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Sweetheart lunch
Nothing says I love you like food. The Exeter Villa held a- Sweetheart Lunch on -Friday to
celebrate Valentines Day. Pictured here are sweethearts Lee "and Bob Feggans of Exeter,
Panther Profile
By Sarah Ver»tunt
MPP encouraging
input into new
municipal act
TORONTO - Bruce Smith. MPP
The enure school was motivated by a visitor last week by the name
of Gord Pas rater of Brantford. Ontario -who has been a comic for 13
scars. He tours North -America with a show called. "Leave 'Em
Laughing". This -motnahonarsPeakcr has one characteristic more
unique than zithers. he is blind. He spoke of chasing dreams. reaching
higher. and never giving up. •Blindness set rnanv`obstacles before him
and 11 Would haze been easy to give up .on his-dreaiits. hut he didn't.
He used his owri experiences to teach the school that chasing dreams.
Isn't easy. There are -detours, sidetracks. and challenges: blindness he-
ing "his higgc.t challenge. -.Hc sent out a message that if you feel use-
less. cheated .ind defeated you need to look at the positive side of
)our situation thowcvcr small it may her and pick up right where you
Icft off pursuing your dreams. -Ibis inspirational figure left an impact
on 'the school that no. matter w hat -life throws -at -you, you can over -
c 'Inc and prevail! •
Some students will be attending a draina competition called 'Sears
Despoil" on Friday. Ms. Janu'i. director: and the cast and crew have.
beenworking hard organizing and rehearsing, fora play called -.Blood
Relations." The group will -perform the first act -of the play for compe
tition and will perform the entire play for -the school and heal corn-
mumty later in the spring. • '
Upcoming events
Wednesday. Fchruury 18 - Peer mentor student co-ordinators attend
conference in Stratford. science trip to Jnrax theatre: •
Friday. te'hruary 20 , Students in the play "Blood Relations" attend
Sears Festival drama competition. basketball Huron semi-finals
(teams to be announced):
- Tuesday. February 24 - Jazz hand attends competition in Clinton:
tt'ednesday. February 25 - Basketball Huron finals (teams to be an-
Wide spread. of influenza -A
in area schools -
HURON COUNTY - If you have a high fever. headache: a .nag-
ging cough -and arc • experience typical flu svmptortis, you're- not
-alone. A breakout of intlucnza-A in Huron County is causing about
11-25 percent• ahsentees at local schools. said public health nurse
Shirley. Chalmers. -
"The hest thing to slo if you contact influenza -A is to Stan home."
Chalmers warned: .
"If people are good and they stay at home: the virus isn't as likely •
to spread." she said: anticipating the virus to he a problem in schools .
tar the next couple weeks. -
She said a number of schools in the area have reported high ah-
sentee rates. adding the virus_ should move slowly from the south to-
wards the north.
Chalmers said youth can spread the virus for up to seven days
whereas adults can spread it within 3-5 days. The symptoms usually
only last for about four days. she said.
Chalmers explained influenza -A is more serious than the.common
cold and that is yshv she cautions peoplc`with-the virus to refrain
from going into public places and to seek rncdical attention if any.of
the symptoms persist. ,
for Middlesex. is encouraging local
- residents to provide input inti the
new Municipal Act. he purpose of
the new A,ct is to -allow municipal
go\ ernrncnts to better serve their
residents by cutting red tape.
Conirnents should he received at
Queen's Park by .March K. I998. e-
"This legislation will give
municipalities `what they've. -been
asking for over the last several
- years - flcxihility in/daily opera-
tirins and autonomy in making •
decisions:" South _Said. •
The pew Act. to: he introduced to
the Legislative Assembly for First:
Reading in the spring. is based on
previous consultations. andt
addresses -the concerns hrought for- -
wafd by municipal stakeholders.- t
The draft legislation can .be seen
.at municipal office~, public'.;
libraries.. or the Ministry of::
Municipal Affairs land Housing,
website' • ' - •at{
Comments can he. addressed to
_Ministry cif. Municipal Affairs and
Housing. Local Government Policy
Branch: lath Floor..777 Bay Street.,
Toronto. Ontario. M5G 2E5. They.
can also he faxed to 416-585-7638'
or sent by e-mail' rn
o diascle(a mmah.grn+.on.ca -
Johns appointed
TORONTO -, Energy. Science
and Technology. Minister Jlni Wil-
-son established the Electricity Tran-
sition•Comnnitcl made up of sen-
ior industry, representatives, as a
forum for discussing changes pro-
posed for the Ontario's electricity
sector. Helen Johns. MPP for Hu-
ron will be the government repre-
sentative on the committee.
