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Times -Advocate, February 25, 1998
Zurich bantams win zone finals
10 and under
by Ron Dann,
Ron Dann
Zurich Town and
Country's Youth
Bowling Council
(YBC) bantam (age
boys team, coached
won the Bluewater
(Meaford to Zurich area) YBC Four
Steps to Stardom Zone finals title
Sunday in a five -game rolloff
against 1 1 other teams at Clinton
Crown lanes.
Tenyear old Brian Ford set the
pace for the Zurich bantam teats
with a 865 pintail, including a 240
gaine. while Corey Ducharmc, 10,
Kevin 1ucharme, 9. Chris Regier,
8. and Brent Ducharme, 8, added
762(200).705,665 and 600 scores
respectively as the boys howled
31 2 pins above their combined
team average in a great total team
elf ort. The team's pintail score was
3,597, as Zurich finished 119 pins
ahead of second place Goderich.
The winning team, Zurich Town
and Country's first ever, now
advance to the third step Southern
Ontario championships March 22 at
In other team action Goderich
won the bantam girls and junior
boys titles while Port Elgin, Owen
Sound and Walkerton took the
junior girls, senior girls and senior
boys titles respectively.
Feagan prepares for Open with
perfect game
Bluewater 5 -Pin Bowlers'
Association's Glen Feagan rolled a
perfect 450 game last week at
Clinton lanes while preparing for
the Ontario Five -Pin Bowlers'
Association (O.F.P.B.A.) Ontario
Open for the Sidney L. Morris
Awards April 8 to 11 at Hamilton.
As a result, Feagan was inter-
viewed by CKNX Wingham radio.
Bluewater will be presenting a spe-
cial award to Feagan hitt the perfect
game will not he ,.m.:tioned by the
OFPBA as the game was not
howled in league play.
Haugh lire Inc.
265 Thames Rd.
Hwy. #83 East
Call 235-3752
Hensall Minor Hockey
Tyke •
Clinton 0 at Hensall 2
Goals: Brendan Backe, Tins Campbell
Assists: Ryan Rowecliffc. Ben Ilovius,
Jonathan Smalbnan, Michael Collins
Shutout: Aaron Bedard
Next game: Feb. 28. 1 I a.m. in Hensall vs.
Dynamite Novice Girls -
Fchruary 20 - Playoffs (3 of 5)
- Game 2 - Hensall 2 vs. Stephen I
Goals: Ashley Bruxer, Lindsay Allen
Goaltender: Natalie Laporte
Next game: Exhibition game, Feb. 28. 7
pin in Hensall vs. Stratford Atoms; Game 3
playoft:s,.\larch 6, 7 p.m. in Hensall
Legion Peewee
February 16 - Hensall 2 at Clinton 3
Goals: Brian Thompson. Dan Ferguson
Assists: Thompson, Kevin Dickins (2). A.J.
Ferguson `
Goaltender: Travis Shelton
February 21 - Hensall 2 at Clinton 5
Goals: John Jacobs. Dan Moir
Assists: Ferguson, Dickins. Gordis
Goaltender: Brad Young
February 22 - Game 4 of playoffs
Clinton 1 at Hensall 2
Goals: Dickins (2)
Assists: McMorland, Moir, Kevin Ferris
Goaltender: Shelton
Series now tied 2-2 ,
Exeter Minor Hockey
T -Rex Tyke
February 21
Lucan (1 at Exeter 7
Goals:'Jarrett Johns, Paul Christmas (3),
Jordan Hodgins (2). Steven Morgan
Assists: Johns(3). Chnstmas (2). Hodgins.
Hayden Cann. Brent Godkin, Greg
Lovelace. Dustit) Mills. Adair ager, -
Avalon Kerslake. Jordan Skochinski, Mike
Shutout: Brett Overholt
l'yke Little Hawks
February 21
Exeter 6 at Ildcrton 4
•Goals: Lucas Skinner (2). Mitchell
Partridge. Brendan Shapton, Jayden
Iksjardine. ('ole Hackett
Assists: Skinner. M Partridge (2), Shapton
(2); Emmen O'Reilly (2). Brett Warwick.
Kyle Ven. Scott Overholt. Jesse Blanc.
Shawn Simmons
Goaltender: Lee Brintnell
February 22 - Arthur tournament
Game. 1 - Exeter (lots) vs Creemore 0
Goals: Simmons (5), Brintnell (5). Overholt
(4). Hackett (4). Skinner (1). Desjardine (3).
