HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-25, Page 21Page 20 Times -Advocate, February 25, 1998 CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID. 9c1� trill no( lu Iitnllr r1 until it'' 111 of rry r Itrrf It11'1 I( 1 )(1111,' Ili 1,11 ).ii -(%OO r nt.t11: 1,1 t•t't1\.t 11111 Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 1)I-,\I)I IN I S: Mc)NI)iVt'S .1 I'.N1. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our $11 Super Ad• Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge * FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY * ONE ITEM PER AD * Private non-commercial ads only * All Super Ads must be prepaid OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 r .m. 4 Help Wanted PART TIM); A\11 1'1'1.1 '11MF retail and filet developing crc Apply in your own hand writing. Mail to Jervis Photo Inc. P.O. Box 1840, Ixctcr, (In. NOM ISO. (8-10c) PART -TIMI: RPN required tor Retirement Home lot maternity' leave. Please send resunw to Queensway Retirement Home. Att. Kim Mostrcy before Fehniary 28/98. (09c) KA"! ICS ('LOSiT-('ANADIAN Ladies Fashions, Sales and Management Opportunities. Training provided. own hours. Have fun' ('all 519-284-1875. (0)•) Kirkton-Woodham Pool 11 Invites applicants for... 14 14 14 Supervisor i 14 Assistant Supervisor 14 ii 54 Instructor/Lifeguards 54 14 Instructor/Lifeguards "In ii ii training" ii ii for 1998 season- 14 14 ►' 14 ►►' Please submit resume to: 4 14 Lisa DenOtter , ►4 RR #1, Woodham Ont. ►4 454 NOK 2A0 14 1 ii 229-6730 ke ii by March 1, 1998 ii ii Interviews on Mar.19 & 21 ii ►' .i CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.63 2 insertions $16.05, 3 insertions $21.47. Additional 15e charge for each word over maximum. NOTICES: 30 words (births, deaths, announcements, coming events. me- moriams). (Cards of thanks 10e each word over maximum). 1 insertion $11.77 2 insertions $23.54 3 insertions No charge • Classified Ads must be prepaid. Ads will not be printed until pay- ment received'. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50. GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per . column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Advemsrng ,n the Tenes-Advocate is accepted on condi ion th81 n the event of a typogrape cat error. that portion of the advertising space occu- pied by the erroneous nem together with reason- able allowance for signature. will be re -run in e subsequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance o1 the advertisement will be Paid for at an appbcabte rate in the event of a typograph cal error advertising goods or services ata wrong price. goods or services may not be solo Advertisng is an offer to Sen and may be *indrawn at any time Any errors must be ac- knowledged within seven days of pubkcalion The Times -Advocate reserves the privilege of re- vising or rejecting advertisements that 4 consid- ers objectionable and to change the clastificat.on of any advertisement from that ordered to con- form to the pobcy of this newspaper Contents are protected by copyright Reproduction of any material without the permission of the publisher rs lorbdden Advertisers purchase space and Circulation only Alt rights to any advertisements produced by the Tortes -Advocate. using artwork. typography or photographs arranged for by me newspaper shall be this property of the Toes -Advocate No such ad o' any pert thereof may be reproduced or MI- 119r,e0 witlwul written consent of the Times • Advocate STATEMENT OF POLICY The Toys -Advocate o nol responsible for errors in adtMiaementa not submitted in legible tom, nit for mora then a sin 'tertian of that adwrtiwmam. ® Phone to 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 • - Il. VIES - WORD ADS -20 word maximum 1 insertion 2 insertions 3 insertions $9.63 $16.05 $21.47 Additional I50 charge for each word over maximum NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Births. Deaths. Announcements, Corning Events. Memorinms, Cards of Thanks) 1 insertion 2 insertions 3 insertions $11.77 $23.54 No Charge Additional 15e . harp fox each word over masimuni • CLASSIFIEDS AI)S MUST BE PREPAID ADS W11.1. NOT BE PRINTED UNTII. PAYMENT IS RECEIVED Dorderlxd & Monthly Ads Rates available on request PAYMENT ('ash. Cheque (with identification). • Money Order, Visa and Mastercard aw are accepted • PLEASE ('HECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IT IS CORRECT 4 Help Wanted The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. 