Times Advocate, 1998-02-18, Page 8Page 8 Times:Advocate, February 18,1998 COMM1JWITY_ • Winter carnival competition results Ice carving Feb. 7-8 • 1st place- John Sexton and Scott Al- bany from Port Huron • 2nd place Port Huron International Snow Sculpting Feb. 12-14 • 1st place - Anja Nessler - Team Ger- many • 2nd place -1)/ler Hayes, Peter Lam - London Carnival cash draw - $500 - Dianne Clarke, Zurich ka • Adults - Mike Masse Youth darts Feb. 8 , • ages ?-11 -Nick Erb • ages 12714 - Keegan Wilcox • ages 15-18 - Jason Hamilton Open Dart Tournament Feb. 10 • Doubles - Wayne and Linda Parkin- son • Teams - Mike and Eleanor. Ritchie Wayne and Linda Parkinson Euchre Tournament Feb. 10 Las Vegas trip/Button Draw - Garry and Ella Gibson, Grand Bend Blanket box draw - Irene Larnonde, London Chili Cookoff Feb. 8 • Business - Fun Food Express Feb. 15 • Residential - Tom McLean Puzzlemania, Feb. 8 • Kids - Cassie Russell, 12, from Ship- • Ladles pin car - elen Ftetche r • Mens blue card - Kay Farquhar Sno-pitch tournament 1st weekend • A winner - The Clan • B winner - The Crusaders 2nd weekend • Grand champs- The Clan (from Ex- . eter area) • B champs - Nabisco, London Jr. Beach Hockey - Bad Puckers , • Grand Bend Sr. Beach Hockey - High Stickers, Grand Bend Riverbend Olympics - Canadian team, Grand Bend - Bud Ford, Ken and Cindy Grose, Tim Bender, Linda Page and Gary Morrison -Waiter race - Gordy's, Grand Bend Local snow sculpting -Business • Best use of color - Riverbend • Best design - Lakeview Cafe • Best overall appeal - Finnegan's Parade-- Organization aradesOrganization • 1st - Andrea's Dance School, Huron Park •.2nd - Grand Bend Nursery School Club • 1st - Grand Bend Scouts • • 2nd - Grand Bend Guides Business • 1st - Arc Industries • 2nd - J.M. Scheider Carnival attracted about 20,000 GRAND BEND - While a number of events had to be cancelled at the 12th An- nual Grand Bend Winter Camival due to a lack of snow and melting of ice, coordinator Dave Sheppard said they still met their goal of about 20,000 visitors. "it went very well," he said.. "While the lack of snow did hamper some camival spirits it did allow people to travel." Sheppard said restaurants and bars were extremely busy over the 10 days and a lot of American summer homeowners were back in Grand Bend for the two weekends. Some of the cancellations included: the elementary school snow sculpting due to a lack of snow, the Olde Fashioned Skating Party due to thin, mushy ice, the snow shoe tours through Southcott Pines and the tur- key bowl. Sheppard said the turkey bowl was can- celled because they could not get enough ice on the alleys. But new events like the flea market at the Legion Banquet Hall were well re- ceived, Sheppard said. -ice•cawing winner. Ted Hayes; director of the snow fes- tival in London, placed second in the ice carving, competi- tion. Hayes carved a serpent -dragon in the Colonial park- ing lot last Saturday. is Symbol Guarantees That Our Services Meet The Highest Standards of the Funeral Profession. NS The Pyramid is the symbol of National Selected Morticians (NSM), a self-regulating organization of locally owned funeral service fir Unlike other professional organizations, membership. in NSM is invitation only - offered exclusively to those firms that are dedicated the highest ethical standards. This means you can expect more: a wide range of services to fit ev budget; detailed price information for Avery -service we offer; res for all faiths, creeds, customs, and traditions; a fully -qualified st and, above all, our commitment to providing ttie very best in personal service to the families of our community. It's the standard of service you deserve. ms. by to cry pact off; HOPPER HOCKEY:: FUNERAL 1i OM L A Part of Your Community Funeral Directors Bill Haskett and Dan Houle , Exeter, Ontario ' (519) 235-1220 OTO Member by invitation, National Selected Morticians `Bowl for Millions' lInsta Bowlathon March 1- 8 HURON COUNTY - Plans lir the South Huron Big Brothers/Big Sisters main annual fundraiser are again underway. The 'howl of Mil- lions' Bowlathon has been an annu- al event for the past 17 years and has successfully raised a large per- centage of the agency's operating costs. Each year many league howlers, municipal leaders. representatives from service clubs, business and in= dustry along with our general pub- lic 'Celebrity Bowlers' have given their time, energy and dollars to help raise funds. League howlers at the Lucan and Zurich lanes will bowl during their regular schedule the week of March 1-8. The 'Celebrity Bowlathon' will be held on Sunday, March 8 at the Town & Country Lanes in Zu- rich from 1 - 4:30 p.m. Big