/Big Sisters Executive Director Dianne Beach and Fund- raising Chairman Jim Chapman count up the $3.500 raised at the Bowl for Millions at the Zurich Town and Country .Bowling Lanes. The fig- ure will increase as more pledges are collected.. Left, .gig Sister Nancy Moore gave her Little Sister Lisa some bowling tips Sunday afternoon at the bowlathon. Agent for Sketchley Dry Cleaners (93C 4 7C G.S r.) ONE DOLLAR Grand Bend supports casino A location will be chosen for the proposed charity gaming club pending final approval By Brenda Burke kcpv, tc, (IRANI) BENi) . Atter six years of dealing with the issue. Grand - Bend may finally have a charity ca- 51110 ---- lila\he es en as soon as sunu»cr - Unanimously- echoing support of residents who voted last month in an opinion poll. Council supported the casino hands down. at its Mon- day night meeting. At least 58...per cent of residents who sated favored a casino - - a .curt-ising turnaround considering -57 pct cent rejected the idea in No- wenobcr • that \ ole w as recorded w hen casino plans Were .till up in the air. The most 1'c,.011 \ otc 104 place following a well -attended in,- tonnation session presented in Feb- ruary by Michael Mandel. pres- ident and CH) of Fundtnnc., a Toronto tint) eager to operate the .Another kcy difference between votes is the 1act'nmorc residents vol.- ed. ot-ed. (5R per cent} in February in comparison. to- 33- per .cent in the -fall. "We let the -people- decide and the\ have done so emphaiicalh_ said ('our: tllor Boh Mann "I strongly support the results of the poll," • said Mayor. Cant key: speaking to council at its meeting wit telephone from Barbados. "11 'sas,thcrc. 1 ould alsvte for it \\'bile c•0tn\ctorted s o htheoFact 1iruow residents voted' on the casino. he is disappointed the issue has divided people "between '\C.' and.'no',. While all councillors cleaih sup-. port the casino. riling a positive I'i- nanc ial spin -n11 tn the community. a ntentteer of the gallery was not Con- \ freed. Steph:lnrc 17onalds0n. of nearby Oakwood Park. olfered..t re port to rot'mcil she said represents - "the concerns of many who. are not here." 1)unaktson claims most work ,gen-. .crated by, the casino would consist 01 .part -tune. mininuml ssage _fobs. She is worried alrout'parking space,. the, growth potential of the t.icilit‘ and possible social proble ms..She \\ ishc's 1=undtipie's report was niurc specific and wonders w here the rev- enue w lot really end up. "Who will decide where and how that money is sent''" she enquired. Apparently Iocal,charities and the"' government will split the pot. Ae-. cording to; Mandel. charities could cxpc:t between 1000.000 to $360,(100 per year. • • Fundtinle may seek an existing' building for the ,facility. which. would' cinploy nearly .2(H) people from April to October and generate 52250Hra year fro; ► video loltery terminals. , lit the nieantime: a tctmpdrary ca sono- facility will he constructed and ichlaccd,hv a,permanrnt char icy casino h_V newt year. Fundunte claims the permanent ,casino ni.is be, a 12.1)1)0 to 15.01H) sytrare hsit facility holding up to , 150 video lottery terminals. 20 gaming rabies and supplying 1(x1 parking places.. , ..We plan on blending in with the Coninuulity. We are not a big Com- mercial Casino.iaiideI told thc 1- i last month' Ile added the 'imposed gaining club yvouht he'll) per cent the site 01 a regular si/cd casino and would nntially ' operate. • sis , to seven months of the year. although it would have the potential to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Councils in Stratford and London have turned down casinos. As well. Sarnia is expected to 1 rte later this month on whether or not to allow a -permanent casino. Exeter wants options left open for Morrison The Town of Exeter and the PUC are re-examining their decision to pull ' out of the agreement to use water from the Morrison reservoir By Kate Monk T-A.Reporter USBORNE TOWNSHIP - The partners returned to the tahlc last• Wednesday to. dis. uss the future of Morrison Dam Although the pcoplc were the same. the messages were different Exeter is no longer certain it dr,csn't want water from Morrison Dam fhe issue goes hack to early f 9Q7 w hen the Town Of Ex- eicr and the Public Utilities Comn`ussion told the Ausahlc- Hayfield Conservation Authority,. owners of the dam and conservation area..they no longer .needed . the Morrison water supply and would not continue their financial suppon Thc- LaI e Huron water supply was to he used on - stead The -ABCA invited Exeter Council and the PUC to attend meetings to discuss -fu- ture options for the dam and conser\atu,n area hut they refused to attend stating their commitment was finished. The dam was completed in 1958 and a 40 -year • agreement was established on March 4. 