HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-25, Page 1201166111100111ThOth South Hunan District High School
Spotlight on the tech dept.
by limn Steele
The 'technology Department at South Huron is an important component
of our school curriculum. Each semester approximately 450 students enroll
in the five different courses offered by the department. The courses cover a
wide variety of interesting and exciting classes. •
Communications, taught by Mr. Payette and Mr. Workman covers pho
•'.tography, desktop publishing,
computer animation. video
,'production and editing. The
:Technological Design course.
-taught by Mr. Workman. Mr.
Shore and Mr: O'Connell, cov-
ers Auto cad, manufacturing of
'products from conception .to
finish...and other , computer
-programs: The . Cunstrttction
Course taught by Mr. McKee.
focuses on basic plumping.
electrical Skills and huilding
small projects such as tool
Another course offered at
South Huron is Transportation
or Auto, taught by .Mr: Peat and Mr. Wonnactnt. Transportation is run-.likc a
garage business. It teaches students how to .run the computers,' test the
equipment, run safety. inspections and work on old car•brought in from
the street. Manufacturing is also taught by Mr. Peat, which covers welding.
huilding machine operations and engine teeth operations. Manufacturing -
even gives you the chance to build such items as Go -Karts. Snowmobile
trailers, farm equipment and weight benches to -name a few.
It might interest you to know that small projects built at the school such
as tool sheds. furniture and other items. are sold to generate revenue to pay
for new equipment and materials. . It is interesting to note that out of 450 students: the average ratio of men
to Women is fairly uneven. In Manufacturing the male-female -ratio is
approximately 9-1 (men to women), in Transportation it is 5-1. in
Construction 8, I . Tech. Design 6-1, and in Communication, finally a rea-
sonable figure --5-5. What does this tell 'us about nur Tech. Department:'
You might think that these numbers reflect that women are not welcome.
Busy at work In the tech dept.
Yet they -most certainly are. '
-Why aren't female high school students signing up:' These courses cer-
tainly aren't designated for men. We know that 'women can do anything -
men can' yet the number of females to males is very low. In closing 1
. would like to say join in Ladies! Get your hands greasy ! Enjoy the work -
• • and learn new skills! You just might have•fun...and besides. these courses
are very helpful to your future. They can help you compete for many'typi-
cally male dominated jobs -and. help pave your'way to a brighter future. '
Miscellaneous notes
Students should know that both Pizza Delight and the M&M Meat Shop
in Exeter will donate a portion of sales to South Huron each time a pur-
chase by one of our students is made. Just tell the staff that volt wish your
purchase • to he recognized . towards this incentive...Thanks to both busi-
nesses- for this generous offer! . .
The last McDonald's Fun Night, raised $75 for our school. Thc next
event will he held 'tonight --Wednesday February 25th from 4-8pm.
Remember that students who bring their discount card receive a L59 .dis-
count on any food order. Come on out to relax after a hard day of study 10
eat well and support our school community! -
Special thanks to all the grade nine reporters. that arc contributing to the
anther Page for the first time --Matt Littlechild, Bram .Steele. Brad Claus;
*isie Dineen •and Photographers Cal DcLangc, Chris Drudin-Thorton,'
Jarrett Palen and Cherie Grimminck. You'alt did an excellent job! .
Mr. Wright is right for SH,
by Mark Parsons ,
This year, South Huron has several new teaching staff to add to their
roster. Mr Wright is one of them, replacing Mr. Aunger, who is• now
embarking upon retiredom after a lengthy career at. our school.. Here's
what Mr. Wright had to sayyduring my interview with him: .
Where have you taught before? •
' I've taught at Medill High School in Wingham for two and a half.years.
What intere,,sted you -in the•teachins field? , ,
• Well. I never really_ intended on teachidg. i chose teaching so that i
could contribute time to my family. This way 1 can be home each night and
also spend time with them .in the summer. I also. like working with the stu-
dents, and since i have a background in mathematics and computers.
teaching was the way to go.
Now do you like South Huron so far? •
I really enjoyed teaching in Wingham. It was a friendly place to work
and since i was there two and. a half years. I knew everyone. It's going fide
here at South Huron. 1 only started the second semester here. so l'in still
new and don't know a lot of people. Thc staff and students seem friendly
and I'm looking forward to a good year. •
Do you have at. hobbies or interests:' . •
I like to fish and I also enjoy boating. At 'Medill I coached rugby and
wrestling so 1 wish to do the same here. I'm going to be coaching the girls'
rugby team coming up. I'm also trying to start a -wrestling team up this
year. - ,
It was nice to meet Mr Wright. Welcome aboard.
