Times Advocate, 1998-02-25, Page 6Back in Time... By Ross Haugh from the archives of the Exeter Times Advocate - 10 YEARS.AGO ' l'cbruary 24, 1988 - A five week campaign to•suppoit the Bushels of Bread for Ethiopia project was kicked off Sunday morning at the Brinsley Anglican Church. The goal of the program led by the Brin- sley congregation is 125 tonnes of corn to coincide with the 125th anniversary of the church. More than 50 churches from Ministerial Associations in Ailsa -.Craig, Lucan, Parkhill and. Strathroy along with the Crediton and Centralia United congregations are involved:' Jonathan Jenkins and Tabatha Fronts represented Lucan Scout and Guide groups recently at Jamborees in Australia and Ireland. .20 YEARS -AGO February 23, 1978 -- Bev Rahbetts• who has been assistant Post-. master in Eketer for the past night years has been named Postmaster. -in St: Marys. Rabbets who came to Exeter after 14 years as a postal. - clerk in Aylmer replaces Tcd Stephens who has taken overra similar position in Strathroy. - Winners in the recent Exeter Kinsmen club essay contest were Ca- thy Hogan, Precious Blood and George Tomes from LAD. McCur- dy. The South Huriin High School .wrestling team. won the Huron - Perth wrestling championship forthe eighth time in nine years. Win- ners .in their weight categciries,were Tim -Martens, Vince Winters, Brian Wesielaken, Clift' Hicks,' Kevin Hcrn, Rick Skinner and Ron Bilcke, . 35 YEARS AGO • February 21, 1963 - Helen Hendrick,• daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sani Hendrick of Exeter was. chosen Queen of the SHDHS At Home dance Friday night. Charles A. Fif:ord. who has held the position of comptroller at General Coach Works at Hensall• 1'or the past few years was hon- ored at a surprise dinner party last week. He left Saturday to accept - a position in Sarasota, Florida. • . • LAC Paul McDowell, 22, and -his two year old son were killed Saturday when they drove into the side of a passing tra n near Cen- tralia.- • 40 YEARS AGO - February 22, 1958 Mr. and Mrs. John Spacck have returned home -from a three-month trip to their native country of Czechoslo- vakia. James G. Gardiner, former Minister of Agriculture suffered his first political defeat in 44 years of public life during Monday's Tory landslide. Exeter Chapter O.E.S. has voted_$250 toward furnishing Groom at the hospital's nurses residence. - SO YEARS AGO - February 23, 1948 - Capt. J.M. Harvey, son of Mrs. J.S. Harvey of Exeter has been promoted to the rank.of Major. LAC Stan'Smith, trumpet soloist with thc Lachine RCAF Silver Band has written a song, "After a Dream" for which a bright future is promised. j Some 301) farmerswcre in attendance both Thursday and Friday at • the farm machinery school held in the town hall under the auspices . of the Ontario Department of Agiculture, Clinton and the Huron ag- ricultural coniniittee. - - 75 YEARS AGO • February 22, 1923. The girls hockey team from the Exeter high school went to Zurich Saturday and played a game with -the Zurich girls resulting in :i .1 - 1 tic. It was a strenuous game and the lone tally for Exeter was scored. by Amelia Acheson. The lineup was: goal, Florence Harvey. defence, Mildred Rowo, Mary Elworthy, forwards Amelia Acheson, Gertie Francis and Margaret Wethcy; subs, Helen Wethcy and Helen Elder. The. choir concert held in James Street. Church on Monday eve- ' • ning was a success. Dramatic reader Rev. W.H. Piercy furnished the l' greater part of the program. The choir sang four anthems. Those tak- ing solo parts were Miss. H. Snell. Messrs. Walter Cuthush and -C. ��Godholt and Mrs. W.G. Williams and Miss V. Esscry. - The. 15 horsepower steam engine of Mr. S.J.V. Cann , opposite the- Metropolitan Hotel ran away 'on Tuesday and did considerable dam- age to his shop: A 60 foot shafting was broken from its hangers and badly twisted.'Some of the pulleys were broken and thrown about. - Business Directory AUCTIONEERS 1000SUU- AUCTION ..4;%, Hensel) Ont. All types of auctions. • Complete service. ' Will purchase partial or . Complete estates. • Brad Mousseau Auctioneer (519) 2364558 ****************** Filson & Robson FULLY LICENSED & BONDED, CAU. OR FAX * * (519) 666-10833 * 3 Auctioneers for the * Price of 1 * * • With modem equipment 4(* Pickup and sell complete ,* •or partial estates * Specializing in Farm, Real * * Estate and General Sales * REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced -since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271.9660 TT YOUJLB 1JS.1"NESS Times -Advocate,' February 25, 1998 Page 5 Preparing fora "smart" future with Mondex Clinton Community Credit Union replaces old ATM with Smart Card compatible one, By Chantal) Van Raay T -A Reporter EXETER The automatic teller machine (ATM)• at the Clinton Community Credit Union is getting "smart." . The -credit union is preparing for the tuture_by PYchanging their old ATM with a new ATM, compatible with the Smart Card device. The Smart-. Card, familiarly known. as Mondex, has been in its pi- lot stage for about- a' year in Guelph, and is quickly • travelling to other areas in' Ontario. The• card was launched in Guelph by the Royal Bank and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce on -a limited basis in 1996 and city-wide in 1997. .The Clinton Community Credit i Union :decided to upgrade their j ATM with Mondex compatibility because they want, -to be ready when and if the Mondex card hits Exeter. What is Mondex? Mondex is an electronic. cash card. Itis carried in a wallet called ..a cash tracker, or transactor. Thc transactor looks like a small cal. culator with a sleeve to ac- commodate the Mondex card. it can he used to display the balance, last five transactions, lock or un- lock the card and change the per- sonal code number: It can hold any amount of money and cash can he taken directly from it: It can down- load money through either an ATM or through the new Vista 360 phones from. Bell. However, there arc down sides to the card.- Once the card is Icst or ,stolen, it is like losing physical le- gal • tender. if it's gone, it's gone. Clinton Community Credit Union Branch Manager Mike Cregan ad- vised people not to carry a great amount of money in the card, But the card is a faster transaction. than ATM cards, since the user does not have to relay a pass- word or wait for the card to dial up. Mondex has prov.- en fairly successful .among many Guelph stores. In fact, -600 merchants in Guelph accept Mondex and --there are over 10,000 card holders. • Buses in Guelph also ac- cept the cards as well as several taxi firms, payphones, vending ma- chines and even parking meters have the capability to.use Mondex. Since the old ATM at the -credit 'union desperately needed to he re- placed because of•its-antiquity stat- Cregan decided to upgrade it. with the latest technology. He said it • might take- people a- while. -to -catch on to the new cards but an- ticipates the town will accept them over time. He said Smart Cards should he introduced to Exctcr and -the.surrounding area in about two years:- • Not only does the new ATM 'have the extra added h irivs of "Smart Card" access but it- Aso :faster and easier to use than the old- er .machine, Cregan . added. The new machine is also wheelchair ac- t;essible. ,• Mondex has proven fairly successful among many Guelph stores. In fact, 600 merchants in Guelph accept Mondex and there are over 10,000 card holders. Correction .I1 was reported in last week's paper that Hensall Council would go in camera at the end of the Feb. 9 council meeting regarding the drab cat bylaw. Instead, it was not- ed there had been' no direction from Council to circulate the most recent draft and this caused frustration from the delegation because •the drab had not hecn circulated prior to.. the meeting. The Times - Advocate regrets thc error. NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Biddulph passed Bylaw No. 108.98 on the 17th day of February, 1998 under Section 34 •of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, • An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and a key map showing thelocation • of the lands to which the by-law applies are attached. The complete by- law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. Dated at The Township of Biddulph this 25th day of February 1998. .. Lawrence G. Hutson Clerk Treasurer Township of Biddulph Box 190 Lucan, ON NOM 210 • (519) 227-4491. PURPOSE AND EFFECT BY-LAW NO. 108-98 TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH General Amendment 1998 The purpose of this Amendment is to incorporate new definitiohs and to amend or delete existing provisions in the Township's comprehensive Zoning By-law (No. 100-97) adopted 20 February 1997. these changes are intended for the most part, to provide additional clarification to the Zoning By-law and were identified during day-to-day use of the document. The changes: 1. amend the definition of -'Lot Frontage" for the purposes of clarification. 