HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-18, Page 21First and 24th months rent- free deal. Large 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units available in a quiet, secure community in Exeter. Join a Co-op and get free of landlords. Lots of extras. m Call Exandatea Meadows Coop at 2253382. in 7 12 Pets LAB -CROSS )ACK RUSSELL - 8 weeks old ('all 225-2318. (50-01aa) 13 Musical Instruments • GIII•I-AR & PIANO lessons Available Beginner to advanced, all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (20tfn) GUITAR i,FSSONS availahlc in 7.urich area on classical, ---outtic or electric guitar. All ages welcome. call (519) 43,-5544on weekdays a (519) 236-4230 on weekends. Ask for or leave message for Troy. (431fn) 14 Appliances, Television ONE. YEAR Ot.D WHITEi Words fridge. no freezer. Great for 2nd fridge. excellent . condition. aokne 5375. Call 284-1265. resat 14 Appliances, Television ;NGUS AUTOMATIC WASHER AND DRYER - Almond, 11 years old, good condition. Viking 17 cu. ft. frostttee refrigerator 7 year old, almond, excellent condition. Call 284-2638. (8sa) 15 Personal FJ(I:TER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St. (Beside Noah's Ark). Open 9-12 only Tuesday Thursday. Phone 235-4104. (25tfx) RENASCENCE Services for Women DROP-iN evening for women who have experienced. or arc currently experiencing. male violence in their lives First Monday each month 6:30.8:30 p.m. Next session. March 2. Join us for information, support, discussion and refreshments - frec and confidential. Call 482-3933 for location; 16 For Sale PATONS YARNS * Discount Prices. eon's Health Centre•., Hensai 1. (I6tfn ► Pro Drainage 1 R.R. #6, Forest Ontario - Farm Drainage Specialists - R.R. Forest Ontario - Farm Drainage Specialists - • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • MILK HOUSE DRAINS • EROSION' CONTROL • BACKHOE RENTAL • WATER LINES ,• BASEMENTS ' "We guarantee you .the best value for your dollar" For free estimates call: Days 828-3641- Ron Evenings - 786-4241- Rick Wellington F 16 For Sale SLAB FIREWOOD FOR SALE We buy woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, arch, maple, delivered and picked, up. Phone Dignan Landscaping. • 236-4457. (49tfn) WOOD FOR SALE -Good dry mixed - hardwood, by the cord or 1/2 tonne pickup. truck load. Will deliver. Call 225.2609 after 6p.m. - 30" ELECTRIC STOVE $150. obo; Wood table and 4 chairs $300. obo; 4tlrawer filigg cabinet S50. obo; coffee table and 2 end table$100. obo. Call 284-3773. (7,Ssa) DENS AND PRIENDS of Seaforth is having a large moving sale. -We're offering huge savings, up to 60 per cent off in store merchandise in February. Save• on Mattel collectibles, bears, plates. Valentine gifts, clothing, hand crafted items. Call 527-1199: Cash or cheque only please. (07,08*) ONE SEGA SATURN. o0e year old, one controller. TV/VCR output cords included. 4 games also. 8300.00. One hoiden 40 channel Mobile ('B radio with ash tray hook up and Antenna included. SJ25.00; neverused. Phone 2384265.18•). Times -Advocate, February 18, 1998 20 Property for Rent EXETER - one and two. bedroom apartments from 5375 up, fridge and stove included.:: Extra options available. One month's free rent. Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (456) HENSALL: 1 and 2 bedroom. apts., fully carpeted, fridge and stove, paved parking TV cable, etc. Special rates for Seniors. 