HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-18, Page 7THE HURON -PERTH
February 23-27, 1998
In prder to register for Kindergarten. children must be four (4)
years of age on or before December 31. 1998. Parents are
required to bring the Baptismal Certificate. Birth Certificate
and Immunization Record Card of the child • you intend to
register. Parents should contact . their local school. The
following schools offer Kindergarten classes: •
St. Joseph's School
(Kingsbridge) 529-7646
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
(Mt. Carmel) 237-3337
St. Joseph's (Clinton)
Precious Blood (Exeter)
235-1691 •
St. Mary's (Godench)
St. James (Seaforth)
St. Boniface (Zurich)
Sacred Heart (Wingham)
St. Patrick's (Dublin) .
St. Patrick's (Kinkora)
393-5580 -
Holy Name of Mary
.(St. Marys) 284-2170
St. Mary's (Hesson) .
St. Ambrose School
(Stratford) 271-7544
St. Joseph's (Stratford) 271-
3574 ..
St. Aloysius (Stratford)
271-3636. -
Jeanne Sauve School
(Stratford) 273-3396
Parents who expect that their child will enrol in the optional
French Immersion Program in Grade 1. in future years, have
the option of enrolment for Junior/Senior Kindergarten at
either their local Catholic School or the French Immersion
Centre (St. Mary's School, Goderich or Jeanne Sauve School,
Stratford) at which they expect to enrol their child for a French
Immersion program.
Ronald Marcy Gaetan L. Blanchette.
`hair erson of the Board Director of Education,
By Ross Haugh from the
•archives of the
Exeter Tines Advocate
February 17. 1988 - The
firm h:iM_ of the year at South
• Huron. Hospital rya: -horn on
February % 15. She i. Courtney •
Kristin 1.1irriiiie Hrudka.
- daughter til Lorne and Peter.
11milka 01-l:.‘eter
• .SII �rsutcnls til illy Town of
1: yerei arc° herr,' issued an -in-
find tht 50th--
.innicti:' ii of then"nah►csakc
'vii illy marc of New Hariipshirc .
in the ironed States. The anni-
Yeis:crc is• hang• held- On the
.‘k.: k rid' of June 2 and 3 and
4. <.
1 i �outt . Uoni Exeter are.
members of -=the 40 -voice
• --Siratiord Bovchorr. All five;
• \la rho., Godbolt. Jeremy.
iiros•k. Gavin'- Snell. Gavin
and Jeremy Straw have .
. h; e n • "selected as part - of an
4.r_hi-mcrnhcr group. that wilt
h; ills'- Stratford choir's rcpre-
• �sentauon in a mass choir at a
. • testnal of-- music hosted -by
- the Toronto Bovehoir on Mav
The- 19$ Queen : of the
KirkGm Winter -Carnival is
Carolyn Dvkeman, She was
crowned Fndaa night by last-
- years winner Marianne Dena
' Oust:.
February 16, 1978 - Barbara
• Anderson• was named ..Queen
of the ' Kirkton-Woodham
Winter Carnival Friday night.
She was crowned by last
year's winner Ellen.Eveleigh. .'.
ideal weather. Conditions
• helped make the annual clip-
. pled kids' weekend at the
Pineridge Chalet another big
success cin . the week-
end.Ahout 1.00(1 persons 'ar-
,.rived for • breakfast Sunday
4norning and kept Bill .Brady
• and:. hisother-pancake and
sausage : diets _.hopping. One
i►f -"the . organizers..: Shirley'
Mousscau expects last vcar's
record- $4.00( donation u>
crippled children will at least
he duplicated.
• Roy Jewell of CFPL's farm �.
show was the guest speaker at
Thursday's. Exeter Lions
Farmer's Night. - -
• 35. YEARS AGO • f -
-. February 15;.1963- = Robert!
Grayer. -cif' J.A.D. McCurdy
School al R.C.A:F. Centralia
won...the district public school
mathematics competition -held •
at. EPS Monday night. Run-
nerup was Larry` Ritchie
SHDHS declared- puhli:
speaking winners in three
classes -last week. Winners
were Elizabeth Gosar. John
Lock, Sheila Fahner. Bob Hip-. •
gins. Jane Pooninga and Grant
February 16: 1958 •- Marga-•.�
. ret Elgie. 12 -year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie.