O'Reilly (3L M Partridge (2). Warwick (2).
Shapton (2)
Assists: Summons (12), Bnntncll (4).
Overholt (6). Hackett (4), Skinner (6),
lksjardine (5). Partridge (I I ), Warwick (6),
Shapton (4). Jake Partridge (5). Blanc (3)
Shutout: Jeffrey Penn
Game 2 - Exeter 6 vs. Fergus Red I
Goals: Hackett (2). Skinner, Desjardinc,
Simmons, Shapton
Assists: Skinner, i esjardinc (2). Simmons
(2), M. Partridge, Blane, Brintnell, J.
Partridge. Warwick, O'Reilly
Goaltender: Penn
Game 3 - Exeter 7 vs Fergus 1
Goals: Hackett (2). Skinner (2). Desjardine
(2). Overholt
Assists: Hackett (2).Skinner (2). Desjardine.
Overholt. O'Reilly (3). M. Partridge (2).1.
Partridge. Simmons. Shapton
• Goaltender: Penn
Next game: Fehruary 28 in Exctcr at 1 I :45
crit vs. Thcdford
Senior Tyke
February 10
Exeter 1 at Ildcrton 0
Goal: Jared Green
Assists: Matt Kerslake, Daniel Tordoff
Shutout: Scott Godkin
Team record: 8 W. 10 L, 2 T
The game was dedicated to Blair Parsons
who suffered a broken Icg in hockey prac-
L/M Novice
February 21
Stephen 3 at Exeter
Goal: Justin Dionne
Assists: Ryan Bnntncll, David Raters
Goaltender: Kyle Bryson
Top forward: Justin Dionne
Top defencemen: A.J. Miller
Next game: Feb. 28, 10:45 a.m. al Exeter
Atom AE Nabisco
Fehryary 20
Exeter 5 at Forest 2
-Goals: Brett Hackett, Adam Hayter, Jotdan
Darling (2), Michael Cooper
Assists: Adam Johns. Darling. Hayter. Scott
Loosley, Ben Willis -Leake
February 21
Forest I at Exeter 5
Goals: Hayter (2), Justin Stacey. Darling,
Mark Dietrich
Assists: Darling (2), Dietrich. Loosley (2).
Hayter, Hackett, Chad Taylor
Huron Tractor Peewee
Fehruary 14
C.M O. 3 at Exeter 2
Goals: Steve Mason (2)
February 21
Exeter 3 at Ildcrton 4
Goals: Mason (2), Troy Lavter
L/M Bantam Nabisco
February 21
Exeter 2 vs. Mt. Brydgcs 0
Goals: Curtis Vessic, Caleb Johns
Assists: Mike Kerslake. John Grcgus, Daryl
Weiss, Johns
Goaltender: Chris Desjardine
Fehruary 22 - Exhibition game
Exeter 5 vs. St. Marys 1
Goals: Vessic (2), Weiss. Kerslake, Grcgus
Assists: Ben Rader (4), Johns (2), Dave
Veal. Vessic, Gregus
Goaltender. Desjardine
Shamrock Bantam
February 18 - OMHA playdowns
Game 3 - Dorchester 6 at Exeter 2
Goals: Matt Rowe, Mikc Seip
Assists: Tanner Ingrain (2). Andrew Mayer.
Jared Bourne
Goaltender: Brad MacDonald
Dorchester advances to play Harrow in the
'CC' quarterfinals
Midget AE Lions
February 21 - OMHA quarter finals
Gagne I - Ildcrton 3 at Exeter 6
Goals: Scott Gilftllan, Mikc Wilhelrn, Ryan
Munn (2). Wayne Cole (2)
Assists: Jon Campbell. Andy Frcitcr, Dan
Snell (2). Adam Miller. Greg Young
Goaltender: Jeff Gooch
Game 2 - Exeter 3 al Ildcrton 3
Goals: Campbell, Munn, Frciter
Assists: Munn, Kevin Hogan (2), Jesse
Bergmann. Wilhelm, Brent Hartman
Goaltender: Gooch
intermediate Girls
February 22
Goderich 3 at Exeter 3
Goals: Laura Skinner (2), Kendra Masse
Assists: Sarah Webber (2), Meagan Ralz
(2). Kim Keller, Jodi Truemner
Goaltender: Miranda Hayter
Next game: March 8. London al Exeter, 5
• • • • • • •
Tiny terrors Have a sports tip?
