HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-18, Page 22► ► ► a ante' RLI?I' WATER REALTY' INC. 3%. MAIC Si. EXETER, ()N1. 235-3777 WEBSITE: http://realtors. mis.ca/london/marleneparsons.htm E-MAIL address mparsonsOodyssey.on.ca plisi$46# Attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow, lower level tamlly room. mature 101. many uadales and terrace doors 10 rear deck • eiE(v. %LL RANCH Pole kncher, with terrace doors to rear deck. main floor laundry. fireplace and single attached garage with entrance to hnrshed basement GOOD ti7A - ZLN H01107r-4 1 PREFERRED AREA 3 bedroom raised ranch. 2 fireplaces, central air and vac. single attached garage on gorgeous lot Ear_ 1 ( DUPLEX • Two bedroom units fully leasedin good condition yearly gross income 514,520 p './14.0 / /NV; .! /L// Nr Marlene Parsons Sales Rep. Member of RE/MAX 100% CLUB Res. 235-1304 FALL 1 LOV1E- „-{ -`y rr 154. With the spacious European style kitchen. wood floors gas fireplace and 24 x 14 shed. all on nice tot L /K E NEW 01801. Raised ranch with attached garage, central 'air, rear deck. nicely decorate and in newer area. Oak kitchen for he and works , a . • : oe for him. 'Newly decorated. gas heat. deep lot and taigaemaciate garage. MAKE YOUR OSTER Prime (ocation. commercial building a 4 apartments Over $32.000 potential gross income. $199,000. TO START -YOUR BUSINESS HERE. High traffic and in the downtown area. $149,900. Page 22 Ti►►re'-Advocate, February 18, 1998 Messengers to meet at EIimviHe Rhoda Rohde . Thames Road correspondent THAMES ROAD - The February meeting of Thames Road hlimvillc U.C.W was held on Tuesday evening ;it Thames Road Church. The meeting tall'.• was covered with a lace .lith. flowers. a eirele 01 hearts: a- heart -shaped hox and two candles. (grace Pyre we loomed every one .ld gave a .leading "Heart Beats and i...ove 1'ats '• Ota .Batten read :t p,,.l,l 1 Ilya Is Ill.. 1 il:r Melton.: Millets showed yoleos about heart and stroke research The offering was received by Meltinic Miller and 'Joyce Fulton. with offertory prayer by Ola Batten. Grace Pym gave a talk on "Sharing God's (lift of Love." • . President Sharon Lynn. opened the business part of the meeting with averse un 'Love'. The roll call was answered by 32 women. They were .to "wear some- thing red. Marilyn Pymgorsethe treasurer's - report and reports wcrc'givcn by two tiltidifteferieStandin}t•cOMIllitteese._ Janis Richardson gave areport of the annual U.C.W. Preshyte'riat meeting held at Brucefield United ('hutch last Monday. - It was decided to have the dinner parte: again this year. - "A motion was made to hold the Iralvhcrn -;ted bairn _upper at the Soutti Huron Ree('entre. Fxetcr. on Jun. 15. The World Day of Prayer- is Mar.h'h. htisted•hv the Precious Bliiod Mission: at. the :Irlvitl Me)nonial Church. Ti'he •group. is'e;tle.ring to the Oddtellows banquet .at Kirkton Rcc Centre on March 2g- They have ceasimmati r • G.K. Realt • and Insurnnre Inc 284 Main St. Exeter Ontario (519) 235-2420 OPEN HOUSE Sur- .e4.2. 2. 1.3 p.m. 170 Orchard Si. Exeter • GRFA-1 FAMILv HOME1,,droor, e , e .. EXETER .• t ;•h.nn nlprr,.nr, i -r, Ec G .sChr si,ouomurl(- ct=atre ta,1-. •,. '`c v,t,fc 11,•,-V.9: Pv•r• 161..11e=•• Vnal?‘: :'71- sass ; ' '.1r Ke11. ' Ackiri FL cr (i [fv:a;r), imite,.. EXETER Goo,: stave: o- retirement L UI,n4a'-�,•. ^Jear shophrny ei Exete• 2 0'-. • t1,1rtft ; l . newel roe''. replacernen' !l- v.nldnwa nnoct basement large fol L Ask,n;; 510,1'X): Call Dwayne Twines, re NEW LISTING - 1371! 12 a 65 V. i onvra,r; _ n1(it1-b' t114.414.- Y.'11' ,.,1f . atf 1 • mote:: it • 4.1 Webne,• 1,• r.•tt 4.t4.'-4.' Exet( L'-' , ":}e,• oar. w:pave�i 11,E 40:•. ..a' rlwavn(- k 1 L L LE tEr e 1E L .- . IE Sales Representative Dwayne Tinney 235-3889 uLLL LLLL�'L'•i'�,-7,•7�ir�ta•7�7,-7a7.7�7ai�7�7ai�i u.a a' DASHWOOD imine, 111• oed:nnr. • 'tnmaalov. .. ba111: et- F vusne(1 re Doo w,woodStove :1: 31 shot Askint: ' S119 1)OI:.OL. Ca Owavn, • 1,nn •, r ' RVMPX LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST LISTED CENTRALIA - 1st timer's home large fenced lot. 2 storey brick, 4 bedrooms.- large country kitch- en_. 2 baths, high efffurnace. air. what more.for a Iov/ price. . NEW LISTINGS HENSALL - HAY TWP. 150 acre cash crop farm. with new homt: - ' BLANCHARD TWP. 2 100 acre cash crop farms. LUCAN - New one floor ranch. 2 .car garage, -great : for retiring farmer • - . GIBSON CRSS.. LUCAN 8 new model homes . starting- to be built. Prices from- $124.900 to $150.999 Going fast.. - CREDITON . '2 'large tots. with gas. water. cable.. 129' .-x 250' LUCAN -. Kleinfeldt'• 2 - one floor bungalow's with gas, atr, fin fishes., • easement Price $118.90(1 •- LUCAN Nicotine - one floor bun gatow. finished to the nine's, spotless $.114.900 LUCAN - tiarotd Ct..- 4 bedroom. storey. home on a quiet court. spotless, 2 baths. AILSA CRAIG 4 leve' backsplit. 2 baths fireplace; garage. done UD f1ICe Member of/ Re Max Platinum Club Ron O'Brien Assoc. Broker 439-1400 also been asked to cater to a recep- tion in April. . . A -lunch of bruit. yogun, cookies and a beverage was served by Group U.- - - Church service - Rcv. Jock "i•oln►ay 'was in charge of the church service on Sunda) morning at I:hmviltc. Megan Parker lit the Christ Candle. gave the announcements and led rn Ihr call to worship. - _• .Rev. Tolmay told the .hildren•an interesting story. - • The choir sang"F:urest Lord Jesus" aceonlpanted.hy pianist Marilyn Vandenhussehc: Parker read scripture an(i led In a respon • sive reading -.The.title Of Rey. -frllllla) < ser rnon was "Scasonsill Refreshing Shirley Kerslake. was the greeter and Erin Parket and Kerslake received' the offering. . lipenmint;events Mesengers will meet- at - I;limyilli front 7 to S pin. -t► Fehruary 1K Each nu -o .nlhel is Io bring a Ioomr The 1%la, cli inreting- i 'cancelled. - A•('onlnnini00 serticc will be. held next Sunda}. t-ehtuan 22. The Youth' Group• will meet 01) 'February 2(, halm -5..15..10 !i. 10.0.h), at Thame' Road knifed-('hur.li Please hong S3.00.. . The World Day of Prayer .1.. scheduled tin March (1 at "I'rieiu Memorial. Exeter ai2•p.n1. On April It) there will. •he a "Couple: Night Out"'_ (iciest speak- cr.' yyill he Roy and lave -Docking Supper will he at 6 p:ni at Thames Road. 5.15 pet .person. It t. spun sored by the ('hrlstiall Education Committee. -I ►ekcfs. are in ailahle from Sharon t'avk.R•... Janet C'(itvard. Karen E:thcrinLlttin: !Haig - Stewart and Carolii Intens :Tickets must he purchased by March 29 Please note change of date . 1f►r kora( Lite (•nnln►Ittec of 1 ondtin"("ontcrenee is sponsoring a special event. 'Fyhrtiary -2.4 its Marc'h Ib. leaturine the Rey' Joyce Sasso. -a rct,Ired united C'hllr:h 11111 inter frons •Saskal4he)y- in - On- 1-chrilary 27eat Centralia- derigv cv'enrwill he held from (t a.ni -to 4 p.m.' On' 1'ebruar+, :I congreg tlorf:tl wentyyifl h.• I ekI al; . Fellation l C- Irtinl 'vain.. to 4. p.m Op March 2. thele i.:t V onlch u, A•lintstry eient. front -hi 4.0, it• ; r.nt. (')cher events arc haplunnl�• In dlflerent Preshylcries •Batysltttee - y. ill he provided ar Thainc:vlew I(etiI'IraLlon is Sr,for each event • 1.un:li will hr proi•rded• 1 o reer.tet .alt London con teren.:c- oils al 6;2-19)30. Personals Barbara ligtiler Dt tDrunk.. spent the weekend at her hiin)c here • • Svnlpathy is• extended to I)aVId mid Marlene ("ttnnint-'ton 111 the classing of their wick:the tate Er%itl Clarence-Reicherl-vyh, pas.rd Thursdat . • . . 