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Times -Advocate, February 18, 1998. Page 15
Leaders of the b -ball pack
Top shooters. South Huron District High School
hosted the District 68 Knights of Columbus Free
Throw Competition on Saturday. Here are the win-
ners, left photo, front left: Mark Schreiter (age 13,
made 20 of 25), Mike Sanders (age 10, made 19),
Jessica Bray (age 11, made 10), Erica Almeida (age
14, made 16), Lisa Vandenberk (age 7, made 7),
Benjamin Walker (age
11, made 15); back left:
Jennifer Holland (age
12, made 14), Bridgette
Roelands (age 13,
made 17), Cam Murray
(age 12, made 21) and
District Deputy : John
Martens. At right is Kyle
Farwell, the age 14
boys winner, who made
24 of 25 shots. The re-
gional competition is at
Clinton St. Anne's on
March 7. -
(left photo/Kate Monk)
Big excitement over Winter Games bowling
Ron Dann
There's Tots of
excitement sur-
rounding the 1998.
Ontario Five -Pin
Bowlers' Association (OFPBA)
Provincial Youth Challenge cham-
pionships'scheduled for March 12-
15 at Peterborough as pars of the
Ontario Winter Games.
Eight learns will he cornpeting in
each. division (men's, ladies; and
Mixed) including six front southern
Ontario and two from northern
Also. the Canadian Five -Pin
, dowsers' Association will he hold-
ing its first ever head-to-head
National Chainpionship. The lop
three men and three ladies. based
tin scratch pinfall, at Ontario's
Youth Challenge championships
will represent the province at the
Nationals in Ottawa April 2-5.
OFPBA-team tourney rolloff
The five week OFPBA
Provincial tear) tournament league.
round :has now been _completed - in
Bluewater Zone's C'lintun.
Listowel. Lucknow.• Molesworth
and' Zurich Five -Pin Association
leagues and the winning teams now
advance to the house round
between Mauch 1-15. Thc Zurich
Association three game rolloff is
scheduled for 10 a.m., March I at
Town and Country lanes. The win-
ning team will advance .10 the,
Regional Championships April 19
Bowling scores
Lucan Bowling Lanes
Sunday YBC
Tyler Graham 325-570. Chad Rodgers 184-497. Tina Beaudoin 172-467: Brad Ankcrs 182-
465, Tony Isaac 167-448, Susan Acres 179-445. Angela Amos 159-443. Kerne Davis 18ti-
440. Katie Beaudoin 146-423. -
Sunday Mixed •
Gary Melvin 279.681. Lloyd Rimier 251-672. John Beenrer 257-655. Butch Riley 245-653.
Cheryl Smith 304-640. lora Lyn Dunlop 212-620. Rob Riley 276-610. Doug Rimmer 264-
606. Rob Varley 231-604, Duane Costain 295-597, Norma Culbert 253.595. Brenda Morgan
243-575, Kevin Gage 228-567. Doug Smith 216-565, Chad Smith 229-562.
Monday Ladies -
Heather Smith 263-714. Joyce Sovereign 280-673. Marg Elson 268-600, Janet Ankcrs 220
594. Evelyn Smith 233-566. Denise Smith 221-542. No a Culbert 214-541. Agnes
O'Sullivan 193-524. Lynn Smith 205-515. Carol Rideout 1.96-512. Beulah Storey 174-485.
Lori Hickson 201.-478. Wendy Hickson 206-466.14z Jenkin 179-454
Non smoking -
Rohen Ilecknran 286-697. Gina Horner 326-663. Mike Gardner 216-597. Iludgins 227
584. Brenda Isaac 227-560, Gerry Swiderski 206-557. Tanny Vandcrhuck 192-5+2. •Joan
Swidcrski 188-489. Theo Sentjens 176-489. Donna Wesunan 169-487.. Ross Horner I88-479.
Dan'Isaac 170-454.
Arnie Vanderweil 222-631. Grant Wales 240-611, Ed Elston 248-602, Ken Weir 174-494,
Marg Schendcra 185-469. Laura Hudson 179-467. Myrtle Hastings I$3 -44S, llanon Here
175-437. Jack Moir 178-422. •
Senior Citizens
Ron Dann 224-623, Evelyn Smith 250-621. Ted Toonders 2411-598. Mac MacCorurack 202-
568, Charlie Grieve 204-539. Jean Dann 212-538. Cathie Wessman 204-532. Grant Wales
158-466. Myrtle Maguire 198-459. Milt Robbins 170.435, Marion Thomson 167:435, Stan
Roth 168-403. .
Wednesday WIC
Robbie Yeo 164,146. Josh Anderson 155.142. Adani Larnh 141.122, Caitlyn'Hill 135.105..
Krysti Allen 134.130. Jessica Doxiator 131,123. Jennifer Ankers 120. 103. Jeremy
McNaughton 126. Josh Taylor 120. Ross White -112. Wiliam Benedetti 96. Amis McKt4 eel
Wednesday Mixed •
Tom Bullock 317-814. Jeff McGee 2b0.68),.Steve Allen 240-665, Laurie McGee 227-623.
Rudy Vanhooydonk 232-6(12. Doug Beaudoin 205-580, Don Cunningham 2211-576 Pat
Jones 231-571, Kevin Rollings 210-570. Al Rollings 228552. Betty McGee 202-549, Dale '
Fisher 265-55I. Kiln Rice 193525, Casey Vanhooydonk 211-51,4, Heather Nunns 213-504.
Thursday Men
Frank Palen 287-803. Rob ,Smith 282-754. Tom Butlock.286.729, John Jansen 299.728, Pard
Smith 247-723. Dave Smith 299.719; Fred Allison 263-719, Laurie McGee 291-718, Wayne
Smith 245-702: Earl Allison 244-701, Jamie Bond 254-697. I)on Watt 264-693. Pete Smith245.687. Cohn Brewer 323-686. Dave Glendinning 249-680, Larry Sntith 258-679, James
Quance 253.678, Jim Dixon 25I-669, Jeff Allison 244-669. Barry Heaman 250-653. Bob
-Pipe 3117649.
Friday Mixed'•
Larry Smith 258.712, Lynn Smith 262.659, Brenda Hull 257.640, Wayne Smith 266.622.
Heather Smith 21.3-593, Don L'ilcy 205-547. Stu th►w 209-540, Wade Noble 209.540, Mite
Daubs 272-537. Ray McRobert 202-525, Krista Green 231-.507. Stcv MacDonald 222-504
Zurich Town and Country Lanes
Monday Night Ladies
Odds 'n Ends - Shelly Hay 579, Packers = Pat Rimmer 605. High Five - Nell McCann 574.
Alley Cats - Marlene Bedard 649. Pin Poppers - Hilda Vanderhock 634. Red Devils - Sandra
Dicker 789. High Single -- Sandra Dickers 361. High •Triple - Sandra Rickert 789, High
• Average"- Sandra Dickers 22(1.
(:rand Cove Estates
J. Hanes 586, B. Steinhuis 661, G. Jones ,573.J. Dabrowski 513, D. Reid 510. B. Hanes 397.
Men H.A. L.'Solinger 190, H.S. L. Solinger 308. H.T. L. Solingcr 725. Women H.A. M.
Solingcr 167. H.S. M. Solingcr, H.T. M. Solingcr..
Thursday Night Mixed League
Pin Poppers --Brian. Rader 528, Leroy's Angels - Leroy Meloche 699. Climbers Ted
Stanlake 620, Shud-a-bin -. Mike Crcgan 644, Ladies H.S. Laurie Ssanlakc 341. H.T. Bev
Crcgan 844. II.A. Jen Glazier 2(15. Men H.S. Tea Stanlake 323. H.T. Tcd Stanlake 812. It A
Mike Cregan 2 )1.
Rockets - Ken Kadcy 764, RamblerrsToTuesday Bedard 7(13. Family Affair - Donald Jackson
666, Market.- Dean Dacr 614, Enterprise - Trevor Lansbcrgcn 652. Klondyke - Ted Stanlake
671. H.S. Mike;VanDamrnc 378, H.T. Mike Van Damme 822. H.A. Mike VanDamme 242.
orning Lad
• Kathy Winter 464, Isobel Rcscor) 462. Betty1Sangster 597
Ann Martin 537. Pat• Veal 555.
