HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-25, Page 11• .Pages .10 Tintes-Advocate, February 25, 1998
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South Huron reclaims one of its own
by Sherry Cassell
South Huron's hew -Principal, Ms. Homuth, says
she is "feeling more comfortable every day" at our
school. Ms. Homuth was a student herself, here at
South Huron, and also taught at our school for six
years. She has worked at six other schools, and
says that she feels more comfortable at South
Huron than at any other school In which she has
worked. She says that returning to South Huron feels
like coming home.
When asked what hopes she has for South Huron,
Ms. Homuth stated that she hopes she can have a
positive relationship with the students, where stu-
dents will feel free to drop In and talk to her. She
believes that everyone In the school, no matter
what part they take In making the school run,
needs to work together to make everything run
smoothly. She says that she Is "optimistic about
what we can do together." She further com-
mented, "it takes everyone doing their part to get
things going." She is confident that we can
achieve an attitude of mutual respect within the
school, between students and staff. She believes strongly
that a feeling of community is needed within our school.
I asked Ms. Homuth what changes she plans to
make at South Huron. It appears that she Is
doing well in getting her ideas presented and
running. Changes that have already been made
at our school are the attendance allowances
(the number of days allowed has been lowered)
and the canceflaticin of homeroom.
Other things that Ms. Homuth expressed a
desire to change are the daily timetables, the
profile of the student council, and the introduc-
tion of new sports and clubs. I assume that all of
these changes will be in full effect come next
September. Another change that Ms. Homuth
expressed she would like to make, is the addi-
tion of grade meetings. When she first arrived at
South Huron, that was the way she chose to meet
us, and she says that she would like to continue
grade meetings, and make It a habit.
It is a pleasure having Ms. Homuth as our new
orincipal, and I believe that If we all work
together, we can make our experience with her
a positive one.
Homuth -
Report cards issued to
student's delight or dismay
Brad ('Daus
Report cards. for all South Huron "students came out •iin. Friths
• • Fchruars lith. Jt was a day to celebrate for some: the long dreaded day -
.tor others. -tom Phourtharath, it grade nine student sums up a typical mu-
-dent Ieclnig. "evcryb ode is excited when they .are gating the report
• card.. -and as soon as they sec it they wish they never got it!" .
- Mr. Allen commented that 'the -grade nine report cards were heifer
than, usual though there wasn't an overwhelming change Mrs Homuth
said that the report card marks were scattered but the people with higher
• attendance had higher marks than the people with poor- attendance hab-
its So glance over those. reports -one last nmc. Check your comments
Review Your attendance record and -buckle down for the new semester'
Students enter London Free
Press Poetry Contest
March. 2I-st, is international Day for the elimination . of Racial
Discrimination. Several English students at South Huron have submitted
-games in the 4th Annual- London Multicultural youth Association
Racism Poetry Writing Contest in celebration of this day. ;
The following is hotel) Geiger's entry:
to here. I'm tree
Just wish you would see
Standing here arms outstretched
Pray to God for a friend to catch
.1 hope and wish tor someone to care
Thc only difference is the skin i wear
I wonder -why l m lett behind
I wish they all were colour blind
• What is this. a lonely stranger
wonder if he possesses the anger
Here he conies walking up to me
This is strange --he cares to know me
We rise together proud and free
He doesn't care that he's not like me
it seems like such a minor victory
Minuscule to hang free
But now I'm able to tn. and cope
At (cast I know --now there's hope. •
"Wish of Hope" by Kale!) Geiger (Grade 12 )
Volunteer tutors needed
Thc Avon Maitland District School Board Literacy/ Numeracy Protect
needs volunteer tutors to help learners of all ages with haste reading.
writing and math skills. Tutoring tunes and locations are flexible and no
experience is required. Please call Ann Hecncv or Barh'Kannegicsser if
you can donate time to help an adult ora child in your ciommunity. (482-
Wrapping up and moving
forward in SHDHS sports
by Matt Turnbull and Nlatt Littlechild
,yoccer --Mr. Peat will be coaching the Girls and Guys soccer:
Practices begin: March First Gamc: April.