4 4 4 4 4 Your Views- Ietters to the editor Congratulations to community The Huron United Way and its community stakeholders should • be proud of its volunteers.... Deaf Fditoi • • • On he Ball 01 the volunteers and siaft at United VV;i sot (anatla- ('(mie (';Midi. we `wouII to'rrtcnd 1101 .inrcrc :(nnag'rattllaut,n. on your .olilm- in 'hicvcntenl tit $.178.000 for )9t)7- an incredible increase til .pearl 1(I pet trioti Iasi year 'lilts a.hlevcnlent is remarkable giv- en the dillic•ult Challenec'. - all talc. Its impact is signihcant.revon the, nunlhel of ageneles an(I'indl- 1 Owls it 14 rl! help throughout I99g and beyond- The eyond The Wurttu, t hutted Wax and its ..ommunity. Make: • htllders :tumid he pioutl o1 its oluntcers, its, hoard, its new esceetllc 1),rc:..ol and Me mother of people :tied oream/;n on, who helped make this achieve- ment pit..ible 'fhc.go' v(h rate tar exceeds. the IV(� vini-cal and national average. Although none. of us arc able to predict future growth' This is' an excel- lent foundation for r effective .ornnrunit4 fund raiz= ing in the future. ” • -. Ac,mss Canada, United Ways-Centraids arc help - ing to build stronger. healthier communities. They arc part of a community -fah riming ^resources together- to address: the nee (tined ht that cinntnunity. Clinton .and its surrounding neighbors sent au nt►_.tliffirent but i)1 n►an% ways unique: Your ...omrnunit_1 s eilinrnitrnent to helping those m. need in challenging. times is an incredible- accomphsh- inent' All the' volunteers/and Individuals involved in raising and allocating thc4unds are_to lye congralu laced - a special thank you to those same people from-yofrom-your conlrnunitl whir Fx lieve in • reaching out- to-help ut- u,-heIp Others r. Congratulations and Continued Sue es.' • John Hallman. \•t:e President United Way 01 (';uvula C'entr:u le ('anada Pre 7fa11-t teens beware. • • • • Social workers have been .known to say what they feel- like saying whether its apparently the 'ruth - or not... - • - 1 )e•.0 l-.d,on • April 21): Itl'`t 111 Wttoti.ltc k 1 )mart• 1 had ire Ytthl�i : liern:ittl., but tt•-pla.c nil tiaughtei: for :ulur n(11 l'rotm 141181. 1.di(hil know then re whit f kno11• - not1 l erne' hcl1t hut have more meet ' .. Alar Icy. I979 the .o.l.1t wilrk.t staler Io Inc deft I E4 1.0 1 et.' ! )rake _was 0itupied play .t) !tlIto 1t :i iuplr thio Velli talc l,nlyclsi1 Degree's loan W 0,sten: Tile ;duple 01.I agree -when :.l poet turn'. .I .hlr.•)l 111 whril the 'unr, is.•nght :h. will he able II. meet me. • • Ala% _y. 191U -Is :tdrllpet! in ritl ; ours documents tVo ,mc Iron: (111k401C, Ald•cali expl:nn.t0.11a1 this. dale repme:vies - - 1 trusted the w:lal 'wnrkel that slit- would .-etve the adoptive parrots rny mt's.ae& that I wanted to • r.unitt- when Play reached eighteen The- social wnrkel convinced int- 1 •wimid remain: eighteen years lata. 1 Pregnant kens sire c tl h he aware Social workers • hayc been krnntn ti• .ay «hat they loci like saying. whether 11s:apliaren14 the truth of not Sou may re :thee this year, Intel • . M4 unntcni,1 III_ tIlIornlauon .ass nod -ling about the ailitpht r 'parents -having 41tinil-cisiil - Degree The adtiplr.e Lattice apparcnith was ti drafisman horn 211 Holland - -- •- • I hr adoptive molhcl „apparently had two year. college and U;t. cr►iplove(1-111 the eduiatlon field It .ay. "lra,-1 was adoptedItiI r I ..-1.4'9 not 'v14t% t).' ltI'ti ('lost 1,, so. en months Jiffy' pcist bei. eighteenth .-hirihit:.l I can't help tyul 4* oridct • wasn't I I,,ld net horn halite. gto int,, to... ti 1 care till tVO months before. hcinc placed" thl. -what thca social w,,rker didn't want n I0 knov on Mai 10.'1070 Ilial nil (laughter hadn't hien plat evil.