235-1331 I) ()I' I)I',I( I ()IZM ► Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! • NAME ADDRESS ti PHONE. METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa MasterCard Cheque CREDIT CARD NO Expiry SIGNATURE DATES TO RUN. 4 Help Wanted Part time Office Position • Accounts payable • Accounts receivable • General Office Duties Salary commensurate with experience. Apply to Box 88P, c/o Times Advocate, P.O. Box 850, Exeter Ont. NOM 150 zzzzzzzzu PHOENIX OF HURON SECOND STAGE HOUSING currently has openings on their BOARD OF DIRECTORS Interested individuals should call to request an application form. 482-5288 Phoenix of Huron is a Non-profit agency (hat provides rent - geared -to -income housing to women and children that are victims of family violence. ROGATOR OPERATOR We are a multi -branch corporation with a strong market position in the agricultural industry. We are currently accepting applications for a ROGATOR OPERATOR at our Granton location. Duties and responsibilities include the custom spraying of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides; operation and preventative maintenance of the sprayer; and the operation of elevator equipment and machinery. The ideal candidate will have an agncultural background and grade 12 education with two years spraying/ machinery experience. Possession of. or the ability to obtain an "AZ" drivers license and Land Exterminators licenses 5 & 6, are essential. Personal qualities include the ability to) work with minimum supervision. and a willingness to work extensive overtime dunng the - busy seasons. • If you would like to build a future with a stable and growing organization that encourages their employees to grow professionally and personally, please forward your resume to: Human Resources Department W. G. Thompson & Sons Limited P.O. Box 250, 122 George Street Blenheim, Ontano NOP IAO Fax (519) 676-3185 A family owned, all Canadian company COMMITTED TO EMPLOYMENT EQUITY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY requires a GENERAL OFFICE CLERK This is a temporary contract position Qualifications; 1: Computer experience an asset 2. Bookkeeping knowledge 3. Municipal experience an asset 4. Good Communication skills. A complete job description is available at the Township office. Remuneration will be based upon qualifications of applicant. Please submit a confidential resume to the undersigned by: 12:00 NOON March 6, 1998 Mrs. Ansberth Willert, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Stanley, R.R. #1 Varna, ON NOM 2R0 We thank all applicants, but only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the information gathered will be used only for the purpose of candidate selection. f 6 Services Carole's CLEANING SERVICE I)o you need a little help with your cleaning'' PLEASE CALL 235-4729 llO'I IXX' ('ART FRANCHISE At hest spot in town. Well priced, great stoney maker. 1-800-915-4683. (9-13*) LAWN & GARDEN CARE • SNOWBLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Repairs to all makes and models 20 Years' experience. All Work Guaranteed Contact Wicker Basket 165 Main St. Lucan 227-4158 • s 1 r 21 PoundaltaYed • 4 Helptions Wanes e Wan ' 5 Businessled 6 Services OpportunitiesLivestock i 8 sarm Machinery lZ Carsports , Te Veh. (!b a 13 Muaica/ instruments14 Appliances, Tsis on r 13 e 16 For Sale s 18 wants to Buy r 19 e 2a pro party For Sale a 21 Porert)r font r Qent 22 Por Sale or Rent 24 23 Wanted to Rent 25 Notice Wanted ; Legal Notices Sante(; 28 Auction les 29 Yard and Garage Sales ► ► 6 Services 6 Services FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motet Generator Sales l.td. Reliability since 1936 ['hone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) 111F: ANTIQUE WATCH AND ('LOCK SPECIALIST - Docs professional repairs to watches arid cocks. Free estimates to repair grandfatcr clocks. Call Ruth Arnhold. 7599 Gillespie, Port Franks. Phone 243.1130. (3(8fn) STEREO SURROUND INSTALLATIONS • Provoke houses • Repair Problems • Troubleshooting* Rewire and more existing systems - (Pre professional hones) advice on 'fading your Surround Sound Hone'Theatre System Call after- 6:30 p.m. 235-4525 MIKE'S ELECTRONIC REPAIR Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Call Jeff McCann' 237-3531 MORTGAGE LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE • PURCHASES • RENOVATIONS • DEBT CONSOLIDATIONS * Difficult Situations Welcomed* CALL 668-7788 - MTM Realt Services Computing & Ifir Consulting SAVE HUNDREDS OF $$$ Don't Dispose of your 386! Upgrade to Pentium SPEED for as little as $549.95 - Price includes 32MB Ram & Case Work Performed By A Certified Microsoft Technician PHONE 235-2136 TODAY STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SINCE 1971. LUCAN. ONT. Florida rooms, build & = `- design additions, windows, roof coatings, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows r FREE ESTIMATES (519) 