Grace Drummond 451, Sheila Reahurn 484, Evelyn Pickering 471. Ann Annen 561.
Rosaken Berends 491,11.S. Ann Annen 235. H.S. Betty Sangster 214. Pat Veal 212.
Saturday V8C
High totals: Boys - Ryan. Rood 492, Derek Ducharute 445, Brandon Overholt 4511. Joey
Radar 364, Kevin Duchamp' 481; Girls - Anita Klaassen 507. Lindsey Van Damrte 485.
High singles- Boys - Ryan Rood 173. Derek Ducharme 167. Brandon Overholt 167, Joey
Radar 364. Keviii tlucharnte 171; Girls - Anita Klaassen 187, Lindsey Van Damrne 192.
Toto Suits 456, Ross Homer
Thursday6. I nfaeH Horrnoon ner , Non ma Low 374, Peggy Hahn 366.
Melt Robbins 128, Bert Low 314. Mona Kraft 308, lint Hahn 295, Laird Jacobe 297. Ladies
II S (Heim limner 207, Norma Low 21)7, H.R. Glens Horner 376; Men H.S. Tom Smits 236.
IID 'loop Simi% 456 -
588 Wench I11 pis. vs Zurich 17 pi
s. B Nye Ladles 64y Marlene Bedard 600. Cheryl Durand
at a OFPBA designated location. -
Bluewater Association meeting
Friday .
• .Thr next Bluewater Bowlers'
Association meeting is scheduled
for •730 pant_ Friday at Molesworth
Lanes. Representatives from
Clinton. •Listowel., Luc know.
Molesworth and Zurich
Associations will attend.
Bluewater 3-6-9 continues
The 1t firth leg of the Bluewater
Five -Pin Bowlers':Association fund
raising :1.6-9 toes nanICnt moves to
Zurich "town and Country Lanes at
7. p.m.. March I. The six leg tour-
ney is'a conrhincd•cllort of the
Blucwatcr Association and
bowling centres in Zone T to urser
the $2,140 OFPBA assessment
towards the Ontario Open for the
Sidney 1.. Morris Awards in -April..
Girls v -ball playoffs unfold at Wingham
WiNGHAM - The. South Huron District High
School senior and junior girls volleyball teams were
in tough fora top finish at the Huron finals at Wing -
ham F.E. Madill yesterday after press.
Both had to knock.ufrthe hosts and favorites -to
take home a championship Kanner but also had to
make it past their semi-final opponents — Clinton
Central Huron for the seniors and St. Anne's for the
juniors. .
The seniors finished the regular league season in
third place behind Madill and Central. Huron, Coach
Bill Shore stud the Panthers actually finished in a tie -
tor second with ('entral. Huron but lost out`on their -
win -loss record.. • •
"We'll just hate to hustle gS)od," Shore said about -
his team's chances. "Clinton's good with the hall."
Shore said the t'anthcrs- arc solid on defence and
passing but need- to work on finishing points.
Players to watch at yesterday's tournament were
power Arlene inlakhana and middle Julie Roose-
houm. the -team captain.
Shore said, the final tournament format is a first
for Huron. a departure from the usual separate dates
and locales for semi-Iinals and the final. •
Thc Panther juniors finished second in the league
behind •Madill. Coach Robert Robilliard said good
teamwork has gotten his team this far and that team-
work will have -to continue if they want to succeed
in the playoffs. •"There'.s no doubt in. my mind Winghan) is the'
stronger team;" Rohilliard said candidly last week.
South Huron girls•volleyball success beyond Hu-
ron has been -few and far between in recent years.
The,juniors last top WOSSA 'AA' finish was a sec-
ond in '92 after -barely qualifying with a third at the
Huron -Perth tourney. •
:'We were called the miracle team that day." Ro-
billiard said.
The midget girls played an exhibition' game'
against -Parkhill yesterday after pros-s•and play their
'season ending tournament tomorrow in Stratford.
Not so novice
Bright in Brighton. The Lucan Novice AE team won the 'A' championship at the recent Brigh-
ton tournament- Front left:. Matt Shipway, Derek Sowerby, Blair Bennett, Jacob Jeffery, Alex
Avery, Tommy Dunne; back left (Jesse Garrison, Jereiny Ansems, Ted Peters, Ryan Clarke.
and Tyler Orchard. Coaches Brian Sowerby, Joh,3 Orchard and Steve McIntyre are in the
background. , (photo/contributed)
Mini -Classics
win silver at
Whitby meet
WHITBY — The Exeter
Juvenile Mini -Classics
precision skating team
won silver medals at the
Eastern Ontario Sectional
precision competition in
Whitby on Saturday.
The adult Classiques
travel to Delhi this week-
end for a competition
and both the adults and
Juveniles will travel to the
eb. 27-28 Chatham
competition and to the
Western Ontario Section
competition In St. Marys
on March 21.
Both teams will perform
at the Exeter Figure Skat-
ing Club's annual carni-
val on March 1 that be -
Os at 1 p.m. and at the
Zurich Figure Skating
Club's carnival on March
8 that starts at 2 p.m. Tick-
ets for the Exeter carnival
cost 35 with Zurich carni-
val tickots cost $4. The
Nno dancing troupe Buck-
les, Soots and Spurs will
podium a halt -hour bo-
o tit Exotor carnival.
Stephen teams set for Cayuga
"i•he Stephen "Township atom,
peewee and bantam learns, together
with their Cayuga opponents. aim
to Make .their third round Ontario
Minor Hockey Association play -
down series easier on their pock-
etbooks. •
Instead of each team travelling
hack and forth for games on differ-
ent Gays, each division will ..play.
their opponent at one venue on set
days to cut down on travel expense
and for more travel convenience.
Thc first -games will he. played
March 21 at Stephen. Township
Arena. the atoms starting at 1:30.
p.m., thc peewees at 3 p.m. and the
bantams at 4:30 p.m." .
Have a sports tip?
Call the Tinges -Advocate
Novice & Atom House
League & Rep.
Bayfield Minor Hockey
March 17 to March 20
in Bayfield
For info or to register call
BOB PELLOW - 233-7260
The second games in the re-
spective series will he played at Ca-
yuga on March 22, the atones fac-
ing off at 3 p.m., the peewees at
4:30 p.m. and the bantams at 6 p.m.
A coin flip between Stephen and
Cayuga will -decide where thc game
three•location will be. •
Both the atoms and peewees Ste-
phen divisions polished off Bel-
mont in the first round. The atoms
then defeated Thamesford in round
two and the peewees slipped by
•Thecjford. file bantams defeated
. Belmont and Thamestord in round-
, robin play and then beat Tha-
rnusford again in a best of five se-
M -Atom Lakers
tied with London
CL[NTON;,— The•Huron-Perla
Major Ator)t 'AAA' Lakers hockey,
team arc. tied"with t.ondon at 1-,1 1
ini their hest of five quarter -final se"
Thc Lakers won game one in
London 3-2 on goals by Shayne '
Andrews (2. including the winner)
and Brad Young with assists by
Young, Kyle Courtney (2). Calahan
O'Reilly and Tyler Elligsen. The ,
Lakers scored all three of their
goals in the first period but held on
for the win. Matt Fischer made
some tremendous saves between
the pipes for the Lakers.
•Lopdon tied the series by win,
ning game two in Clinton 3-1.
Courtney Opened the scoring with
the assist going to Brad Burton.
Ganie,thrce finished in a I-1 tic
in London. despite a five-minute
sudden -death overtime. David
Shrcipshall scored the Lakers goal
with the assist going to Brandon
l3oync. .
Game tour is at Clinton on Satur-
day at 8 p:m.
'Ilse Lakcrs squad is made up of
11 -year-olds including Exeter's Mi-
chael MacLean.
Huron Perth Lakers AAA
Hockey Association
is accepting applications for
All Levels
for upcoming 1998-99 season
For further information
and applications forms
Huron Perth Lakers
AAA Hockey Association
26 King St. S. Crediton, Ontario
Phone (home) 234-6396
Phone (work) 228-2056
Fax 228-2083
South Huron ROC Centre at 8:30
Game 1 -Best of seven