Don't forget
Items for
Food Bank
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Road correspondent
Tolmay.was in charge of the Trans-
figeration Sunday •service. During
the singing of the Introit ,Ian Wes-
ton lit the Christ Candle.
Jan Weston gave the welcome,
announcements and led in the Call
to Worship.
Rev. Tolmay told the children's
story entitled "Masks".
ThcJzhQir: ;;ane a communion an-
them accompanied by the organist
Marilyn Vandenhussche.
• Jan Weston read scripture and the•
•congregation. read the Responsive
Reading. • Janet Coward and Joan
Morgan received the offering.
• The celebration of thc Lord's
.Supper took place with Marjorie
Johns. Judith Parker, and Helen
Weston serving -the elements. Rev.
Tolmay gave the Commissioning
and everyone gavc.the Benediction
and sang the Triple Amen. -
March 4. Standing Committee
meeting at 7 p.m. followed by -
Church. Council meeting at 8 p.m.
at the Elimvillc U.C.
• March 5. Youth Group from 5:15
- 8:30 p;m. ai Thames Road U.C.
Please bring $3..Please note change
March 6. World Day of Prayer at
Trivitt Memorial, Exeter at 2 p.m.
March •8, after church, the
Thames Road-Elimvillc choir arc
hosting a.pancakc Luncheon to raise
mancy ser new collars for their
choir gowns. Your donation is thc
only support needed.. -
Church Family Colored Photo
Directory. Sign up sheets are at
hack of church to set up photo time
of your choice or call Sharon Pav-
keje at 229-6891. -
April 19. "Couples Night Out'
guest speakers: Roy and Faye
Docking. Su(rper at 6 - p.m. at
Thames Road. 515. per person.
Sponsored by the Christian Educa-
tion Committee: Tickets, available
• from Sharon,Pavkeje, Janet Cow-
ard. . Karen Etherington, Marg
• Stewart and Carolyn Johns. Tickets
must he purchased; by March 29.
Please note change of date.
'' Rural Life Conference
The; Rural Life Committee . of
London Conference is sponsoring a'
'special event. February 24 -March
I6, featuring! the RC.y. Joyce Sasse.
a .:retired United Church minister
from. _Saskatchewan. On Friday.
Fchruary 27' at . Centralia U.C. a
clergy event will. he held from 9-4.
On Saturday. February 27 at con-
regational event will he held at
ullarton [LC. from 9-4.. On Mon-
day March 2.. there is'a Women in
Ministry •event. from 10-2 p.m.
Other events arc happening in dif-
ferent Presbyteries. Babysitting
provided, at •Thamesview. Registra-
tion is 56. for each event. Lunch
provided. To register call London
, Conference office at 672-1930.
Reminder: 'Don't forget, your
item for' the Food Bank next Sun-
day March I at Ehmviltc.
On Tuesday March 10 the
t7.C,W. under thc leadership of.
Christian Development Committee.
Nancy Smith. Carolyn Johns. Mar-
garet Stewart. Kathy. Bray and
Sharon Lynn arc in charge of the
program. Roll call. - Early Sunday
School Memory. Lunch Group C.
Hensall Legion holds public speaking contest
By Liz Sangster
Hensall correspondent
HENSALL At Hensall United Church. Nancy Fras-
er was the minister. Thc Scouts. Beavers. Sparks,
Cubs, Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders participated
in the service honoring Lord Baden Powell's birthday.
The greeters were Warren Elder and Jessica Wollis.
Ushers were Bradley Young, Laura Elder and Ryan
Campbell. Offertories were Kay and Ken Elder. The
lectors were Lindsey Allen and Jane Simmons. Mi-
chael Corbett led in prayer. Laura Elder told a story.
The Brownies, Sparks, Guides and Beavers presented a
musical number.
March 1. a congregational workshop will be held,.
Shirley McAllister will speak on leadership.
Hensall Optimists Youth and Teen Sports Night will
be held at Hensel' Public School. the third Monday of
each month. For more information call: 262-3505, 263-
6110, 262-6468.
A C.P.R. course will be held March 11 and 12 from
7-10:30 p.m.,, registration 540. Greg Pfaff will be the
instructor. Call 262-2935 to register. Suitable for be-
or as a refresher, as well •as one man and two
man C.P.R. for infants, children. adults and choking
victims. Flowers in the church were in memory of
Lorne Gackstetter.
The Annual United Church beef supper will be held
at the'church on April 15.