2. amend the definition of -Front Lot Line- to clarify that a front lotline is deemed to be the tine dividing a lot from the street, or the line dividing a lot from a reserve on the opposite side of which is located a street. 3.•incorporate a definition of 'Reserve'. 4. amend the definition of -Height' to delete the provisions related to measuring height based on the top of the opening of the main door in the case of a private garage, being 'ultra vires' the Planning Act. 5., amend the 'Minimum Setback- requirements in alf applicable zones to reflect the recent transfer of Highway No. 7 (tying west of Highway No. 4) to the jurisdiction of the County of Middlesex; and to reflect a change in the numbering of County Road No. 22 to the County Road No. 20. The revised setbacks are based on setbacks adopted by the County in this Official Plan.. 6. delete the 'Maximum Hejgjtt' requirement of 4.5 meters for an accessory building in the Farm Commercial (FC) Zone, General Industrial (M1) Zone, Farm Industrial (M2) Zone, Extractive Industrial (M3) Zone and the Institutional (1) Zone. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH . P.O. BOX 190 LUCAN, ONTARIO NOM 2J0 Re; Zoning Liv -law No. 108-98 Enclosed herewith is a copy of the Notice of the Passing, together with the Purpose and Effect of Bylaw No. 108.98. Please be advised that the aforementioned Bylaw Amendment becomes final and binding 20 days after the date of the hearing, unless appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. The last date for appealing to the Ontario Municipal Board will be: Match 17. 1998 By filing with the Clerk of the Township of Biddulph a notice of appeal setting out written reasons in support of the appeal may be made by serving personally on or sending by Registered Mall, Please note that the Ontario Municipal Board's fee for an appeal against a decision is $125.00 and a cheque or money order payable to the Treasurer of Ontario must accompany the appeal. L.G. Hoston, Clerk r - TovvnshlD of Biddulph S A cashless society? The Mondex Smart Card is in its pilot stage in Guelph but is quickly catching on in other areas. Ex- eter is expected to welcome the cash card in about two - years. A TWO STEPPIN' LiNE DANCING*_) COUNTRY GOOD TIME! THE FM 92.7 . 's Count /SDE DANCE PARTY Y The Show 3 Larger than kfe video screens Huge Concert Sound System Incredible Light Show including laser effects and fog Saturday, February 28, 9:00 p.m: to 1:00 a.m. Exeter Arena/Rec Centre Hall Tickets: $10.00 advance/$12.00 at the door For tickets contact Lisa Hewitt @235-3713 or Huron United Way @482.7643 Sponsored by: HURON UNITED WAY For bookings call 800-498-5154 In London & Area 681-9293 1100 11%, 1 iL••1 370 MAIN STREET, S. EXETER, ONT. 519-235-0996 (John Norris Building) LONDON: 106-30 Adelaide St. N. 667-0897 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS FOR HOME AND OFFICE The Notebooks are here! Special - H YPERDATA NOTEBOOK 730 TKO SYSTEM AT1C • 200 mmx Cyrix processor • • TX motherboard with 512 Kb pipeline burst cache USB supported ' • 32 Meg of Sdram - • 24X quiet CD-rom (BTC) • 3.2 gig Fujitsu ultra DMA hard drive • Acer 56 K fax/voice/data modem • 15" AOC digital monitor • 2MBATI3DRage+ 11 • BTC soundcard w/ESS chipset • NEC speakers • 1.44 FDD • Windows keyboard w/wrist rest • Microphone - • Logitech 3 button P5/2 mouse • mouse pad • Windows 95 w/Internet Explorer 4 • Microsoft homepack: Works and Money, Encarta, Microsoft Golf, Magic School bus x1695.55 ALL OUR SYSTEMS INCLUDE 30 DAYS FREE INTERNET ome restrictions may app • 200 minx CPU. • 1'..08 GB HARD DRIVE • 16MBRAM • NIMH Battery • 20x (7) Rom • 3.5 1.44 MB FDD • PCMCIA2x11 1)(111 • 16 Bit stereo sound • Windows -95 • 512 Kb cache • Carrying case x2399. TKO SYSTEM V12C • Mini tower case • 512 Kb cache ram • 166 MHZ MMX CPU • l6 Mb EDO ram • 1.44 Mb FDD - • 2.0 Gb Ultra DMA hard drive • 1MB video card • 14" digital SVGA colour monitor • Win 104 keyboard • Windows 95 w/disks & manual • mouse and pad • 24 speed CD -Rom • 16 bit sound card • 55 watt (PMPO) speakers • 33.6 upgradeable fax/voice modem (Acer) x1249. Come and see us at the London Business Expo! Western Fair Grounds, February 27 6c 28, 1998 _J WINTER HOURS: MON.-i'IZI. 9-6 • SAT 10-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT