HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-18, Page 18Page 18 Times-Adva-at ebruary 18, 1998 Birth Announcements Cards Of Thanks Cards Of Thanks Death Notices I7-/CliWw-. L11.711 GILL-BOZZATO - Dave. Dana and big sister Sarah. are very. happy to announce the birth of their second child. Katherine Yvonne. on January 22. 1998 weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. Kate is the second granddaughter for Jinn. and Bonnie Hozzato. •Hensall and • sixth grandchild for Keith and Carol Gill. Grand Bend. We' would like to thank our families. friends and neighbours for their • calls. visits. gifls,'ti`rad and cxtra•help during-- --oar hospital stay and since returning home. We feel very lucky to have such special peo. Ole in our lives 11". In Memoriams BRUT S - In precious menwry of Sharon ' Louise (Edward) Bruls. who left us uric' year ago. February 13, 1997 Remember her with a smile today.. Instead of hitter tears. • Reflect •instead on the meniortes: Of all the happy years. Smiles she brought, the ways she spoke. And of all the Things she said and did. Her strength. her courage. the way she lived. -Remember that instead! All the love she gave so freely. Her eyes that shone with laughter. Thai never ending smile. • - - So touch of her has never lel us. Bur lives on forever after. Always in our cherished thoughts and prayers,. love John: Wally. Mary Lou and Shan Becker. Shauna. and Duane Maier 8' TAYLOR - In loving memory of a -dear husband.. father, grandfather and great- grandfather.• Richard. who passed away on -. Fchtuan I g. 1997 • Sadly missed afiin;' llc's ssas. Quietly remembered every day. No longer in our hoes io share... Burin our beans Ws always hien. - Sadly missed by Pearl and. families. 7` Cards Of Thanks •DYKr:MAN - The family of the late Marjory M Dykenian Gish to express sin-. -circ "Thanks" and gratitude 10 our relatives, friends and neighbours for their sympathy with •eards. flowers, donations to various donations and food brought to our hotness Thanks to the Exeter Villa fur their care. of Moen while a resident. especially to grand- daughter Janet tui her special cure and thoughtfulness. Gar sincere apprecratain and, , - thanks In Diane), Funeral Home. especially Bill tor the caring. assistance we received. ' • Thanks 10 E,,eier.Urincd Church. Worsen lirr the delicious. luncheon. and 10 South Huron 'Hospital for their care while.Momwas a patient.,To Dr_ Steciuk. thanks for all' your . care given -to Mom throughout her life. , .8' • ' • ' • Sincerely, • The Dykeman Families HENDRICK - The family u1. thr la)e ."• Harold Hendrick-wiuld like Io-ezpress their deepest (hanks and gratitude 10 the many people who gave•tlowers. food donations. . eards,and.e spressions of sympathy. We• would like to Thank 1)r Brien, Dr. Taylor and 'staff of St. Joseph`s.Health Centre for • their care and thoughtfulness Also thanks to Hoffman's Ambulance and Funeral home, as well as (-altar). United Church •U C.W. Ladies for'the luncheon. Spectal'thanks to Rev- Gani Lazar -0'10r being with us. as•well as his special message. at the. funeral servjcc. " Thanks.w Rev. Boli Grahant•for reading scripture and fir the pallbearers Your thoughtfulness and -prayers will always he remetithered 8' Elizabeth Hendrick and Family DATERS-THOMPSON - Thank you to our friends, neighbours and relatives for their expressions of sympathy in the loss of our' brother and uncle, Harold Hendrick. Your kindness will always be remembered. 8' Doreen. Irene and families • LENK --The family of.the late D.D.J. (Dix) Lenk wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the many ads_of-kind, ness shown to us by our friends -and neigh- bours. A special (hanks to Rev. C. Parsons for everything and to"Marlene Moore for her constant supportTo (hose very. very special ladies of the Q.O.N. - Janice. Mary and Donna and their backup homemakers Lynda. Jane and Lyn and so many others who looked after Dot throughout her illness. thank you., We must not forget Dr. Hodder and staff members of South Huron Hospital who were there al the very beginning ass was Karen Fry and staff: of the County Support Services with total support from Town and Country Services. Many gave us suppon. To all of you. thank you for being there all these months. Bless you -.d! 8' Bill Lenk and family - LEWIS -."Thank • you' seems like such small words to express our appreciation for many kind deeds from professionals, friends and neighbours. over this pass month. Thank you to staff of South . Strathroy Hospital ain't() those who visited Doug -.whether to share a story or 10 rub his back. Thank you to Dr. Scrmigeour and. the staff of CCAC, •VON nurses. Town and. Country- Hornernaking and the VON Palliative Care volunteers. To those who sent food to the house. cards; flowers and donations. thank you! Thanks to the Brinsiey and Crediton United Church Women•for the funeral fun- chcon and to Rev. Ed Laksmanis for his beautiful eulogy and ongoing support. We are so blessed io have so many- wonderful Triends'and neighbours to help carry us • through this difficult time. -8c - Donclda Loans and family LOViE - A special thank you 10 our family; . friend~ and neighbours' for iheir thoughtful- - ness during my surgery and since returning .home. The, phone calls. visits. cards, flow- ers.-and fond are appreciated mom than you know. Words cannoi•express how grateful 1 am to my sisters Bonnie Vandenherk, Cheryl Cook and my sister-in-law Cassie Lravie who have been. caring for the -kids and helping with the household duiies:To my husband Jim. a very special thank you for - takimg over the house. twirls and running and doing such a great .lob' rant truly blessed to have the love and support of so many!• • 8c ' - ' Cathenne PATTERSON - Special thanks to my fami- - -ly and friends for cards. treats and flowery 1 received since my surgery and at home. Also thanks for telephone calls and visits. 8' - - Harold REiCHERT - The family of the- late Ervin Reichelt wishes to express sineeere thanks - and .gratitude to our relatives. friends. and . neighbours for (heir sympathy and gencrosi- ly shown io us during our. recent loss. Special thanks to Res. Russ Thomson. the J.M. McBeath Funeral Home. Zurich. the Si Peter's Lutheran Church Ladies and Youth Group Special thanks is also extended to.the pallbearers and flower hearers. and the dot ton. nurses'. and staff .at ihe Chinon Public Hospital. • - 8'r Marj.. Carol:1kmna and fatuitics WILDFON(: - Sincere 'thanks io everyone for their prayers. suits, cards.-calls'and (lowers fo116wing the -death of toy son. Kenneth. Special thanks 10 the staff and resi- dents at Queensway and also to Rowcldfc Trucking. Your acts of kindness are much apprccialed. . 8c j)orothy , Ccomt oiip 44 SP IMP to EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Service Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour • Thursday Evening Home Bible Study at 8 p.m. For info, contact 229-6572 94 Orchard Street, Exeter Everyone Welcome - IntIMMINN EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St. W. Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 February 22, 1998 10:00 a.m. Morning Service . . Sunday School for ages 3 to Grade 4 during morning service Nursery Available 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Sunday, February 22, 1998 Rev. Colllj Parsons Sunday School 10:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Congregational Games Night Courtesy Car: Charlie Atthlll 235-1536 Nursery Provided All welcome! CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Minister Rev. Daniel Roushome Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday, February 22. 1997 . 11.00 a.m. Moming Worship and Sunday School 4b. 18 7:30 p.m.. Board and Session meeting Feb. 22 Annual meeting after worship' A warm welcome awaits you. EMMANUEL ,BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-2661 Sunday, February 22 Moming Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. • Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome February 22 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Worship Broadcast mi.Lsi mow. on Community Channel t nf1M1I(1Nl r l c H u H cH P.O Box 934 Grand Bend. NOM 1TO SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1998 11:00 a.m. Guest speaker: Rev. Brian Williamson Communion Sunday, March 1, 11 a.m. Guest speaker: Rev. David Thiessen Now meeting at Calvary United Church, Dashwood For further info: contact 238-8337 WOLFE - Many thanks 10 friends. family and neighbours for your thoughtfulness and help to celebrate my special birthday. for the beautiful flowers, cards, gifts. visits and phone calls. It was i day I will always remember. 8c Alden Death Notices KEYS - Peacefully at South Huron Hospital. Exeter, on February 13. 1998. Murray L. Keys.of RR *3 Exeter • (Hay Township), in his.64th year. Loved husband of loan (McWilliams) Keys. Proud father of Daryl and Carol Ann Keys •of RR al, Exeter. Beth Keys and her -- husband Michail Kudryk of • Toronto. Bonnie Keys- Riley and her husband Dave Riley of Guelph. Loving grandpa of Jouws. Scott and Bradley Kcys. Sean and Maliya Kudryk, Bre(t.and Brandon Riley. Dear, brother and -brother-in-law of Robert and Dorothy Keys -of Burlington:- Ross and the late Helen Keys of Watford; Cameron and Helen McWilliams of Bothwell. Shirley and Robert Walker of 11'est Lorne. Jacqueline and.Cauneron Leitch of Dutton. Loved by his many nieces. nephews and their families. Predeceased by his parents Albert and Anna -Mae (Love) Keys and brother John. Keys Rested al the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home. Dashwood. where the funer- al service was held on February .16. 1998. The Rev. Daniel Roushtirne officiated Interment -Hayfield 'Cemetery. If desued.- nicmoirial donations to the South -Huron Hospital. Penh -Huron V.O.N or charity of choice would he appreciated. Murray loved his. community and served as -former "Councillor and -Reeve of the Township -of Hay from 1982.until December 1997.. He was Past Warden -(1997) of the County 0(1 Huron; Chairman of Hay Communications Co-operative Lid. and Director of Hay Mutual Insurance Company. 8c MacLAREN - Peacefully, in Ottawa. in his 93rd year pn Sunday. February 15. 1998, Wilmer "Mac" Frederick- Bedford • Maclaren: Beloved husband for 62 years of Mildred Robinson. Loving father of Robin (husband .of Marion) of Gloucesier. Proud grandfather of Stephen 01'Gfoucuster and Laura of Mississauga. Friends may pay respects at the Kelly Funeral Home. 2370 St .Joseph Blvd.. Orleans. from 11-a.m. nil p.ni Thursday. Funeral Service Thursday in • the Chapel at 1 p.m.. followed by -cremation, Intermeht- of cremated remains: i Collingwood, in..the spring. In memoriam 'donations to tKe Alzheimer Society apprect- aced. (Pharmacist - MacLarcn's Pharmaoy I Grand Bend. "Pills and Things". retired" Life member of Grand Bend Lions Club and life member .- of Marino Lodge. Collingwood) 8c • Rf7CHERT-- At Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, February 12. 