Thc Transition Committee will,
provide a formal structure :through
which the government can hear
from industry and consumer stake-
holders affected by changes made •
to Ontario's electricity sector. It
will also provide a vchiele for the
government to update the industry
.on the 'work in progress to design
the new competitive market.
Top counters
, ..•w'4 f�..Yrs'�toA',iis`ev.+fe.
Recognlzing their efforts. Exeter OPP Const. Liam Brennan, left, hands a certificate to Nick
Haberer (accepting on behalf of all his classmates) that recognizes Zurich Public School Gr.
7-8 students' efforts during the seatbelt count in October. Brennan said the. students
checked vehicles for seatbelt compliance and proper use of child restraints during the blitz
and their efforts are appreciated.
Police Briefs
Mor. ckarj.s laid •
LONDON - Jeffery William
Averill, 21, of Exeter is charged
by the London Police with
assault. aggravated assault and
possession of a dangerous
weaponin congection with a
fight at a party on Briarhill Ave.
in London on the night of Feb. 6.
An 18 -year-old man was
stabbed several times with a
knife at the party and several
people were assaulted -when an
argument escalated into a fight,
London Police said.
Forged cheques found
GST rebate cheques stolen from
the Toronit and Hamilton areas
have been cashed in the region.
Huron County OPP Const. John
Marshall said.
The cheques have surfaced in
Seaforth, Goderich, Mount
Forest. Listowel, Stratford,
Walkerton. Drayton. Harriston
and Owen Sound. The suspects'
fast effort to pass a forged
cheque was discovered by a
cashier at the Seaforth Grocery
Store. Marshall said the "alert"
cashier told the man trying to
{pass the cheque altered to read
$976 tri go across the street and
cash it at the bank. The cashier
•said they had.heard about about
the crimes on television/radio
broadcasts -and read -about them
in the local newspaper. The
suspect was not seen again.
The OPP are asking
merchants, gas bar operators and
grocery store clerks to pay
attention to the description of
any person and any vehicle they
may be driving to help the OPP
in their investigation.
Marshall said the cheques arc
hong altered by posting an '
additional number in front of the
amount of the cheque. For
example. a cheque for $76 could
be changed to $676 or $976,
Zurich man hurt
Burke, 32, of RR2 Zurich was
taken to Seaforth Hospital by
ambulance for treatment of
minor injuries after an bus/van
accident at about 4:05 p.m. on
Feb. 12 on.Huron Rd. 12 at Tile
Rd (Tuckerstnith Cone. 4/5).:
Huro9 County OPP Const.
John Marshal( said a '91
international school bus driven
by Alexander Townsend. 58, of
Tuckersmith Twp.. collided with
an '87 Dodge Caravan driven by
Claude J. Rcaume, 38. of RR 1
Bayfield. Both Reaume and his
passenger, Burke. were taken to
Marshall said Townsend is
.harged with fail to yield at a
stop sign and Rcaume with fail
to use a seatbelt. both charges
under the Highway Traffic Act.
Reaume was thrown from. his
vehicle because he wasn't
wearing his seatbelt. Marshall
Pickup found torched
Ford Ranger pickup stolen from
a Mitchell Line home on Feb. 9
was found a -short time later
destroyed by fire on Fallon Line.
London OPP Const. Shawn
McGladdery said. .
The thieves set the pickup on
Fake $20 found
EXETER - Staff at a bank in
Exeter discovered a fake $20 bill
on Feb. 9. The bill's serial
number is AS 17621979.
Car -deer accidents
were three car -deer accidents in
the Times -Advocate readership
area during the last two weeks of
January, Huron County OPP
Const. John Marshall said.