Call the Times -Advocate
1991 - 1998
Tyke power. The Exeter Tyke Little Hawks won the Arthur tournament on the weekend with
wins over Creemore, Fergus Red and Fergus in the final. Front left: Jeff Penn, Stephen
Clarke, Jesse Blanc, Cole Hackett, Kyle Veri, Brendan Shapton; middle left: Jayden Des-
jardine, Mitchell Partridge, Lucas Skinner, Scott Overholt, Eramett O'Rielley, Shawn Sim-
mons, Lee Britnell, Brett Warwick; back left: coach Dave Partridge, trainer Mike Desjardine
and assistant coaches Al Penn and Steve Skinner. Absent is Jake Partridge. For more in-
formation on the tournament and other minor hockey scores, see Minor Hockey. Scoreboard.
Snow Drags
ZURICH - The first annual Pro-
AmateurSnow Drags have been
postponed till March I due to the
milder than normal wet weather.
The races will begin at noon at
Richard Bedard's farni 5 km west
of ZuriFh on Hwy. 84.
Fan admission is $10/adults, stu-
dents two for one with student
cards. $5/seniors andchildren age 5
and under free.
For more information or to regis-
ter your snowmobile, contact Kris
Bedard at (519) 238-6503 (even-
Saturday, March 7, 9:00 - 12:00 noon
Monday, March 9, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Monday, March 9, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Any questions call Rick Vanderlay 235-2566
Cost: $55.00 one child • $100 two children
$130:00 three or more children of the same family
• Proof of age, e.g. birth certificate • Health Card
• Wallet size recent ,photo, to be left for your player card •
Post dated cheque ($20.00) uniform deposit, to be destroyed
in September When uniform is retumed undamaged.
Exeter Junior D
Hawks vs
Mitchell Hawks
Fri., Feb. 27
8:30 p.m.
South Huron
Recreation Centre, Exeter
Sat.. Feb. 28
Exeter Jr. D Hawks
vs Mitchell Hawks
In Mitchell - 8:00 p.m.
Tues., March 3,
Exeter Jr. `Dr Hawks
vs Mitchell Hawks
In Exeter - 8:30 p.m.
(If necessary)
1997-98 "Elimination
Dance Winners"
lst ticket: Matt Sr Fran Roelands
5100. 25th ticket: John & Lisette 550.
50th ticket: Don & Anne Russell 550.
75th ticket: Tim Hamather 550.
100th ticket: Wayne & Lynda
Parkinson 5100. 125th Ticket: Matt
Collings $50. 150th ticket: Nancy
Brown $50. 175th ticket: Ted Van
Rompaey 550. 200th ticket: Matt '
Tuckey $100. 225th ticket: Ron
Cornish $50. 250th ticket: Jeff
Mittleholtz $50. 275th ticket: Rod
Parker $50. 300th ticket: Jim Hearn
$100. 325th ticket: Karen
Sommerville $50. 350th ticket: Cy
Bloomaert $50. 375th ticket: Larry
Hamilton $50. 400th ticket: Mike
Bugyra $100. 425th ticket: Darren
Kints $50. 450th ticket: Janis Dougall
$50: 475th ticket: Steven Coward
$50. 496th ticket: Denise Kints $125.
497th ticket: Gary Lawrence $125.
498th ticket: Leroy Gould $125.
499th ticket: Calista McNaim & Barb
Soldan $125.500th ticket: Christine
Ferguson 51000. Early Bird Winner -
John and Sandy Ulch (weekend trip
to Ottawa).
The Exeter Hawks would like
to thank everyone for their
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • •
usiness and industry
Commtmity Profile
'The Times -Advocate coverage area is the heart of one of the most
dynamic and heavily populated areas outside of the city of
This fact is often understated and unrecognized by
residents inside this area as well as those from other
The purpose of the Times -Advocate Community
Profile is to give local businesses and industries the
opportunity of promoting themselves.
It will also be used as a promotional tool for our
local municipalities who will all receive additional copies to
it send out as part of their information package to anyone
who wants to know more about us.
With the investment of an advertisement, the Community Profile
will provide you with a unique opportunity to have the story of your
business told in an editorial format
Included with each advertisement is a story/photo article of equal size
at no additional investment.
• Community Profile will be distributed with the Times -Advocate and an
additional 1500 copies will go to area municipal offices. We believe it will
be the largest special edition we will publish this year.
• This is an excellent opportunity to let thousands of people know what your
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1/4 page 5" x 7 3/4" $215
1/2 page • 5" x 15 1/2" $380
full page 10" x 15 1/2" $659
This section will be published late April or early May, 1998