1998. Ervin Clarence Reichert of Clinion, foinucrly of Nay Township. in his 76th year Beluxed husband of Marlion,e Ajlyen iI)aiar', Reichcn lkitr father of Carol and her hus- hand Craig Davidson of Exeter and Dutiva and hcr.hushand Ken -Thiel- of Zurich Loving grandfather of Kari and Karla Davidson. Jolt McMichael and Kelly. Dana, and Jeff Thiel Dear brother and brother-in-- law rother-in-law of Ivan and,Mary, Reichert of Bayfield. Orland and Laurahcllc Reiehen and -Lorena Fields all of RR re, Hcnsall Predeceased by one brother-in-law Frank Fields Visitation :in the J.M .McBeath Funeral Home. 49 Goshen,Streei, Zurich, where the funeral service was conducted un Fchruary 14-. 1998. Pastor Ross Thomson oflicialed Interment St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery Memorial .contributions to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Canadian Cancer Sero): would he apprccialed by the family. - xc • THOMSON - At South Huron Hospital. ' -.Exeter on Tuesday: February 10. 1998. Mildred'Thomion of Exeter in her 88Th year. Beloved wife of the late Leslie W Thomson 11983). Dear mother of Shirley Kirk of Exeter. Also survived by 9 grandchildren and'.18 great-grandchildren. Dear sister and sister-in-law of Ruth McLaren of Exeter. .Ruby and Harry Beaver of Hay Twp.. Cliff and Madeline Jory of British Columbia. Don and.11a Jory of Forest. Elsie and Helen Jory both of Exeter. Predeceased by daughters Margaret Whiting and Joan Ferns. brothers Lee and Ray Jory and sister Ilene Munro. Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Horne. Exeter. on Wednesday where the complete funeral service was held on Thursday: 12 with Rev. Cordell Parsons officiating. interment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to Exeter United church or the Lung Association would be appreciated by the family. There was a Rebekah Memorial Service in the funeral honte.on Wednesday evening. tic TRIEBNER - Suddenly and peacefully at South Huron Hospital. Exeter, Ontario on February 14. 1998. David•Franklin Triebner of Brucefield in his 84th year. -Beloved hus- band of Ruby (Dalrymple) Tnebner. Dear father of Joan and Howard Bernard of Brussels. Gary and Marsha Tnebner of Fon St. John. B.C.. Ralph and Joyce Tnebner of Brussels. Brian and Audry Triebner of -Kippen, Brenda and Bob-Hickson-of-Lucan. Loving grandfather of 14 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. Also survived by 3 brothers. Gordon and Norma Triebner of Guelph. Stuart and lean Tnebner and Grant and Ada Triebner of Exeter. and 2 sisters Jean and Don Jolly and Marion Tnebner all of Exeter. Predeceased by 3 brothers Fredrick. Leon and Gerald. Friends were received by the family at the Dinney Funeral Home. Exeter. Ontario on February 16, where the Funeral Service was held on February 17. 1998 with Rev. Cheri DiNovo of Brucefrcld United Church. officiating. Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Those wish- ing to make memorial contributions may consider the Brucefield United Church or South Huron Hospital. • • 8c A tree will be planted as a living.me,norial to David Triebner. . WYNJA • Ai Huronvicw Apartments, -Clinton on Sunday. February 15. 1998. Anna Wynja of Clinton and formerly of Exeter in her 83rd year. Beloved wife of the late Gerken Wynja (1984). Dear mother of Rennie and the late'Sirnon Brand of St. Marys. Hessie ,and John • Veninga of Carp. Reino and Gerrit Wilts of Londesboro. Sue Ann and Wayne Van vosiucen of Carnhndge. Ettte and Greg Ramsay of Ailsa - Craig and Pal and Peter Pryde of Hcnsall Also survived by 19 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren and by. family )n Holland Predeceased by 2 grandsons Garry Wilts and Michael Pryde. Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. '370 William Street. 1 west of Main. Exeter on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. The funeral.ser= vice will he held on Wednesday. February - 18 at 2 p.m- al the Bethel Reformed Church, Huron Street, E.. Exeter with Rev. Henry Van Essen officiating. Interment Exeter Cemetery D onauons- to the Ontario Heart & Strike Foundation would be appreciated • by the family. 