227-4033 TELEPHONE - TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewlre houses - Repair wiring - Install Jacks for phones - modems - Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 Q1iAI.I1Y PHOTO F•1NISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St Exeter 235-1612. (3tfn) SCRAPPER JOH RECYCLING ND WAREHOUSE DiSPOSAL New and Used Bulldlnl, Material anted: Old Brick Houses, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! CaII office 235-4614 Res. 235-1662 MIK tr)FCNeed Help with a omputer,Problem? I can Help! am fully qualified and no problem is too difficult to fix. Call Jeff Denys LA,at 263-5060 j 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1987 SKI -DOD MXLT good condition. New track. bearings, runs good. S1.875. Call John at 284-4656, St. Marys. (7-9sa) 1997 ARCTIC CAT Z-440 with cover. 4000 miles, reverse, excellent condition, S4495. obo. 1995 lnton lite 8xI0 aluminum snowmobile trailer. dexter axle. spare wheel, lift kit, tongue and lack low miles, 51175. obo. Call 284-3034. (8,9sa) 1998 SKI DO() - Formula 500 Deluxe. Brand new - neva used, full warranty. Total package with GST and PST was 58853.85. Your total price 56500 including taxes. Save 52353.85. Call 262-2218. (9,10•1 11 Cars, Trucks i WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars, trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, Paul's .Auto Marine, 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter. 235-3922. (I6tfn) 1996 BUICK RIVIERA • Fully equipped with leather seats, sunroof, 3.8 litre V6 engine, all power equipped. GM anti -theft equipped. GM warranty and roadside assistance to 80,000 km. Only 24,000 km. immaculate condition. 529,997. 284-2677. (03-09sa) 1982 OLDS CUTLASS - Needs brakes and back wheel cylinders. As is. 1972 Dodge Charger as is a best offer. Call 225-2609. (5-9sa) 92 DODGE - 250LF Ram truck Cummings diesel, cub cab. 120,000 km - 5th wheel. Extra diesel tanks, very clean. 514,500 certified. Call 262-2218. (9,10•) TOP DOLLAR PAID for older cars, trucks, scrap, etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections . 535.00. Autorepairs. (I4tfn) 12 Pets r#CFETW 235 -DOGS 647 a CORBETT & YOUNG INC. Providing all types of excavating and trucking services in the area for over 45 years. Excavation of house foundations and farm buildings Complete servicing of lots Grading, leveling, clean-up work Certified installer of the Waterloo Biofilter and all types of septic systems Free estimates provided, give us a call! Jeff Young - (519) 293-3002 Aliso Craig TELEPHONE - TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewlre houses - Repair wiring - Install Jacks for phones - modems - Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 Q1iAI.I1Y PHOTO F•1NISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St Exeter 235-1612. (3tfn) SCRAPPER JOH RECYCLING ND WAREHOUSE DiSPOSAL New and Used Bulldlnl, Material anted: Old Brick Houses, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! CaII office 235-4614 Res. 235-1662 MIK tr)FCNeed Help with a omputer,Problem? I can Help! am fully qualified and no problem is too difficult to fix. Call Jeff Denys LA,at 263-5060 j 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1987 SKI -DOD MXLT good condition. New track. bearings, runs good. S1.875. Call John at 284-4656, St. Marys. (7-9sa) 1997 ARCTIC CAT Z-440 with cover. 4000 miles, reverse, excellent condition, S4495. obo. 1995 lnton lite 8xI0 aluminum snowmobile trailer. dexter axle. spare wheel, lift kit, tongue and lack low miles, 51175. obo. Call 284-3034. (8,9sa) 1998 SKI DO() - Formula 500 Deluxe. Brand new - neva used, full warranty. Total package with GST and PST was 58853.85. Your total price 56500 including taxes. Save 52353.85. Call 262-2218. (9,10•1 11 Cars, Trucks i WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars, trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, Paul's .Auto Marine, 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter. 235-3922. (I6tfn) 1996 BUICK RIVIERA • Fully equipped with leather seats, sunroof, 3.8 litre V6 engine, all power equipped. GM anti -theft equipped. GM warranty and roadside assistance to 80,000 km. Only 24,000 km. immaculate condition. 529,997. 284-2677. (03-09sa) 1982 OLDS CUTLASS - Needs brakes and back wheel cylinders. As is. 1972 Dodge Charger as is a best offer. Call 225-2609. (5-9sa) 92 DODGE - 250LF Ram truck Cummings diesel, cub cab. 120,000 km - 5th wheel. Extra diesel tanks, very clean. 514,500 certified. Call 262-2218. (9,10•) TOP DOLLAR PAID for older cars, trucks, scrap, etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections . 535.00. Autorepairs. (I4tfn) 12 Pets r#CFETW 235 -DOGS 647 a