R.R. 3; Kippen won the Times..;
Advocate "Champions" spell-
- down held in conjunction with;
a Home. and School Associa- i
tion meeting Tuesday night.
The district is just digging it-
- self out of 14.7 inches of snow
which fell- in four days.- Some
5(t people including passengers
.. on -an- Ontario Motorways, bus
.were forced to spend a nrght.in •
the Exeter town hall.
Norman Long, mail courier
- on route 2. Kippen. was un •
able to make his trip Monday
for the -second time in 23 years. .
February .15, 1948 -After a
hectic political campaign that
lasted over a month. Exeter has
again settled down to a regular
routine. Progressive Conserva-
tive candidate Thomas Prydc
was elected with a majority of
684 votes.
For the first time in the histo-
ry of Exeter. photos were .sent
by wire from this village to ap-
pear in a Toronto newspaper.
A Globe and Mail photogra-
pher was in the riding Monday
taking pictures in connection
with the election. The pictures
were developed in Jack
Doerr's studios and wired to
Early Sunday morning. fire
broke out in the recently erect-
ed Pentecostal Tabernacle and
practically all of the interior
was destroyed.
February 16, 1923 - "hie
storm which raged for several
days last week tied up traffic
completely. They managed to
get one train through a day.
Messrs. Walter Cunningham
and Thomas Pryde are in To-
ronto this week attending a
convention of marble dealers..
Messrs. • D. Davis and U.A.
Pollock of the Canadian Bank
of Commerce enjoyed a long.
snowshoe tramp on Saturday
last when they made a trip over
the snow to the latter's home at
Grand Bend.
Times -Advocate, February 18, 1998 Page 7
Gibson wins `early bird' prize of limited edition print
EXETER-- By the time the ninth
annual'Conservation Dinner is over
'on.April•16, there will'he•dozens of
winners of draws and raffles. -
The first' winner .in the series is
;Isobel Gipson of Seaforth whose
•name was drawn in the Early. Bird
draw of ticket holders for the • gala.
L. event. • -
Shc won a limited. edition print
'Backwater- Woodier, by A. Sak-
havarz. a piece sponsored by eon
sulting engineers. B.M.. Ross .and.
Asscx:iates, l3odertch. -
Out of -a total 400' ticket's -tn, he
sold. 263 were entered in_thc draw,
which was held on February 1-I. -
"The-- remaining tickets arc ex-
pected to sell out quickly." -says or
ganizing committee . chairman
George Godholt. .•
The -Dinner is held annually _as -a -
joint fundraiser, by . the ' Ausahlc
-Bayfield Conservation-Foundauon
and the Exeter Lions Cluh.
The Conservation -Dinner rakes
funds for barrier -free trail develop-
ment,. outdoor education programs
and many other activities for the
benefit of local -residents and vis-
-itors to the watershed.
Last year's proceeds funded -the
Flood Water Awareness Program to
warn children . of- the dangers in
springtime and contrihuted to trail
development at Bannockburn. •Mor-
rison'Dam and Parkhill.
The funds also helped.. stock the
Morrison Dam reservoir with rain-
by. supported the Sylvan"Conserva=
-tion Program and- assisted the Lions
Club to make further improvements
to the community's- Eimer/Morrison
Corridor project.. .
.-*Many of the artwork pieces *have
already -been acquired for: the • 1998
event. - •-
This year's featured -original paint-
ing is by Exeter's Flora Doerr.
-• Other artwork hj familiar and Icss
Well known artists arc expected to
generate great -interest for the live
and silent auctions following the
dinner. -
A new artist to the event will be
Ken Jackson .who has recently
painted 'Jessie's Journey'. • At _the
dinner, :two of his pieces. 'Knee
Deep'.and 'The Nith' will he fea-
Another popular part of the eve-
ning i i the:special raffles.
. This year. lucky winners:will ea-
gerly await draws.for $ 1000 cash as .