8c Friday Tickets are going fast for SASS JORDAN On -her "Present" Tour with special Guests " FiREFLYZ" - Tix s15.' Advance 522.00 Door IJwy 8 West. Clinton 482-1234 Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Feb. 18 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1,000, Jackpot Game 50 calls or less $300 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence 1537495 1 Coming eve MAKE AN INVESTMENT in yourself, your future, your community. Register for 10 Steps Io Community Action program before February 20 and participate in a leadership development program designed to be educational and fun! Learn about local issues in your community and how you can have impact. Develop presentation skills, gain courage and self-confidence in presenting your ideas. Program involves 10 sessions March 4'lo April 23. Space is limited. Information contact program coordinator Alison Lobb 482-7167 or Huron Business Centre, Seaforth 527-0305. 8.9' PANCAKE SUPPER to be held in Tnvitt Memorial Parish Hall on Tuesday. February 24 from 5 to 7 p.m. Scalloped potatoes, baked beans and ham. etc. Adults 38, children under 12 54.00. 6.7,8' LUCAN MINOR SOCCER REGISTRATION, Saturday, February 28: Saturday. March 7, 9 a.m.-I2 noon: Thursday. March 5, 5.8 p.m., Lucan arena. 7,8,(9)' SEMINAR IN JUNGIAN PSYCHOLOGY "Dreams and the Inner Life". six Monday evenings commencing March 2. 7:30-9:30 p.m., Grand Bend. For more information call instructor Greg Mogenson at 657-4878. 7,8,9• CROKINOLE TOURNAMENT, Huron County Museum, 110 North St.. Goderich, Saturday. March 7 al I p.m. Fingers only. Registration of 55 by March 1 to Ivan McClymont, RR NI. Varna, Ontario. NOM 2R0 or phone 233-3214. Entries limited. 8c THAMES ROAD EUMVILLE STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER to be held Monday, June 13 at South Huron Rex Centre. Exeter. Note change of place 8c Love Dave, Jodi. Jerry.' Tracey, - Andrea, Brent and Sadie FRIDAY FEB. 2() "Back to Basics" THE DRESSING ROOM BAR S 1 • + k. • 1 ()j) () I 0 0 J GERRIE VAN STEEGo so s years 1,ollil. OPEN HOUSE • OPEN HOUSE Sat. Feb. 21- 2.4 p.m at her home 410 Carling St. Exeter Best Wishes Onl I♦11111 MI t I■ • HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY BEN RA DER Wed. Feb. 18 "Now you get to play with the big toys" SEE YOU AT THE RACES ETM INC. presents "Unity in the Community" on EX -CEN Cablevision is the topic of the first of a series of monthly, local 'cable special programs presented by Emmanuel Television Ministries. Viewing times: Cable Channel 12: Sat. Feb. 28, 7 p.m. Sun. Mar. 1, 2 p.m. FROM BELL BRAD ALATE LOVE ELEAMEA-VE BLAMES I BEL I E V E T H A T'I F ROMANS P ERUSTEREOUEVE'RIHADTO METAL 'L S RUTS CEDAR MARLEE COSH STAG ONA ABUT BONEASH MESS 1_ER N UME'RALS-TEAK KELSO P RACT I C, C'A N N I B A L I SM S I CEIMAAH GERE LE.I.A E LOCUST SHEARS RES LE SARA AHA -TET - I G H T M A N A G -E 1 FTHERE N AML•OPE�LEAN I NG -S O NORE VEN I SON A.SI.A R E L- ELSA DREW H I G H L Y PR I MO CA 1 N R A.0 E'RMIE WE R E E N O U,GHEN. E G AT.E$O.O M ELAPSE TARRAG-.ON,AROU,N_D T I N I E R EZIO11A.T O_RIF.D I C S A I NT REST LO.N I. AST.1 S T K A IM P A I R T A �A TWO.STEPPIN' LINE DANCING COUNTRY GOOD TiME! - THE IDE DANCE ART The Show l larger than life video screens Huge Concert Sound System Incredible tight Show including laser effects and foe Saturday, February 28, 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Exeter Arena/Ree Centre Hall Tickets: $10.00 advance/$12.00 at the door For tickets contact Lisa Hewitt @235-3713 or Huron United Way @482-7643 Sponsored by: HURON UNITED WAY For bookings call 800498.5154 In London & Area 681-9293