13th month rent free. 262-2230 or 905-662-6603. (121fn) • RAJ' MANOR in 7.uncfi has asps cions 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Controlled entry. Fridge and stove available. Phone 236-4607. (33tfo) NEW NORDIC TRACK lets rplus. 2 BEDROOM APT. - Carling Si. Exeter. I- - 15X16' SLIDING DOOR; • 1. - I5'x15' shaper Fridge and stove supplied. •('leaned and sliding door insulaleC; 1.- 15'x16' insulated 5300• Great all over wdxkdtit. 238-6913. painted. $495.00. Phone 235.0512. (l&fn) • wall: I set 20.8 x 38 snap cin duals; I set (Sc) ONIi AND TWA BEDROOM 20.8 x 18 lack-good-forduals;-1-Ford-100---g6"--R K�yF.t:l/REAirF.R-erAt1-BFf3 A�AEWPM. AF.sip -frau -3349.00 in bracer. lawn mower 10 HP corder engine; .1-307 ; LATHE with accessories 5425 00 9" 235-3-509: (2atfny olds engine and teeny; 1 Acorn stove; 1 Rockwell table saw with stand and blade Scope engine analiier: 1 8 HP clinton 5125. Call after 6 p.m 235-1775, ask for OFFiCE/STORE FRONT - Commercial engine; 1 wocid splitter; 1 6Q,000 BTI' . Tim. (8,9*) space for rent. Main Si. S. Exeter. Swank Radiant Heater. 1-3,000 1 lb. Forklift 235-1462 (31tfn) (3 pt hitch): 1 cultivator 16' I-20 rixoritler. HOTPntNT 30" RANGF. with solid ' (nit engine): 1 Foley Reel Mower grinder. 1 . elements - and self cleaning 8275.; 5' EXETER GROUND FLOOR - 2 bedroom Rohl Cut off saw: I-280 pal. tire calcium stainless steel hood $300.; 3 hay sink 5200.:. aapp. available immediately: C411.263-2380 , ,('alt 349-2304. -. triple head with twist soft icecream machine (3711n) 53,500. Call 349-2522. (08se) - - BROWN SWISS COWS ANE) H13IFERS with due dates. Meat for sale, buy half or Motor Home ake whole. Call 519-461-1649. ,(Sae)... 2 WHIRLPOOL -n1Bs 1 -_5': 1 .- 6', one For. Rent shower unit: one tub whirlpool shower unit 3 -piece. all new. 'sell at cost plus no tax. Call 284.4142 ask for Sam:-(8sa) 97 C Class. 29 . pieePREMIUM nyl ARCTIC CAT mens S300. 2 loaded, rent daily, piece nylon . opensnowface suit $oder -1148ntliga; onls 2 .seasons old., Call -284-3034: Premium MC open face helmet, model. -FG-B. with extra new face shield, 5175. weekly or monthly • 236-7169 2 HORSE. CROWN.. TRAILER - Good condition. 51500. Denfield. 519-666.0777 (441fn) • FIREWOOD) FOR - SAI,F: - Mixed • lardwoods,- split. no detivenee. -Cell 349-2605 after 6 p.m. (6-8ea) - EXERCISE .FQIIIPMENT - Sears logger/gym/rower coast 5380. like new, Asking ' S225.00.. .Phone - 283=3362. (4S-08sa) . rr ' if you know someone with COLD FIWT • you need "Wooly • Warmers" fleece Tined • soeks and milts. Available at I eggs -General Store. Bar ov call 473-5052. (7.R 09 ONE iNGLiS.E)RYER - 1 Beatty fridge green...I 25 cu. 1t. freezer: -1 compressor ,for cold room. -1-way angle show plow• i2 fr. and 3 ft 'mounting Best offers. moo go • Call 225-2609. (41)-08sa) . .•••a4,r•••aNr.,,,,,,, 4,a,I.71,a0•1r CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" i•, r is . WANTED HARDWOOD LOGS Prompt payment • ler hardwood logs,'prepayment for ember stands Veneer. log prices Provrncran: licensed tree markers and cenned'equipmen' doerators 'Spe- cial care taken ur harvesting Panne! Veneer Co Lld est 1927. 340 Louisa S: Kitchener 15191742.588 ' • ;NTS t�Rc MEr S ' DONATE; YOUR CAR HERITAGE FOP THE BLIND Tax deductible Free towing, Need no: run Free phone card Sponsored by AADCC 800.46315681 ,E. ::-DPPS. • AMAZING FACT Tne Internet wit- grov, 8'. 