• yet" no Ihr .o. sal v;trker mall rcI i 014 Message 'tgr about' y\ant Int 1t - h. rcumlc(i•' 1)1i1 the 501.101 worker idl the adoptive couple -het nan)e 1. "1 ek• ' Iltd the adoptti•e couple tell Tra:1 that she's, adapted" - ' I. Tracy aware I am scarchini lin her" Arc the adoptive parents .ommunrcatrfic u t1h I rat % ort Adoption ts.Iie.•'• Wile -s "time - is the adoptiviarents apparently.. relcrri,w r,lrt..'s. or.theirs or mine'' - Did the adoptive parcels tell .Tracy. 1 Laivc Hir- • Yours truly Barts Irak (ieorgeh'u a gay to go Huron! You are the i'est! .... literally, -thousands of people in Huron County will receive- a better quality.of-care.and service... .)eat Editor - - On behalf or the Board of I)Irectarrs nl- the Huron 1inrtect Way .•1 -•would like 111 eztend-a'•::arm and atcarticli think you tot the trenlendiais support 0n - • en to the I 9,-- fall campaign The eanip.ugn utft .i;d1.clo.ed ore .amara 2gitts.21-' with a final and In- . crethhlc 1ota1 ,tt ,, 1'8.Ot)l)' A\ ith an effort 'that • tat ' cyceects thy provineed.:m(1 :national average. an .reasc nl neigh 711 pet cent rivet last year was real- . 'Veil . Although spat' and goiui itianncrs do iron per us to 111:101,each-iniln�tdual DI corporation whmit o cote,. iributed Iu' chie success. plcase know even eflort. regardless 01 -site is gratetalty appreciated Oin mission is ''To promote. Ihc.organized capaci t� of pe epic to .arc Ior one. another"- and through the agencies the Huron. tinted W ay supports. liter, all Ihousa)u1..01 people in Huron i Dirtily u ill re- ceive a belief quality or .arc and service Thanks to you' .• • . 11 will he quitea .I IIeriee ti, .utpa.a this achieve- ment. but we firmly believe iii the people its Huron - (ounty • and we knot It can he done' Already .the preparations lire out J9(i1' campaign are underway. . and e takes many volunteers to implement a -SU).' .cssIut venture lt. you wt,uld like to, heir u. " huttd :t !who Conl1nttr111\--through -a donation id litey nrme) et talent.. please call or ' Is1t the local t--n11- ed 1Vay Office . Way to go Huron'. You arc• the hest' • ..Smcereiv Kim Bilcke EXeCULIV. Dire:tot-tor the Board Of Directors Huron -United Way. C ountry wide® HEARTLAND REALTY INC.. Leet Countrywide Heartland's Unique Ads Talk to You' ['Jai 1_800-4b3-7363 and enter the property's extension NEW 1I511 Nt. A. u,unar„al priy,rrt. u, l-.,,•rrr t S11ce. and shop- t u, acre- t all DA*, - S219,000 10 ABBEY LANE Beautiful ,amlh hem. arpm, 251x, so ft of finished living space (lutes St Call lint "wow • Serving Huron trom the Heart • For FREE property info dial 1.800.463-7363 and Ext. # 571,000 111 '13" 1117; •.,•n Ett. 8166 589000sass _. ,.�"Yi Ect 8167 $29,900 ,,,, • 1 • to Co i Ext 8161 $115,0O0r rlil. ',,•,•, t . Ett 8159 5134.600 : r.•, r•. - • • Ect 6920 S74,900 re t riEct 6918 589 900 1) KINGSCUURT. CRSS. - Spacious tooth CENTRALIA VILLAGE - Wun t last long .1 bdrm haus• int yuiel st l-en.ed rear yard- Lail Bob emit.- hi,m.•. Ka. heat alio b i1 ,t r 1 ut. t. Alf Bob ZURICH 1.1 bedrooms, excellent shape ABATTOIR 1V acres & 4 bdrm house for salvor )enc. Call Lave Lots of equipment Gov't certified. Attwoud S79 900 146 ORCHARD Si. • Maintenance. 1 .• e,ter,ur All r>rM windows. 4bdrm.,gas heat Call hub $111 900 GREAT INVESTMENT - m Cimttni Vupiex. Total income $1060 Sales Representatives Dave Youmans 235-3026 & Bob Heywood 235-0874 CALL OUR OFFICE et 519-236-3330 - 24 hour paging We also have offices in: CLINTON 482.3400 WINGNAM 367 3400 GODERICH 524-6789 e• it 441 Main Street South. Exeter y.( nnntr'.4'. (, in .,rt ..,,0 1,t1.e, 519235 3330 li