Rugby practices begin the week of February 22nd
Boys Basketball--Midget/Senior Coach: Mr. O'Rourke (TO.) Thc
midget team lost only 2 garner in a tournament un the 19th in Seaforth
finishing 2nd in the Huron schedule. and second overall for the season...
The senior: finished in 4th place. and played a' semi-final game in
Goderich February 2(Ith (results not known at publication) . .
Volleyball -- Coach Mr. Shore. The Senior Girls Volleyball team lin-
ished•in 3rd place at the season's end. They lost to Clinton 3 games to 2
in the *yolk. Great job overall!
Curling Coaches Ms. Shore, Bill Urquhart, Les Hills, Harry Jacobi.
Thc curling team had an excellent season. Thanks to the coaches. Thc
team travels to Gannanoquc the week- of Feb. 22nd for provincials.
'Information on Junior Boys Basketball and Junior Girls Volleyball will
appear next month. Thanks to coaches. Mr. Robilliard (volleyball) and
Mr. O'Connell (Basketball) for a great season! All of the'abovc reams.
as well as thc Reach for the Top Team. the Chess Team and the Sears
Drama students.are being paid tribute in a Recognition Assembly today.
For more Panther news please turn to page 11
Valentine hearts and
throbbing feet
Jessie Dineen - Personal Opinion Column -
• "Oh. my feet are trilling mc'' That's what I complained ahiun all semi
formal night 1 wore 2 inch platform shoes that i never plan on wearing
again. Thank goodness you weren'tallowed to wear shod In .the gym
because I couldn't wait to rip those shoes off!. -. . " _ . .
On Fchruars 12th. South Huron held a semi-tormal dance between 7:3(I
pnrand II pin. -
When I showed up. I was disappointed iii the numhcr of people there. Yet
M 0 pm many students had made their way. over to the dance: It •you are
wondering how mnapeople were a, itiallj there. Iet's test say that -I only .
goy stepped, on :r tea limes! ,I Actual nurnbcr ot tickets sold was approxi-
: match • 2501......
'Ttic F)1 played some good tunes. He certarnls got everyone up and danc-
ing_ There was a great variety of music --song. that Hire easy to dance to.
1 -he suulent council dufan excellent,.toh of decorating '.Thc atmosphere cer-
tainlygot even one in the mood. for Valentines Day. " •
All in all. the '9S Valentine's semi -formal dance "Cupid's Capers". timed
nut k. he a great event .and 1:still got horne in time to throw those terrible
shoes away ' -
Thanks'to the stude. Mi Rohitluard: all staff volunteers and stn.
dents'for stipT rTi g, sent. An arfdiliona!'thanks to the student council
for bringing motivational speaker Gord Pavntcr to the school for an
hlr and tor the Valentine Kisses fund raiser --.all event. &trim: Fchruars•!
What's new in the world of
chess and math
Here's the information Mt Greenwood has on these fronts --Plans are
- underway to ms tie CHSS to South Huron tot a day of chess. --In Fchruary
the iiniversns tit Waterloo has been holding a National Canadian Math
Competition. Approximately zu South Huron students participated from
grades nine. ten. and eleven.. --the Senior Math Compction will he held in
April Trainrne.starts soon for grade 12 and OA Students
'Blood Relations' cast members Vanessa Laye and Rob
7<trner arid staff supervisor Ms. Jantzi.
Drama is alive and well at SH
be Heather Becker •
Since Nos: 1007 drama students at South Huron have been working hard.
at putting together • a play called "Blood relations" for the Scars Ontario
Drama Festival. This lesuval is running from February 18th to thc 21st. at
the i3lytlr Centci of Perlurninig Arts The Regions of Huron. Perth. and
North Waterloo counties arc included in this celebration of the Arts. Some
of the schools- that are also participating arc Clinton. Listowel.. St. Mary's.