2.700% in 24 mos Earr. up -to $15krmc wilt Canada's lastest growing Internet Franchise Fun owning. Investment Req 1.888.678-7588 - , CHRISTIAN BUSINESS; up to 81% profit for you or your ministry No inventory Home based ser vacrng Christian Market Comeiete-framing aro support. Select termones 1.600.663-7326 • 5140,000/yr potential as an Information Broke: Prolil Magazine says 'Best Business to go into '98.. ' Revolutionary interactive systems gener- ate enetate substantial profits. No mvenlory. low over- head 1.888.679.2201 UNL'IMITEO INCOME For Life is possible Mei the Classic Gold 3000 Vending Program and the Assured Credit Gold.Cerd Plan. Protected terrno- ilea now-bemg assigned. Phone 1.800.661.1832 for a FREE brochure • WATER TREATMENT DEALERS WANTED 56 ,year.tnlemationalcompany. Investment required' Complete sales and service , Iraintng Entrepreneurs only. Send resume to -Jody Altwelis, Box 2322• Picton. ON: KOK 2T0 or FM - (6131476.2489 • . FINANCIAL FREEDOM' Average people are earning-substantialincome pe( month PIT! Very Simple' No personal selling' NOT MLN' 1.800- 995.0796, Ext. 2202. 24Hr. Msg • START YOUR OWN business or expand your operation -with ArmorThane Coahogs, Canada's 11 sprayed -on truck bed eclet. Exclusive dealer. ship opportunities evadable now Call 1.800.363- F106 LEARN AUCTIONEERING Classes hhi�dd Apra 18.24,'98. For information Contact: So tAfnrrealeni Ontario School of Au6tioneerang. R.R. a5. Wood- stock, Ontano N4S 7V9 1.888.866.7355. THE BEST COMPUTER, the Best Price. Deliv- ered right to your door anywhere in Canada! Just $69.00 per month, No Money Down. For Tymen- nus loaded 166MMX Multimedia Package 166 MMX. Motorola 56.6 Fax/Modem, Stereo sut- «-rOsound, digital fun -notion video. 32 GB HD, • CD ROM, full colour 14 mein monitor, loaded cuuenl sofNrere (trsl is too long for this ad, can us"' 1 Instant credit approval available right over the phone' Call 1.800.551.3434 - to order/more information. JUST 59.00 PER MONTH.•Abaokdety Complete!' NO.Money Down!! No Payments for Three in Canada 200MMX, 224X CDROM, !". From the Nth Ingest PC manufacturer 0 GB Quantum, ATI 3D EXP Video. 33.6 full duplex. Intel MB and Processor, 16848 EDO 14 inch SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet. Don't be looted by other oNets' Credit Approval averteblo right over the phone 1.868.860.9190 more mfollo order Fast FEDEX delivery, 10 your door any- wlore in Cantata • BE A SUCCESSFUL WAITER. wilt, our great home -study course Car today toryouur FREE BOOK 1-800.267.1829 The Writing Schon. 36 McArthur Avenue Suite 2983. 'Ottawa. ON l -I 6R2 ' COUNSELLOP TRAINING Institute of banana, 'otters on -campus and correspondence courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Practice to degx/ this month Free catalogue can 24tirs 800.665.7044 QUsaaar VPPs. INTERNATIONAL AGRICUI.TURAL Excnangt- Ages 18 - 30 wee agricultura experience tc overwork with family m Australia Nen Zealanc Europe, Japan Costs/detans - 1.800.263-182: Calgary..Alyone - - TOO tALE- $ATTENTION'SIUDEiJTS$ Make a tetot mono\ selling chocolate bars. Nev. products evader* Notting to pay in advance Fast iletrvery.1.800 383-3589 SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS. planks. beams Large 'capacity Best sawmiri value anywhere Free tnformalton 1-800-566- 6899 Norwood Sawmills. R R 2, Kdworttry Ontario POE 100 DISCOUNT VITAMINS ON THE INTERNE' Brand name supplements Fes:. easy' secure - no risk •Visit our Canadian store and check our pnces' www.naluresnulrihon corn . NORSE. FARMING VIDEO Celebr_aling draft horses and the old ways ot tanning in Ovral Cana • - da. Alt tour seasons Over 60 mins 529.95. no fax . 1-888-223-3784 - - HUGE EARNING POTENTIAL from home' Flex hours. free mto. Send S.A.S.E to Publishing Department, 5998 Yonge Street. Suite 125. Toronto, Onteno M4Y 124 • . PAMPERED CHEF CANADA offers a unique Ine of quality kitchen utensils presented in home • demonstrations Consultants needed in your , area. Cal Donna Siclunger 1416)283.1617. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers Find the orecte wiatrn. $2.99 min 18. 24 hrs 1.900.451.3783. 1.111111116011- AA= ALONE ON VALENTINES AGAIN? Share this Valentine's day with that special person using our . solution For compatibility matching loin TOGETHER today with thousands of members aid meet 8181 someone who is looking for you Call 1-888-643-8437 WHAT BLOCKS YOU from accomphshng what you went in We" Fnd out with Dienetres' Buy 11' Read in Use n! $8.99.GST. Call 1.800.561.5806 today' STEEL BUILDINGS.. Fmel Clearance. Construc- tion end Leasing available 20 x 14 x 30- 33.888.00. 25 x 14 x30 $3.988.00. 30 x 14 x 40 15,944.00. 40 x 60 69,688.00 40 x 80 512,244.00. 50 x 100 121,586.00 60 x 120 328,900.00. Others. Nowt 1-800-688-5422. TRASH OR TREASURES, Paying up to $1000.. Wanted any pre -1970 Collectibles. Advertising. Clothing. Comics, Dolls, Furniture, Glassware, Jewellery, Magazines, Postcards, Signs. Toys. Watches. Auction. Evaluation, Pur- chasing Service 1.888.301.1903 • It's Affordable • It's fast • H'a ee a eao It4�ll • Northern Onte►fo 576 • Eastern 1- - • Western Ontario $ 130 • COMM/ Offtnflp fpt0� • 'tuned Packages AvaUaDle ••.t]iw1 Oft wirieri i OA)-.. • WESTiNGHOI'SE FROST FREI • refrigerator 'l3 cuhrn fr. . 'whirr 18 good condition Asking S175 00 hest offer -Also. one vinyl sass; chair ._in fair . condition. Askin}. SIli no 11 interested 'call 284-1272 - - weekdays. hetween.<t a.m. anct S p,m. ' - APPLES Northern Spys & Other Varidties • • Fresh Pressed Cider' • Grape Juice, Apple Butter • Fresh Honey SAWYER'S ORCHARD 235-0446 Open Saturdays all day . Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad 1 awn N Garden I u 111 nu•nl Want 'the Best, Forget the Rest , i QUALITY IS I<iJh')F' KUBOTA CANADA LTD HIDE BROTHERS iii FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED Hensall 262-2605 -c 1.7 Lawn S Carden E.( tai Intent BLEAT Till- PRICE iN('REASI before the• Neu Year on table and chairs Orders taken for solid (oak. maple or cherry, table of • chars. '7 styles _ot chairs: finished at unfinished. Melvin Albrecht..Cherryhill kd f4th (:one W. Nissourr.7 wp.1 straight south of St. Marys. 3rd place on right (51-08sa MATCHING SET INGLIS washer and dryer. super size. almond colour. dryer excellent. washer needs some repair, S250/pair Large wagon wheel -ceiling Tight $25 Hunter- green world. cornet stand. door cupboard au bottom S125 -('al' 284,1912101-0Ksa1 • CARRETTI• iBY EVEREST. EI lemmng• Electric Scotto . Phone 284- 1726, (4-Ksar WOOD FOR SALE - 832 per cord in vard 33j per mrd delivered 234-6316. (6-9' COMPUTER FACTORY SPECIAL. - 6 months no • payment or • tree scanner Pentium; 166 MMX, fulls loaded with punter. Internet read} and much much morel S16./wk. ' Fret' delivers 1,800-515- 5545. (OAC) (6.8-13 • COMPLETE SET OF "1" shaped used kitchen cabinets - good condition. includes counter top. sink and taps. 3600. or best offer. Call 284-3499 after S p.m. (6,8sa) USED CUPBOARD FOR SALE - Suitable for cottage ix workshop: Roxtoi table and chairs, buffet and hutch. Excellent condition. Phone 229-6115. (6-8sa1 BED. ROXTON KING 'SIZE c/w spindle headboard, solid maple dresser c/w winged mirror. 2 at. tables. maple excellent condition: sofa. loveseat. swivel rocker skier pepler ruse colour. cane and .wood sides. Good condition St. Marys. 284-2754 - (6,8sa)' . LAWNBOY MOWER 16" 7 yrs. ofd. vert gaud •condition, Broilmate gas BBQ c/w shelves, tank and cover. 2 yrs. •Patio table oval with umbrella. St. Marys 519-214=2754. (6,83a) • - - BABY ITEMS = Exer-saucer 540.; -Fisher Price activity walker 315.; .Fischer Price bodying 35.; gate S5.; Fisher. Price monitor 810.; mens mountain bike 325. Phone 235-1727,(07,08.9x) • ARTIST SKETCH PADS NOWljy STOCK $6.95 - $9.95 Suitable for: pen. pencil. charcoal or watercolour EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE i • 17 Wanted to Buy WANTED. ('AR . & TRACKS for wrecking Any condition. Will hay any wrap metal. You wilt he surprised at out, prices: Pickupts can he arranged 234'6252. Advanced Alun )'art. (50ufn; 18 Wanted EXU FER NATION AI ti FASTBAI.I 'CI,1'B-, -Pitching icvoxits Mon: Feh. 16 a1 7:30 on thc Exeter Public School gym. Am . female pitcher ni Midget age -wishing tots' out t.: invited . Any .questions please call Kenn limes al (5.19) 235-1926 (7,8,9* 23_. YEAR' 01.1) MALE lxokine for roommate. tri • Kew house' in Hensall. Mete/female. non-.ctneker $300/month, everything included except' phone • Jamie 482-7661.(8-i , • • 1.9 Property for Sale HENSAII. - 4 hedioom hack, bungalow. Fully• finished Fenced - ingroirnd poo). C'o nen lot. 262-291k• (03-080 04 HIGHWAY -' Small acreage, custom 4 hedroorn hock z baths laundry room, sauna. rev room with fireplace attached arage. outhuildinu. 227-0771 (6-0*) FARM. FOR SALE - flshorne wp.• 100 acres Excellent large brick home with new addition. modern 500 hog finishing barn plus capacity for more - with other barns. (all Linda daytime 527-2103 or evenings at 229-88&7 (6-R* N M N *4 • .4 es N M H H .4 H .4 H H H, H H H N H H K ' FOR SALE! Industrial Land 2' acres, fully serviced. Asking $75.000. 226 Pickard Rd. Exeter Ken Ogden 235-0450 Charterways Transporation Ltd. 2ZZSZSSZZSSZSZZZZ2ZZZ H PRIV.ATi SAI.1 ' I bedroom modern brick home. 2111 Mars Sr Clinton_ Met rculousls maintained. nearly new carpets. high effrctenc} gas furnace. central air and lifetime transferable warrant}_ steel tilt roof •4 pc bath. kitchen. dining. living rooms and bedrooms on rratn'f)o or. Large res room bat. -2 cluseLs and 2 pc bath in basement Large utility room- paved drive and utiles shed on Targe lot Call 262-2835 or leave name and number (7-101 . 1 -ARM FOR SALL. HAY TOWNSHIP 50 acres sandy loam. 35 acres tiled ever} 20 tt Gad producing' farm Black Creek crosses tarn 227-4766 (K.9c) HENSALL - new, ready to choose yourown colors,' 1700 sq; ft. with large garage; 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, livingioom, family room/dining/kitchen with cathedral ceiling. Main floor laundry, fully landscaped, cement drive, --quiet street, has- school bus pick up, 5 year new home warranty. Call 262-2029. Broker protected. • 20 Property for Rent II -REDUCED RENTS! HENSAI.I. - i hedro oro S37h./month including heat 2 bedroom S406/month: Available immediately. 12th. month free.. Call 263-2380. (421fn) SMALL 1 BEDROOM house- available February 1/98. Redecorated and painted. .Call 235-1756 atter 6:00 p.m (07tfn) - _ -AVAILABLE NOW - One hedroom apimment with dining room. Heated, fridge and stove supplied.' S375.00/month- Call 235-1354. (45tth) - DASHWOOD • 1 & 2 - bedroom apts. 5395.00 and 5450.00 monthly. Includes aappppliances, laundry facilities mailable. ('alt -RE/MAX Rluewater Realty inc.. Marlene Parsonsat 235-3777: (03tfn)' . .EXETER - 1 hedrixom upper levet of - Aupleit. 5325 monthly plus heat and utilities.(519) 565,5641:(50tfc+ Property for, rent Exeter Country Meadows 3 bedroom hones.: new building management Phone 235-4694 1 & 2 BEDROOM l'NITS -' Close ,to downtown . ideal- for • seniors- Clean 235-3573. (SOtfn ), EXETER - 2 - bedroom • house 3600.00/month available Januar} 1- Phiihe 235-0382 after. 7 p.m; (02tfn) - ONE -AND TWO -BEDROOM APARTMENTS - Stove. fridge. parking and heat included.. PI IC extra. 451-2131. (02tfn) EXETER - Large 2 hedroom apartment.. newts renovated, No pets. Call 235-3293 (03tfn) APARTMENT .- 2 hedroom. bright. cheerful horadloom. Treed lot: highway k4. rnile.s south of Exeter. Tiled hath, gat heat. large livingroom and kitchen. 5410. - plus monthly. References reqwred ' 235-0392. (4tJn) EXETER - Small 2 bedroom home. fended yard: new windows. heat included S600 Phone 234-6262 evenings (04tn1 COTTAGE/HOME - 20 min. from Tahermory. Sleeps 4. All conveniences Non-smoking. No pets. Close re National Park trails. 519-596-2824. (05.08.1 TWO & THREE BEDROOM luxurs condo/apartments. ga• heat. • 'air conditioning. large open concept. 5 appliances, swrmrmng p col. river frontage. decks S595 - 5795 plus utilities Phone 433-7243 - •daytime and 66(t-4429,evenmF. (05tfn) ONE BEDROOM . BASEMENT APARTMENT - Stove -and fridge included. Available March 1. $355/month plus utihues. Phone 235-1854 (O6tfn) - GROI'N1) 11.(X)R (enc bedroom apt. Fudge, stove, heat and utiltues included. C x11235-ob59after 4 p.m. (06tfn) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt Ground flour. Seniorswelcome.227-1385. (6-8') LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Kippen area- on paved road. fiat in kitchen. diningroom. bvingroom. Gas furnace, 2 yr.. old. 3550. plus utilities. March 1st. 263-6058 or 527-1826, (6tfn) 301 SENIOR STREET, EXETER - Quiet Qne bedroom units available. Lots of parking. Close to downtown. Fndge and stove requited. Call Larry 235-0318 or 652-3009.(6tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT - One bedroom plus bathroom with shower. Includes some furniture. Available rmmediaiely. 3210.00 a month. Call Dinney's 235-0173,9-6. (07tfn) HENSALL - 2 and 3 bedroom units available. Croat value. Call 262-2234. (07tfn) 27 ACRES of hay ground available for 1998 season. 519-237-3485. (7,8•) GRAND BEND - Small 2. bedroom plus loft cottage - new economical gas furnace. 5475.hnonth • one year lease. 