Brothers/Big Sisters is a na- tional organization comprised of 180 member agencies across Cana- da. South Huron Big Brothers/Big Sisters has been in existence since 1977. Each agency provides direct service to children by matching Council agrees to pay 1997 Morrison Dam invoice EXETER - After a lengthy,. dis- cussion on the Exeter's water sup- ply, Exeter Council passed a nui- -tion to pay Exeter's 1997. portion of the expenses to maintain Morrison Dam. Chief Administrative Officer Rick Hundey advised Council of the long -terns decisions which need to he made with respect to Exeter using the water from Morrison res- er'voir. , To keep the door open and main: lain its rights to use the water its the future,- Council decided to pay its 1997 hill ($1,309.50) with the un- derstanding it does not imply being tied to a long -terns agreement or funding formula. \i'I1 \I NI \sal NII r. 1 SOWERBY FINANCIAL GROUP INC. 33385 Richmond Street Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0 Phone (519) 227-0436 • Fax (519) 227-0560 • RRSPs • Mutual & Segregated Funds from several companies • G/Cs • Life, Disability & Pens/on Quotes • RRSP Loans Illi'.. 1 (.31 1 YEAR •,,,,,,,,i.(1I 111Nr,•, 3 YEAR 5 YEAR 10 YEAR ADVANTAGE 43.3 46.1 35.1 21.9 ADVANTAGE 11 41.3 N/A N/A N/A CO-SPONSORED BY AIC GROUP OF FUNDS. PERFORMANCE OF FUNDS DATED JAN. 22/98 For more information on AIC and/or other funds, please give us a call. Regular business hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please calrto arrange an evening or weekend appointment. All returns are histoncal annual compounded total rates of return as of January 22/98. These returns reflect changes in unit value and distributions reinvested and do not take into account sales, redemption, or optional charges payable by unit holders which would have reduced returns. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Your unit value and investment returns will fluctuate. Important information about any mutual fund is contained in its simplified prospectus. You can obtain one from AIC or through your financial advisor. AIC Advantage Fund is reopened till Ilk_March 1/98. • Mutual Fund product provided In association with Capital Management Group. a a oa volunteer adults with children from single parent homes in quality one- to-one relationships. In -School Mentoring is the most recent' pro- gram offered matching _children in need ' with . mentors. fir one hour per week within the school setting. 7 he hundreds of sponsors; who pledge an amount to the bowler, have. been great supporters. and it' is hoped that this support will con- tinue. If you are approached to make a piedge,fir South Huron Big Broth- ers/Big Sisters. please 'give 'gener- ously. Your doltars•will be directly" applied to the delivery of services for the children of your communi- ty. , Please sponsor a bowler SO that South Huron Big Brothers/Big Sis ' ters can continue to provide quality services: to ,the children . of yqur community. If you arc ihtcrested, in coming •out to howl one game on March 8. or .would -like more inior- mation please call (519) 235-3307.. South Huron Big Brothers/Big Sisters is a'nlc:nher.agencyof Unit- ed Way. • . bi MAJESTI A cozg fire in seconds and no pagments Jan. `99f CaII , today for.details on a "natural .gas fireplace. TOWN & 'COUNTRY HOME COMFORT 359 Main St. Exeter • 235.2032 t DEFERRED PAYMENTS AVAILABLE TO UNION GAS RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS ON APPROVED. CREDIT THROUGHUNION GAS AND MEMBER UNION GAS ' HEATING DEALERS. ALL' OTHER OFFERS NOT APPUCABLE. OFFER VALID FROM JAN. 19/98 TO MARCH 7/98.. THERE ARE N0'SET-UP FEES OR EARLY PAYMENT PENALTIES FOR FINANCING. It1:MEMUl It 114/C11 YOU didn't worry about N4ONFY? AI Ro.il Mutual- 1 ends, %%ell . t'tL stnh you to •titin); hark that pt•a:c off mmol Oul investment six%talvas take the unit k' laid the straue)% that hest inerts your investment need. \Whether its an investment in our ".ill ut out Royal Balanced Fund or a mux of our other Royal Mutual Funds, we :an help you build an. 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FUNDS Mamba' o1 Roy•I Dank Financial Group• t2 l► I F. T I. Y ( R E A 'I' I N ti %V F. A I. 'I' iI. For meet Informallon, Hai oar missile as asst. tosalistal.(on✓rn3IUNraJ Rotel Alaska, Fknds art also a.alIubk al Rosa' Bach lcuon Mat (dn(aknl brokenly) and RR( Dominion Securities • n.a Ws us M amenity lonlr molly Item W In n en a Mt 1.1181 ('•cloy. MOM pons **miser nista la w mimes lands WI W m n 1surnamed a Os �M ice n iaaNd Wit top as rl ssAfell way M MMnM1 Ma 1 Mork Mill Ilak M MIME 1w1 and sr818 *WIN nM tis p Wye I wsYy M s Wass ad Mnwnrmr Mwr WI PaOM*