= wcdl-ai: a-gc►If-pacI ajrc, -
This will include sets, of clubs
and many items to interest golfers
like- passes, golf hags and..othor
equipment. • • -
- So far the auction'committee has
assembled more than n 60 pieces of
artwork and arca businesses arc
pledging their support with dopa-
:eons or roti -recovery dollars. "We-
ak impressed. by their commitment
to our( ninth annual fundraiser."
Cubs spend weekend at winter camp
By Carmel Sweeney
Zurich correspondent
ZURICH: - Fourteen • Cubs: their
_lcadcrs•and some parents spent
Friday evening at -Winter Canip at
St. Bonifac'c School gym. The' boys
did some crafts and had their•open
ing ceremonies They watched
movies -and slept in sleeping bags.
Saturday morning was a nice
sunny„day so they hiked out to Ken
Gascho's hush outside Of Zurich'
Where they went skating nn the
pond; made a campfire and cooked
their dinner. They then hiked.hack
to the_cchool where they got picked
up'ar7 p:m. -
- On February .10 the Cuhs- went
the Blue Water Rest Home for their
pre -race for the upcoming Kub'Kar
Rally in Blvth•on-February 28..
They were Joined by the Goderich
Cubs for their.practicc run• -
Lord_ Baden. Powell's birthday
will he celebrated by the Scouting
groups on February. 22.a the'
Lutheran Church and -Si -Boniface
with the polys in -their uniforms
Cash calk:ndar winners -for.
February. 15-21 were:.4llarr •Keys.
Exeter ($I00); Chris Bell. Exeter.
Jurgen Herrmari'n. RR2 Fcirest,
Barry Willer.. RR 3 Zurich. Grace
Ballantyne. Exeter. Jamie Hoffman.
Dashwood. -Ron Beier -ling Zurich -
($5b each I.
.The Lions Club held their meet-
ing last Wednesday with four Lions
visiting from Kitchener.. Region
Chairman Tion Pinks is running for
the office of Vice. Governor. An
information night for new members
is -planned " •-
. The Lions will he helping run'an
elimination draw .at: the Zurich Fair
in _July. Some members will also he.
attending the Lion, Club convention
the end of February in Stratford. -
The students of South'Huron
High School in Exeter held a
Valentine semi -formal dance on
Thursday evening in the gym. --
The hake sale tit St. Boniface
Parish for Bern Bob MittIcholtr was
''u big success. - -
Winners of draws were: Large
fruit basket went to Paul Watson in
Dashwood: bride doll it,. Gordic
Smith: Z.urrcb, and heart: -shaped
candle' and - holder • won by . Marv.-
l:ou-Denommc. Zurich.
St. Boniface ]south Group will
he having their second birthday
party with a .1- alent show in the'
school -gym on February • 19 from .
_to 8:30 p.m. for grades
Everyone enjoyed decorated cup:-
up=cakes-for their snack:- - • .
The-Exetcr Skating Club will he
holding their: annual carnival at the
Ree Centre on March I -at I p.m
A.special attraction will be the
adult Classiqucs Precision Skating
team under the direction of Kathy
Mcrncr. This -group Will also he
performing at the: Zurich. and Arca
Skating Carnival on March 8.- The
theme will he -.ice Country', hegin- -
nrng at 2. p.m Tti:kcis are -54 for
The --K. Of C. 01 St. -.Bon;ifiicc-
Parish are sport --tiring a euchre
pane after 7:30 Mass un February
24 at K p.m .
The Bcaycrs had a meeting at the..
Lutheran Church Hall last Tuesday
and exchanged valentines. • -
At their meeting this -week the
boys made some fudge and cook-
ies '. . • -
On February 24 the Beavers will
he having their meeting -at the Rest
Home from 6 to 7 p.m. Parents are
welcome io attend and visit with
'the residents. -
.- The annual Shrove Tuesday -
Pancake 'supper will he held at St.
Peter's. Lutheran Church Hall. from
5 to 7 p.m: on February 24.
-.- Personals
'Rick and Patty Bedard of
Dashwood and Ken and 'Arlene
-Sevlerof Zurich recently returned
home- from a week.. . in . -the
- Dominican Republic.