672-6386. (7,8•) LUCAN - New one bedroom 2nd floor apt. with controlled entrance. New appliances, gas heat, central air. Phone 227-4766. (8,9c). LUCAN - 2 bedroom ground floor apartment. Two appliances, lots df parking. Phone 227-4766. (8,9c) HENSALL - 2 bedroom apartment, clean and quiet, heat included. Convenient laundry facilities and parking. Call 243-2123. (8tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom bungalow attached garage, gas heat, $600. (5519) 263-6105. (attic) EXETER - 3 bedroom. Newly renovated downtown apt. 2 full baths. Eat -in kitchen. Plenty of closet space $525/month plus utilities. 519-474-1331 for appointment. (8tfn) 22 For Sale or Rent Page 21 LUCAN - Century home, modern gas 'furnace, 3 bedroom, 2 pc. bath up. Large . living morn, kitchen, 4 pc_ 'bath, laundry room main floor . Completely redecorated. New rugs throughout. 227-4766. (8,9c) 1 23 Wanted to Rent PROP. LAND FOR '98 : Future years 15 -miles radius from Zurich. Competitive Hank--Hendrilcs, 236-7852 or 36:4451. (06-08•) ' 25 Notice PHOTOS FROM YOUR PAST The Exeter 'times•Advoa cate-. has mny 'unclaimed pictures received. from your ' special cocca inn Please pick up your photo.' 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM MAURICE COATES . Late nt the' Town of Exeter,. in the County of Huron. who died On or about • the .1 31h day 01 November, 1997 Credi- tors and other- haying claims against the above estate are rcquircd to 'send. full particulars of such claims to the un- dersigned on or before thc 27th day of Fehniars 1.998 after which date the es- tate assets will he (hstrihtited having re, gard only to claims that -have then been received. - RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers and Solicitors 387 MainStreet P.O. Box 100' - Exeter.. Ontario ' NOM 1S6 Solicitors for the Estate Trustees NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In the Estate of iOLA MARGORiE , GORING Lala 01 the Village of [mean. In ,the Counts, of Middlesex. who died on thc 22nd da} of Scptcmher. 1997 Credi- tors and- others having claims against the -above estate arc required to'. send full particular. 01 such claims Indhe un- dersigned on or before -the- 26th da} of Fehnuary, 1998. a)'(c: ww)iids date the es- tate assets ‘611 he distributed..havnng regard ooh t, :hems that -hare then, been recon t-rci ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor , 417 Main Street South . Exeter, Ontario- - NOM 1 S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JEFFERY ALLAN PLAYFOOT Late of the Town (11 Exeter, r in the • Count}; of Hurein, whO died on. or about• the :: 5th iia} of \oventhcr. 1997 Credi- tors and others. having claims, against. the ab oyc estate arc required to -send tall particulars of such claims•to the un • - dersigned on or before the 25th da\ of March. 1998 aiter which date the estate • assets will he distributed having regard onl% to claims that have then been re, caved RAYMOND & McLEAN , Barristers and Solicitors 387 Main Street ' P.O. Box 100 . Exeter. Ontario • NOM 1S6 ' Solicitors for ,the Estate Trustee Ear c las.sifiCrlS cull 235-1331 � - -- - - -, SUBSCRIBE! 1I( you aren't subscribm8 to The' 'Times -Advocate, you're missing out I Use the Coupon below and subscribe today.! 1 Name: I Address City I Prov. • 1 Postal Code 111 114N-6AIE5 1 t War $35 . 2.45 0S�yes, sea . d n GS7 LltfI daSsinADA $ 102.00 USE YOUR CREWQ CARD 10o00uOOo 1 ❑OOCI0000 Card No Expiry Date ❑ Visa Li Master Card U Cheque enol red I 13811111110• TIMES ADVOCATE 424 Main St Exeter, Ont. NOM 166 L- -- - --aJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 I