The first accident occurred on
Jan. 17 at about 2:30 p.m. on
Babylon Line (Hay Conc. 8/9)
just north of Rogerville Rd. (Hay
Sideroad 15/16). Moderate
damage was done to the vehicle.
The second accident happened
the same day at about 7:05 p.m.
on Huron Rd. 4, 1 km west of
Airport Line (Stephen Conc.
2/3). 1t also caused moderate
damage to the vehicle.
Thc third accident occurred on
Jan. 24 at about 2:45 am. on
Huron Rd. 4, 1 km west of
Shipka Line (Stephen Conc.
Times -Advocate; February 18, 1998
Page 25
Don't close schools to
make way for new office
By Michele Greene help the board move to the amalga-
• Special to the, bawl -Arm. mated municipality of the former
DUBLIN - Mitchell and Mitchell, Fullarton, Hibbert and
Seaforth parents and students Logan, West Perth Councilor Barb
want their schools spared as the
Avon Maitland District School
Board searches for a new location.
Over 200 people attended a
public information meeting at the
Dublin Community Centre in
Dublin. on Monday night, to dis-
cuss options for a headquarters for
the amalgamated-board-of-the-for—and -Training---sdeadiine -ust
mer Perth - County Board .of
Education and the former- Huron
County Board of Eduction.
Trustee Leslie Wood :and
Trustee Colleen Schenk, members
of the •hoard's _headquarters site
review work group. will compile
the issues discussed and present
their findings . to. the. hoard on
Tuesday. • Feb. 24 in Clinton:
Written submissions will - he
accepted until Feb. 20. ,
Although a decision may not be
made at the Feb. 24 meeting.
Trustee Wood said the hoard plans -
on choosing .a ne-w site by
Tuesday. March 10. - -
Suggested "options to close
Seaforth District High School or
Mitchell District High School to
create one center- to house - all .
administrative functions brought
out the concerned parents and stu-
dents some Seaforth and Mitchell
Maureen Agar, Seaforth District
High School Council chairperson;
gave the work group a petition;
with 700 names opposed to -the
closure of the town's secondary
school to make room for the hoard
, , ,
McLean said it won't be at the cost
of the secondary school.
"We didn't know about schools
closing. We're happy- to help you
come to. West 'Perth in finding
office space, not in closing our
school," she said. •
To meet Ministry of Education
Seaforth District .High .Schipol
Principal Bruce Eccles presented
the school's plan to provide qual-
ity education and remain viable.
The school's Iow enrolment at 318
students puts it at risk of closure,
said Paul .Carroll. director of
eduction. -
Harold Ledermueller, chairper-
son of the Mitchell District High
• School parent council, said
Mitchell is growing and will need
the space for the increasing stu-
dent enrolment. • ,
There is "a feeling bf family at
"MDHS. You can only get this at a
smaller school." he said.
"The local school is .a big part
of a rural town." he added.
Although West Perth offered to
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Jeff Mc Cann
Schenk said the board must reach -a
decision by August and submit the .
decision. by mid-September. To cat-
culate staffing levels, she_ said the.
board has to decide on a location by
• March 10 if the new.headquarters
requires the closing of a'school.
• "So what if -we're late. The prov-
ince has_ been late lots of times. -
Let's do what's. right for our kids
first and. deal with Mike Harris
then:" said Carol Ann Doig of
Seaforth. -
Several different .ways of creat-.
ing one administrative Office were
put forth at the meeting by the work
group. Those included: enlarging
the (firmer Huron hoard's offices at
Central Huron Secondary School in -
Clinton: relocating to Seaforth
District High School, where the slu-
dent population is 66 per cent of iis
total capacity: relocating the hoard
and Mitchell Public School In the
Mitchell District High -School
building and sending secondary stu-
dents to Stratford Northwestern.
Stratford 'Central -and St. Marys -
District Collegiate 'and Vocational
Institute: relocating in Mitchell -
Puhlic $cool: add locating in the
education center on Water Street in
Thc ork group also suggested. -
locating various departments across
the district.- including Central
Huron Secondary•Schocil, Seaforth
District `High. School. Mitchell
District High'School, the hoard's .
operations building .on Britannia
St.. Stratford. the board's:headquar-
ters on Water St. in Stratford.
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