St. Anne's... and many more .
fhi} !estival gives students an opportunity to experience 'real' theatre.
For some. it may be their first tune performing. for others if nray be their
fifth time. Workshops are being given by teachers: and other working
professionals. 'Students have the chance to talk to students from other
schools who share a common fond of theatre. They get it chance to sec good
quality theatre as well as a variety of productions No play will be the saner.
South Huron's play is called "Blood Relations". This play is about the real
life character of Lincs Borden. Liziy Borden was an axe .murder from the
United States. This play provokes the audience to question whether or not
she killed her parents-- and why.
Thc Director of our school production is Ms. Jantzi. Thc students, under
Ms. lentil's supervision. have put a lot of work into this, program. Therc
are also many people who have worked behind the scenes. The .following is
a list of the cast arid crew:
Darryl Romphf. Erin Jennison. Vanessa Laye, Meagean Pearson.
Keriann O'Rourke . Megean O'Rourke, Sarah Vermunt . Lindsay Regier,
Rob Turner. Mike Bloisc, Ryan Gibson.' Matt Simpson. Kristina Cowell,
Heather Hogarth, Elisabeth Lutgengorf
As this article appears. South Huron will have performed four times dur-
ing the Sears Festival. We'll have a report on how the performances went in
next month's edition. as well as information about the performance to be
held here at South Huron. We hope the cast and crew 'break a leg' as they
continue lo -perform "Blood Relations".•
"Baby think It over" -
by Miranda Hayter '
According .to statistics Canada. nearly 25,000 children are born
to Canadian teens every year. Many teens' parents try to educate
them abo-u( the consequences of teen pregnancy, but unfortunately
they have to learn for themselves. A program"called "Baby think it
' over", was designed to do this. The baby was designed by Rick
Jurmain, a. "rocket scientist". after he watched a program on TV
about teen,prognancy that showed teens using eggs and sacks of
flow. to stimulate 'caring fin a baby. Rick thought they werepoor
substitutes for real infants because they didn't cry or wake up the
teens. His wife told him to build something that does. and he did.
The. program provides a reasonably realistic stimulation of
• parenting. 11 is also used for teen pregnancy prevention. it's
designed to help teens .. understand that babies demands are
Unpredictable and must*met promptly. Babies require a great
deal Of time and attention, and babies change a -parent's life
profoundly. Through this program. youth adults explore the
ithysirat—emntirmal-sneial--and oaneial-=eonseeyuenees o
parenthood. South Huron District High School's family studies class
was fortunate to he able to take part in this experience for the first
time this fall. One doll costs around $400 therefore only one doll
was purchase&:
Fifteen- students took part this semester and 28 -students will
participate next semester. Thc doll is actual baby size. SOcm long
and 4k -g in weight. Thc hahy comes in both genders -.for the
Caucasian. African=American. Asian: and Hispanic cthnicities.
Thc school provides everything' the need. diaper hag filled with
Things to make it realishi. infant carrier. and.clothes. It teaches the
money: time: -and work involved in caring for an infant The doll
was picked up by a student alter school and kept over night, and
brought to Ms. Janke; the -faith studies teacher. the next morning.
That process was used .for all the students Ms. Janke said -she
would have wished for the hahy to he. kepi for it longer period of
time to.make it realistic. .but 'they only had one doll and a shop
period of time.. It teaches the money. time; and -Work involved in
caring for an.intani
A•Ietter was sent horns tor parents. with a consent form they had •
to -sign saying thcy-allow their teen 10 participate and will reimburse
the• 'amity studies department fin any. damages. The students also .
signed a form Saying Ihes accept all responsibilities for the baby.