- George and. Marg Suplat spent a
few days_ Iast.wcek•up north in
Parry Sound and did tome snow=
mohiling' -
HapPy hirthday• wishes go_to.
Anne . Fi-nlay. Dashwood on
Fchruar} 9. ' - ,. '
• Best wishes 'for a speeds teem-
-cry' go to -Vera Hahcrer. Margaret
Hess: Faye. Forrester: and Duw)ird
McAdams. .
Congratulations to- Joanne, and
Doug Finlay on the arrival of their
second child. Mitchell Patrick:. horn
-on Fehruar) 14. Proud grandpar-.
cnts are Butch and Helen Kegler.
Zurich and Jim and Anne Finlay:•
Dashwood. - -•. -
-Louise Hayter .of the Maple
Woods. Apartments returned home
from a recent hohdai in Florida. •
Dave and • Carolyn Stark;
Windsor; celebrated their 25th -
annivcrsary on Valentine's Day ----in
Zurich. along with theiir'two daugh-,
tors and several famils._memhers. A
get' together was held at the home
of her aunt and. uncle: Glen and
Donna Thiele A dinner was had at
IvIillirrgicin's -iii. Brucefield. The
:couple were treated to a night at
Hessenland. -
-Earl and Anne Flaxhard -spent
.Sunday -in ingersiill at -the home .of
their -daughter Shirley. and Ross
Cooper .
Congratulations to Jeff and Lisa
LaPorte (nee Riley. r whet were mar-
ried recently..in Jamar_ca •a t the
Dream Cluh Resort.
Attending the wedding were
Isidore -and Paula Laporte who also
spent a week's vacation -there. The'
couple -will be living in. Zurich. and
-there will he an -open reception at
the arena on March.7:
Would you Iik a colour or black.
and white copy of a photograph?
4 S1zed onto 8-1 /2x11" t $2.00 each co y)
Cos oral of Same P
o each �add'�
• $1.0
424 Main St. Exeter.
(519) 235-1331
Proud .winner of the Conservation Dinner Early Bird Draw re-
ceives her prize. L to RC -Bill Dinney; ABC Foundation *Chair-
man: George Godbolt, Dinner Chairman and Isobel Gibson.
Country Bakery
367 Main St. S.
Exeter 235-2525
Wed., Tbut►s:. Fri. and Sat: Feb. 18,19, 20.21
Sourdough Bread : Whole Wheat Crusty
.99¢ Buns
8' Assort. Coffee Cake 1.95
• 6/.69
Hbt.Cross Buns, fresh & delicious
Sandwich Special: Chicken Salad on 9 Grain Kaiser.
Learning for a Lifetime
Secondary School Dav/Evening Academic Credit_ • t
Courses in the following: - - M
Erighsti Mathematics Science History o- Computer
Applications 14
This is -a continuous intake .program which win allow students to: N
• N
-+ attend part -.time . - -
'-,.;obtain-a Secondary School Diploma .
-► upgrade for college or retraining -programs'
-► build self esteem'
Special interest Courses - Evening Only
o WordPerfect 6.0a - 6 weeks - $60:00
" Gourmet Cooking 6 weeks - $60.00
or'•Windows 951.6 weeks - $60.00
Introduction to -Computers and -Internet-- 6 weeks - $60.00 H
:Web Page Design - 6 weeks - $6.0.00 -
cS Sailing/Navigation Theory - 6 weeks .$60,00-
s Rubber Stamping - 6 weeks - $60.00
Landscape Design Part I - 6 -weeks -•$60.00
English -as a Second Language - continuous --no fee .
Woodworking 6 weeks'- $70.00 -
Registration: . •
South Huron. District • High School. office
Monday and Tuesday February 16.:17: 23
•• from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
- Or call South Huron D.H.S. at 235-0880
{All special Interest Course registrations must be accompanied C
by the course fee*
* Courses leading to'Secondary School Diploma or.upgrading
-•• - require a book deposit only*
• N
N •
. N
Courses begin as soon as possible! N