At Cannel Presbyterian Church, Rev. Kevin Steeper
was the minister. Kevin's message was "Lifting the
Veil". Joyce Pepper *as the organist. Harry Smith and
Al Hoggarth accepted the offering.
Thc World's Day of Prayer %%ill be held at Carmel
Presbyterian Church, March 6.
Public speaking
Public speaking was held Tuesday. February 17. at
the Hensall Legion. Thc judges were Dave Rayne.
Ann Henney and Nancy Fraser.
In the Storytelling category - 1st place winner was
Janette Erb. Zurich Public School, 2nd was Desiree
Small, Hensall Public School. and 3rd was Dana Mar-
tin. Hensel! Public School.
In thc Junior category - 1st was Amanda Zehr, Zu-
rich Public School, 2nd was Michelle Denomme: St.
Boniface School, and Laura Elder. Hensel( Public
School. placed 3rd.
In the Senior category - 1st was Jenna McKinnon, St.
Boniface School. 2nd was Charlsey O'Rourke, Hensall
Public School, and 3rd was Candace Becker, St. Boni-
face School.
' Certificates were presented to all students; as well as
trophies to the first, second and third place winners.
First place winners advance to the zone level, where
competition takes place at the Clinton Legion, on Sat-
urday, March 14.
Cat by-law
Hensall residents are reminded that copies of the
draft cat by-law are available to interested citizens,
from the Hensall Municipal Office.
The regular meetings of the Hensall Village Council
will begin at 7 p.m., effective with thc March 9 meet-
A reminder to dog owners in the Village of Hensall,
that tags must be obtained by March 15 - to avoid a
late payment charge.
Times -Advocate, -February 25, 1998
Page 11
Another petite win
Big In Stayner. The Exeter Petite 'B' ringette team won the Stayner and Area Ririgette.As-'
sociation- Kinsmen Tournament on the weekend. Laying on ice. left: Kelsey O'Rourke, Leah
Mudgef kneeling left: Amber_Caldwell. Katie Stewart,, Kristen Reschke, Danielle Ritchie, Brit-
tany Schroeder; back -left' coach Julie Ritchie, trainer Barb Caldwell, Chelsea Mommersteeg,
.Jenna Phillips, Shannon Baer, Amber Preszcator, Jenn Timmermans and assistant coach Ke-
vin Baer. For more details on the tournament. see Ringette scoreboard.. (photo/contributed)
Weather changes youth group's plans
The group had
planned to .go, tubing -
but ended up mini -
golfing instead: - - ,
By -Mary Peterson
Centralia correspondent
CENTRALiA All children.in
the Sunday, School at Centralia
United Church arc invited to a Fun
Night at the church at 6:30 p.m. on
.February 25. +
Sunday Schoolteachers will het&
a meeting at the church on
February 27.at 6: Y5
A reminder about the upcoming
Special events featuring Thc. Rev.
Joyce Sasse..a retired •united
Church' minister. from -
Saskatchewan. -
On Fchruary 27,• a 'clergy- event
will- he held from 9 a.m. to 4- p.m.
at Centralia United Church: Thcrc-
will lic.a congregational event at
Foliation -Church from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. on February 28.
Oo March 2. there is•a'Women in
Ministry event frorp 10 a.ni. to 2
' March. 1 will he the first Sunday.
in Lent. Thc- Sacrament ot-
Communion will he celebrated at
Centralia United Church. '
'On March 7 from 12:30 to 2 p.m.
the 'Good Sam' program will he.
-held at the church once again.
Everyone is invited to special
suppers •throughout the year at
Centralia United Church. -
A pork supper will hr.held.April
18. .
the annual • Becl Barbecue •will
he held on July 26. Thc turkey sup-
per will he November 14: -
. Centralia Faith Tabernacle .
• On Fchruah' 21 the youth group .
• was rained our ol: their snow tubing
event Everyone enjoyed mini -golf-
ing. instead at Masonville Mall in,'
London. .
. On ..February 26: there will he a
.teachers meeting at_7: 3t) p.m.
All Sunday School farnil+ and
friends. ages 12 and over, arc•invit-
cd to skating and hroomhall on
Fchruary .27 at Hensall Arena from
8 to 9:30 p.m.
Bus pickup will hc.7 p.m. Please
bring a loonie'to skate. Hot c-hoco-
latc and donut holes will he provid-.
.cd at the arena. -
_ Euchre results
The Hidden Score winner during
the Monday afternoon- euchre •
games at Heywoods-Re taurant
recently was Hazel Glavin.
High Hand winners'werc Mare
Rhamc'and Gil Northcy. Percy
Noels and Bcrnicc Squire were the ;-
Lone Hand winners. •
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