The program .Yorks hs the students getting a care kcy attached to
then wrist with a non= transferable hand. so thc.responsibilities stay
with theyparent.:-Thc care.kcy is inserted in a battery, operated
control boa in the infants hack: when the hahs cries: The. baby cries
at random. unpredictable tines 24 hours a day. Thc care key must
he held m place for 5 to 35,minutes. representing the time it takes to
carr for an infant. Aare. key is used instead of a bottle because
whcit a hahy cries it doesn't always mcan.it's hungry. Aftcr the
teens experience being a.parent. the leacher removes. the small box
in the infant's hack. The teacher pushes a button and three triangles
will •light up Thc first triangle. green. shows the number of rough
handling events Thc second triangle. yellow. shows the number of
neglect events lasting longer than one minute. The third triangle.-
red..shrnv the total minutes ot crying. it the numhcr blinks while
hang displayed. -the box Was removed from the babies hack for five
minutes or more. •
Thc.student's mu.t completc_a dian during their parenting and
write-ahout their experiences. After their care period they wrote a
hetet clay. sunirnarizrng their experiences.
Thu student's that participated in this -parenting ever- iences• /rad
• tnatp things to say.
"lt makes vcui think twice about having a child in the near future.
It was .a great -experience and the baby was vers. realistic in all
ways' - - - •
- -
• • Christine Went
Baby think it over'. is a very good learning. experience. -.tt -
,helps teens to reahzrthe responsibility of caring for a hahv...it took
A LOT ot time to care tor'-•.
- Chcrtssc Knip
"1 }vas glad to give the hates
hack in the morning. because
it wioke me up every 2-3 .
hours during the night! But
it (caches you it lot about
having to tend to a hahy al l
the time. even when you're m
the middle of something else"
tuba Geiger
"At hone my dad said it.
was vett realistic: He said tic
needed more ttme_10 prepare
for n and Amen) it"
• Jen Taylor
' Judgin.c.lront strident
responses. this program
appears to be reps educa-
tional. Mwry stridents liop<.
this. will conform in the
Amanda Hodgert - Family Studies Spotlight
Panthers have `Never Say Die' spirit
In Mr. Conles
February IOth was it great day in South Huron athletics. Thc Midget
Girls' Volleyball Team arc now the 1098 Huron -Perth Champions! In
their pool, they finished a close second behind Stratford Nothwestern.
heating out strong teams like Madill and Stratford St. Michaels. In the
semi-final thc dcleated the .host team. Stratford Central 15-12. 8-15, 17-
15. Thc final was a rematch. with Stratford Northwestern. who took the
first game 15-5. The Panthers roared back. 'showing that never say die
spirit. and won the next two games 164. and 15-12 totake home the
medals •
Special mention should be given to" starting players. Kelly Rutter and
Dully Chansanrone: setters Crelene Duck and Katie Fox: and Jessica
Davies (team captain) and Kern Fulton the two power hitters.
• I (Coach Conley. along with Ms. Shore who cannot coach presently due
to injury! would like to thank Rochelle Beauchamp for all her help. and .
the girls' team for their hard work and dedication to South Huron
Volleyball. You truly have been a pleasure to coach. Congratulations!
Athlete of the month
by Chad Dalrymple
Thc Athlete of the Month is Brandon Martin,
who plays on the South Huron Junior. Boys
Basketball 1cam. Other nominees for this
month arc Julie Rouseboom. Cherissc Knip,
Jeremy Van Esbroeck. Kyle Farwell. Jayden
Russell: Jessica Davies and Carrie Illman. •
The athlete of the month is chosen by draw
from the nominees. Thc real challenge. Mr.
McEwan says. is to be nominated. It is quite an
accomplishment just to be chosen as each coach
nominates one of their players and from that
group one is randomly drawn for the title of ath-
lete of the month. Congratulations to all nomi-
nees and to Brandon Martin for their contribu-
tions to athletics at South Huron.
Brandon Martin