1957 between the Town of Exet- er. Exeter PUC and the Ausahlc River CA to supply water for the canning factory in Exeter. An agreement between Ushorne Township and the ARCA dealt with the road over the dam which Ushorne continues to support Annual maintenance costs for the darn were estimated at about $2.000. Under the hnstoncal agreement. the PUC picked up 45 per cent of the costs. The province paid 50 per cent and the ABCA picked up the retraining five per cent. ` .This amount is separate from thc costs of maintaining the recreation pan. of .Morrison Dam 'Conservation •Area. Us - borne Township pays for the road maintenance. With the town of Exeter withdrawing Its financial con- tributions to the maintenance of Morrison Dam. the ABCA- and all w atcrshed residents have been left with the tab. , Now ;the Town and PUC want their options left open for a possible agreement until they pre sure the river water sup- ply is no longer. needed: The Town has told the ABCA the PUC will pay the 19.97, maintenance hill hut the Town has not committed to the 1998 costs. At last Wednesday •s meeting. the ABCA put pressure on Exeter to make a decision. ABCA administrator Tom Prout told representatives from Exeter the.-ABCA's position hasn't changed and it. would like Exeter to be a •partner. However. Prout also said other parties arc interested in the water. He •said Suntastic is one 9f the parties hut , wouldn't reveal who else was interested in buying the water. "We're sitting here with other people who would like the water and are willing to pay .-.Prout said. Huntley said the Town has asked B.M. Ross and As- sociates to look at the town's water supply. the possibility of•returning the "river water to the inventory and other op- tiohs. Hundey said the legal opinions on the status. of the water permit and the agreement arc still pending. The payment of the 1997 invoice was a "stop gap while issues are being worked out." Prout said if the Town agreed to be a partner it1 thc '98 expenses. the ABCA would not investigate other Options. • Exeter Mayor Ben 1 -lo genboom said Suntastic told coun-• cil they had concerns with the'yuality of the reservoir wa- ter. Prout replied those concerns need to be investigated be - "W'e're sitting here with other people who would like the water and are willing t0 pay. • "Wer data b to int de fore closing the door: "Without knowing if you're (Exeter) a partner for '98 it leaves the door open. Prout said Reeve Roy Triehner said he was not speaking for council but he didn't' see a ibrohlcrn for '98'until "wc get our house in order." Hoogenboom said he didn't realize the ABCA needed as- surance of Exeter's commitment hut that a decision would be made this month. Gore'. Strang. the A$CA's chairman said Exeterhad giv- en the ABCA a firm answer they didn't want,the water from Morrison but the conservation authority was willing to allow the town to reconsider its position. Strang also said the ABCA wants to have more than a one-year agreement for the water. Hoogenhoorn said they needed thc en- gineer's report before they make any decisions. "WC need the data before us 10 make an'in- telligent decision." he said: Prout said there may be options for more partners to get involved to "benefit financially and otherwise." - Ushornc Councillor 13rian Hardcman re- ported Ushornc's position has not changed. "We're very happy with the way the agreement is going and would like it to continue. We don't see how we can go with any more." he said with respect to the township's fi- nancial contribution. Harucman said Osborne would like recreation and dant costs separated. Thc formation of a 'Friends of the Exeter Morrison Cor- ridor' group was also discussed. Peter Raymond, repre- senting the Exeter Lions Club. will head up thc group. The Ausahle Bayfield Conservation Foundation has also ex- pressed suppon for the project. teed the efore us take an elligent cision. " People have been "oohing and ahhing" over our floor Nowyou canget 20% -50%m el r lx of models to s months. Now they're on sale �..., Fine Furniture & Window Fashions 467 Main St. Exeter 235-0173 the floor models that people have been "oohing" and "ahhing" over for months. Because we've marked down almost everything to make room for all or our new sofas and chairs (leather and fabric), tables, dining rooms, bedding and accessories. You get the picture (hey, wig sell those, too). But hurry. The sale only lasts until the good stuff is gone. •